Can a 747 PILOT fly a GLIDER? Why you should start with glider flying! Explained by CAPTAIN JOE

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dear friends and followers welcome back to my channel and lovely greetings from Dona worth which is in the southern part of Germany and we're here at a gliders Airfield I'm here with Stefan Langer Stefan is a YouTuber who dedicated his entire Channel towards glider flying and we just met last weekend at the arrow and decided hey why don't we just go flying together in this beautiful arus double cater Stefan is going to show me some good moves in this sleek dynamically shaped glider what are you waiting for let's get started are you dreaming of soaring through disguise and ready to turn your passion into a career but you don't know where to start and how to prepare for flight scho even finding the right one I've got you covered with the future Pilots Master Class your ultimate online course to Ace flight school you worry how good your math and physics skills need to be I'll give you tons of practice material to get you where you need to be I'll help you strengthen your wings with Insider tips on acing the medical exam and elevate your confidence for upcoming Theory and practical exams so my question to you is are you ready for take off let me be your wingman and join the future Pilots master class today see you in Disguise we have just installed the left hand Wing or absolutely impressed how easy it is just to maneuver this little wing into its Contraption yeah and you sort of wiggle it in and uh and even the controls are automatically connected this is impressive this is absolutely impressive okay Big B oh and then it's in that's it that's it holy cow okay first uh major difference that I've just spotted compared to like a little ceso or a piper is that the entire trailing edge of this glider is an Aeron I thought it's only this part this the outer part but it's actually all the way in from uh the wing tip all the way down to the wing route it's all one massive Aeron so you can't use them as flaps flaps these are flaps and they're not only just aerons the entire thing is also then can be used as a flap or Landing flap coming in for landing all right so now we have to uh install the hor IAL stabilizer I was even impressed by the trailer in which the glider came into the Airfield everything fitted so nicely and tidy into it and Stefan is an absolute expert in setting up this airplane it's all perfectly orchestrated okay this is slightly unusual I see it says a Pito tube here or Pito yeah it's for the air speed is that the only one yeah yeah Oh I thought well with all the airplanes with all the Glides at the front right yeah they sometimes they are here and sometimes in front so there's the pedo tube okay I've never seen that before a removable Peto tube if you blow into the Pito tube you can actually check if your air speed indicator is working so next up I was responsible for mounting the wing tips and their winglets I don't want to say click and play but that's basically what it is followed by taping up the created gaps to improve the aerodynamics I couldn't believe it when Stefan said some gliders have bug removers on the Leading Edge that dead bugs don't disturb the airflow that's how much care they take about the aerodynamics glider then Stefan performed a thorough outside check ensuring all the flight control surfaces were moving free and correct and what you see here are the massive speed braks which you really can feel when you extend them during approach and landing and after that we were ready to fill up the tanks with water more on that in a minute this is the screw for everything right yeah for the horizontal stabilizer okay and here for the water inet nice let's get the water going here we go nice water no fuel who sorry I do you want to shower here yeah it seems like want to shower you okay fantastic right like this and then yeah that's it huh you screw it out screw it yeah okay perfect okay why fill the tanks with water adding water ballast increases the wing loading of the aircraft and this increase shifts the glider to the highspeed end of The Polar graph stated simply flying a heavier glider helps to highspeed Performance of the machine sacrifice to low speed and circling climbing performance so Stefan wanted to go fast that day that's all the ladies are lined up Peter's in the front with the tow plane obviously we're not going to tow all the planes simultaneously but they're all lined up and he's going to come around and uh connect everyone individually and uh yeah we're ready to go sun's out can't wait it's going to be good just doing the outside check or let's say the flight control check and the Detachment detaches and ready to go all right thanks philli and here we go level yeah I can see that no way flaps at the beginning we Ed negative flaps because we have better okay posi we are flying already wow we're flying already yes no way there we go holy cow with the trees it looks a little bit sketchy it does look a bit sketchy yeah when we have 120 km hour yeah now we could Glide down the hill and land in the okay Valley crazy what a cool feel that was getting pulled into the Sky by Pete in the tow plane Stefan told me that glider pilot is try and fly a little bit higher than the tow plane just in order to avoid the Wake [Music] turbulence Stan has given me the controls it's incredible how sensitive this plane is uh it's literally just minor movements on the control stick and the plane immediately reacts it's incredible the key thing that I'm missing is actually the Artificial Horizon I am so used to flying with the Artificial Horizon but it just this doesn't have one oh free wheie here we go the other thing that is so different to Flying a propeller driven plane is is you really have to use the wo W you really have to use the r a lot to fly straight and level you don't do as much actually in a propeller driven plane or on the jumbo I mean only for the landing really or for takeoff but other than that you don't really use the R so here I'm constantly in the r pedals trying to keep this little bit of wool actually nice and straight there we go that's H there we go perfect okay we had Stefan's bud Philip in the second plane following us and as soon as Stefan found a fmal Philip would join the circling climb until we were high enough to cover some ground again I was stunned to say the least how easily we gained altitude in so many places okay we are at 1, 350 M uh this is very unusual for me it is it is a tad bouncy I'm not going to lie I do feel a little bit sick I do have a fantastic pilot ahead who's trying to avoid all the turbulence it's just because I'm so used to just flying straight and level in the 747 it is completely different sort of style of flying but I I enjoy I'm trying to enjoy it but it's you can see about the the sweats coming uh I have this little hole here to get some fresh air which is definitely helping Stefan is letting me fly every now and then but it's just I really have to get used to it this is so unusual a few moments later sorry that's good get some gold I'm really sorry that you had to see this but I'm actually now feeling much better we're trying to gain more altitude again so for anyone who is becoming a glider pilot it's no shame in throwing up uh and sometimes it actually helps and it helped on my I feel much better right now I'm going to be quiet for a minute now I just want you to enjoy these views here I just quickly want to mention or make you realize how peaceful this is we're going at 100 km which not so fast but it is just so silent and I oh thank you much it's so silent and I'm really loving this so this is you can really enjoy this now you've got this fantastic view I'm I don't even have a microphone on me I'm using a microphone on this phone and all good all good it's a very very different type of flying that is so peaceful compared to you know in in the jumbo wearing the headset all the time in a little sesna wearing the headset there the incredible noise of the propeller this is ah I can do this all day this is so peaceful love it how you doing Stefan you good back there sorry back there at the front you good yeah yeah yeah fantastic all righty then uh I shall be doing some flying again now I have control y okay good here we go so to answer the question kind can a 747 pilot fly a glider yes they can with a few more flights I want to say that I feel confident enough that I could fly the plane solo trust me I got hooked after this experience with having Stefan at the front as an amazing instructor I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to become a [Music] pilot [Music] uh great flight great Theros that was amazing that was amazing I really really enjoy that holy cow it was a fantastic experience uh besides those couple of minutes where I got really really sick but I do I feel felt so much better after I have uh emptied my stomach so what is what is the advice you would give someone who's just coming out of school and he wants to start glider flying what kind of advice would you give him go into a club in a gliding club and um make a trial flight and then most of the time you are already sitting in the front seat in a glider uh and then if you like it just make the training and make your license you can start at the age of 14 with the training and then you can make your license with the age of 16 already so it's really cool and it's also fun to be on the Airfield you can learn driving cars and so on uh with for with the age of 14 so it's just a fun hobby and of course flying I really like it it's um you felt it today it's a lot of steering uh really flying all the time it's more than let's say a power plane which just go from A to B straight flight there you have other stuff to do that's true yeah absolutely what s is saying is correct it's it's more Hands-On um I think here you really learn to fly um we realized just today that I didn't use as much Rudder as Stefan did so that just goes to show that um uh in a propeller driven plane you don't use the rudder as much only maybe in a turn and and for landing and and I obviously in the jumbo you don't use it at all just also for take off and Landing you can learn some fantastic skills in a glider plane uh so this is a tip from my side and from Stefan uh if you do want to become an airline pilot I think this is the best way to start off in a glider and in the glider gliding Club to wrap up this video that's it for today thank you very much for your time Stefan thank you so much for for taking me on this journey it was really fantastic so please do yourself a favor uh subscribe to his channel on to Stefan Langer on YouTube and and um here's your checklist today subscribe to our Channel check activate your notification Bell check follow both of our Instagram accounts check and perform a touch and go at my website check and don't forget a good pilot even in a glider is always learning wishing you all the best you're Captain [Music] Joe
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 193,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glider flying, aviation, captain joe flying, captain joe, stefan langer, flight training, soaring, pilot training, aerodynamics, flying experience, flight skills, aviation enthusiasts, future pilots, aircraft control, aviation careers, glider community, sky exploration, flying techniques, aviation education, adrenaline rush, aviation challenges, cockpit experience, aviation freedom, sustainable aviation, environmental awareness, zfnhva, tech, how to become a pilot, boeing 747
Id: worMAWuhzOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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