Can a $50 Quest 3 Head Strap FIX It All?

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Bobo VR 10,000 mlia hour hot swappable battery pack the KK cob VR 10,000 Milah hour hot swapable battery pack a bunch of you have been asking about let's check this one [Music] out books and crap rear head pad the battery itself head strap top strap although this is a Halo design so a top strap should in theory not be necessary we will of course find all that out shortly 50 bucks is about what this is going to cost you the price varies a little bit where you order it from I'm going to say first thing right out of the box this feels much cheaper it is just cheaper strap though I mean you're you're talking 80 bucks even if you got this one at the $80 price this is a lot cheaper so I guess we should expect that but in hand when you been messing with this this whole time this does not feel great it's got the same actual rear cup design almost actually identically I think from the quest Pro so what they've done is they've recreated the rear mounts on the quest Pro right here so that they could reuse a part because this looks exactly like the one we put on the quest Pro from that other video Back in the Day clips into place we do have a side clip that it does not fit through boom interesting designs on the sides here these things can be adjusted via a knob unlike a bobo VR where it slides on and you move it to where it's comfortable this one snaps on more like an elite strap and then gives you this after the fact a gear that doesn't feel terrible but it also doesn't Inspire the most confidence you can you can see how the design works I mean you can can see the teeth right there so it's pretty clear how this works now we do have a top strap so we'll start with it although I'm hoping it won't be necessary oh it's a double top strap design weird maybe we'll discover reason for that so if you've been around long enough you know I don't love the way meta design the new top strap on the quest 3 it's just harder to get things in there it's harder to get them to stay on this now adds this design so you actually run it all the way up through and hook this in the back side so that part is hidden snap this on here o snaps on very securely it doesn't feel like that's going to want to come back off later although that side snap nicely now that we have all that in place we run this technically underneath the padding cuz the padding was covering the hole not going to lie this is not the simplest of designs I've run into here there we go this would go up here this would then go on here as well this one goes through the back a little convoluted of a design here but I guess ultimately the point of this is so this doesn't drift away further than you want it to like you get this on the and there's dual layers of support KK cob VR not making it simple but giving you maybe the most options I guess let's throw this battery on here got a tiny little USB cable with it okay come on I thought it was just shaded on here it's just we cannot figure out a design color Choice the one with the quest Pro was white when the whole Quest Pro was black and then this one I mean this part is black that's fine but probably going to be switching this over to my quest Pro honestly that's in first test first feel test okay my initial thought was it doesn't really need a top strap I still so far agree with that Halo straps if they're designed shouldn't really need a top shra but some people do like them for extra stability and comfort and then I guess it does in theory if you pull up on this a little bit you're going to take a bit more of the weight off your face but I mean I don't know I don't think all of this is quite as necessary the side gear design is kind of neat it's very loud in your ears when you have these gears this close to your ears though I'm running into a weird problem so the way I routed my cable is not the way you're going to want to route your cable the problem was I couldn't fully push this out if I want to cuz my cable was tugging on it so I guess I guess I want to run the cable straight out the side which doesn't hide it quite as much I was doing that because I'm so used to dealing with these things I usually know the best way to run a cable where I can hide it and make it a little prettier but that's just not going to be an option very slight tug but not bad and I did say one of the very few cons of my current favorite strap was they didn't give you this bit here so KK cob did do that I'll give them credit for that by battery came with a full charge but even though I put it on and plugged it in it didn't decide to stay on so I just turned the battery back on again they made an odd choice they decided to keep this rear head cup which is exactly the one from the quest Pro which I see why that makes sense from a manufacturing perspective they can literally just reuse this but the problem with the quest Pro one all along was where the battery was located where your original knobs were you kind of had to get a finger in here to tighten or loosen and now you're doing that same thing with this which didn't need to be that way Bobo at least on there's left you more space it's still you're going to hit this a little bit you're going to feel that a bit but on this one you reach up and you hit the battery and you're fingering around in between trying to find a spot to get your finger in there to turn it it's a minor detail but it just feels like if they hadn't recycled this piece they could have made it a little better I think at this point it's time to take it away and do some testing Fitness games sitting games chilling games feel how this battery weighs on the back of my head feel if the quest Pro one I have is swappable I might have two and I might be able to swap one on that looks a little better so I'll get back to you shortly after a whole lot of testing in many days and games probably some rounds of Dem why are these faci inter faces so tricky to get in okay stay $50 KK cob VR Q3 Pro been testing it weeks now took it actually on a trip I went on was testing it a lot in the hotel room been playing it at home let's talk about it on its own and then we're also going to compare it to what I would say is its cousin although this one does cost more money start with some of the cons it's not really a big deal but the battery pack being black I just thought that was so weird cuz they have a white KK cob one although something that I figured out in testing was that the white one doesn't have the same output so it doesn't keep up as well with the quest 3 and it's not designed necessar for Quest 3 it was designed for the quest Pro but of course these are both 10,000 milliamp battery packs they are based on the same shelf so it does fit on there which meant I did have an extra battery I could throw on there it's weird cuz they both say they're the model P2 it was just the input and output that are different although keep in mind sometimes those ratings are based on the USB port and not what it actually puts out here 3 hours battery life almost identical to the B VR which just makes sense they're both 10,000 Mah hours one interesting thing that I will put in the cons though with this one it did not want to maintain the battery on the quest 3 while it was doing it went from 99% when I started all the way down to 75 by the time it was done where like the Bobble VR it actually held it up at the top of the '90s instead I found in testing I tried the battery lower on the quest 3 though it does seem like it'll hold enough battery the quester won't die while this is still alive but it just has to be at a much lower percentage to get enough of that power into the quest so that was kind of a weird issue it's a lower price strap so I got to keep that in mind so these parts that feel kind of cheap the gears in here that were kind of freaking me out they feel pretty solid still even after a lot of play time and they do okay but it is a cheaper strap the top strap I found got in the way kind of annoying but to be honest with you I don't really feel like it needs a top strap for me with most straps I feel like I can get away without a top and this wasn't really an exception to that like honestly this feels just as stable and comfortable the only reason that you may really need a Top Shop is if you're someone that gets fatigued by a bit of the pressure on your face and you want to be able to loosen it some it would be nice then to have that top strap holding it up for you but I found especially for active games and stuff I didn't need it but what I did miss was this back being all this pleather style you know Bobo they got the honeycomb option I missed that because this got kind of slippery and was slipping around on me but things I liked about it I like the adjustability of the sides here it really allows you to move them quite a ways although I still felt like I couldn't get it quite as close to my eyes especially if I was playing Quest Pro mode here where I go without even having a facial interface obviously I can get it way out but then I bring it all the way in and I can get it close but I mean there's still a good bit of distance there like theoretically it could be that close but I'd say probably a/ inch closer is what it could be if you're doing it this way and you like it that way a lot of people don't like this mode this is really only for people who like having all this peripheral vision I like the magnets on it I like the way that it just snaps on even when you're putting it on behind your head it felt like pretty easily it landed where you want it to you got it on and charging when you needed to so that means later when we actually have an option where it comes with the second one you could hot swap it a lot easier and 50 bucks is a pretty big Pro cuz that's a lot you're getting for that price even just a 10,000 mAh battery pack the other ones we've seen other traps you don't usually find them in the $50 price range so it is trying to be the budget friendly option against the Bobo vrs3 so is it good enough to earn its own price tag of $50 I will say yes it feels like it's a cheaper strap and if you've been using S3 you're going to miss a lot when it comes to this strap you're going to be like oh why did I make the downgrade but obviously if you have the S3 you're probably not considering this this is if you're looking at more of a budget friendly option what I would say though is if you're not in a rush I would hold out because what this really needs to be the most effective play Method it needs another battery and it needs to dock for the two of them then you'd have unlimited battery sofs because this thing even through USB you could charge it up fully in 3 hours which meant if you had a second battery you could literally keep them going 3 hours of Play Time 3 hours of charge time and keep going but if they they come out with a fast charging dock that you can slap them on you could have unlimited battery life with this thing and especially if they can come in at like a sub $80 price with that Dock and a second battery then that would put you in the price range of the Bobo with only the one battery no dock so KK cob is kind of choosing to find their place in a little bit of this cheaper range so I'll give them that overall Comfort wise though S3 still had it I like that it didn't need a top strap and it even has these parts that can totally come off if you don't like those on the S3 this of course you can get rid of the top strap so it's it's similar in theory but it's missing the fan which also of course would drive the price up further we've got a whole bunch of battery straps you've been asking about so we are going to do an in-deep video comparing all of them all at once so watch out for that if you're looking for more of the comparison style but for now if you've gotten this one I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments and stuff how it's working out for you it's a pretty decent strap for the price but ultimately it's not going to stop me from using the S3 Pro cuz I have this I like it better it's got the fan but you are paying a good amount more for this but let me know what you think out there thank you so much for being here with me another day we've been cranking up as a channel because of all of you I really appreciate you so thank you and I'll see you in another [Music] reality
Channel: JayBratt
Views: 19,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3, quest 3 price, quest 3 vs quest 2, quest 3 accessories, quest 3 games, quest 3 release date, quest 3 review, quest 3 vs quest pro, quest 3 lite, quest 3 sale, meta quest 3, quest 2 games, quest 2 controllers, quest 2 price, quest 2 vr, quest 2 accessories, vr, virtual reality, apple vision pro, quest 3 vs apple vision pro, quest 3 release, quest 2, meta quest 3 review, free quest 3, quest 2 update, oculus quest 2, quest 3 news, kkcobvr q3 pro, bobovr s3 pro
Id: YmglrZKundg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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