Can a 4060 Ti Play Alan Wake II? How About a 3060 Ti? Watch for Ray Tracing Benchmarks & Details

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it's been 13 years I replayed the original Allen wake last year do you remember this trailer this was like the direct de like this is what the power of direct deex is we've got all these crazy God rays and fog and it looks amazing and here we are 13 years later and I feel like it should be the you know the we should see the new trailer and it should be like Direct x13 that's how good this looks it's one of the first games that's made me want to use RTX all the way through but it looks really really good even on medium settings in fact it looks better than most games that I've play played when you just set it to medium but also the specs like the requirements are kind of scary and I know everyone out there is doing like here's how it runs oh my God maxed out 4K RTX gone crazy everything maxed out on a 4090 you know here here's how it looks it blow your mind all that kind of stuff everyone's doing The Sensational stuff but that's not what I'm going to do you know I've always been kind of a whatever also I don't upgrade as much as I used to and I don't like to upgrade every cycle but I do have one of these please don't go out and buy a retail copy of Windows because it's going to cost you 10 to 12 times as much as this this is where I've been getting my windows keys for the last couple of years right here on hook the difference is this is an OEM key so it's tied to the hardware the other difference is you'll be doing your own Tex support here because you don't get the Microsoft Tex support but we're building a system and I don't think any of us have ever used Microsoft's tech support so so right now it's time for the Halloween sale you know I'm spookier than Halloween so we can do 2 5% off with the coupon code ts25 for these prices you're seeing on the screen here for Windows 11 we can make it a lot cheaper you've got Windows 10 Pro we've got Windows 10 home we have office 2021 2019 and 2016 here putting in coupon code ts25 click apply and then watch these prices come down wonderful once you're finished all you have to do is click on your user account up here go to your user Center click on my purchase orders just view Keys and codes and you can just copy and paste your key hit start type activate click on activation settings pasted in there click on next and you will be activated you know I never liked how Microsoft has different prices for different people if you're a home user you're going to pay 10 times more than an oem Builder or a corporation or something like that and that's why I like heading to places like to get the OEM keys so I can pay a price that makes sense so thanks to them for sponsoring and now to our regularly scheduled program we're going to talk about how well Allan Wake runs on a 4060 TI this is the model I have also want to do a quick thanks to Ali Express for sending over this 4060 TI from MSI this is the Ventus 3x it's huge it's like really really long even though the GPU itself is small it's got this massive cooling unit on top of it with three fans and it's completely silent so thanks very much to AliExpress for sending that over I've got a few graphics cards and I'll be making a video just talking about the experience of getting these on AliExpress in about a week so this is not sponsored by AliExpress at all I've been using them more than Amazon for the last few years and I've actually had better experiences and that's why the video is coming in the future so stay tuned for that in a week or so and I also have this because if you're someone who's using a 3060 TI you're probably curious like oh am I going to be able to run Allen wake too well we're going to talk about both and I'm going to talk about the ways I like to run the game with each of these different cards now I'm going to Target 1440p and 1080p because if you're playing with one of these cards I would expect you to have a 1440p monitor or a 1080p monitor for gaming I feel like 4K that's really when you start getting into um some needing like a 3080 or a 4080 for a 4090 or something like that one of those ridiculously overpriced cards that I'm I'm not going to work with today so we're going to jump in and talk about that now I'm going to keep it all in the first part of the game and I'm benchmarking in the forest because the forest I found the forest was hitting my GPU harder than when I was walking around in the town walking around the town I was usually five or 6 FPS higher than I was in the forest so I want to do that and I'm going to Benchmark out of combat because I want to be able to reproduce produce the same Benchmark so I'm walking through the same stretch of forest uh in all these benchmarks combat may take a few extra FPS depending on how much is going on how many light effects are happening what's going on with your flashlight but it's really impossible to reproduce the same combat over and over so it wouldn't be a very good Benchmark um I'm just trying to do the same thing to give you uh reproducible you know stuff the other facts I need to tell you before we jump into this I'm running a 550x that's just what I have the system so if you have some you know one of the one of the 3D AMD CPUs or maybe a newer Intel CPU in your brain add a few FPS um if you have something that's not quite as fast as a 5950 X you know like a 5700x 5600x AMD um or Intel equivalents from the last couple Generations then maybe subtract two or three FPS I think just for reference like if you have an AMD um 5600x well that that's 9% slower in most benchmarks that's an average compared to the 5950 XNA try to get you uh you know like the perfect settings so that you can play this with your 460 TI or your 360 TI even all right let's jump in and talk about it I'm not going to talk about the game in this video so there we go when you have it just running on high with no R tracing it's quite playable this is not a twitch shooter we don't need 120 FPS this is an adventure game that does have combat but I mean even the combat you don't need extreme like extremely tight controls in my opinion it's got a different and unique combat system all right but you know if you do need a few more FPS you can turn on quality dlss and it looks almost as good as 1080p it's like a little bit fuzzier but it looks really good and then this will give you some better performance especially for the 3060 ti so that's one option and that's going to be up to you I'm okay with it turned off cuz it's a little bit sharp I mean it's so difficult to tell the quality dlss is very good um especially with this card 1080p with low rate tracing and low Reflections you get a beautiful looking game like even on the high you know I got on the high settings for like all the other Graphics you get a ridiculously beautiful looking game and you get 46.7 FPS the 1% lows are 38.3 um like like I said again this is an adventure game it's not a firstperson shooter so this is in my opinion all you need and it's it's really important to have just at least those those low Reflections but having low Ray tracing and low Reflections looks awesome so even the 3060 TI does a pretty good job and now you can start to see where the 4060 TI's Muscle really starts to flex a little bit when we start getting all these effects turned on this is a pretty big jump right here now it might have been similar with with just rastered results but you know it's interesting because the you know the 4060 TI was at a spot where you're like well I'm not going to be using it that much for rate tracing because it doesn't have quite enough horsepower but it can and this is where you you get the benefit of having a 4060 TI all right let's crank it all the way up 1080p with quality dlss High settings High Ray tracing and high Reflections it looks beautiful now this is something if you care more about the visuals than you do about the overall experience just turn this on if you've got a 460 TI the 360 TI cannot quite do it it feels pretty bad but as you can see the 4060 TI does a very good job um even on the high rate racing settings so yeah it's go ahead all right so that's how it does both of the cards you can see perform very well at 1080p I've got a little bit of a bonus here for all of you people who are using a 3060 TI to give you the best compromise of performance uh and just the quality of everything so let's go ahead and take a look at this chart now I got low Ray tracing on on with high Reflections I love the reflections that's something I just cannot compromise on and I've got the high setting now if you turn this down to medium it's a little bit smoother but as you can see here my goal was to keep the 1% low above 30 and I've done that and again this was in the forest so it'll be better in the in when you're walking around in the town the forest taxes things a lot 38.5 as an average is pretty good in my opinion and you get the rate tracing so you can have rate tracing at 1080p you're going to need the dlss set to Quality but in my opinion this looks better than like 90% of the games at 95% of almost all the games it looks better than almost all the games it looks so ridiculously good um and you can still play this again um this is not an FPS I'm going to say that like 50 times because people will be like man I can't play things that are under 150 FPS that's fine but this is not that kind of game this is an adventure game it's a story game and you know the look of the game in my opinion is more important than 30 extra FPS as long as it's smooth and playable now there's one other thing that you can try if you do need a little bit more and that is you can turn the ray tracing off which won't give you quite a soft light you know it doesn't look quite as good but the reflections are still on here and then we've got 50.9 as our average and 42.6 as our 1% low now the beautiful thing about reflection let's talk about this I think this is the first game that's actually done something like this where you have have true Reflections and transparent things like you have like glass that's transparent well that can be naturally reflective just like it is in the real world it's one of the best things I've seen one of the best uses for Ray tracing or path tracing um it actually like if you've got trees and people outside you will see their Reflections uh naturally happening in transparent or translucent things like glass it looks ridic you can see it here on the screen how it looks and it also goes for just like plasticky things like you know if you ever been to a diner and theyve got those plastic sleeves on the menu you can see it here it looks I mean like I was I walked around for a while looking at this and again this is not what this game is about this game also has gameplay but and you shouldn't base your buying on shiny things but this is something that now is like I got to have it and you can have it even you know I love the fact that they allowed you to turn that on even if you keep Ray tracing off so you can still have your Reflections and you can it won't hurt your frame rate that much it'll hurt a little bit but you could still have your Reflections without the need to turn rate tracing all the way up to a million all right for everyone who's been sticking around let's keep going because we also want to talk about 1440p because I think the 4060 TI can do 1440p here and there so let's just go through my 1440p uh benchmarks shall we so I've got a bunch of them here I just I don't know I did a bunch of different settings so you can just see if you have low path tracing and low Reflections that's just too much R tracing for this I've got it on the high settings the medium didn't really seem to change it all that much um and even with d LSS just not really good when you have the the path tracing on like the low path tracing so yeah 1440p is Pretty Tough All right so we got to crank up the dlss just a little bit for some of these things if we want to keep path tracing on so we cranked up the dlss to balanced which is running at an internal resolution of 1485 by 835 and then magically upscaling that to 1440p and then I turned it turned it down to medium as well and even then just not cutting it so nope that ain't working all right how about just the low rate Trace setting with medium and that Balan dlss how does this look okay it looks amazing like this looks really good even though it's low rate racing it still looks really really good in my opinion and we're it's playable not really so much playable on the 3060 TI but it's it's playable I might keep this at a lower setting but yeah it works all right let's just turn off rate tracing shall we and see how it runs so 1440p uh and we were able to turn up the dlss back up to Quality which is 1707 by 960 internal resolution and I was able to turn everything back up to the high graphical setting just turning off rate tracing gives us a lot more overhead and you can see here what what's interesting is that you the 360 TI is still behind the 4060 TI but you know it catches up a little bit when you turn off that Ray tracing and everything and it also starts to catch up at the higher resolutions because we start to hit memory limits and stuff because 8 GB is not a lot for this day and age all right now here's my compromise again and this might be the way I would play it 1440p with that quality dlss which is a pretty good resolution uh internally to be upscaling from high settings and then I've got my Ray tracing off but Reflections on high High 47 was my average with a 1% low of 34 so if I'm playing at 1440p uh with my 460 TI this is probably how I'm going to play it I think it'll look really good you'll still get those Reflections you won't have all the rate tracing goodness but it still has amazing mood and really good lighting even without the rate tracing so really that's going to be your option if you have to have rate tracing you're going to have to settle for a bit lower of a frame rate I still think this is very playable I mean even with 1% low that's just above 30 it's getting close to 34 there pretty good it doesn't feel like it stutters it plays okay just turn off motion blur oh God turn off motion blur that's one of my things I always turn off motion blur CU it feels it's it's very jarring so I in my opinion I don't think you need to go out and buy a 4090 just for this game you can go out and buy a 4090 if you want to play this game and 50 other games and you are playing cyberpunk and you just cannot handle cyberp Punk without you know rate tracing I I think it's fine without rate tracing I play I've got a 380 TI and I actually play it without Ray tracing cuz I want higher FPS in that game nothing fell on the floor anyway at this point I'm just rambling U I want to go play Allan Wake now I'm only in the beginning of the game because I've been spending all my time testing it but I wanted to let you see how it plays on Hardware that doesn't cost a billion dollars you know with all these effects so yeah let me know what you think in the comments uh thanks to Nvidia and remedy and epic games for providing the key for alen w because that's what I'm going to do for the rest of my night after I edit this I'll see you later
Channel: Tek Syndicate
Views: 10,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tek Syndicate, hardware, technology, science, games, gaming, culture, tech, computers, retro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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