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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates how you doing what's up what's going on what is it uh it is a tuesday i think tuesday beautiful day great day without great cash is also a great day what's up everybody i said i'd be i set the life for 4 20. i was right on time i wasn't even late or early i set it for 4 20 exactly when i planned to go live and here we are what's everybody up to we are live in my storage live in my storage rolex time we've got some good stuff we've been finding some great stuff oh my gosh this dude man i don't even know where to begin i keep thinking like man how can i ever top this and this week has been hectic oh four more years you don't even know it's crazy like i i haven't even began to look at the cards but i know i've i've looked one that caught my eye heavy attention is a very valuable card and it kind of blows my mind no glenn i have not had a chance to go to my post office yet it's safely waiting there for me to go pick it up i will get there soon just not yet just not yet i've had no time i've been i can't stop buying storage units i'm a firm believer that when you're you're riding the wave the wave is high you must milk it you must squeeze it and in the storage world when you're on a roll you have to keep buying you can't stop you hit something good you don't just stop take your time and spend uh two months selling it you kind of high grade it throw away the junk by throwing me in the flea market whatever the case may be and you kind of tuck the good stuff aside slowly trickling it in and you keep buying you you exasperate that energy to the because the universe likes speed laws of attraction universe like speed meaning when the energy's high you have to keep going to keep going keep that frequency high so somehow it's it keeps working that's all i got to say and we are here and we are going through the 2300 storage unit i haven't put out a video on that one yet but we're kind of skipping ahead and we're just unboxing live i did not have a chance to edit a video i already picked up i already picked up a whole 10 by 20 today that i filmed the one that i bought right after the baseball cards if you remember watching that video there's a 10 by 20 week glimpse in i picked up that whole unit today it's a cool unit it's nothing nothing extravagant it's just all quick stuff quick flip quick make my money there'll be videos on that but we but day before that we already showed you the 10 by 20. kind of a quick jump into it well we had ended up being 150 boxes of basically high-end fashion stuff and here's a little example i'm just gonna give you a little sneak peek finding lots of stuff like this brand new so basically there's 157 plastic totes of just brand new clothes from nordstroms and all over the world's finest stuff here we have a brand new junior burke and a brand new coach purse those are two things stuff like this this is used but this is one of the nicest brands they ever find it's called burberry and these sea boom burberry we've been finding so much stuff like look here's an example all this is high-end women's clothes from nordstrom's this one whole box right here right that's one whole box here this is all brand new basically women's high-end clothes from nordstrom is there any other stores that were kind of here yeah we got tory burch victoria's secret all this all the high-end stuff here we have what do we have here uh betty johnson these are uggs this is the twenty three hundred dollar story we're gonna open some of the boxes live here i'm just telling you with the stuff we've been finding look we got so many of these things brand new chanel shoes prada versace um this is all stuff we're setting aside for the auctions tons of the coach glasses it's it's pretty even the used stuff is we kind of have to downgrade like this is all really good used clothes chicos etc etc we got uggs et cetera et cetera two more bins of brand new clothes all of this and we're not done we still have all this to go through right here [Music] tons of disney things it was just like this it was a it was a half full 10 by 20 and the woman was addicted to shopping at nordstrom's and with her credit card we have tons of things like this tons of things like this look at that brand spankin newsie from the dooney and burke store she was ordering directly from the coach store look at this kate spade makeup bag see look chicos chico's 89 24 34 35 100. i got thousands of pieces like this it's it's crazy tons of stuff i i can't even here's just it's all name brands banana republic michael kors um tommy bahama and we've been setting aside every we've been setting aside the bestest used clothes for youtube auctions by we i mean the little woman and i and the new stuff for youtube auctions and yeah so we're gonna go do a live here uh yumika what size would you say she was uh there's so many varieties well here's the thing it's like there was a dad so there is a lot of guy clothes there was a possible younger twin so there's going to be women's girl maybe younger girls clothes about 10 12. there was a teenager probably late in high school so she was a little smaller person and the woman herself was kind of she was wearing probably size large extra large a lot of things [Music] xl 2xl let's say and the shoes a lot of the nice shoes are like ten and a half's the sizes are all over the map there it was a like there was a family at some time they actually very high-end people for around here uh they i think one of them was possibly a coach at de la salle and the son and daughter both went to de la salle and crondaleet which is uh probably one of the top 10 at least top 20 high schools in the entire country you have to pay thousands a month for your kid to be able to go there you're like guaranteeing them to be scouted in sports when they go there and stuff like that it's really prestigious they have some of the top three football teams usually nationally in the country in football et cetera et cetera so um yeah all high-end stuff was it wasn't what i was anticipating i mean i kind of did i saw the shoe boxes and stuff and the way i profiled it was some some nice fashion stuff but i would have never thought we'd end up with like tons of brand new panties again and everything you can think of jackets clothes whoo anyway let's just get through it look we're going we're going to i'm going to go through this box right here i set a couple either side it's it's very similar to the things that we're seeing in this unit but you see look you see some toys there's if i see some nice stuff i'll show you then you'll get an idea like this is probably the sun stuff i don't know important company we're just having to skim through it kind of fastly because tdf construction we have so many to get through and there we got so many units to move look at that vintage winnie the pooh disney hat that will make it in the youtube auction and i can't really read the comments so i'll look in a second i'm just going to go ahead and go through this real quick diving stuff some of this stuff is like no rhyme or reason it just literally was 150 billabong that's a good brand right there but we're having to cut our losses and making that stuff flea market stuff because we have so many things to bring you guys if i just did all this i'll be at it for the next two years ucsb swimming sweater wow here's some more purses just a random purse in a random box right what kind of purse is it you ask oh my gosh this is flawless coach is what i'm talking about look at that you got the matching wallet what else is in here what is in this that the paperwork it's got a whole coach little doo-wop lipstick container and these are this is flawless too this isn't this isn't all uh skanked up or nothing this is like really good stuff look at that it's got this little bedazzled coach purse all right really nice we'll be saving all the purses for the auctions one what in the world are these swimming trunks okay and another purse another extremely nice coach purse wow black with blue insides look at this it's got a long handle it's a good shopper you know what i mean you want to go shopping and this is like over the waist come on let's see another good person come on what else we got who tie-dye we haven't found any tie-dye in a long time man guys i've been getting some crazy feedback on my cards you guys won't even believe it but there's one card that is extremely extremely valuable that i've i've found and it's the only one i've really looked up but kirk's folly look at that brand new with tags that's a cool little shawl right there marshall let's hear brandon in the bag oh beanie baby of a peacock nike so look at that aqua bears that's a nike that's how fancy this school is their clothes is made by nike we have anything else in here a lot of like personal sports shirts probably won't be saving too many of those because it just gets overwhelming so yeah that was this one box that's kind of cute speedo shirt but this is like a low end box crandall that's the school they went to this is a low end box of clothes oh we overlooked that 60 dollar price tag on uh adidas you i did you see at bsbs ucsb swimming slow down man i'm going like a million miles an hour today first thing this morning find anything good over there same stuff [Music] scream like if you find something really good make it sound exciting be like yeah don't forget the like button a share button everybody while we're in here we don't do these live live unboxings too often but i have no time to edit like i am swamped and the only thing i can think of is getting through these so i can buy more units i know i'm looking i'm even filming here too so we got nine west a bunch of these birkenstocks like this birkenstock is a good brand this is a size 40 or something maybe 33 they're bigger shoes but there's some really good brands quality shoes like not not heavily worn these are kind of cool look here comes chicos brand new look at that chico's size 10 79 price tag never worn okay carrying on here we got them pumas right who don't love a nice puma whoo look at those size 10 never warm seven and a half if you're in the uk let me check the comments over here i haven't even looked at the comments let's see we've got commenting here 125 in the house when is the uh i don't have this is this is once again more back burner stuff spencer we got so much to get rid of i like the way you think spencer advice find prada thank you spencer i appreciate let me see if i can move this up here a little bit maybe i can get you guys above me some looking down on it how does that look there we go look at that my camera work is on point i'm just looking at the comments real quick guys i can't i can't see everything all right let's get back to the unboxing i'll answer questions in a minute when i'm done going through some of these boxes i just want to show you guys some stuff look at this what's this okay are some these are fancy flip-flops look at those those are kind of cute and unique they're called uh privo they're i think they're breast cancer one they have a weird look to them yeah check them out i'll set them over here it's behind the camera props crikey look at these these aren't cheap i don't think they are anywhere i could be wrong okay size ten i mean they're not expensive but they're not like here we go another brand new pair look at these okay those aren't brand new those ones have been worn but they look splendid get it splendid oh i see i see some some uggs nine west nine west is okay look at that bugs hugs australia brand new maybe are they brand new they almost look like they've had a little worn on the bottom they're kind of like a moccasin or a i don't know what people call that land's end come on be a million dollars nope purple very business like look at these so i'm saying birkenstock birkenstock is one shoe that is really uh i i actually set aside sometimes for the internet stuff because you can get at least 10 bucks a piece of the flea market used on those but they actually sell well on ebay look coach here we got those try a pad comfort these ones look good too they had 154 dollar price tag on them by sas we got some bobs bob's sound expensive lucky brand that is that's kind of easy spirits oh more jake who's looking she likes this style right boutique nine incline what are these nine west those are damn they look they look the new but nine west is not the best brand what do we have here look at these juliana huff those are kind of cool i like the style open who's blowing my phone up when i'm live jesus these were bought on qvc they're called me twos i see this style it's like all the same style hush puppies well i'm not really fond of these shoes like this these ones look like they got a little bit used but i don't like these flat these flat shoes i don't know i don't find those cute curse me all you want to oh look at these they're kind of cool it's the same type of shirt shoe over and over this is sammy and libby so we got some doctor's shows are okay okay and then last but not least this these are kind of cute too moda spain all right you guys want to see another box you guys want to see another box 164 in a chat it's a lot of fashion stuff so i don't want to bore you with it but i'll grab another box i have no idea i'm just gonna grab one this is all the same stuff you know i'm not the same stuff but it's like just it's just fashion and stuff like here we go lids deteriorating okay i'll throw it in the chair for now and i'm sure i'll be crap what's this right here this is kind of cute maybe you know i hope people don't you know a lot of people take my the way i say this is just crap you know people don't understand that you know because i say it's crap doesn't mean that i'm not going to try to retain any value on it but crap is generally like it means flea market like i'm just doesn't mean like it's not going to go somewhere or it's pure garbage but you get when you start going through storage units every day you would it's a feeling you'd understand how i feel when i just when i see something it's like okay it's a dollar this is a quarter the farm that's kind of a cool shirt precise medium this is looking like a lot of views so far but you never know and we're gonna find the next go the jewelry box underneath there i will tell you guys i found an entire box of jewelry from this you will see that coming soon this thing has a full jewelry box the final cut it's a high school thing maybe it's a kid's box right here kind of boring we found stuff like hermes old navy that's kind of cute yeah this is vintage lingerie nope this is just a box to use so this one's kind of boring let's get it one other one you guys want another one i'll grab one more those actually look like really good shoes the top layer doesn't fall on you let me check the comments what's up okay these are kind of cute check those out these are cool little christmas pants look at those heck of cute no christmas pajamas clothes so i'm thinking blue buckets are representing a lot of used clothes here we go dkny no mark anthony hey what do you think about these pajamas right here um all right all right all right spend it in no we're getting somewhere all right cute shirt with that old navy-ish it's got that old navy film no express a lot of express this must what do we got here 49ers best darn team in the whole wide world right there nike what are these gap fit spandex those are kind of cool here's something with the tag epic threads that sounds uh what is that a onesie i think it is a romper like a one-piece romper thing what do we have here you always gotta keep checking these names out because you could find those those uh really expensive things like lulu's or something like that you know that's kind of cool h oh it's new balance to you but that goes in the good used tile not a lot of stuff has been my size there's a lot of these athleta things that's kind of a good brand but that's a sports line from old navy ethan yeah uni all right i need an exciting box they have any exciting boxes coming do you guys want to see any more boxes or should i just wrap it up i gave you guys a little preview all these shoes yeah i found another pair of eggs i can't i can't make purses appear express close down someone said you have the sweetest voice i agree [Music] so you want to see one more box should i grab one more type of why why do you want me to like speak for a second and wrap this up for a n no auctions tonight spencer i'm behind schedule buddy i need a little break awesome amy awesome i hope you like this shirt this one says shoes shoes and oh did maria have some shoes what do we got here check these ones out those are kind of cool um soul society i don't know what that is i know those are boots though check those out this is a good brand right here torrey birch size 10 and a half and they are new julianne huff for soul society those are brand new 10. soul society the brown version of the black ones we just did those are like a mini cowboy boot too and we got them vince camutos that sounds fancy what expensive vince camuto oh wow these guys are girls nope those are girls brand new look at those vince camuto boots and they come with an oliva's shirt so that must have been what she was gonna wear that day because that what do we got here no [Music] vince she ordered two pairs of them one and nine and a half and one and a ten all right that's a good box there ladies in here let's see come on i don't know what's in here little woman just found these oh they look like rubies find some more please those are a nice little pair of rubies too i'll put this in my jewelry in my jewelry reveal video ladies we have so much stuff because this is the pile that's going home today are you gonna drink your coke i don't know i'm not really peeling soda today i'm gonna drink it here now go ahead sweet you're the best excuse you sir i'm about to get beat up guys the camera goes black did you say how much he paid for julie honest let me bring this camera down oh look look at this beautiful 10 dollar super show challenge second here hold on a second yumiko thank you for that ten dollar super chat you don't have to do that but i truly appreciate it i truly truly do um that is beautiful what does she say appreciate you pirate have a good day i appreciate you i appreciate you um so yeah how did you know this this store is going to be high well all right um didn't i talk about it when i i if you watch the day i bought the 500 ice chest i did a quick um i did a quick glimpse of this unit right this one was before the ice chest and i told you it i went through and i had this little feel you saw the nice i'll show you real quick let me just show you let me show you this is what you saw on the front of the unit see these right here these are nice snowboards right there was this and then there was a computer and then there was a bunch of just a half a 10 by 20 florida roof i didn't realize it was that much in boxes because this was literally the only furniture in the unit right here this little bit right here that was the only real furniture the rest was 157 of these plastic totes and boxes full of stuff and it's just luck it's just it's just the way i profile a storage unit i i i presumed high-end stuff at least you because you saw like shoe boxes one of them happened to be a alex wang or something um something like that but anyway let's continue on let's continue on let's not waste time talking i do enough of that on youtube let's get to looking at goodies more goodies we get through the less i gotta film look at that that's a really nice under armour sweater here i think you might like this it's a hoodie i'll set it aside oh my goodness come on lulu's lucy is that like lulu no there's tons of these this is gollum come on where's the good stuff back come on diamond ring please be a diamond ring i need a diamond ring there's so much spandex guys we're just a lot of stuff we're taking the flea market we're taking things and putting the little nicer brand new stuff aside and we're taking the rest of the market because i just don't there's no way i could freaking youtube auction all this like talbots there's so much talbot's clothes right here but i have some that are new but there's no way i can auction all this used clothes there's just no way look at this this is express tell me this ain't darling right here tell me that ain't cute and it's size large she has a killer dog in her car watch out okay oh my god this is clint mckayla still polished your size large those are kind of cute i'd almost wear those those i think might fit me i'm gonna try to pull those off i kind of like that pattern doesn't look right in the waist though i just like that pattern though gap fit there's tons of it look these are nice clothes like this like the lady only wore them and then she went and got a new outfit she's like i washed that once it's time for new pants clothes clothes it's just unfreaking believable close close close close i can't just go through it slow like that it's just my numbing this one's looking like all used what is clothes express nothing exciting yet okay i'm waiting for you to scream i found a diamond ring this is kind of cool i think you might like this maybe it's different it's a little safer to look at close close look at this close close this is an all cl used clothes box right here at t packwell park snope sports championships it's kind of a cool hoodie not not not very much new clothes in this box if any the denim limited this one's kind of cool my daughter would probably rock that it's brand new nope all right what is this one it's kind of tight too a lot of tightness here this is good stuff so yeah let me look at the comments here see where we're at so yeah what do you guys think about all this what are you guys thinking so far i'm hoping the gold and silver pays for the unit and the close is all just profit nothing well yeah look at this here we got a bathing suit we got a new dress 4950 price tag we got a new hat baby look at that tell me that's not darling hey baby we got this cute little this is kind of hecka cute look at that it shows you all this show it shows all the cleavage [Music] huh that's weird because she has some bags for some real chanel stuff that i have not found billabong right here all these are brand new sex in the city 24.95 on that 32.50 picker's warehouse why are you timing people out someone tell pickers warehouse to check his phone because he's over here pocket doing things pickers warehouse you're abusing your privilege with your phone in your pocket timing people out all right carrying on what have we got here some jeans but regardless this whole pile is new guys i don't know i don't think i don't think we should really continue going through the box it's just gonna be the same stuff it's just gonna be more clothes more maybe shoes but a lot of clothes i mean it is literally primarily clothes but great clothes like i showed you this is some of the coolest pieces we found today burberry coach dooney and burke and we got a bunch of these we got how many would you say totally found of these so far i say we have at least 10 pieces like this i don't have it here amy the jewelry is not here and you'll have that will come out in a video this is what we call a teaser in the youtube world that that video on the jewelry will come out soon and that will be i don't know because tomorrow i'm going to put out the the last of the baseball cards and then friday will be a full reveal of the baseball cards i don't know how serious the guy is but i'll go tell you guys a little something someone offered me sixty thousand dollars for the baseball cards today that's all i got to say somebody offered me 60 grand they just want to see some more photos and i don't even know if i want to sell them i don't even know if i really want to sell them that bad because anybody offering me that knows what i have i have one card one singular card it is a lebron james rookie exclusive there is only 100 made only 100 in the entire collection of collecting cards in this specific model it is a signed rookie card and there is only one 8.5 on the internet for 15 grand if mine was to come back at 10 it is most likely a 50 to 60 thousand dollar card by itself that one singular card so there's no way on no way in hell i'm just selling something like that without doing a little more research shelly uh message me i have a few left i don't know if you know this but i sold most all of them in a one time deal but i do have some really expensive ones left but i won't lie i am contemplating taking this 60 000 cash offer i've got 900 invested into the storage unit but i haven't gone through the cards i just kind of glanced through them real quickly and that was it and i took a few photos of like the stack that was lebron i got 15 lebron look rookies or some crap like that like how do i know that's not even my best lebron rookie card i would not i would never do that to myself [Music] um i have like at least probably 15 lebron rookies and a couple dozen or so kobe rookies and he's telling me one of them is the best one the second best one to get it's like 3 000. for every high grade and i have a couple of those and that's just that's i'm just wait till friday wait till friday what's up pat what's up dude um i'm not i don't have the mommy harbor harbor galleries i'll show you i'll show you real quick and i'll just show you the card which one that is the money let me find it real quick and i'm going to show you the card that is this is the one that's on the internet at an 8.5 mine is number 25 of 100. mine's not graded but if mine comes back at 10 we know how the numbers work but this exact card i have right here number 25 one of many of the lebron rookies that i found in this card collection so that's the one the one i can find so far on the internet at 8.5 i'm not all i want to know is the value falsetto it's not about the time of the market for me for me it's just knowing for me it's just knowing what i have from there then i'll figure it out but i plan to find another 10 collections better than this first thing i'm going to do is i i haven't looked at the cards like i said i've only skimmed through i haven't filmed them i just kind of opened and looked and i found a box that had the lebrons cards in them i have i have thousands of cards in plastic cases this person took really good care of them and all the signatures rookies bestest inserts all those cards he had separated into special penny sleeves or hard cases outside of the boxes that are just the regular good commons so it's really easy to determine i haven't looked through i'm gonna be filming the video the next two nights getting it ready to release friday which i'll do a full walkthrough of every card in a case it's gonna be just literally that's friday's video i'm gonna say 30 minutes of me just showing you every card that's all that video is gonna be there's not gonna be nothing else in the video but walking you through what i think is now my best find ever again i see you julie i see you pickers warehouse is sorry and then after i finish that then we'll move on to these other units because that's what's what i'm doing now we have a lot of filming we've been doing like i said we've got buckets and buckets and buckets of brand new clothes brand new items boxes full of brand new clothes so apparently we will not be done selling women's clothing on youtube auctions anytime soon as much as i wanted to be and i still have all that that's my pile to go through on the unit that jack and i bought i still have all that jack's burning through auctioning as much as he can i'm a little behind schedule i got to get through all this still and ooh silly string i just got silly string guys i just got silly string yeah yeah this is all this is still the stuff i got to sell with jack too we still have all this i'm so many units behind so many units behind yeah so i think starting this i decided sometime around the third or the second i'm gonna go through and do that whole truckload of stuff i bought for a thousand bucks because it's really fun stuff and a lot of people are interested in so i'm probably going to be the week of the third just auctioning that thousand dollar truckload and a mixturing in a lot of these things randomly too random maybe one day will be women's clothes and purses thanks for uh silly stringing me all right now we got all the silly string off of this and then look yeah november rain i know dave jackson i'm sending all my stuff to ebay too we have all this still to go through out of the 150 boxes from the unit did you find jewelry over here then i see jewelry looking things okay it just feels jewelry-ish look at all that it's garbage that's my garbage bag there's nothing in those two more rows to go three more rows in this unit and that one will be done and i'm about to buy a new unit soon i'm almost out of stuff silly string everywhere that is silly get it what'd you what'd you get clint i tend to do pretty i'm pretty good at selling women's clothes and yeah dave jackson brings up an interesting point i decided that i don't want to just sit and hold on to everything and as well i want to give the world deals and i'm going to start auctioning every single of the 1950 items on my ebay at 69 starting bid that's how i auction stuff i'm an auction i'm gonna start the cheapest so that mine comes up first it's a marketing strategy obviously when you're the lowest price on ebay yours is the highest when somebody says lowest first automatically so it's a brilliant marketing strategy but i'm gonna be sending every item on my ebay over the course of november to auction so everybody who enjoys getting deals you have a chance to get some of my bestest stuff for next to nothing in the world of bidding on ebay so just a heads up if i was you guys i would go down and subscribe to my ebay if you look in the description of the video just follow my youtube you could follow youtubes and we've been on for 51 minutes so i kind of want to end this here just about now i thought i didn't think we were on that long i talk a lot guys and you're going to see all this stuff in auction soon i'd say a couple weeks on this stuff oh yeah sometime around the end of november is when i'd start to see this stuff we'll work a little bit of stuff in we'll work in we'll work in things like this randomly one or two purses a day because we got a lot of those but things like the jewelry i have a ton of jewelry there's we found so much silver and gold in the last two units so and we'll probably be auctioning off the sports cards that are not getting graded just the sets that i have like the 2003 upper decks we've been doing et cetera et cetera and i would probably say we won't have an auction till maybe i might squeeze one in tomorrow if not friday maybe friday friday i gotta throw away piano so we'll see what's the date today i forgot to check the calendar earlier it looks like a good box oh is that can i see that look guys we're back in action rhonda shear we are back in action we got rhonda freaking sheer again look at that it never stops see how we keep selling whatever we sell on youtube we bring more to us that's the crazy thing so whenever i get low on stuff we just got to sell it and then more will appear i'm truly a firm believer in that it's a cute little bang then something dispenser came in cole haans listed union burke yeah this just in guys we got more of dooney and burke we just found another dooney in berk this is a little uh i don't know it's cute we'll put this over here in our cute new purse pile this is called a wristlet and we have a ton more purses coming i think we found at least a dozen dooney and berks and coaches sets too like like nice like the purse will say like 400 the the little wallet will say like 99. thank you amy i love that she works with me now too she's been actually in a lot of things lately and it makes my job more fun have a great day too uh yumiko wants everybody to have a great one great day and i agree that we should all have a great day it starts right here and don't let anybody tell you any different uh john i'm far from degrading process like i'm not even worried about selling the cars right now um i have been blessed these last few months and i've been working my butt off and i've been doing what i do best hustle grinder wind repeating the process buying something selling it fast like i do putting some stuff on the internet and doing that extremely repetitive repetitious over and over and the universe has blessed me lately and i'm not desperate to make money i don't need it to buy anything i don't there's nothing i have plenty of all the things i need and that collection is now another blessing and i will make sure that i yield the money properly so if grading is the way it is and it costs me 10 grand to do it but i'm going to make five times my money trust and believe i'm gonna do it because i have a weird feeling based on just a few cards that i see that that cumulatively that this is a very good collection like i've never seen 200 autographed cards with jersey you know rookies with jersey pieces and all these crazy things they have i haven't found this type of collection before i've found you know a few boxes and everybody's got a couple good cards but never have i found this much quality cards in such great condition ranging from 1958 mickey mantle all the way up to a signed lebron james rookie that only a hundred are made of um and i just want money i just i just i think i think i found the warehouse money that's all i can say then we could take a break that's awesome harbor males 900 dave jackson a 900 gamble on something that didn't look like much or just two boxes said cards harvard meal galleries you know what i'm talking about you sell cards for a living so you say and you wouldn't you know exactly what i'm talking about you know the potential of what i'm speaking of right now and you know by the fact that i just showed you one card that has a very very high value and resale and that is only like one of these 15 lebron james rookies i've found so far and that's only one player out of the thousands of players that are in this collection all right 58 minutes we'll have a video out tomorrow and auction friday tomorrow's thursday an auction friday unless we manage to get what we need done and we can actually pull off an auction tomorrow but i think we need to these auctions have been exhausting me it's hard to to stay on top of it for me it really is um i love you all i'm out i'll see you guys later don't forget to check out yesterday's video i did i i haven't found the chrome kobe bryant but my friend is telling me that i have the second best one but i don't know and i think i have a few of those i don't know i'll show you hey look what you guys want i'll just show you i showed this on my live the other day let me see here let me see if i can find my photos this is all i got right here i'll show you guys a little something something of what i found so far look so this is one carter i found which is neat these are some of the the kobe's that i've been finding there's a couple of themes i was so i turn the volume off guys because uh yeah i don't know what i said if i cussed or anything in this video but look you see what i'm talking about we're talking just this is just some i found this tops chrome are you guys seeing this are you guys seeing what i'm seeing look at this all these are like autographed cards right here look larry bird a couple people said i might have some paninis but i don't freaking know i don't freaking know brian that's why i'm nervous about that's why i'm not jumping when somebody tries to wave 60 grand in front of me that one's got some dean corners this one's in pretty decent shape here but yeah those are the only things that i've gotten photos of i don't anyway enough of that i'm gonna end this live amy i believe you missed that being auctioned a couple weeks ago i believe you missed that being auctioned i'm gonna end this live i'll see you guys later i love you peace out have a good day go check out yesterday's video say something pretty and remember that we have the contest going for the giveaway on friday on sunday and you have two videos you can enter as many times as you want to and every video this week including this one this video as soon as i end this live you comment and this might be the one that i picked for the random giveaway because i will choose randomly one video of this week that will be the third prize and sunday's giveaway so make sure you comment when i end this live guys covered a silly woman in silly string covered a little woman's silly string she didn't give me a can she just emptied it out on me anyway i love you all peace
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 4,764
Rating: 4.9138756 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: ADi35fMR-5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 42sec (3762 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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