Camping On A Summit | My Prep For The JMT

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[Music] [Music] okay well as you can see there is a lot of gear laid out here on my table and that is because three weeks from now I am venturing out and crossing something off my adventure bucket list something I've long wanted to do and that is the 212 miles John Muir Trail and the Great Eastern Sierra here in California so today I am gonna go on my first of hopefully a few overnight trips where I can really dial in the pack what gear works what doesn't really pack it in to see how much it'll weigh for now let's get the pack packed up for the very first time and see if we can get it under a respectable weight my fingers [Music] okay so I'm just gonna say right now this is a very very very preliminary weigh-in I just needed a ballpark as to where we are with this pack okay 27 pounds 27 pounds without the water I can live with that I think oh now let's just see how it feels on my back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we're in the saddle right now and then we have one more steep section more or less the crux of this hike right up there running a little bit late today is one of those days where like traffic in LA returned so it took me longer to get here plus I'm just moving kind of slow right now so there's that climb I mean I could make camp here it's tempting but we're climbing [Applause] I mean it super grateful that nobody took my favorite spot just off the summit this is kind of you my camp with those d's huh how it's not easy [Music] [Music] so after 2:00 in the morning so I make it look so Blair witchy move first had a hard time sleeping because of a leaky had an air pad I'm laying on now the winds have kicked up a little bit so the tent is blowing slapping about is what it is that's what you get when you decide to sleep on top of mum [Music] [Music] I'm gonna get a hold of sleep last night but she's like this makes it worth it [Music] ten thousand feet warm cup coffee these years nothing better [Music] [Music] let's be candid sleep was awful I was breathing got to the summit late set up camp really late my sleeping pad kept flattening out got to change that but I really I mean these are the nights and these are the mornings that I will remember and I'm just smiling you're the year look at this right now feels good to be alive that's all I can say [Music] oh that's good I was exhausting but I was good [Music] you
Channel: Billy Yang
Views: 36,660
Rating: 4.9809675 out of 5
Id: 7wY43XkV5_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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