Camping in a Thunderstorm under a Tarp

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hello again everyone it's a very hot day we've had the hottest day ever yesterday i don't know if today is again but yeah this kind of european heat wave at the moment and um yeah i didn't want to film the walk-in i just wanted to get here both dripping with sweat um i think it's been a break a bit today we might get some rain later we've had some spitting haven't we yeah but um we're hoping for a bit of rain just to cool us down a bit i want a bit of rain yeah hopefully so yes we're at mark's hammock spot as he calls it and i will be hammocking today oh yeah you are makes a change yeah i've done that in a while no last time you was there you hammocked yeah probably the last time it was about a year ago near enough yeah last summer yeah so yeah i'd probably get set up so we can just chill out a bit just forget about making a wood store because we need to uh get some firewood together so we'll see how we feel we shouldn't need one of this i mean taking a wedge out so you want to come in we've just uh taken down this ash which has got ash dye back um just because it's overhanging camp a little bit was completely dead um you can tell that from how dry it is i was filming a little bit of it it got hung up and i didn't really want to film any of that i wanted to concentrate on what we were doing but um we've got it down we used the electric chainsaw for that provide the maximum you'd want to do with that little thing um yeah so this is gonna be our firewood we'll use this to the battery's gone then use hand saws excellent [Applause] it's a fat so uh so so so i've got my under quilt on but i'm going to use the top quilt as well this is rather than using a sleeping bag it's been pretty hot lately but i want to be sure i'm not going to get too cold especially if the weather does change yeah first time using this [Music] about time we had some lunch i've got this stove i've been testing out it's by boundless voyage i reviewed another titanium stove of theirs on the review channel but this one is a new one that is a bit cheaper and it is still titanium and folding so you've got your fire grate there and you just have to pop that in that gap and then put the clips down on that side boom i've just got a fire lighter going in here so we can get lunch on and just going to have some spam i think i've got some peanuts with me as well spam and payments all right with you yeah a bit of a weird mix hang on do you say peanuts yes i think this is one of the biggest spam tins break the seal and the hard bit oh there we go so [Applause] well oh look at that very nice man down spam ready oh yes please oh yes please andy oh hot very hot you can probably see mark's done a tarp tent in the background except with a four by four tarp it's so roomy you could if you had to you could fit four people in there too comfortably i've never seen anyone do one with a four by four before review that's why i thought i'd try it it worked yeah yeah well no reason why wouldn't t for two team scams thank you very much you can see in here there's plenty of room i'm a little bit jealous to be honest especially as i'm not an expert in hammocks yeah this is good let's do this again mark's used a sliver of the log we've been cutting just to raise up his pole so it wasn't quite long enough for this big 4x4 tarp cozy though some of you might remember this axe um i made the sheath and the guard some time ago and i did it in a video but i've not used it in ages i just put a new edge on it actually so it's pretty sharp and well it's only a small axe we've got some pretty big rounds to cut nearly there we go nice so small i got it as a carving axe but uh because you can't choke right up on it it's not great for that and that's why i've not really used it for anything since so i reckon we might have enough firewood mark you reckon so i'll just get to work there'll be some pile [Applause] that's all firewood prepped quite handy having that little chainsaw we've got a fair old amount i don't think the most we've done in one trip the irony is it's so hot we're not going to even want a big fire just to cook on really um i think the winds are starting to pick up and they're going to pick up quite a lot in the night so we'll see how that goes maybe we'll chill down a little bit but uh yeah we're well prepped now as you can see forgot my chair just didn't think about it at all when i was packing so when might get something still in his but uh we're pretty set up now i don't think we're gonna be making a log store today uh we haven't got the cordage or anything that was gonna use but uh we're all set up while we're done and everything will get that going soon so we can get some coals to cook on and keep the bugs away and keep the bugs away and if you do keep hearing a squeak in the background there's a couple of trees rubbing and when the wind blows it's quite loud so it should be quite interesting in the night freaky sounds and the winds pick up yeah i'm just gonna use some tinder card to get this lit i'm just gonna rub that up with a knife so i can catch a spark great this stuff it's like um birchbox really [Applause] so some twiglets on so that wind keeps really picking up good to get a fire going though weather's uh turning a bit here the wind's really picking up we're hearing a lot of creaking and stuff a load of foliage just come out of a tree down there and made us both jump um yeah so it does look like some weather is blowing in um but yes it's getting dark as well isn't it because of all the cloud cover and that but we've got a bruce we're happy yep and starting to go yep it's that time of the evening again cheers everyone this wind keeps really picking up it's completely calm and then there's a massive gust and considering the time it's actually uh pretty dark as you can see with the filming light on now yeah a few big gusts and a lot of creaking just think about dinner soon now we're having tacos tonight so i've got a few things to prepare some red onion let's get off the outer skin on that i'm gonna make a proper guac but some onion and some avocado i believe i have some here somewhere so just actually i'll just slice it fine fine slices i'm just cutting down the middle should do us some lime i think i need to sharpen me open all for sure look at that i'll avocado the spoon for that in a moment i've got some coriander here she'll just roughly chop be fine yes i know you might call it cilantro okay and now i'm going to get my meat on the bitty big q grill i'll put some lime on the onions and the avocado okay we've got some pretty good coals here now very good coals actually and i'll use the folding bitty big q grill easy to bring in oh it's hot here i'm going first with some chicken i'll put the sweet corn on here as well get that going chicken's all seasoned up okay time to put that steak on now that's just seasoned salt and pepper okay that's a nice browning on the sweet corn i'm gonna try something i've not actually done before but i've always wanted to do i'm going to put some mayonnaise on these spread that on oh it's hot it's so hot and with that done i've got some well i'm using parmesan maybe not authentic but uh it will do the job tweak that a little bit of that coriander and this isn't chili powder but it's uh just a mexican seasoning yeah now onto the meat let's get our steak looking nice and our chicken and an extra little bit of steak i'm just going to move that chicken aside for a minute and slice up some of this steak i've been on this end actually i'm just going to warm through some corn tortillas that i've made at home because i'm not carrying the cast iron press into here right it's taco time i think i might actually start off with a meat mix some of our onions oh these are hot a couple of pieces of avocado some of that coriander wherever it may be a squeeze of lime a little hot sauce this is um if any of you watch simon mr bloke in the woods this is the one which uh won our little comparison i might actually go a little dollop of sour cream as well look at that beautiful here she is beautiful little taco that's good i want to try this mexican sweet corn i've wanted to for a long time that's delicious mark's just made his so you know i'm going straight in with another one you know it steak a little bit of chicken as well same as really nice fresh onions squeeze of the old lime which is slippery from my avocado fingers a little bit of that hot sauce that hot sauce is lovely just finishing off the last couple of bits of meat on their own they're both quite full yeah it's very nice is that sweet cool go do that again yes definitely another beer yeah you can probably hear the trees still squeaking and creaking i think we'd do rain maybe some lightning in the night we shall see i hope so yeah is it nice how can you see the clouds how can you see the clouds it's just blue well we've just been sat here a while drinking watching the fire and listening to these trees which we've decided to sound like crying babies which is not going to be particularly nice to sleep because we've been hearing wind before and they've not sounded like that before never sounded like crying why they're squeaking it's quite nice i've got the stump here right up against this tree so i've got some back support quite comfy now right in front of the fire and we heard a little thunder earlier in the distance and the rain is starting to come through the canopy now we can feel it so hopefully we'll get some heavier rain and it will drown out the sound of babies crying with the trees rubbing together there's one right now it was happened because you know it's never been like that before wondering if in the storm some of them got hung up and they're just rubbing in the wind but yeah hopefully we'll get some rain got some water on for some hot chocolate before bed and we got some marshmallows too it's marshmallow time oh yes it's raining again it stopped for a minute but uh seems to be coming through again we've got our hot chocolate and marshmallows only one stick though we've got to share because i'm lazy it's not even hot i can assure you it is oh it's hotter than the sun it's not crispy though no it's not but it's hot it's good so so it's coming andy the storm's coming we've just dived under our tarps because the rangers got really heavy but this thunder has been brilliant just sitting there watching the flashes and the massive collapse of thunder getting closer and closer yeah we had to dive under but yeah they're just going on for so long second week in a row with a thunderstorm love it they are big deep long ones be nice to listen to in the hammock [Applause] it's time to get in the hammock now enjoy this thunderstorm or laying back pretty epic loving it oh what's going on here bedrooms the fire was going fine and now it's not i can't believe those embers after all that right i know they must have been kept under them big bits of oak couldn't believe it bouldering i think it's so wet foreign let's boil quick we got quite a show from the thunderstorm last night it was really going off right above as a 1.1 it was great flashing and banging loved it so there's two weeks in a row thunderstorms yeah nice but last night's one was definitely better than the oven the other one i had up here the other week 100. yep slept okay um took a little while to get off in the hammock because it was a hammock just like that for me you good with all your space in there yeah i got i slept well apart from when i tried getting the sleep to start with because of the rain on that on the time yeah it's pretty noisy weren't once i was off i was off sound off shoot some breakfast yes starving breakfast is going to be some oak smoked cured bacon and some nice sounding honey and mustard pork sausages looking forward to trying them maybe walk again blowing up the leaves well i did say it was meant to rain i did this morning earlier um sausages in the hole yeah why not why not i'm actually looking forward to them sausages yeah me too never had the mustang before i had normal sausages sort of dipped in mustard and honey mix but never actual stuff the oak smoked bacon look at that oh smoking my eyes as well no ketchup which should have been the duty of the breakfast bringer well i just assumed you'd have a ton of it in your bag because you love ketchup oh mmm sausages they're good excellent nibble with this painting all the time you would fight my other packet minecraft so so so foreign so this is one of the tjm metalworks lantern holders i've just bought a couple of them really cool i'll link them below if you're interested but they're just about fitting like a bergen sized backpack rains on no it does look good though having that much higher wood keep you going for a while that's us all done for another camp and just in time because it's starting to rain a bit heavier and heavier now it is yeah um good one though wasn't it yeah enjoyed it good food good breakfast good thunder yeah so thanks for watching guys i'll see you on the next one onwards you
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 460,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thunderstorm, heavy rain, rain, camping, wild, hammock, tarp, bad weather, camp fire, cooking, tacos, steak
Id: WIF-vYyzp9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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