The ALL-IN-ONE ULTIMATE Cooking Camp Set / SCOUT KELLY KETTLE REVIEW! #wildcamping #bushcraftgear

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is actually welcome back to another video today's going to be a little bit different to my usual videos as we're not going to be wild camping we're just going to be out for the day and I'm going to do a quick Brief Review on the Kelly Kettle as well while I'm out um you'll not be able to see but when I move the camera around you will see in fact let's do it real quick now for you that have seen some of my older videos especially in the last 6 to eight months give or take some like that uh did build a little shelter in one of my local woodlands so we're at that spot again today and uh so someone was biting me then yeah so we're at that spot today and we're going to do a nice cook up on the Kelly Kettle as well so the plan is I've got some pancakes and some sausages and honey yeah so yes so we got some sausages and pancakes and we're going to cut them over the Kelly Kettle we're going to go through a bit of information about the Kelly Kettle as well as how to set it up what my personal opinions are and why I've decided to go and get the Kelly Kettle right so before I get started with setting up the Kelly Kettle I'm just going to take you around what used to be one of my old camps I just want to show you how overgrown it really is we just spin this camera around now should be able to see a little lean to in the distance there and it's just absolutely crazy I've overgrown everything K is just need felt so there we have it there is what you can see where is it there yeah so so there you can see obviously my old firewall just there the shelter structure you know it's still there which is pretty decent it just probably need a little clear up which wouldn't take many many seconds to be fair I might end up doing that later on as well but yeah that used to be the old bed that I tried making making one of the first beds that I did make I believe yeah I thought I'd quickly show you that as it was probably about 8 month ago around that time when I was last out uh especially in this area so yeah anyways it's time to get the Kelly Kettle on and start going through the contents of what I've got St right so like I said with this review I'm not going to go too in depth into it um especially for the fact that it's going to be the first time really using this so I want to use it a few times and then give it another review um so yeah so I'm just going to get all the kit out now and then we'll go through it and what each item is right so we've got the main bulk itself so we've got the Scout kit is what this one is so there's three ranges you can get um and I've got them all here so we've got the base camp which is the top of the range the base Camp's height is 33 cm so it's just a little bit bigger than this one as this one comes in at 26.5 it say in there so yeah so this is the Scout one 26.5 cm and then you've also got the small one which is the treer which is also saying the height of it is actually still the same 26.5 CM um the only difference between the treer kettle and the Scout Kettle by the looks of it is the weight obviously the weight it's uh plays a massive part in that and the width of it so the small one's 14 cm however this one is coming in at 18.5 cm in width so yeah so personally in my opinion um I'd rather go for the scal kettle more for the fact that when you're boiling water ually the boiling water for two uh I strongly believe that this is going to be enough for two cups of tea so what we've also got in this kit as well is we've got the hobo stove um that just goes onto the base of this sits in like so and you've got a nice little fire pit to to work off yes this one that I've got is the ultimate kit so the ultimate kit comes with with everything basically like I said comes with the mugs it comes with pots it comes with the pans comes with a little Grill uh um and everything else so I'm going to stick that in there for now you've also got two legs to raise it off the ground as well not be able to see that if I lift it up there it is and that's pretty much the Kelly Kettle as a whole in a nutshell before getting it um lit while we were out at the Bushcraft show quite recently there was a few Lads that did have them and they also were blind by them and while we was out a m m Matty he seemed to be quite interested in one and we landed on a second hand one for for 20 quid I managed to haggle the guy down for 20 quid uh he got one we took it back to Camp where we was at uh he he got it lit up and to be honest with you I fell in love with it and wish I brought it so yeah we came home me and my dad and we decided I tell you what let's let's go and get the Kelly Kettle and that's what we've done so I'm really start to just get this uh lit now see how it boils see see how well it really does boil so we have the pot we have the pot lid that can also be turned into a frying pan we have the bag we've got the grill we've got the pot handle that can come off and attach when required we've got two plates two mugs we've then got on the top left is we've got the pot supporter which is uh pretty good to get it off the ground which will just sit on like so we've then got the Kelly Kettle main bulk of it and the bag that it all goes in so you can see with the size of the bag it is a fair old size for all of it together um but if You' got a burger or you have side pouches or all like that just utilize one of your side pouches and put the Kelly Kettle in that's what I haven't done today however if I was going out on a weekend Camp I would end up using one of the side pouches to stick it all in and then maybe put a bit of food in that side pouch as well cuz there should be more than enough room right so as you've seen all I've done is put a bit of fire lighters in a bit of fatwood and some small Twigs just to start building a nice bed of coals then we're going to try first grilling the sausages see how they work before boiling some water and enjoying a brew shortly after as you see as well it's very easy to do with the pot stand as well it just keeps everything off the ground which is brilliant I'm just going to put a few more bits in now as it's starting to burn down but this should use little to none in resources really uh the sausages shouldn't take too long to grill so I'm just going to load that up give it a blowing in the air intake and we'll just let that die down now all right so to uh to also increase the air flow a little bit more we just move this pot stand a little just to the right if we try and spin that around now where the air intake is cu the Air's blowing through it should hit that air intake now a lot better and we should have a better flow the only issue with this is the fact that you'll burn through your wood a lot quicker I'm just going to let this burn down now um so we can start getting the grill on to grill the sausages but as a whole for a Day Ike brilliant absolutely solid bit of Kit so far right so I've gone and pled myself some up already um but I'm going to Chu the rest on now sprinkle a bit more honey on I did bring some of the state detective sauce as well but I might not be needing that shut these two on as well now that it's just all off that one system the Kelly Kettle nice easy meal though some nice pancakes and sausage time to TU in well there you have it such an easy thing to do especially For a Day hike so it's time to tuck in now see how well this actually tastes it's so good glad to get breakfast this morning it's a nice sweet treat for a Sunday [Applause] right so what we've done is we filled about a liter of water now into the Kelly Kettle put the lid on like so and then I'm going to move the camera back so you can see the pot po just going to sit in like this and we'll load the KY CLE up now so all I'm going to do is chook in a load of wood get the fire going inside I've just got to be careful because I I've put the Kelly Kettle on it is on a bit of a a slant so I'm just going to be careful with that but all we're doing just chucking load of Twigs in right so I'm going to get that going just so Chuck in a few more and then once I'm happy I'm going to give it a quick blow through the a vent at the bottom and then we'll time it and see how long it takes right so now I'm happy with how it's burning we'll give it a quick stopwatch and see how long it takes to boil so once the fire was going not sure if you can see that if I just stop that now it was around 2 minutes and 27 seconds to get the kettle to boil which ain't too bad to be honest I reckon if I had Start the Fire up ready and it had a good set of Embers perhaps it would have been a bit quicker but as a whole to boil a liter of water 2 minutes and 27 seconds using pretty much minimal and I mean yeah minimal Uh Wood so I think that's brilliant it's just time to make a cup of tea now tilt it back a little and pour so using the whistle just tip it a little bit on the chain and as you can see it's tilting and we just use that as the porer and then hold it and support it best very easy all right so cheers everyone still quite hot I'm just going to apologize for the audio as well cuz we are in the local Woodland so a lot of people are riding the bikes so I've got background noise of the motorbikes so I do apologize but it is what it is but like I said very quick rundown of the Kelly Kettle I've shown you I've cooked off it I've boiled the water on it and I've made a little fire with it as well so because we're coming into the summer months ideally I want as less impact on nature as possible and not having these big fires so using the hobo stove is a brilliant bit of Kit we've got the Kelly Kettle as well put the on top boils water in like you've seen about 2 minutes 30 um yeah not much more to say really on it at the moment yes it's bulky however this is going to go in a side pouch on my day sack and it's just going to go with me for the next few camps I'm going to keep traling it out and then you know there's going to be some flaws to it at some point but so far I've not seen any um this ain't a paid review this is just i' wanted a Kelly Kettle for a while at the Bushcraft show everyone was talking about it well a few people were talking about it I've managed to now get one I've used it I'm really happy with it so far and for these summer months it's absolutely brilliant because no one wants big fires um no one wants big fires in general but you know in Winter you do want to enjoy a fire whereas with this it's all in it its own little hobo stove it's out the way it's on the floor it's not causing any detrimental effect on the woodlands at all I'm using next to no wood for any of this to cook to cook my meal boil a liter of water I mean I've used a handful of wood so it's brilliant so I'm not running around trying to find wood left right and Center I I've just got a few sticks and away we go it's a brilliant I'm loving it so far as you can tell so yeah that's pretty much it in a nutshell I'm really happy with with it I'm really enjoying the Kelly Kettle I will do in the next probably a few videos you'll see me checking it out with me anyways but in maybe the next three or four videos I'll do a a real in-depth um review on the Kelly Kettle once I've actually been able to take it out and spend a bit of time with it so all in all really happy with the Kelly Kettle um I'm going to take it out in a few more camps see how it goes and then I'll do a real in-depth um review on it but for now really enjoying it I'm going to drink the rest of my tea enjoy the views and I'll catch you all on the next video thank you for watching
Channel: TheNorthernBushPig
Views: 2,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shorts, Nature, outdoors, wildlife, wilderness, survival, camping, hiking, bushcraft, basic, backtobasics, wildcamping, shelter, woodlands, skills, setup, gear, campinggear, bushcraftgear, survivalshelter
Id: guE_h1d-nGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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