Camped Out and LOW ON FOOD in New Zealand

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Json and I have been camped out in the coral mandle for a few days so we're running low on food I got to catch some food for for the day um hopefully we can get a fish I might dive in the water for a quick minute and um maybe I can find some food there too so let's see what the ocean provides for us today I'm starting out with a big lure see if anything wants to eat that see what we got this morning woo rain for a good day right to the ocean guys here we go it's First cast there some fish there some fish over there all right we'll try a little bit of bait see if we can get any Snapper or any kaai no weight just going to let us sink naturally all the way down cast out a little bit further coming into the Rocks a little too much so go that's perfect oh we got to take her we got oh and I waited a few seconds but still was too too early I guess oh just didn't eat it all the way look at that oh I'll just throw this back down that was pretty quick as soon as it gets to the bottom fish come and come and hit it I'll let them eat a little bit more this time I have my bail open cuz this is I don't have my Bait Runner on me so I just leave it open and kind of let him take it a little take some line and then close the veil to set the hook doesn't work as as good as the uh Bait Runner but uh it'll do for now I'm sure I'll be able to catch some either way knock over here we go we got a take her we got a take her oh yeah that's in that's in oh oh good one oh shoot good one oh that's a good one come on up come on up oh that's a good one oh wow oh good one that's a good one this is a good one that's a good one come on over here good one oh wow what a good one start the day with okay chill oh my gosh oh I'm shaking I didn't see that coming I didn't see a bit oh he's trying to bite the hook Hook off man woo look at that hook set perfectly let him eat it a little bit and Bam just like that just like that man perfect look at this guy that's a beautiful fish man you know what I I have I have a fish strip now I bought one look at this look at this guys I bought a fish grip with a scale on it I figured i' catch I've been catching pretty good fish that I should start I should actually wave weigh him to be official oh check out this fish that's a nice snapper right there heck yeah another good one off The Rock box man all right now let's check the weight official weight what do you guys think I think it's only 5 lb yeah this is a pretty good fish I don't know if you can see that but it's just under just a little over 5 lb if it's working properly seems a little bigger than five but we'll take it just keep him in here for now well that was fun good start oh here's a taker oh just just testing it Snapper love to test the bait they really just nip it there you go oh see he's still testing it there it is nope still testing it they really love to test it just they'll just bite and run and just let go you got to wait until they eat it and these circle hooks are perfect for that just gets them right in the corner of the mouth might have taken the bait eat and run well there's a lot of fish down there that's for sure let's try a little piece of kahawai fresh kahawai H yesterday oh yeah they're in the mood for it there it is there you go I think he's taking it already yep yep yep oh oh how did it come off these are the rib cages when the Snapper are around it's such a fun way to fish they'll take the bait and you'll miss a ton of ton of bites just cuz they're just really good at it did they take my bait again wow see how good they are all right the collar the collar that's a good piece oh here we go big take big take there oh he's taking it there we go there we go feels decent feels decent oh not that big thought a lost stronger really strong fight for your size might be a keeper I promise some kids some fish at the camp so let's see if this one keeps it's got to be 30 cm yep he is 30 32 just about oh there's there's some there's some stuff happening over there another try at this uh stick baiting for Kingfish I'm going to go around to over to that side where I'm going to try to walk around here so I see some action it's further down that way so it's a freaking maze to get there a little slippery way oh my gosh should I scale this I guess I could shoot there we go it's also low tide right now so I'm have to make sure I get back in time that looks slippery we go all right I'll go right there all right I think this is will do First cast from the new spot okay well I've been casting for about 30 40 minutes no bites or no follows or anything ah man I think I'll take a small break just a 2-minute break and then I'll try some more maybe for another half hour then we'll go back to our little Snapper ledge no luck let's head back to that side shoot woo good thing I put my stuff a little bit higher look at this tide came up almost took my things even my fish come here buddy I'll release you over here in this big pool hopefully I'll be able to catch you later yeah that's going to be it's going to be tough to get them out but the big ones over there all right we're doing a little snapper fishing again got him got him yep got him yep got him little guy oh wait no no wait that was the bait oh shoot guys this is a decent one oh yeah that's another decent one solid making a little little fish tank over here got our fourth fish nice one added to our collection just hoping I can get all these out it's kind of a big uh big tide pool D what you doing buddy there you go that way look at that one two three 4 there's got to be a bigger one in there oh here's another bite do one second bite and Let It Go third bite and there there it is yep they usually hit on that oh it came off oh how did that come off shook it off that was a decent one too I've learned that they usually take it on the third hit I'm running low on bait this is my last piece of pilter and then I have the Kawai head saving that one for last one okay that was my last piece of filter now I got my favorite my favorite bait for Snapper C head these stay on really well and the big fish love them all right let's see if there's a big boy in there little Taps little Taps little Taps here we go there's a hit let's try that way I think I'm going to go for a quick swim in the ocean see if there's anything in there there that we can grab I don't have a spear gun I wish I did think could shoot some fish but no we got plenty of fish today um caught several Snapper I caught more than what I what I would normally keep cuz there's some people at camp that uh was really really uh begging me to catch them some fish so I was like yeah man no problem no problem I'll got you so I'm going to just be diving in this nice calm area W oh man it's really [Music] cold [Music] I want to just check the quality of these Kenna looks okay it's a little creamy oh yeah ooh very sweet though very sweet oh shoot jeez I haven't had anything to eat so this is so [Music] good [Music] holding a bunch of spiky balls against my chest and stomach isn't the most comfortable thing but wish I had a bag oh oh no oh no this is not good look my tide pool it's filling up and it's going out shoot now I got to grab them all if it comes down to it got a GFF oh no how am I going to catch them all go that way swim that way s that way swi that way swi that way oh no I can't see there we go good good good no okay I got the big one oh no God this guy is fully alive this one's still safe the smaller ones are going to be harder they're still in there okay okay has anybody managed to escape let's see no I don't think so all right we're going to go for the second biggest one now I got to stop messing around all right got him sorry buddy little ones are going to be harder oh no they're escaping they're escaping we might have lost a couple I don't see the other two sorry about that buddy man that time tide came up real fast we got to get the kayak out of here too be safe there for now get my rods out of the rods 50 for now well in the tide rising Fiasco we've lost two fish but it was just the two smaller ones so no big deal um we saved everybody else though and all my stuff is safe for now I got to check the time and see what time the tide I think high tide is 1:30 or something like that so let's check oh shoot it's still 12 we still got at least another hour of incoming tide so uh that's not good we're going to have to get off this little uh patch of land all this will probably be underwater so I'm going to put my clothes on and just head back out on the kayak if you're wondering why I didn't just dispatch all the fish right away CU I was keeping them alive um because I don't have a cooler or anything to keep them cold so I just as soon as um I'm ready to leave dispatch them all and then just head back and they'll be nice and fresh if I left him in the sun all day long who knows it could go bad so uh that's why I did that but we lost two all good there we go there you go Birds [Music] swir and we're off the guys that wanted the fish from the campsite they were just fishing right there off the rocks and they haven't caught in anything still so um I gave them the two smaller fish and they were super stoked I thought I had that on camera but um some reason it didn't record anyways it's all good yeah I still got my fish now I'm starving so I got to go prep it and uh and cook it and I have the Kenna too all right guys we're back at camp oh what an amazing life we get to live connecting with the oceans all across the globe you guys truly give us the freedom to do so so thank you so much and this year we're going to be doing a lot more traveling uh ahead our visa for New Zealand expires in about a week and a half so we're going to be getting back home soon too we'll also be going back to Japan at some point it's nice that I can still speak Japanese when we go there but my reading is actually no way no so I've been learning and relearning with Rosetta Stone which is our partner for today's video Rosetta Stone uses a dynamic emerging approach to provide unique and engaging learning experience that help you learn language faster and retain more less memorizing and more through pictures and audio from native speakers haashim they prepare you for real life conversations and scenarios one of my favorite things about the Rosetta Stone app is the voice recognition tool that helps you perfect your accent lessons are as short as 10 minutes so instead of scrolling on IG or Tik Tok and with the Rosetta Stone app it's 100% On The Go you can get 60% off a lifetime subscription that you'll never have to pay again I love visiting my home country so it's great that I get to relearn uh how to read it's never too late to start learning with a lifetime subscription you can learn any language at any time thanks to Rosetta Stone for this opportunity to partner up truly enjoying and looking forward to all the languages I'll be learning now let's cook some Snapper and we got the K too I'm making smoked K well if I want to smoke the Ken I got to make some wood chips cuz I don't have any of those so gotten started just found some wood and I just been whacking it to be honest all right so we have to clean the fish clean the Kenna smoke the Kenna cook the fish all right let's get to it and Jon's making some pasta too so I'm just going to add it to her dish this my cutting board yeah that'll work he he's been cleaned and gutted going to try to break this down with very little Force otherwise I'll break the table there you go there's your Snapper the call in here perfect little portions of Snapper you know my pet peeve is a crappy cutting board I regret not investing in one in New Zealand I I really miss my cutting board back home these are terrible I'm going to thinly slice this garlic [Applause] season both sides generously lay the garlic across the inside and a little bit more salt on top of the garlic [Music] okay o very garlicky Snapper is has very delicate flesh um on the grill usually just breaks apart so steaming it it's going to keep it nice and juicy and very tender here's Jocelyn's pasta looks delicious a little squeeze of lemon need my Chopsticks we lost all our Chopsticks at one of the campsites all right fish should be done now yeah finish it off a little zesty you want any cheese on yours yeah sure yeah I'll take some cheese on my fish why not semic cold as well Cheers Cheers guys I have wine in the cooler too the cold cooler wait you're wondering where the Ken is that's for dessert this Snapper is so delicate look how like soft oh wow jiggly jiggly huh very soft that's juicy delicious what do you think it's good how do you like it yeah I think they make really good dumplings Snapper steam Snapper together and it's not too much garlic you think no I just ate a couple by themselves right it's the spot we'll finish this up and let's get to the Ken okay so I had one that looks real good the rest were really small this one is pretty big just a little pale in comparison or a little darker but yeah this one looks really delicious anyhoo we'll take these guys plop them in there make sure they're nice and clean I got my bowl of wood chips that goes just directly on top over there turn the fire on it is on put this wire rack on top and then put this guy on top of it so it's the heat is indirect there we go smoking already cover it up smoked that for about 10 minutes at least 10 minutes 10 to 15 all right let's check this out those are really dark but yeah that's pretty nice could use another couple minutes cracker Brie smoked K oh yeah boom little garnish yeah what do you think about that tiny bit my mouth is salivating my God that's delicious M smoked Ken and Brie don't knock it till you try it cheese does go with seafood if you know how to use it you want to try this it's heavy on the cheese thank you try with all of it I did very smoky mhm don't knock it till you try it huh did you smoke the cheese too or just the oie just the oie rains Smoky flavor really good yeah that's delicious isn't it mhm that's going to be it for this one thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 156,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catch and cook, catch clean cook, fishing for food, the ocean provides
Id: ouavVeaw_YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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