Camerons torque converters new dump valve and holley efi

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[Music] hey guys today I'm gonna make you a video on a new product that I'm pretty pumped for up and waiting on this is applicable to any in all EFI systems or even a power grid or with a carburetor this is gonna be transmission converter charge pressure control dumps a Popoff valve regulator the whole nine yards so I'm gonna show you what I've been running I have a turbo 400 in my personal car and I've been running a regulator from ATF speed all this does is it keeps converter charge pressure under whatever you whatever you just the regulator to hear okay so this regulators worked really good for me and III regulate converter charge pressure to about 95 200 pounds on just about every car that I do but after talking with with Cameron and Byron for a little while they'd started working on a new set up that will have this regulator built into it you know it's smaller it'll also have to dump valves so this said it's actually pretty slick I'm a big fan of it I'm gonna install it here shortly but I wanted to show you them off of the bench so this will bolt on to the governor cover okay like so alright and you'll have your cue dump valves that you can activate with an output from your ECU or your power grid or whatever it is and the converter charge pressure is going to come you know it comes out of the lower cool report and it goes back here and currently what it's been doing is it's been hitting this regulator and then the regulator opens and dumps the pressure back into the governor cover then my cars got a transmission cooler on I Drive this car on the street so you know here's where it goes back to the cooler and then it comes back from the cooler and goes to the top port well with this setup there's no dump on it right now okay there's there's zero dumps on the car up and I haven't used dumps on this car for a while so it's you know spool up or tight converter or track conditions whatever it may be you want to use the dump for I'll show you how to do it in the poly software how to wire it how to you know how to set it up in the software as an output and if you have a different ECU that's your fault so you can figure it out with a different ECU but I'm going to show you how to do it with with Holly so there's a couple things on this block that is it's pretty slick so this is a governor cover good it's gonna go here like this and there's some ports on it so right here this port is where I'm going to be putting the pressure transducer okay so this right here is gonna go right here and then you've got to dump valves on it alright so these are the valves right here they thread up in here they're all machined inside and this is where the magic happens on the backside so there is a pop off in the top right here that is set to 120 psi so this pop off that's machined inside of here there's a spring in there with a little ball and it will open at 120 psi so if you've got a pump that's producing say 150 hundred and sixty psi 180 whatever it is that's how you hurt thrust bearings in an engine right by too high of a converter charge pressure because it starts to try to push or thrust the converter out the front of the transmission and into the flex plate and it pushes on the crank it tries to push the crank out of the front of the engine so the pop off is already built into this block all right so it's going to eliminate this it's gonna eliminate this piece from from ATF and the pop off vents right here through this hole so it so this hole right here is in essence what this is doing okay so if this is also adjustable by putting a shim underneath it here alright so if your pump if you're both this week and it's only putting out sixty psi the pop off won't do anything for you you need to address the problem alright so if the pump is too weak and it's not floor fluid you need to address the problem now the the next part of this is that the dump valves alright so the dumps are they open you know it's just a twelve Alton ground but then there's two Jets back here so it's kind of hard to see but this thing when you buy one this these these Jets you know they'll either be pre-drilled or they may be blank but you're gonna drill these Jets to whatever size you want so right now what I have is a big hole here in a small hole here right so this could be stage 1 4 spooling this could be stage 2 4 when I let go of the brake I want this one closed but I want this one open to loosen the converter up and let it you know drive down the racetrack and then I'll close it you know say point eight or so into the run so we're regulating pressure alright well you know all the time we're always regulating pressure so the pressure is gonna be regulated to the you know whatever you set it out with Jim or you know you leave it it's about 120 psi so that'll keep the converter full that's keeping the converter full when you're going down the racetrack or when you're driving around town this these two ports here or where the dump valves are actually venting from so if all you want to do is use this setup to help spool the car because you have to tight of a converter then what you what you could do is you can you know you could probably leave these jets out of it completely and just vent all of the fluid the moment you open up the dumps okay so once you divert all of the fluid flow the converter gets extremely loose and once I have the transmission back in and whatnot you know I'll make a short video of you know with dumps and without dumps and how it responds on the transbrake but you can tune these by drilling the jet right so this plug is your jet so you plug it off you either open it up for more fluid flow through it which will you know lower converter charge pressure or less if you if you just want to soften the hit a little bit you know at the racetrack so for being an all-in-one you this thing is going to come this port right here that's where the fluids going to come from the transmission it's going to come along this line it's got a T in I'm going to reuse this T and it's going to go into here and then all the magic happens in here and then the remainder of the fluid will go back to the cooler and loop back around into the transmission if you don't run a cooler you just run a line straight into here and and then you're done so I'm going to bolt this thing up and I'll terminate these wires here so that we can you know make a nice plug and harness that'll go up to the ECU and I'll screw in the sensor and you know change over all the fittings and whatnot but this is kind of the preamble to it this is actually really slick I'm a fan of the fact that it's all-in-one it's not you know we don't have to screw around with a whole bunch of stuff everywhere so and it fits nice and tight to the transmission it'll clear the floor pan you know all my nerds this right now is pretty tight to the floor pan where you know this is quite a bit lower profile and smaller so if you can see that there so all right give me a minute and I'll bolt this back up and eventually get it up in the car alright so we got the new dump valve and regulator block all mounted up it's all wired here's our pressure transducer and this under here is where the the Popoff is like I showed earlier I've got a hose ran from the bottom cooler portal the transmission into the T and then out of the T this is going to go back to the cooler and if you're using like a trackside remote cool or you could just do the same thing you know but you would grab it from the pan and then you could pump it back on through here but what I'm doing here is it's going out back to the cooler and comes back from the cooler comes back in here and now we're just going to slide up underneath the car terminated the connection for the two dump valves kind of see it down there there they are so the cool thing about this is that these these actual solenoid valves are available right from Granger so you know there's typically a Granger in just about every city you can get everything next day I'm sure mcmaster-carr has them as well so if you ever get you know if you destroy one or you lose one or whatever you can didn't get a next day from McMaster or Granger whomever so now I'm just gonna slide this in the car and I will come back to this video when I've got the car up and running and I'll show you how to to wire it and you know how I wired it and then now you set it up a nolle software so sit tight okay so I bolted up the double dump valve with the regulator built into it and actually had this out and tested it I decided to wait to make this video of this part of the video until I had some data to show you the difference while the transbrake so what uh what we did here was I created two outputs I just labeled them trans dump one trans dump - I grounded one wire off of each of the solenoids and then I'm sending 12-volt from the ECU to activate them so just like every other output that you have on your ECU you'll need your PIN Maps few outputs and you can create your output you would drop it where your trans don't belong to himself - so here we are trains dump one here's how I set them up for my personal car so this one trains DUP one which remember I showed you the two different jets that are in it I made trans dump one be the larger jet and then trans dump to be the smaller jet so the way I sent both of them up just for this test here was to have them activated while you were on the trans brake and I also have a master enable switch in the car that turns the boost controller on Dale the whole nine yards so that that comes on so both of those have to be activated so and boost has to be below 15 pounds so this was just for testing okay so the data lock we're going to look at actually how to boost below eight pounds but anyway this is how you set them up you can also set these up if you wanted to you know say you just want to activate one just when you release it so you can go transbrake the launch is at a release so it would activate when you release the transbrake and then you can run a timer here so your active time would be like you know whatever 0.8 seconds from the release of the transbrake so of course you have all these you only have one of these right it would only be this and input release so if you wanted to use just one while you're on the transbrake and then switch over the other one to release the transbrake to kind of soften the blow so when they hit the tires you could do it that way as well and then you know of course you've got as many sensory input sugars as you want so I just used boost you know below and this was an easy way for me to show you all when it was on the trans brake endo and how it works so now I'm going to we're gonna look at some data to show you how it worked but you need to understand that the converter that's in my car is some of you guys are gonna watch this video even though my car cools faster than this well this cars got a 98 millimeter on that it weighs 3,200 pounds and it's it makes three that mm - horsepower so the converter that's in this car is very tight I drive this car on the street a lot - so understand that you know without you know you can't compare your your your board Warren RS 480 with a 5 3 versus this because the power difference is so dramatic that the converter difference is so dramatic so so anyway we'll look at we're gonna look at look at show you kind of how it works but again trains dump too is the same way you know when master and Abel and I had them turn into both off at the same time so here's a little walk okay so this line up here so you can see this is rpm alright so you can see that jagged line here the dotted line the comparison folder is without a dump valve on okay there's no dump outs on this all right now this is the the same converter and both combos ones with dump valves ones without a dump valve there's very very minor tune-up changes the biggest change is really the weather right so so you can see where it kind of rolls over right so both of them are all over but notice here by two seconds from an idle two seconds from an idle the solid line is with the dump valves open so you can see the solid line is your first log you can see that the trans dumps are open I have there on you'll notice that here trans dumped one is undefined trans I'm two is undefined because they weren't in the car when uh what I did this so it will tab over and you'll see that we get to the chip a whole heck of a lot faster so there's the chip right there and notice that by about two seconds you know about two point two seconds into from an idle we're at 4,000 rpm versus 3,600 notice for a head on boost right and you can also see converter charge pressure 23 psi versus 83 so prior to putting these dumps on as I showed earlier in this video as I had a little regulator that regulated the charge pressure to right around 90 psi so that's why you see that that difference of 83 PS ir s-- is 23 now I've achieved 23 psi by just having both of the dump valves open you can see trans I've worn trans up to they're both open they're on active so it uh it allowed it to roll up higher and quicker to the chip and now we can start getting timing out of it once it's on the chip and if you look here we are in four seconds about four seconds from from an idle here we've achieved ten point four pounds of boost where than 40 161 rpm but I turned these dumbbells on so you see this line here hey you can see how it went away I'm gonna open up it overlay on top of each other we go see right here this yellow line this is when the dump is open then this is where the dump closes okay so this was great at writing 88.1 pounds of boosters when I turn them off right say 41 pounds of boost is where I turn them off I eventually you know after testing these a couple times a little bit but you can see how much the heck it is boost right so that's all from being able get to the chip faster and you know being able to you know timing love the engine harder bolts on the chip so overall you can see where here's the dump here we are at 22 psi and as we scroll over we're right around 20 psi with thunks open and we close the dumps right there and we see the pressure climb right back up so here's the pressure it's called oh way up to right around 110 psi and that's where the pop off opens which is you know what what I explained before so there's no need to have a regulator built in as well pop-up opens reading around honor to the 10 and it settles back down to right around 70 psi while still on the chip and then again it does the same thing as it pops off and goes back up transbrake there you can see identifiers here for trans brake all right so look over the brake right there and pressure is gonna start to climb until it reaches the pop off and open up again so overall this thing is this thing's been awesome I tested this this piece extensively this weekend at the lot and I'm very very happy with how it works I have not used it yet to open up going down the racetrack haven't found the point of loss of traction yet where the converter just kind of couples too hard but uh but I haven't found that point yet when I do what I'll do is I'll end up opening one for like I explained here I wind up only to opening one of them while on the trans brake then the other one will be opened up like I showed you here that t-bird want you to input release for the timer so but right now these things are there jamup helped tremendously getting up on chip and you know any any little bit that you can get to the thing to come up and boost faster makes the car level more consistent he trans up less yada yada so hopefully this helps and hopefully that answers a bunch of questions and again you can also remove the Jets completely if you want and I have a feeling that this 23 psi with the Jets out of it is gonna be something maybe like two or three cuz it's got two 5/16 poles just pumping all the fluid back into the case here into the governor cover as opposed to having to you know go back through the little circuit so hopefully it helps hopefully explains everything how this thing works see you guys later [Music]
Channel: devin vanderhoof
Views: 19,707
Rating: 4.931818 out of 5
Keywords: Holley, Holley efi, dominator, terminator, converter charge control, converter psi, boost builder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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