Cameras, or Me? | Spassky vs Fischer | (1972) | Game 3

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hello everyone and welcome to Game three of the 1972 match of the century between Boris vasilevich Spassky and the Robert James Fisher now I know what you're thinking dude you can just show us game three without showing us game two well the reason I'm not going to be showing game two is because Game two of this match never actually happened now you've seen Game one after Game one on the evening of the second game when it should have happened Fischer basically gave an ultimatum to the chief arbiter of the match German Grandmaster a lot of Schmidt he said either the cameras go or I go saying that he will only play if they turn down all the cameras which is which was basically unthinkable mr. Chester Fox and his company they bought all the television rights for this match and they invested a lot in organizing this some $60,000 they thought they will be able to get a get it-get returns you know after the match is over via television rights and this seemed a very I mean a Fischer basically argued for for a couple of months during the negotiations for the match that both he him and Spassky I should get some 30% not only from the gate money but also from television rights so it seemed the why would you do this why would you not only deprive yourself of this money this 30% of television rights but also there's like this huge price fund if you go I mean if you don't play the match you're not gonna get any money you're gonna ruin your reputation and you're basically not gonna get anything so it was very interesting but still Fischer did not back down from from his request and it was some the the game to already started as a Fischer had the white pieces he had to make the first move Spassky started the clock and 35 minutes have already elapsed on Fischer's clock now the rules go if one hour passes by and the Fischer doesn't show up he immediately forfeits the game so mr. Chester Fox who had the rights all the television rights for this match actually backed it down at this moment he said okay I'll remove all the cameras just you know invite Fisher I want him to play and then perhaps for game three we're gonna think of an arrangement how how we can also both use the cameras and the that the match continues and the Fisher said okay I agree but I also want my thirty five minutes back but this unfortunately was not possible there was no rule that stipulated that turning the clock time on the clock back was possible so the chief arbitral otter Schmidt couldn't do anything about this Fisher didn't show up the one hour elapsed and the Fisher lost Game two so now it was pretty much over it's spassky's already to two to zero in the lead and Fisher blew his chances he should have had had the white pieces in this game so probably no one in the world not even Spassky nor the Russian Federation or the chief arbiter anyone didn't think that the match would actually continue and that Fisher would agree to play under these terms so Spassky I think he went on a fishing expedition he also went on a fishing expedition to catch salmon during the whole negotiations when Fisher was in New York and not coming to Reykjavik and it's not like a joke or anything or a wordplay he actually did go on a fishing expedition so no one thought that Fisher would come back there was even news from some of the reporters that that Robert Fisher booked a flight from Reykjavik to Iceland but it was actually some German tourists also named Robert Fischer and you know it was really tense and it really did seem like the match of the century would go to waste but then before the third game started Fisher's lawyer Paul Marshall and his second William Lombardi they made a phone call to the chief arbiter a lot of Schmidt and they asked him if it was possible for Game three to be played in the back room that was behind the main stage so although unlikely water Schmidt called Spassky and he asked him does he agree to these terms and this was actually the this moment of all he responds key immediately agreed he said yes I will play him in the in the backstage and this was a moment where Sparky Spassky could have single-handedly have won the match if it was a if it was you know if you ask the Russian Federation or pretty much anyone especially should have said no and you know the match would have gone to him now it I don't know if it would be like the championship will be over or would there be a second match in Moscow between Spassky and Petrosyan probably there would be one but to the Russian Chess Federation it wouldn't really matter because the the title of the world chess champion would stay in Russia or the Soviet Union but to everyone's surprise Spassky agreed to these terms so it's game 3a but soon as possible very soon regret regret this and a lot of people said that this was a huge mistake and Spassky sparked you know playing into Fischer's a psychological warfare although i i i personally don't think it was a means of psychological warfare on Fischer's part that fish were just really the cameras really did affect him in a negative way but you know it's it's hard to prove anything now but ok the game 3 is supposed to start Spassky makes his first move on the third game Spassky plays d4 and the Spassky surprise Fischer is nowhere to be found so it's Game three they agreed on all of Fischer's terms they move the cameras Fischer did come here and it took some I believe some 15 minutes for Fischer to arrive Fischer did arrive but he didn't make his move just immediately rather he kept complaining to the chief arbitral water Schmidt and he was complaining about cameras making a sound so now they had to turn all of the cameras even those Fischer couldn't see but he could actually hear them so they had one closed-circuit camera that one made no sound and that was the only camera that was allowed the you know to record them so it wasn't really a great spectacle for the audience they had just the you know that soundless scene and [Music] basically a soundless replica of the board so after all that settled down official finally makes his first move some five minutes after he he's not complaining and he responds nice to f6 okay we have c4 e6 Knight to f3 everything is the same as in Game one but here unlike game one fish doesn't go for the Queen's Gambit the client would be five rather he goes with c5 so inviting Spassky rather challenging Spassky to Albinoni and here after all of this we can call it psychological warfare as possibly actually accepts the challenge he plays d5 and goes straight into Fischer's famous Benoni which if you remember the palma de mer kind interest on all tournament Fischer played a brilliant game in the Benoni with the black pieces against the against the Wolfgang woman but ok eek after sandy 5c captures d6 we have Knight to c3 g6 and here this is a pretty standard position of the benoni where moves like efore have been played h3 but you can develop the darks for a bishop but here Spassky actually goes Knight to detail what did this move he goes into a different variation and ok this is nothing out of the ordinary Knight B to d7 by Fischer and now you could go something like nice to see 4 to stop a blacks development of the bishop as you're attacking this but then Knight to b6 is perfectly fine the Queen out defends the pawn also you're offering a trade of knights and you get a semi-open file for your rook so here as Paschal goes e4 and okay Bishop to g7 Bishop to e2 we have castles castles rook to e8 and this is a the a well-known line everyone if you've played the Benoni you you've encountered this line where glue you're in his book says that a very often response here would be a 4 but here as possibly actually has a home preparation ready he plays Queen to c2 and what this movie legally changed his book he says that okay it does save white a temple when you look at the other variations but on the other hand the Queen now is the kingside and it's when the queen is on b1 the queen better battery really keeps an eye on this g4 square but now that the queen is on c2 the Queen might not be so useful on the Kings side and this really how Fischer takes advantage of this slight imperfection in the positioner although I mean if you ask an engine it's not even an imperfection but if you remember if remember I made a video on Todd's game against the gherkin it's a tall had the black pieces and he also played the Benoni and at one point Queen to c2 was played by Gorgon it's a and tal saw that by playing Queen to c2 white left his rook that was on e one okay undefended and then really unleashed a powerful attacked here a fishery uses a similar idea and he plays Knight to h5 a very nice idea because now as there's no Queen on the one you can't just capture an age 5 and then gobble up the pawn as well so here Fischer is offering a knight and also he's offering to double to mess up his pawn structure but what else is there I mean aside from capturing the night if you don't capture the knight what do you play if you go something like Knight to f3 because you do have to develop your pieces make room for the bishop and everything then Fisher simply continues Knight to e5 and all is well here now the light square bishop can also come into play f5 will be an idea black is black is excellent here so I mean it's offered you have to take it Spassky captures a bunch of characters on h5 we have G captures on h5 and then now Knights the c4 pressuring the d6 pawn and ok Knight to e5 by Fischer this is Fischer simply keeps developing we have Knight back to III as Spassky doesn't want to keep an eye on this f5 square and the now comes Queen to h4 a very nice idea by Fischer already this is move 14 and already there are very unpleasant threats on the King side and here as paska assesses the position correctly he simply continues developing Bishop to d2 but to play a move like Bishop to d2 you have to like thoroughly thoroughly analyze that nice to f3 isn't a death threat because here Knight to f3 it seems a very powerful for example pawn captures and now five already you're threatening checkmate and okay rook f31 you can make some room for the king but let's say bush up to h3 bishop sorry Queen to h3 is coming now threatening Bishop captures on H 2 then F 4 you block simply brush up characters and now 92 F 1 the night now guards the h2 pawn and also you open up a discovered attack against blacks Bishop Queen g4 check now comes Knight to g3 and now you have to see that after Bishop captures Queen captures and h4 if black wins a piece back and also started a very nice attack then black will definitely be better but here Queen to h6 is simply too powerful a move H captures on g3 and now comes Luke to e3 and now you see that there is no defense against rook to g3 either winning the queen or checkmating the black King for example even if you capture this G captures on h2 simply King captures again you will either face a rope to g3 and you lose the Queen Queen s treason possible rope is covering that as well if you move the king or queen then a rope to g3 will simply lead to checkmate so Bishop to d2 a very nice move by Spassky and very precise calculation that Knight to f3 it doesn't work just yet Knight to g4 Fischer simply wants to imply a positional idea wants to improve his pawn structure he is threatening checkmate on h2 of course you do have to prevent this Knight captures on g4 was played a chapters on g4 now the pawn structure on the King set is now again very nice and here Bishop to f4 as poss he had to play this you do have to bring the bishop over here and keep an eye on this very strong diagonal also you have to keep an eye on the e5 square and here if Fischer insists on this Bishop to e5 move you can simply capture it rook captures your threatening rook to h5 but it doesn't matter even f4 rook to h5 you can simply go g3 the Queen now is definitely useful on c2 as she guards the h2 she guards the h2 pawn so doesn't really work so here Fischer finds a different idea Queen to f6 rhe maneuvering the Queen by attacking the bishop and now if you move the bishop you get h 5 and then h 4 is coming so instead after Queen to f6 Spassky places g3 okay Bishop to d7 you figure has to also keep developing his pieces we have a four and now comes B six now Fischer will try to prove that his majority on the Queen side is much more important than spassky's majority on the King side which is often the case if you have more points than your opponent on the side of the board where there are no kings then that is definitely considered an advantage rook F 2 e 1 we have a 6 and here Fischer is preparing B 5 now he's starting to push on the Queen side rook to e2 Spassky doesn't really find any any counter play and he wants to double rooks on D file and at some point hope to execute a 5 Fischer pushes b5 and now immediately rook to e1 if you capture first for example pawn captures then you get pawn captures and after rook to e1 B 4 is coming now you don't really have the option of moving the night you have to go with your plan e5 pawn captures and now Knight to e4 you attack the Queen Queen's the g4 now kind of pinning the night here and after Bishop to e3 as it is attacked yes white did get a passed pawn but it's not very likely that it will ever break through and white doesn't really have compensation for the pawn so after b5 with rook 81 immediately by Spassky and ok Queen to g6 spassky's idea was to push a 5 so why not simply prevented Queen to g6 if you push then you're going to lose a pawn because after Queen captures rook has to recapture there are not enough defenders on the e5 square b3 rook to e7 by Fischer we have Queen to d3 and then now comes Rock to b8 a capture some b5 a capture some b5 and now white doesn't really have a good move here you still can't push a 5 you can't play a waiting move because if you play something any waiting moved in before it's coming and black wins the game you move the knight Bishop to b5 Wednesday exchange and black is black is out material in a better position enough to win the game so Spassky has to push be for himself now we have see for now Fisher gets a nice past c-pawn Queen to d2 and Dena comes rugby to e8 piling up on that epon rook to e3 really there's nothing better Bishop to g5 is impossible you can't harass this frog because of Bishop captures on c3 Queen captures and you just lose a piece here so rook to e3 by Spassky now comes h5 Fischer prepares to push the pawn we have worked three to e2 as poss he doesn't have a better option he just has to wait and see what Fischer will do and here a Fischer kind of tests the patience of the world champion King - h7 rogue back to e3 and Fisher repeats came to g8 just once rook three to e2 and now as there Fischer can't find a way to successfully break through in any way so he decides to to at least grab a pond and perhaps this will give him enough advantage Bishop captures on c3 Queen captures and now rook captures on e4 rook captures rook captures and rook captures it might seem a bit odd to exchange this rook as well and improved the position of blacks Queen but ideas like rook to a 1 followed by rook to e8 are easily met with rook to e8 and again a White's position isn't any better after rook to e4 Spassky captured the rook rook captures Queen captures and now comes Bishop to h6 threatening checkmate on g7 it's not better to capture on b6 you simply get Queen captures on d5 you attack the bishop and after Queen f6 defending you have Queen to d1 check King moves and Bishop to c6 and it's all over you're getting checkmated or whatever you play so after Kea queenie for better to h6 Spassky threatens checkmate on g7 now we have Queen to g6 now simply preventing checkmate and white now has to play something there's really not all that much to do your Bishop is under attack push up to c1 and now comes Queen to be won pinning the bishop we have king to f1 as possible wants to get out of his cage because you can't really stop Bishop to f5 is coming to d3 or or perhaps the e4 to f3 not a lot you can do and it's often the case when there are of opposite colors here Fisher has a a light square bishop Spassky has a dark square Bishop and it will very often be the case if you're the side that's attacking it will it will feel like the other side is down a piece because the dark square Bishop cannot oppose a light square bishop so okay King to f1 Spassky tries to bring his king out of the cage Bishop to a5 as we've already said King to e2 and now comes Queen to e4 check the strongest move by Bobby if we try bush up to e4 with the idea of Bishop to f3 then you get the Bishop to b2 again checkmate is threatened and after Bishop to f3 check King D to now you don't really have a an option here you have to prevent checkmate by f6 and then Queen to c2 you have to play something you have to exchange Queens here and then you will really have to work hard to to prove that you can actually win this game in an opposite color bishops and game so I'm tracking e to Queenie for check now Fischer is forcing Spassky to move his queen out of this very strong diagonal Spassky plays Queen to e3 if you tried moving your King it doesn't really work King to f1 runs into a queen h1 check King moves now come special d3 check King moves and now Queen to f3 threatening Queen to e2 so whatever you play you can threaten checkmate but again you grab the pawn king moves check King moves now your check King moves and now f6 and white has no moves little literally no moves you can't capture because of Nathan c2 and whatever you do we are simply down too much material and the black can win this game any way he likes so like we said you have to move the Queen out of this stronger agonal Queen e3 we have Queen to c2 with Czech Queen to d2 and Queen to b3 now here official prepares to push his c3 pawn this is move 40 and you have to you have to do something and here licorice mentions like the same way Fischer made a very incorrect move that completely lost in the game in game 1 well he probably would have lost anyway but at least at least there would be some chances for him to save the game Queen to d4 was played and now it's all here it was a time to adjourn the game and fish were sealed his move and of course both Fischer and Spassky analyzed this through the entire night but as Pascal eco as both of them were very long time as Pascack couldn't really know which move Fischer sealed so it was only the next day after they continued the adjourned game that the chief arbiter lauter Schmidt informed Spassky that favor actually played Queen to the Bishop to d3 check and Fischer didn't even arrive to the game yet because he was late but Spassky resigned even before favour came after the board so it was a very I mean it was it was very sad it was the first time Fischer ever defeated Spassky so they played five times before the World Chess Championship then he lost the game six did they ever played in round one now it's a game three and this is the first time ever Fischer beat has beaten Spassky and Fisher didn't even arrive at the board so Spassky and congratulate him personally and none of the official didn't even hear the applause from the crowd because he simply wasn't there but yeah he resigned because after this check there's really nothing to do after a freaking - you won you get Queen capture some before check you grab another pawn and now whatever you do white black and simply start pushing his past points and it's all over nothing to do here and on the other hand if you go something like King to e3 still Queens e1 so you threatened checkmate whatever wise it does if Y threatens checkmate Georgia is gonna bring the King back and it will be either king c1 or king c3 will be met with Queen to c2 checkmate so yeah after this Bishop to d3 the unsealed move Spassky resigned the game and like we said the first ever victory by Fischer / Spassky and definitely this has taken a toll on Spassky psyche as he could have ended the match with with a single word he could he could have just said no when a lot of Schmidt called him and said no I will not play under these ridiculous terms I'm a world champ I deserve to play on the main stage with with lots of light and lots of cameras and the audience you know enjoying my presence which is pretty much something that anyone would do but that's why Spassky is such a gentleman he allowed to play under such terms because he he is simply a chess player who wants to promote chess and he wants to fight Fischer under under any circumstances and you know under any under any terms so that's that's what kind of a guy Boris Spassky is he's just the biggest chess gentleman you will you will ever see so that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it and I really do hope you're enjoying the Bobby Fischer series so far sorry about no video yesterday I have a couple of private matters I have to attend to but I will try to make as much content as possible as I really do enjoy it and I really hope you enjoy it as well I would also like to thank Aurich Hoffmann Hamza Sam Robert Sullivan Richard Fowler and baru brothers and for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here think all for watching and I will see you soon with most likely with Game four of this Fischer Spassky match but perhaps there will be a nice game in the Batumi Chess Olympiad so perhaps an even a game from there thank you all and I'll see you soon
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, bobby fischer agadmator, fischer agadmator, fischer vs spassky, fischer spassky, fischer blunder, bxh2, bobby fischer vs, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer vs spassky game 1, bobby fischer ajedrez, bobby fischer chess match, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer trap, bobby fischer dick cavett, fischer spassky game 3
Id: X16jU09TiDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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