Camera Tracking in Blender Part 1 - The quickest method possible

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hey guys this Jacob circle here bringing you my first ever tutorial on this channel this is a tutorial about my Instagram 50 day challenge if you haven't seen that video link will be in the description and in the top right corner so go check that out first off I want to thank this user for leaving me a comment suggesting this tutorial series if you have any ideas or anything you want me to cover make sure to leave them down in the comments below but anyway let's get started okay first things first you want to check to make sure that you're in blender 2.83 this is the most recent blender as this video is released next thing you want to do is come to the you want to make sure you're in layout tab come down to the movie clip editor and then open the video that you've shot in this tutorial I'm gonna be using the lease prime example I did a lot of camera shaking it's a pretty blurry shot at 24 fps but if you're trying to do it for the first time I would recommend doing as small of movements as possible and shooting in a higher frame rate that way you will have an easier time tracking but the first thing I want to do is come into this section and then set the resolution to whatever resolution you shot it mine was shot in 4k so I'm going to change it to that resolution and then also make sure that the frame rate is the curricular resolution again I'm shooting at 24 the yours might be shot at 30 or 60 next thing you want to do is come over here to set scene frames that'll just set the frame count to whatever amount of frames are in the video and then you want to hit prefetch prefetch allows the video frames to be stored in the cache and that just makes for an easier viewing experience and a faster clip so as you can see all my frames are cached if it wasn't then this bar would be slightly over once you get over to here so a way you can fix that is by going to edit and then preferences and then you want to go to the system preferences right here and then go down to the video sequencer section and make your cash limit I would say around half of your RAM so I have 16 gigs I set it to eight gigs usually it's around I want to say four gigs at the start so I doubled mine to a thousand so you want to make sure to do that because you want all of yours to be proof fetch and you can see the video is real stable now now what we want to do is we want to change some of these settings around right here so first the motion method most people use perspective and a fine but for a clip like this I think the best method is to use lock rotation and scale basically you want to use these two if there are minor movements and in this one if there are big movements like this matchy you want to keep on key frame you can do previous frame but that'll take a lot longer and so for the sake of this tutorial we're gonna keep it on key frame a pre pass you leave checked and then normalize I will check that for this tutorial biggest thing though is for these tracking settings extra you want to make sure that the correlation is 0.9 it'll make sure that each tracking marker is 90 percent certain it is correct but anyway to get started you want to make sure you're on the first frame and then you can hit this detect features button up here what I will do is will detect all these features as you can see right here you want to make sure you do this right when you start but go to the detect features section if you don't see it like say if I click off of it it won't be down here so you want to make sure you do it the first thing that you do when you hit detect features you want to come down here again threshold is one that we're gonna change books didn't mean to do that so threshold we're gonna change to a point oh one that will just give us more markers on the screen and then all the the rest you can leave the same but what I like to do is have all these markers here you want to increase the size just by a bit I did that by hitting s and then moving my mouse up that increase the size by just a tiny amount that'll lead to better tracking so all we want to do now is we can either go down to this tracking section and hit the track markers button or the hotkey is ctrl T and that's what I use and to know that it works you can either see it moving on screen right now or there would be a track marker section down here and the percent should be going up but as you can see some of the markers are getting tracked but these red markers our tracker markers that were lost which means that the system couldn't get that a 90 percent like certainty ills right so it cancelled the tracking for that marker but if we let it finish up real quick you can see that some markers actually didn't make it out through the whole clip which is really nice those are usually the markers you want to keep the most you can see some of them like moving around and stuff and doing weird stuff we can deal with that later yeah so that that was our first one now what you want to do is you want to do that exact same thing again but you want to go to a point where a lot of the markers disappear since this area is not really covered as much as this area we're gonna go ahead and do another section so you want to detect features again and then the settings should have been saved from last time the 0.01 so we can keep it like that again hit s and then scale it up a bit and then hit track again we just want to keep repeating that stuff until we have tracker trackers all throughout our clip in majority of the frame so I'll be back once I do that okay so I did that about four or five more times and you should get at the end of the screen to look like this just a bunch of tracking markers don't worry don't get overwhelmed there anything will solve this clean it up in a bit but you want to make sure throughout your whole clip you always have markers on screen blender will need at least eight per screen but I usually like to get a lot more just to have a better track so you should see this and then what we can do is come over to the solve section up here and then go we want to hit keyframe because it'll choose both this a and B we want to let that computer figure it out because it'll tell us what what section of the video will have the most the most movement and so it'll make the hardest tracking spots and so we want the computer to know that we want to refine I usually like to do the local length foot sorry focal length K 1 and K 2 you can do the optical centre as well except as I'm shooting in an iphone I just want the K 1 and K 2 and focal length and then after we do that we can just hit solve motion and since we did hit the keyframe option it'll seek selecting keyframes now this process usually with a scene like this will take about five to ten minutes once it's done you should see a solve error up here in the corner and that's when you'll know it's done you can also come down here and see the percent that it will take okay so we just got our solve error that took around three minutes so it highly depends on what hardware you're using but as you can see there's a solve area of four point nine seven we want to try to get that as low as possible I usually try to aim for 0.7 so we definitely need to do something about this the easiest way that I found say you can actually go over here to the cleanup section and then hit clean tracks you want to make sure you're you don't have anything selected first so I usually like click up here so again go to clean tracks and then here we can either do track frames so the max amount of track frames will get deleted I usually don't mess with that I like to mess with this reprojection err and so I that is basically just the solve error of each individual tracking marker but I usually like to go around double what the the saw barriers at first so all we can do is have all those selected and then hit delete you know delete the truck and then now after we've deleted all those tracks we can hit solve camera motion again and it should give us another error okay I just got my second solve error and as you can see just by doing that we are already down at point 9 so definitely do do that it's an easy way to get your error down but one thing I forgot to tell you guys before is you after you do the first solve area you want to uncheck this Keane frame box that'll save you a lot of time just down the road and there's no really need for it but again you're gonna want to go to clean tracks usually still I do double but if you get here and there's not really that much I usually come down a little bit more and just try to get a little more and then again delete and then solve the camera motion again okay I cleaned the tracks two more times and we was able to get the solve error down to 0.49 so basically point five so that's I think a really good error to get of course if you're doing something like bigger budget or something you want to try to get that I would say around the 0.2 or 0.3 just to get that extra bit of like precision but once we're here we can actually go ahead and drag a new scene down I usually like to just see what this is going to look like in the 3d viewport and so now that we have our solver and everything we can come all the way down and then set up tracking scene so that'll set up a dragon scene right here let me actually turn on the keys that I press just so you guys can see right here so once we have that we can actually go in the camera view and see that we have our background plate and video on the camera I'm itself so what we actually want to do is we want to go to the camera up here how I usually like to come down to this cab intersection and go to background images and then make the alpha-1 that'll make this non transparent so we can see the whole thing as you can see it's a little wonky looking if we move the timeline alone around and stuff it will still track the motion as you can see it's not the way we want it so we want to change some some more things in here so first off you want to see where you want to place your object in the scene and you want to find that point down here you want to make sure to point this trapped so you can see this is the point that's tracked right here and that's where I want to place my object so I'm gonna hit that and then hit set fortune automatically that sets the origin of that point to there so now we want to make the Box smaller but instead of just making the size smaller up here we can actually if I select that point and then let's say this point come over here to the set scale and we're gonna set scale right there it made it a little bit smaller but I want it a little more smaller so I'm gonna set it to I think five is a good spot let's see how that looks a little too small so I would say let's do half of that 2.5 that looks good enough and as you can see it made the scale smaller so now what we want to do is actually get the the object to be on the same plane as our ground in the video so what we can do with that is select you want to select three points that are going to be on the ground so I'm gonna select again this point this point and then this point right here those three are all on the ground and then hit this floor button right here automatically that sets the floor and it is looking really good sometimes it'll be finicky so you want to try many different floor spots but that looks really good right there again you just you just like three points that are on the floor should work most time but sometimes it doesn't so now now that we have it the way we want it we can actually you usually I like to set the rotation so what we can do then is if this is the origin point right here then I want this see I want to see this point right here where is it there that's the point and then I can set that as either the X or Y axis axis I usually like to set the y axis like that and that way we kind of have the horizon going with kind of like these lines right here and then you can just I like to scale this up just to get the shadow and then you want to come to the side view and then just scale that up so sitting on this floor right here and then if we I just want to hide the for real quick to see if I have the tracking correct if we play through this checking it's gonna be slower just because it is 4k footage and it's not prefetch but as you can see this roughly follows the outline of the camera it correctly pans and zooms and all that stuff so it's looking really good nothing really to eye catching right there so we can actually go ahead and close this by right-clicking the side and then join the areas right there and now we have this in full-screen mode and with that we are finally done with the motion tracking part of this gist toriel series the video will be on screen of the just emotion tracking and the part two we will cover the lighting and also how to make the scene look more realistic and stuff the final video is already posted to my Instagram it's on the screen right now and also in the description below along with my other social media so definitely go that check that out that's where I post my finalized stuff usually before I finish it tutorial so if you want to see the final result please go check that out but anyway guys again if you want to send me tutorial suggestions down in the comments I'd love to hear them and love to help you guys out but anyway guys thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys later peace you
Channel: Jacob Zirkle
Views: 29,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, 3d, 3d software, tutorial, blender tutorial, motion tracking, camera tracking, blender camera tracking, blender camera tracking tutorial, intermediate tutorial, blender basics, blender 2.83, blender 2.83 tutorial, 2.83, intermediate, how to track camera in blender, challenge, vfx, cgi, vfx breakdown, cgi breakdown, beginner blender tutorial, tutorial series, blender tutorial series, the basics of blender, blender guru, water simulation in blender, tracking, track
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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