Camera Projection - MRT Scene - Blender Tutorial

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hello guys welcome today I'm going to show  you how to animate a photo into a video   with a technique called camera projection mapping  in blender to be able to make this you'll need   fspy program and fspy to blender add-on so  without further ado let's jump right into it okay here i have opened the fspy program we  can use it to match the perspective of an image   basically you can use two kind of image the one  point perspective image and two point perspective   image here I'll show you the difference  so this is the one point perspective image   all the parallel lines are converging  into one single vanishing point   and this is the two point perspective  image the parallel line will converge   into two different vanishing point in this  scene I'm using a one point perspective image so I'm going to set it into one vanishing point   and set the first axis into x and the second into  y as for this camera data I'm going to leave it   into default and for the sensor I'm  going to leave it into default as well   as for the focal length I'm going to set it  into this value because this is the value   of the focal length of my camera if you don't  know about the focal length of your camera   you can leave it into default as well and you can  change it later on to see what fits in your image   so first I'm going to align this red  line into the parallel line in my image like so and this line as well as for the green line it  represents the horizontal axis   so I'm going to align it into  the horizontal line on the floor like so here as you can see the z axis is pointing  downward which is incorrect so I'm going to fix it   by change the second axis into minus y and  here as you can see the axis is correct you can check the perspective of your image by  clicking this 3d guide I'm using the xy grid floor   to see if it aligns properly  you can use box as well and after that I'm going to set the reference  distance I'm going to use the z axis   to measure it based on the height of the image I'm going to put it here and roughly align it to this column and set it to 2.5 meter after all it's done you can save the file into  fspy and later on you can import it in blender   now we're in blender make  sure you already installed the   add-on fspy to blender add-on via the  zip file now you can import the fspy file like so so we already got the scene  setup and the camera from the image and now I can start the modeling process I'm going to set it into wireframe so I  can see the 3d model I'm going to split   the view and change this into the normal  3d view so I can see if I'm making changes like so I'm going to speed up this process so  you can see the whole modeling part here basically I'm selecting the vertex  in edit mode and move it to match the   shape of the corridor also I'm using e for  extrude to add some segments in the corridor okay so now the modeling of the base shape is  finished and I'm going to give it a material let's change this into shader editor  and change this into emission shader with the texture from the fspy like this the reason I'm  using the emission because   the image is already contained the  lighting information so we can use that and as you can see the texture is kinda messed up  so we're going to add uv project modifier so this   modifier basically able to project a texture from  a selected object like a camera so we're going to   select the fspy camera as you can see texture  is projected from this camera but it's kind of   distorted so what we're going to do we are going  to add subdivision surface and set it to simple and crank up the value here like so and if you see there's still a little bit  of distortion we need to add a loop cut so the 3d model is basically cut into equal part and shaped more  like a square so one long   segment is divided into several equal square parts and I'm going to drag this into the upper part and  as you can see this is already looking good maybe   crank up the level one I see now the distortion  is gone and the texture is already there for the next part I'm going to add some detail  on the signage and on this part on the side you can match the position of the separate object   if you can see where does it intersect  with the floor or the ceiling okay now the detailing part is done  you can go as detailed as you want here I am adding the signage and this  pole the left side and then you can add subdivision surface set to simple and uv project set to the f spy camera and then you  can add the same material like in the previous one I'm going to do it as well  to this pole on the side now all the material is done next I'm going to animate this scene I'm going  to use this camera from blender base file the   reason I'm using this is because if you use the  camera from the fspy scene the whole texture is   gonna mess up so I'm going to use this camera and  make it the active camera by pressing this icon next we're going to choose the view by pressing ctrl alt 0 there you go and then adjust it by pressing n   go to view and camera to view so  you can adjust it from the viewport and I'm going to move the camera till I get the best angle and bring up the timeline make sure  you're on the first keyframe and press   i and click location and rotation and I'm  going to scrub through until frame 120 and going to move the camera  forward by pressing g and y like so and press I again and location rotation I'm going  to set the end frame to 120 as well then we can play the animation like so in this scene because I want the camera to have   linear movement I'm going to select both  keyframe and press t and choose linear so it got linear move and I'm actually going to fix the first position keyframe like so click i again location rotation and to add a bit of realism I'm going to add  shaky camera a little bit shaky camera with   the add-on camera shakify make sure you  also install the add-on from edit preference   this is a great add-on to add a little bit of  shaky handheld look to your camera animation   I'm going to select both keyframe and click  plus and I 'm going to choose the close up and then try to preview it maybe increase the scale and decrease the speed a little bit okay so basically the camera animation  is done and as you can see in the scene   there is some stretching issue  on the wall and on the ceiling it happens because we already project  the texture to these objects so   we need to clean up the background so  and we're going to do it in photoshop   so I'm going to jump to photoshop  to clean up this background okay so now I'm in photoshop I'm going to   unlock this layer and duplicate it by  pressing ctrl j so I have my backup file   and then in this layer I'm going to select the  object that I want to separate like this signage I'm using polygonal lasso  tool to select this object after that you can right click and layer via copy so I can have this layer individually you can have this object individually and I'm going to do it also  to this pole on the side and finally close the loop and right click and layer via copy now I have this object also  cut out from the background next I'm going to select the  duplicate layer and by holding ctrl   I'm selecting the pole object so I can get the  selection of this object and I can go to select   modify expand so I can expand the  selection maybe around 20 pixel okay and then you can go right click   click fill and I'm going to fill  it with content aware click ok and then you can deselect by pressing  ctrl d and I can hide this layer   and as you can see the background layer  is already filled with content aware I'm going to do the same thing with the signage and I'm going to hide all of this layer so you can see we got clean background and if you want to clean up clean  up more you can use tools like clone stamp tool to sample the texture around this object but   for me this is enough and also  I'm going to select this object because I didn't model it in the blender file  so I want to remove it from the background so now I'm going to export this clean  background by pressing file export export as and I'm going to use jpg format and you can  click export all I've already done it before   so that's just an example and after that you can  click the visibility for this whole layer and then   export it individually by  clicking the same menu export as   now I'm going to use png and make  sure you click the transparency menu   and then you can click export as well I'm  going to do it too to this signage layer next we're going back to  blender to update the texture now we're back in blender I'm going to update  the texture first select the corridor 3d model and I'm going to change this to shader editor and I'm going to change the texture into the clean background version as for the signage you can go  to material and click this icon   to make the duplicate of the corridor  material and then change the texture into the signage file that  we already export previously going to hide this for a while now we get the clean animation as for the render setting I'm going to use eevee with 100 sample and then I'm going to change this to maybe half  half of the original resolution because I think   3000 pixel I think it's too big like  so make sure you're on the 24 fps and I'm going to use png so I'm going  to render it out as png sequence   and then you can select the  output folder of the render I think that's all for the render setting finally  you can hit render animation and render that as   png sequence next we're going to after effect  to import the file and add some sound effect finally we are in after effect and you can go   import your file by clicking file  import file and choose your folder and select the first png file and make sure to  select this png sequence menu and click import   and then you can import your  file into the composition   here I'm just adding the sound  effect of the MRT train station and that's basically all for the camera  projection mapping tutorial in blender   please let me know if you have any input and  feedback in the comment below don't forget   to hit subscribe and like button if you find  this video useful see you guys in another video
Channel: renji art
Views: 16,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camera projection mapping, blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, 3D, VFX, VFX tutorial
Id: JEo-PVmMsQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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