Calvin Harris - Outside (Official Video) ft. Ellie Goulding
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Channel: CalvinHarrisVEVO
Views: 596,761,726
Rating: 4.9087734 out of 5
Keywords: Calvin Harris Outside, Calvin Harris remix, Calvin Harris Outside official video, Outside lyrics, Calvin Harris album, Outside Live, Calvin Harris essentials, Calvin Harris official video, Calvin Harris full track, Calvin Harris official audio, Calvin Harris official video, Calvin Harris lyrics, Summer, I Need Your Love, Feels, Blame, Acceptable In The 80's, Feel So Close, Ellie Goulding, TikTok, now I'm on the outside TikTok trend, Oliver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 12 2014
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I didn't really understand the video, but damn, Ellie has some nice abs.
I honestly don't get the video. I love the song, but trailer trash fights? Really?
yeah I do not really get the video but whatever I love the song.
The person who thought of turning the wheels like that to show them off from the front deserves an award.
I think the video was connected to Ellie Goulding and Calvin Harris's breakup. "Outside looking in?"