Zedd - Clarity ft. Foxes (Official Music Video)
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Views: 308,616,261
Rating: 4.9205518 out of 5
Keywords: Zedd Clarity, zedd - Clarity, Clarity zedd, Clarity - zedd, Foxes Clarity, Zedd Foxes Clarity, Foxes Zedd Clarity, Zedd - Clarity (Official Video) ft. Foxes, Zedd Clarity official video, zedd - Clarity official video, Clarity Audio, Clarity, Zedd, Zed, zed Clarity, Foxes, clarity zedd lyrics, zeed, if our love is tragedy why are you my remedy, clarity meme, why are you my remedy
Id: IxxstCcJlsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2013
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ShoutOut to Zedd for the awkward camera stares
This is a pretty awesome video. That GTO is gorgeous, too.
Loving the vintage colours
That was really cool- shame it's not available in 1080P.
By far, the best song off the album.
Awesome. I love Zedd's music.
Clarity was just a fantastic album, and this was a fantastic song
That is an absolutely insane music video. So beautiful.
I really like the "drop" visuals. Gave me chills.