David Guetta - Titanium ft. Sia (Official Video)
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Channel: David Guetta
Views: 1,509,131,440
Rating: 4.8842568 out of 5
Keywords: david guetta, hey mama david guetta, hey mama, david guetta hey mama, david guetta dangerous, nicki minaj, david guetta what i did for love, dangerous david guetta, what i did for love david guetta, nicki minaj david guetta, titanium, david guetta nicki minaj hey mama, david guetta nicki minaj, hey mama david guetta nicki minaj, dangerous, nicki minaj hey mama, titanium david guetta, david guetta titanium, nicki minaj mama, david guetta 2015, bang my head, david guetta bang
Id: JRfuAukYTKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2011
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I feel like the only person who despises this song. It starts so well with sia's buildup, but that drop is atrocious.
One of the best songs ever. Really sealed Sia's fate as a pop star and a unique voice in pop. Also made David Guetta the superstar he is. When Love Takes Over gave him success, but Titanium took him past that edge
so good, still on one of my running playlists
The fact that this song made it back on the iTunes top 100 after a 69ยข sale shows how lasting and well liked this song is
Tbh I find this song super annoying and a bit extra.
Used to love David Guetta and also have the album that contains this song but he totally became annoying to listen to.
Everyone was trying to sing this back then