Calvary New Testament Live Stream

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watching livestream thank God for you for what God is doing in your life to this Minister keep on clapping amen through this ministry God got a miracle for you we want to help you to get ready for god's return will come to heaven with us amen so whatever you do amen Chloe to God you hold on to Jesus hear me and tell that never to go to hell because Jesus whom God set free this friend did somebody give him praise god bless you may be seated oh when I'm so tired and so weary what I must concentrate on i-90 systeme hast attained [Applause] [Music] [Music] we shall be ayats our change said from the creature will all that her hair oh I heard Asami said weep in module for a night but joy cometh in the morning a year the psalmist said I was young no I'm whole I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread a year Ezekiel said to God's Word call upon me and I will answer you and so the great and mighty things that thou knowest Nara I heard him said in Isaiah 54 and verse 17 that no weapon form against you shall prosper although Jesus will be Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Jesus somebody trouble today somebody troubled in their spirit right now God don't kill yourself don't commit suicide don't commit suicide turmoil battle is raging in your mind so Tories loudly mock us alive house of oppression I break the spirit of the question hallelujah I release the peace of God how God has nothing your spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind tacit but the peace of God raised in your heart somebody give the Lord a praise and slap somebody and say received a piece of a mighty Lord come on slap somebody we don't know what you're going through hallelujah but there's a devil that don't want us to go to heaven you may be seated [Music] you may be seated or ibaka seven give Him praise clap your hands one more time I know it's getting late and Louis cut in life it is a distinct together come true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's coming he's coming to pay happy [Music] [Music] come on take back your piece god bless you trying to wrap up this message [Music] Ray's coming and it will be my eyes digging you up brand new song [Music] [Music] god bless you god bless you just give it an improper place and take your seat let me see if I can said Matt you have been going through two messages for months now overcoming impossibility you're born to be challenged as a coming of the Lord get closer only the strong are gonna survive Tenten eben said the Bible tells us that the filty so be filthy still and the Wrights us to the righteous still slaps somebody's on said it's ceiling time hello the days of plane playing games and fake it until you make it is over because the hell that coming against you're gonna reveal what's in you and people gonna see what material you're made of amen some money I've been talking to you about impossibility and I'm combining them together to close old and are you ready forever God said my people of years you're not hearing me amen I'm not sweating and doing all of this writing writing music singing and praying and all kind of stuff for you to go to hell I'm investing gold and nuggets inside of you wherever you go but he will see the light of Christ in you amen we are in a growing process amen we are growing you must grow you'll get save you must move from where we are going somewhere amen amen [Music] [Music] the situation in life hello because you [Applause] hold on to him I was setting myself free anything here o Israel I want to read the scripture is there anything too hard for God hello he said the very ear and your head is numb but very here and your head he said you're the apple of my eyes he said they have you in my bosom nobody can plump you up there's no demon there's no devil there's no Sarah there's not iniquity Walker I can't pull you out of God's hand not only that he said I put you in heavenly places high above principality and power up and down there then down that you up there oh come on here rock my soul welcome my soul Oh [Music] come on people come on people you're God's children [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] possible but because you want to be ready amen for the return of Jesus Christ mmm you can bow your crown calm down you can compromise you can know your standard hello time to walk to church into hell oh it's your time you want to go to hell and go live that devil he'll leave the church to enjoy the world the pledge of sin but remember 1 billion years from now you'll be screaming in the lake of fire but you cry now you're grown now you take the same Nonnie insult and the criticism you take it now because the this life to the glory that awaits you in heaven throw it to the Living God to tell you learn to trusting Jesus to trust and depend on God so iPod the Word of God said some trust in chariots some trust in men whereas for me trust in the Living God why for the harms of flesh will failure amen you're not even just born but God will never fail you so you're walking with God you're starting for the Promised Land heaven your destination is heaven you know expected us sail into heaven it's a war every day you have to fight and the worst enemy you have to deal with is yourself that's why God - you must deny yourself policy must modify till it keeps you fight because every day going on in your mind your mind is a battleground for your song she attended tournament the truck your soul in hell so we are here to inquire to remind you that you can make it the God don't start something you can't finish God don't call you and tell you to do and he can't protect you the devil job is to bring your doubt so he said they men in matter 25 and verse 10 amen they that was ready those that goes through the crisis and the storms of life marital problem social problem economical problems Oh God Almighty hallelujah and golf ooh the stave vocals they stay ready oh come on and seven the bridegroom come along I've been hearing that Jesus is coming many you stupid tell you used to I want to know if God get old and feeble hello I understand you must understand but the the foolishness that was in a child or a teeny a job as they become I doubt you put away I believe the more time you spend in the house of God to become stronger wiser Pizza is an optimism you're growing and I'm sorry for the child who is 2025 I don't know what they want to be in life have no purpose and that's what seemed to be in the churches today I'm in a church 20 year but I don't have no purpose don't know why God saved me and he said have me becoming a blessing I've become at a problem in the body of Christ hello oh come on here never find what give higher hands to do hold it goes help me today mmm said he went in with him the bride and the marriage and to the marriage and the door the door and the body said the door was shut one day judgment gonna come one day Chris and mercy will run out I hear what I'm saying you play with God you don't come to God when you want hello you don't pick up god I'm putting down at the put on a piece of cloth when you want to hello mind you aimin growing a God you allows the world an assistant of strength to put you in a man called chop hill can't even praise God you should have known job praise God if you know mony prayers God if you see deliverance will come home please come with him God speaking God really want to hear your somebody touch your feet get garbage where's Johnny fool nice no quiet you can send a prayer speed as we appear get to breathe through you don't know what running can do at church hello come on here run out that grumbling run out that pity party spirit I'm trampled under the energy Dominator you know feel icky this one much dongsung but with heart that no more because somebody said one over there hello will become too sophisticated slap your knee up and so we are Pentecostal you must always have your joy you must hours of your dance you must always I'm just shout this is white like like a drinker thirsty are you drinking a glass of water windows begun to worship your confuse you a me me hello now you say while you're washed fix it lager fix it hallelujah fix it Jesus fix the devil will be quiet [Music] hello your to Stosh it doesn't say just if like starch hello whom the sun set free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus he's for your needs give him praise with somebody's soul get you sweet but I wish Hey get used to it we somebody somebody's joy and the great thing is a day when Jesus came into Alleluia hello the deal when he came in our lives that's the greatest nothing is more important and greater than salvation oh yeah hallelujah you have not bought your Prius got along with your missus and you don't have no sense no the embracing me blessing hallelujah what shall be a breeze has go up the blessing come down on Devon up on top my spirit hello I don't know what to say I put it at a week I said when you can't breathe groan when a character one shed some tears God tears our language my god understand and every tears that's all from your eyes you said catch them buddy in buckle them up he bottle them up he bottle them up come on that's how much he loves you these are not come true for thee you continue to set them tears you cannot cry for them children you can for that backsliding husband you can you're praying for that backsliding wife you're cutting a crayon for financial gain oh yes he cares this heart is Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I must I must still Jesus slap him a bunch of all your seat in saying you know what is seat inside don't become a role in store for tell you something a lot of those that walk away from this place of deliverance because they want to join with the worst system I'll get close to the world and I won't come down there Tom meant it out there amen and they want to come home what they see him you're not gonna find it better no where you have seen the miracle let me tell you what happened here he said listen ten of them five why's it mean to spend time early morning prayer and fasting to seek the face of God they have a balanced life because they expect Jesus the community and don't tell us the deal when he's coming but he tell us that the signs of the time when you see these signs will pop the retentions right 9mm yes five were foolish and gonna party Ghana movies mmm the drinking their guineas liquor hello they live careless life come on here Oh some of them are somewhat the guns are because it's high but their mix it with cigar I'm saying here yes you have you have so called watching by television believe us amen chewing the cord chewing on cigar hello and not no identity turn on medication you know need no you no need no guns a ganja blow your brain known the cell you need to come to the man I gotta let him slap you or after this release your Fiat you don't need them you know you see you must not return was it to chimney hello I want to touch something else too because everything in the world at church them demon you know it is wrong for anybody put marking on their body it's in the Bible I'm piercing there could be a business barn the other day a wicked board and a commitment here son put his ring in there right no peer saying I'm not hymns are just a to me talking about hello we're trying to do Wells our spy appearance you do this I can't get another the world system I said are you ready for him read Jeremiah four and thirty are you ready for heaven window I spy what would you do I notice an impatient Oh my nails are breaking off get natural thing but have to put the collar on to match the dress the devil is a liar let your beauty of the inner man take the sow once the see where you are in love god these days you know hello but I heard Jim said love not the world neither the things of the world no but you're not preaching it and I said play it's us God said I mean you're gonna burn in hell for leading his people astray but I telling him the truth hello I told them I told him I rather be in this church alone it's SW than to compromise with any of you because he men when God leaked him leaked hot and God can do without me we must do right anyway you go amen glory to God hallelujah even what the world looking for hope looking for me out they must look at the believer and said mom pray for me now everybody look in the light alt you show your royal priesthood he men were reviewed if you wanna gonna live like a child of God you can't live like the commoner I love your prince and princess but we can't get the world out of the church some of you came to this country never mix up in anything but you look around your I polled God for immediate ease I will never be a parson America because wrong in America [Music] I'm gonna do what I tell you need my people so when your apparel rebellion as a sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is an idolatry you can talk about me somebody said Bishop I'm in a store and if you hear them some of your bredrin talk about you I said fire sale if you don't love this church you don't love what God is doing you're seated or there is the door and I'm serious because I wanted you to go to heaven you cast in a hosts some more guns and your father mother fierce oh my god the woman I'm bringing man I'm bringing woman and I'll leave your dirty life and course blood with your parents or I'll kick you out so I think I want to do that with God I'm gonna tell you something today you know something let me God let me read here God I said God this won't help my preaches God you know what he said this second Peter chapter three the second apiece of beloved I know I know now I write unto you in what which I stir up your pure mind we have remembrance that he may be mindful of the word which I was spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us even the apostles of a lord and savior know like this fast but they shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts [Music] here I'm saying to you and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation the foolish prophet the foolish disciples the foolish virgin talking like that hello for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water where by the word that demon the world that was that then was being overflowed he men with water perish but glory to God the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men you must not be ignorant hello of this one thing this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years that's one day the Lord brothers and sisters have not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that's why we preach we must preach gospel not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance but that day the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens Haman glory shall pass away with a great noise and elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned scene brothers and sisters than in all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought he to be in high holy conversation and godliness looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens he men beam and fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat yes we according to his promise look for a new heaven and a new health the Wise Ones looking for a new heaven and a new herd we are well it righteousness wherefore they love it seemed then that he would for such things wise virgin be till each end that he may be found of him in peace laugh without spot or wrinkle is how in a Sahel who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord who such that his holy place either had clean hands God don't want it to go let's go to Revelation chapter 3 Lord Jesus help me today Oh glory to God this morning this morning Revelation chapter 3 let me talk to you a little bit because and when you don't get it today Amen I don't want to scorch it I want you to hear amen glory to God and after the end of the church in Sardis write they sing city that the seven Spirit of God and the Seven Stars I know the person named the palliative s are not dead hello be lots full and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die by our phone I've not found your works perfect before God he now's you you can't hide from God hello Oh glory remember therefore how follow us receive and heard and hold fast and repent if here for the Sun watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee there are so few come on said I know everybody every Church about to that epoch Christian there and they're genuine believers hello we're not going to condemn the good we did not critical early keeper could really give up it hello I know what I'm saying but if every Church got of a remnant he of our people will not bow to the stands for today who we can depend on and tall and amen glory to God anytime anybody here want to give the Lord a praise mm-hmm know the last few names even in sardis which have not defiled their garments they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy not an express it the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before my father and before his angel he said he that I write here to hear your Mahseer man man was he a gospel that's why these days a fee like bringing reading from the Bible some things the Word of God a to understand is not a seven brick chain and the one pastor say you saw the bomb burn in hell we need to come together unite together so we can the bad guys can grow a man when people come in this church not see if somebody near are you safe amen glory to God in a very aroma spirit or aroma that comes off you want that person right beside you you're killing the devil not seal this one today not seal this one today who cares and if anybody go to hell who cares this damn commie self Christian you know what the heartbeat of God is Souls Souls but how can we help those who are not safe if we ourselves need to be delivered we need that G umbria some of us in here me that GL previous on things I said yeah the thorn in my flesh you can't go your kind of function because there's something now we're just soul should question to be are you ready for heaven huh what do you what is it you're going for the hell is putting you through a man that God can destroy and defeat when he said anything you ask me for in the Father in my name gonna give it to you huh - everywhere God has made escape to the desert to the willingness anyway you touch this except God you ought to know who you are and I says only this try to survive because like him and the boys pick he's nasty he's a wicked and he's after yourselves my job rich this is if you don't want to take it is your business but I'm setting my soul free over and achai a mental next verse amen glory to God he said he meant an angel of a church a man in Philadelphia let's go down a little bit more he said behold I come quickly amen he that overcometh yes he that and he said unto the church in verse 14 under the end of the church of the mayor decent right these things said Amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of creation of God Jesus talking to his son John to write a man he said amen glory no no that works I know thy works that thou art neither cold with signify a typical backsliding aha because of your backslide somebody knows your backslide them hello are you hot on fire demon worshipping and glorifying God but they even between God said Amen your look one you can sip it I have to pick you up I vomit you out gods have no Crypt a many curse if any men go AeroGarden my 223 you take whole chapter to curse hypocrites it's a look at you look at you know dress you look good on the outside but inside of inside you're full of dead men bones inside this corruption on the inside be careful hey Paul city before and one let's a promise be made until you miss it because of unbelief ie what I'm saying face must die so that God can get glory out of your life amen and when God is with you you will praise him when you have to prison when you're cool your sit down and you've gone your healing your coming here goes go demon but when you what's so bad you have a child because God married to the box liner but you have no dealing with the hypocrite I wonder what come out of your mouth preaches to be about the life your life record it's written down God know what you're doing you know what you're sad and everything is written down I know your works know your works are you ready for heaven are you ready for heaven Lord Jesus huh they'll say some rich uh-huh an increase with and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched hypocrite and miserable and poor and blind night at Nicholson alpha and comes me to buy of me gold tried in the fire but thou must be rich and white raiment that thou mess amen be clothed and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear today you look around on people I don't know how they get in their clothes hey the Holy get in the clothes everything I sure that's not doing a Christian dress I must rest now roomie Claus the mother was a seal on the way lining hello it was a sit-down and a few if you cut your leg because your frock your dress gone right up to your week it's hip no no you must go to the mat as I learn the bass anybody said you must learn dress like seals oh you're not here this pass I can't stay is cold but why still cool in the summer hello comfort comfort I've spoken now if people leave this church amen growing of God because I don't want them where their pants God show me up there always sense must dress right up there a church not bill in the ethelia deities it show me oh be under balcony how the cience must dress amen that's just over dear I seem upset when she gets here mommy said god I said you'd be with her and she go to a bed the night and she dream rapture take place and she apakah focus to go and she say you know something minute put on pants no suit Kia's just in case god stop me in turn the back are judgment here hello he wouldn't she pack to leave the pants on the bed and came you never know but you're no no and the moment you disobey it your sin everything you put on pants your sin your disobedient amen and your blessing I'm gonna beat you know like it hello world I want to get see but when I look under my name bought when I look on them print old maternity Leah and the Bible said we must not provoke we must not provoke said I think it's cool the kind of were let's doing it I told you when I start to preach like this years ago them telling me how many people in a bondage hello no kind of story you know who they're listening to know right now the sium preacher that there were fighting years ago because I spend a new word of God what happened minister nun God word he confirm it with signs following system God shut up beautify you with salvation hello so you first ladies you can answer to God I spoke you're one here when I said something woman walk out amen and have to wear my pant because I want to catch cool I said you're nobody gets cool an eight-foot-long short you ever stop looking on him into a pants the first lady into a pants you know she should come to church to worship it I hear uncover it all school God shall bring back the old-time Church of God we're back in the church and I'm here to tell you your serene Holy Ghost touched on the church hear what the Lord said judgment will begin in my hopes sauce [Music] because yesterday hello hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do I see a God mass of what's going on in your host a mass of what's going on in your job and I tell people you spoil them how long on the group after can read certainly I don't need my mom Papa said you need to go hey hey hey you need to go make life hello you need to go make life this is also until the farty hear ruin what life can you make after 40 make life while you're young you hear what I'm saying - in church for years amen no time for God you're grown in Greece and it's not exactly Jesus Christ when your spin time for God if you'll spend more time on your job and your spend with God your job become your God and that's your passion amen you become your God but I come to tone to tell you one liquid stroke God you'll leave your move you'll have your being if God the protection that job somebody make you tight all of a sudden you're walking on the road with him in which basket on your head hello somebody clap because I've not come to church to protect yourself come on here you know come to church once a month take your time do what you want to do you're really just you're lukewarm when you're on fire man something driving you be careful of that spirit of religion and the spirit of autocracy be careful of it oh god I'm finishes again Jesus I know I don't want rushed I don't run you know judge anybody said take gospel it's the Word of God hear what God said you look warm I know your work the co behold I have set before you before thee an open door I'm on the wrong side here no man let's go back over to verse 18 uh-huh verse 18 I constantly to buy from me gold tried in the fire but there must be rich Greece more of God you're rich in every year of your life trust me you pay your tithe faithfully you're offering Bible it's a god here you still even open up the windows of heaven and pour change any budget just one when God starting instantly dropping he said one prior you can open up that scripture and show God because he's bound to his word him have to open heaven bless you not only financially but he protects you hello that's my child she's a bigger Oh God Isaiah 1 and verse 19 said if you'll be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land what more do we want to see in this church and for God to do for us Amen that we can that we line up our self and understand this is not about Sharon and Tony Blair this is about the kingdom of God Cebu its kingdom expansion this about pulling soul of the hell that's what the church is here for look at churches start a hundred years ago and like this we just start two years ago this year 33 years ago look we've gone taking us and if every man that gets see of that because I'm Ian come come back to this church you don't have no seat but they want me to compromise and calm down God will kill me I can't do it I don't know about you I fear God I can't do it so now I want I said God why judgment on a big in a church I'm not a brothel not a strip joint he said because my people know that fruit and they suppress it they won't give me glory they are great for they believe I said they're insane for an unholy amen in God you live with God not protect you in a crime that they've gotten a particular you're sowing they've got not particularly driving on the highway I did ever tell you know someone regretful balance your life slapping a bunsen live to live again yes because real life turns in a bunch and me but did you know that real life begins after death life in this world is temporary Justine said well Justin I said I asked this table cause I'm tired of burying people but like everybody come pass somewhere you bury me they bring the body come into town from where I steal bring it to possibly hello god I wonder if God always on some ramen a choice with race or somebody I'm sure everybody would have the church your understand the name of chairs up ah I've seen it many times even in this church God bring back the dead you never know let me get serious about it might happen to you think I'm crazy not to I have crazy feet to believe God for anything if I said God the big camp is I'm tired of burying dead there young people raised him up God will do it I'm going to go there iron in our guns and God can put it back in me look at you I saw me think when I put nothing from God they say their woman came with a baby to be aborted a girl in the belly and when we pray one prayer said his woman you have to be a b-boy amen glory to God the Sunday the Saturday Monday she got to go to to get a checkup at the doctor it's a boy baby not belly creative miracle I tell God performed creative miracle huh and then mixes a boy Amen the woman's heaven won't believe me let them come to me past and it be almost six-month missing a baby body parts let them come to me and ask me that's better Dudley great-grandchild hello sister Jude it hawks are your dumb sister fear of the Hoxton I'm saying God said what is this is a wonders you say you have not seen anything yet I'm gonna tell the whole world listen what Jesus did it to the cows so everything we do around here I hope yeah I hope yeah a hobby oh no matter then the boy in the Sun and anybody if anyone god me so people have up on me and sweet you know everybody's on me said God most poeple if ania ania man God must paralyze you on me say I'm Mira purified got to bring it back I say yes mm-hmm so you're one of them too wicked he just said God must put in a hole and shame and disgrace they never must shame Oh No read up on are kinda nasty human baboon women somebody come and say somebody I woke up yeah you know me see them me Selena come on touch please mister Jesus Christ mr. Godwin won't show me a murder victim with blood and Fire hello we are here to oppose that devil we're not here to expand the kingdom of Satan when your top bad and when you do evil things hey man you're expanding your pool you've been used to scratch the kingdom of God and huapi unto you we need to grow up my name B of our salesmen I said we don't live together we come to church once a week why don't we get along I'm gonna sue my brother and sister so people should be praying for my brother and sister and because some of you don't come to church and you're to be in God you'll easily trip up I guarantee we'll spend time on the Alltel fast and pray against it all in your flesh God will give you courage and strength upon it hello God don't kill her because you're funny Kitakami that don't even lie no he destroy you in a free Winnifred Tucci and repent and turn they become a part of your the bad habit and it's hard to get rid of bad habits gonna hold it was talk if somebody want me to run I ain't gonna run I'm gonna talk to your heart boss somebody said anybody come to me no garbage you said stop don't let it get in your spray because I listen to them you're as guilty as they are hello oh I saw you know what I know that miss listen miss that Jack did so-and-so three or four the man did he won't talk to him did you go open a rib I mean rebuke him and tell him what does say a lot yeah I'm pray for a true huh the Bible must restore but the church they have it wrong because we don't read the Bible remember when you point one finger four and a finger coming back at you all of us are trying to make it to heaven all of us experiencing growth the pain you know what I'm saying becoming a thing to have this girl cut see it and throw on that one pull up some hairs and six-monthly same thing again until you die you don't stop fighting let me close you today because I can amen glory to God but God said come my goal come get some grace come get some I'll in your lap pool it was a fail you know get some oil in your lamp mmm I tried if I don't miss be rich and white raiment that thou mayst be clothed nothing but the shame of thy nakedness do not appear amen glory to God an anointed ice with ice Psalms Amen add that those mists see is as many as I love I rebuke amen and chasten be zealous therefore and what repent we all I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him he shall be with me amen to him that over time will I grant to sit with me in my throne any thing that devil often is to kill you to destroy drug and drug his soul into hell but jesus said to him that live holy that overcome it but I grant to say with me are you ready for heaven grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and I'm sat down with who with who hear what Jesus said I overcame him and I sucked no with my father in it strong he said here to hear you must hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches your lungs and here to their people amen God is serious about your soul I saw myself small in preaching walking into in the pew but I couldn't get to I couldn't get to that message I want to touch a little bit as I quote you today [Music] 10 spies twelve spies only two came back with a positive report the other team that caused problem rebellion and confusion among the millions of people God deal them can I say it again all those gods I hate those who saw this God God's I hate you what come after that judgment you said time Moses these people sometime people do wrong in your house you said I'm so forgive you I forgive you I forgive you but they keep on doing the thing over and over and over they are provoking it across but you can curse because you're wise virgin mmm and you wanted us we are human thank God for His grace he's not everybody I'm gonna be on a mountaintop for another to sin hello we are here to encourage one another do good deeds to these people what happened is that you know pick up stool we got it come back God tell you something in his word you have seen my miracle you see the awesomeness of my power can you go into the land eat the grape seed brought it back and bring back a bad report on my god God say you it's a Moses stand aside for the people not begun to take side and pick up spawns is the people trying to kill preachers then gospel bites on true bite you won't kill me hello and one black fire for you look at this famous Moses stood in the middle said God okay under that you know you can't do it Lester people think you're weak Egyptian thought you were weak you take them out and you know you're could not take them into the promised God shall we kill them and give you a brand new set up in general I would not change any of you for anybody I love you we have come this far all I asked you to do sit and reminisce look back in your life and for the ears around me did I do anything wrong did I live a bad life before you faced a quarter I mean to rebel against God ask the question what have I done you is not you stood there for my job is to keep preaching and keep loving me stand to your feet until God come take us home if your children hurt you call pasta if your foot hurt you call pasta if you have none job your Colonel Kosta so why you want watching me back that's why you're here to watch my back because you're no gods our senior does sheep among moving I'm gonna light you and anybody dear to live godly the world I like you see it and I like you but if we keep and join force together no we will win everybody stand question I'm asking again are you ready for heaven I am happy I am free and we're at the Lord take me home now amen I told him I have no time to be sick and have long time to die why I don't see nobody making nice for you Lord the body compromise and to get crowded on money and girl I'm things anything I want my God will give it to me I don't need to compromise and I'm here to tell Calvary you have seen enough hello for you to grow in God and give them their help me give the devil hello hello shared the Facebook broadcast thank you sister Jenny amen glory keep on reminding me and payment announcements and they many encouraging the people young believers coming on even some you don't even care show me you never have one on my message in your house that's why I sit down I get so much hell really messy do man so when I put your message in preacher my room my house filled with flies when I put the message in I only see flag him I drop both woof-woof-woof dead and find people on the floor flattering vomiting demon black stuff listening to the woman listen about the power of Pentecost he meant anybody work with craf against in me about God most I realized a man and a woman hadn't paralyzed off same time and when you went to no money said I know me I know my message I listen to demand a bridge what I came here for you she not come no way she went to our system the doctor the doctor said mama did I brought you up here to work on yeah you say here is a one-way ticket go home and don't come back here hello when you put your hand in turn ask me said taking a curse and your children your grandchildren he meant a kiss hello I already you have anybody in your heart let it go ask God to give you strength overcome this right now somebody god you know worth it if somebody hit you not hit them back somebody dohui kidness to you and somebody turn on back that light for me amen glory amen people hurt you and you some I know somebody can help you and you're like a fool you know what a church let them pray for you you know Carl and your God who give your dominion over Satan and demon now see atanga you the devil to lick you sorry to hit you you've done to another sass around god no wonder human being she attention us enough Isis seen as God madness oh now one the flag is bigger so that one they're more powerful than that one it's a cm devil only God can deliver you poop our see it or not God I whatever CL how about what that I learned to have on what you unloaded over you for anything ask God for your hit with Christ is when you step out of the line step out because you disobedient and rebellious let's see it an can strike you and bring you back to your sense about whatever God of to do don't forget this and those that were ready went in with Jesus the bridegroom and the door was shut God knows all of us ha I say it again this altar is not for the unseen it's for the believer you know your phone you know if the Lord should come now sweet thing is there to black out of heaven you never be caught up to meet him in the club or on the altar God didn't kill you they let you come here the day when I talked to many of you you're gonna do what you want to do this man I'm big woman a church him have children and then give them a farm that's pretty 12 father I know somebody said I'm addict now Carl you're passing on father Bible say huh there are many fathers but there's one you have any tutor but there's one father the person that preach or to sin who are feeding your soul your spirit one father I know and everyone a I have to play the role of a father because I'll do your big man and big woman in age you still have stood hurt like a child inside of you you go to things you don't know how to deal with it I said when God answer to nobody in this house even have to answer to me why I never asked him to know what I'm doing he called me I said must talk to him so what you come on show your burden on me I can't carry I said but I so on so he seek largest that's also going through you didn't hear sister Johnson Lord but amen glory take her through successfully seven hours of major surgery huh and today she's in reality that's this weakness if we possibly gone where was it Monday Tuesday Monday and since we are sitting up I know I'm talking about serious operation because the bone collapse Amon rest on the nerves you could not move I'm moving my foot I said God if you're don't heal her take off it sucks it the doctor the doctor came in the most brain and adductor praising God how many stop on thinking he said this could be the problem and here the force of God said no that's not the problem do this test and I said be the test everything showed what I'm saying your people come on here sometime eat a cup mount in whatever you have to go to Massa God I mean bigger sometimes it takes if you're not seeing either that one here to here no sin going up there no sinner nor hypocrite going to heaven is coming back for a glorious church glorious truck without spot or wrinkle and for that to happen we need to line up line of it one not half softly suffering not line up with half truth because a lot of people are telling folks half truth God called him wolf in sheep clothing amen shoot is what set men free and if you're know of God come no you're not ready for the rapture come to the altar listen try is a selfish right is ignorance our abdomen get rid of stoning I am the one hurting I am the one not a place out of being God come to the altar [Music] we don't want to come in that will force you wonder when God said no prayer which I don't care about the cost you don't know that you have yet but you're not hearing something is missing into the church are you ready for heaven everybody draw to the altar everybody [Music] let people know let people go set your set free and get ready for the Lord return it doesn't matter how much of God you got till God I'm hungry I want more I want to be a vessel I want to be a vessel to help my neighbor I want to make a difference in my family for some of you were brought out to bring your family to bondage that's my god save you you are the chosen one Oh God what is gonna take for us to line up and understand that my life there's meaning and purpose for my life come talk to God it's just that's what this holidays for that's what we saw tasteful come come Saints one more time I've spoken from my heart question are you ready for heaven are you one of those who has come to church softly just come to church really just but not safe religion don't get it to heaven are you coming to church just because you want you die somebody Amen can preach over your funeral and you have a church too but I'm the church in it's more than that people I'm trying to get you to be ready for the new for new life eternity why or to God come on everybody understand there the moment you practice to open your mouth and talk to God audibly let your voice be heard us when see it and gone back off see it on I read your mind can I read your mind that's awesome you know I'm free because if you're free old sit down right here you I'm Tim every time it testify every time it poor you like I'll help you loose Hey until you overcome that devil in trying to drive fear in you come on somebody talked to your Papa tell him I must tell Jesus must heaven I am sick I need a job I'm lonely I coulda prepared Jesus make sure your life is lined up with him father I commend your children in your hands all that you gave me this morning I didn't have enough time to deliver him a revelation keep coming we must get right I have a mandate among the heavy manors every orders to point your children in a way that they must go give us a heart like mine give us a new heart we are selfish you're self-centered we are cynical we are critical critics we like to criticize well I don't speak negative thing of our mouth is a stronghold it's a problem change our hearts change off we're thinking changed our way of speaking that we understand who we are that we are life givers that we giving hope to hopeless people bring hope to a world is heading headlong into hell the people are brought into this church of my responsibility as long as they be willing and obedient god they are my responsibility when they are rebellious you can only say or do what the last to do amen how God like Judas I pray against lukewarmness I pray against backsliding spirits and I pray God that your people be on fire the path simply returned the desire to seek after God the desire to know you better our God it is that to gain knowledge and knowledge is power touch your people consecrate us purify us God where we are weak make us strong we're at torn don't God fill us up in a name that's above every name today let every devil every demon be a liar but let God be true but those who are not well bring healing touch those the elderlies let them not get sick with pneumonia preserve the elders God remember brother King sister King God thank you for sister Johnson we pray for a speedy recovery thank you for sister Brown in a harem maids God my god after months God your Hebrew node to be back and for those who are deed operations and don'ts a trouble God we thank you for bringing it back and for healing them and take them through the operations it took day they can walk better it can see better Oh God and you're healthier in the name of Jesus around the world your people watching have them to get your heart ready to meet you Lord have them to live from sin and hate the things you ate and love what you love give them strength overcome speak to them and you talk to me Holy Spirit speak to them when they're doing wrong about to do the wrong repeat them stop them God in the name of Jesus and show them the way touch the preachers around the world we understand that gun if we fail to tell the people the truth the judgment of God is on our head and over us and rest Runa Brock from the day of right God I'll manage anybody take away from your word my god you're gonna take your name from the Lamb's Book of Life help us to fear you again head to Britain to feel you again that when God the enemy wanted to sin we say we can't sin we can't do this wicked thing and sin against God are we gonna provoke your God you said these ten times oh god I'll my 1001 Chaim it all what I've done for them know that you've done for your people God we're playing the fool we don't want to come into presence we find all time to do what we want to do change your hearts fit us with your joy let the healing power flow to the altar today bring healing and restoration we thank your father in Jesus name Amen give the Lord a praise and you return to your seat God spoke to the angel of the house to minister to minister he did have one here to hear let him hear he did have one here to hear let him hear what the Spirit said to the church Saint we look so nice in our fits amen we come to the house of the Lord to get strength to overcome we're not yet dismissed please amen give me about five more minutes because we don't want to go to hell and come to get wash you can't today young man sir future say preach is Syrah that's a customer you know very little so I became both wise and handsome that we rich by now I'm sniffing I'm Jojen enough which I made a dessert that is it 27:29 yet 25 call me it's a preacher and he said behind pancreatic cancer doctor oh yeah so we have three weeks to me Humphrey for me I said yeah I become perfectly but God not got I don't know how many come to you say and already act where the girls we are the girls where the blood was already spread man must not take God brought you here today you see you know there's one put you in jail try to keep and I get to tell you my luck it on somebody praying for you somebody praying for you you're not standing because here today because you're skillful hello and there's a so-called friend that in the bosom of Jesus Christ someone's calling mr. beard only if I didn't listen to Bishop back in Jamaica a song for you Christ ever know here in the choice is yours father I commend his precious soul in your hand he was on the cross he was on your mind you died to save his soul from hell you never from me hell I released the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood Jesus Christ to destroy your works or your plot your plan your assignment get us young my life young men life have been ruined tell them they can't make it if they give their lives to God everything belong to you father the devil have nothing this young man cannot tell me that the devil has ever done anything good for him nor ism of grace and mercy I stand here today I pray that God you're brought in here today that habit your every sin in this struggle of that damned up we've broken from it's life give him another chance give him another chance but bring him to this land I pray that he will not blow it take this young man in charge wash him in your blood drop his charges the minute II give his life to your dropping charges set him free in Jesus name I bless your son come again me papa mmm this was built follow you buried too many are you I'm saying mr. Holmes 17,000 in 1997 reported out of this country cuz I wouldn't listen no come to Jesus in love you see what I'm doing you can't do it if you put God first you don't know what's in there god bless you amen get somebody get his number on a few young men and keep in touch with him until after service okay yes if you have olive oil and put a clock on quickly gotta let the people love you okay Amen I hope you bring some money because there's a shirt out there you need to get a shirt in a battle of envoy I'm saying just what happened to it you didn't sleep last like I get anybody in here couldn't sleep front of the kilometer the shirt and you can't wait all right woman sighs shut up all night looking through the window I have to go to work in the day I can't sleep ciliary I have that solution so I said she said for sure senator in New York she put it on Saturday evening and Sunday man she couldn't wait for church she sermons come from work from church she put it on again and what a bed I'm on the man and she lead for work she does call him and said I need a week off huh star whatever devil is trying to stop you from Steve yourself your Christian you know so like yeah sure come on here sleep on the CNT sweet father break the curse of the child devil diablo satan blood jesus against you break your power like Amanda to lose to all of God's joy woman be loose little bear our house you will sleep in Jesus name I'll never run amen give me the stuff and I keep it in my waist holding my hand this olive oil is change them God from the natural used to a spiritual one this is greater than any medicine any kind of medicine they take it for the Kherson and their lives sin cannot be broken by medicine God but to them anointing of the Holy Spirit changed its material from the natural used to a spiritual one to healing virtualmin fire flow to them God burning out if his cancer if his gastroenteritis if his heart problem if his blockage in the lungs kidney stone whatever it is in the river fatty liver Oh God anything effective children want to touch the money I pray God internally or externally let the miraculous and the supernatural take please I declared its oil pure sacred and holy for the healing of your children body in Jesus name Amen yes yes yes okay wonderful wonderful you stay on the altar - okay all right you come back with more stuff yes so when this week tell her to call me okay father the name of Jesus Christ we asked you now to change a shirt from its natural you straight spiritual one and for God is envelope whatever is in there for favor in the name of Jesus Christ every blockage every plot if the assignment of the dead of God the common cost its discomfort and oh god fear and doubt and worry the children and grief moving now in Jesus name please favor let you be an open heaven to your people and as my sister continent operation god I pray father as she we are cert any planning any how will be counseled with the clearly showed bless in Jesus name Amen all right god bless you keep your feet up stand everybody amen now I expect to see all my friends and all the families of Calvary to come out for the tenth the 14th is my birthday the tenth is 63 years 45 years of preaching I share some of my life record Amen not in talking about the testimony they're dead they're crippled the blind and deaf amen all of these things happen amen this our Sun to come in a tent for we'll be here great preaching in the morning I'm the concert in the evening 6:30 every member of Calgary and Friends if I have touched your life in any way come on out and amen give me the flowers while I'm alive not only that I wanted to bring a bottle of water everybody garden it's a marvelous tincture the world with just a bottle of water I wanted to bring a bottle of water amen hold on to it until its concert is over I'm gonna be praying for a Prophet's reward on a bishop reward you're the Bible said if you'll give my servant a top of cool water you're not gonna lose your reward him because you've come here with a good heart to celebrate with the man of God another here you're saying this because I don't see nobody doing it and all people but I can't take my number here hello so this is it now the time to come and say bishop we're gonna celebrate and all those who have November amen birthday and you know I'm saying come on over amen father thank you for my family amen thank you for the church family God you have spoken through my heart again dear children let me turn up my voice God lose their soul and go to hell but because I'm telling them because I want them to come so where they are we make them strong where they are torn down God amen glory to God build him up in the name of Jesus lying deceptive demon experience we sent be broken from their life and sent back to him abuse your children learn to walk in obedience to your word for that's all your blessing will flow the long life will come to them in the name of Jesus give job - the job listen o those only place to blame provide a job so they can pay their rent and get somewhere nice to live and car whatever they need God need need need your promise now bless your people and go with them and bring us back to communion tonight let it be a time of the miraculous in Jesus name Amen god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] preachers preach Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 399
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Jvbu05ZPDsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 4sec (6424 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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