Calls for Google CEO Sundar Pichai's Resignation Grow | Firstpost Unpacked

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[Music] what platform do you turn to when you have questions what do you do when you want answers that are quick and reliable these days the answers are all there on the internet and for most people Google is the trusted platform but what happens when your go-to platform betrays that trust 82 Google The Tech Giant series of mishaps have become a recent talking point and Google CEO Sund Pai is facing the heat when open AI launched chat GPT it took the tech World by storm the big giants like Microsoft and Google were caught napping but now now Microsoft has made its move they have a partnership with open Ai and they have hired The Mastermind behind it Sam ultman then it was Google's turn they launched a chatbot called Bard in December which was renamed Gemini 7 years into our journey as an AI first company we are at an exciting inflection point we have an opportunity to make AI even more helpful for people for for businesses for communities for everyone we've been applying AI to make our products radically more helpful for a while making AI helpful for everyone is the most profound way we will advance our mission however Gemini ran into trouble within just 2 months of its launch that's because the AI chatboard was filled with discrepencies Gemini became the Laughing stalk when its AI image generator gave a series of goof UPS Google faced criticism for Gemini's historical inaccuracies and for being quote unquote woke Google had to completely pull the plug on Gemini in India after it made controversial remarks on prime minister Narendra Modi Sundar Pai had to take responsibility for the shortcomings he apologized for the failures of Gemini calling them completely unacceptable Google CEO Sunder pai's reputation has taken a massive hit first it was the mass layoffs Google eliminated over 12,000 jobs current economic reality did not force Google to lay off 12,000 of our co-workers all Sund Pai had to say was we have to make tough choices after the recent maps with Google's Gemini AI image generator there are reports of mistrust for the Google boss and that there has been growing chatter about Sund picai having to step down this has also affected Google's parent company alphabet which saw it stocks tumble dis disgusting as per reports certain stakeholders are questioning whether Pai is the Right leader for Google they are concerned about Google missing out in the race for artificial intelligence for Google its search engine is its bread and butter the search technology generates the maximum revenue for the tech Giant and with Gemini failing to give accurate results a Slowdown in traffic to Google search engine will be a catastrophe will Sund picai survive this Gemini [Music] storm
Channel: Firstpost
Views: 199,322
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Keywords: firstpost, google ceo, google ceo sundar pichai news, google ceo sundar pichai, sundar pichai resignation, google ceo resignation, google ceo resigns, pichai resignation, google ceo resignation news, sundar pichai, sundar pichai interview, openai, openai sora, openai ceo fired, openai sam altman, sam altman, microsoft, artificial intelligence, microsoft azure, microsoft ai tools, microsoft ai odyssey, google ceo news, sundar pichai news, gemini ai issue, gemini ai disaster
Id: NmswQxrXOV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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