Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir in Chaos: Police Crack Down on Protests | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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now let's turn our attention to Kashmir the part under Pakistan's thumb Pakistan occupied Kashmir or P of course Islamabad doesn't call it that without a hint of iron they call it Azad Kashmir the word Azad means free so they've named their occupied territory free Kashmir this is the freedom Pakistan has Unleashed there take a look [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these are the visuals coming out of P Pakistan occupied Kashmir a a brutal police Crackdown is underway Reports say multiple forces are are involved the frontier Corp Rangers and the quick response force from Pakistan's Punjab Province they're all clashing with the people of P why because the people of the so-called free Kashmir dared to speak out against unjust taxation here's what happened last year Pakistan increased electricity prices this was because it needed money a loan from the international monetary fund or the IMF now this country has squandered billions over the years mostly on its inflated military the people of Pakistan are always second the bloated military has always been islamabad's priority and it needs to feed this Beast that it has created so Pakistan keeps taking loans from the IMF but the international lender put some conditions on the loans it wanted Pakistan to show better money management so what does Pakistan do it decided to squeeze the people dry it hiked electricity rates across the board including in Pakistan occupied Kashmir now this was blatantly unfair because this region has abundant electricity supplies it has multiple hydroelectric power plants and the kashmiry people were not obligated to subsidize Pakistan Islamabad claims that PO is self-administered so they should have had a right to refuse they tried to exercise this right last year and that's when the cracks appeared in the free Kashmir narrative Islamabad would not allow this they had a standoff with parties in the p it lasted months and finally this February it seems to have ended Islamabad issued a notice it promised to work out electricity costs to provide relief to the people of Pakistan occupied Kashmir of course there was no follow-through Islamabad failed to fulfill its vow it has been stalling for months so the people of Po got tired of waiting they decided to launch a peaceful protest a long march was scheduled for May 11th a simple protest in support in a supposedly free region and Pakistan did the only thing it knows how to it opted for Brute Force yesterday about 70 people were arrested across po this includes members of local political parties student activists and Trade union leaders they were picked up in the early hours of Thursday these unjustified detention sparked clashes the kashmiri people began to fight back they accosted police officers overturned Vehicles it was pure chaos but instead of trying to calm the situation Islamabad sent in more troops and things got ugly the police resorted to tear gas shelling some shells landed in a school several school girls were injured local political parties say that two of these girls have died two children in the so-called free Kashmir the people of Po have condemned the brutality they've intensified their protests instead of a peaceful march on Saturday road closures and store strikes began today they May last a week or longer unless Islamabad resorts to its default brutal tactics then who knows how long the unrest might last first post reports from the world's second largest continent hello I'm Allison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the newsmakers from Africa south South Africa goes to the polls on the 29th of May I will track the election and bring you ground reports is it the end of the road for the African National Congress and will former president Jacob Suma stage a dramatic comeback from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first post [Music]
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, pok protests, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, palki sharma firstpost, pakistan occupied kashmir, pakistan occupied kashmir crack down, crack down pok protests, pok protests 2024, pok protests pakistan crack down, pakistan crackdown protests pok, pok protests crack down pakistan, pakistan pok protests crackdown, crackdown pakistan pok protests, pakistan crac down protests pok, pok pakistan crack down, pok news
Id: XxN8M_PdrjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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