China To Challenge America as “Dictator” Xi Commands World’s Largest Navy | From The Frontline

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in the last two centuries the world order was dominated by nations with strong navies it started with Europe where the United Kingdom Spain and France used their navies to colonize after World War II the United States emerged as the next Blue Water power and America has dominated the high seas ever since but now they've got a competitive unlike ever before one that likes to flaunt its might as long as it's on unarmed boats of nations with much smaller navies because for China it's not about picking a fair fight it's more about Xi Jinping showing his countrymen that he has the strongest Navy in the region the people's Liberation Army Navy or plan is the world's largest Navy in total number of ships particularly when you count the Coast Guard and gangs of fishing vessels that China has [Music] militarized however the United States still has the highest tonnage among all navies with Beijing clim catcher the people Liberation Army Navy has 400,000 Sailors China's Navy has close to 380 vessels there are over 100 missile boats over 110 Corvettes and frigs about 50 destroyers over 60 submarines including Diesel and nuclear powered almost 50 amphibious attack vessels and two aircraft carriers and now China is testing its third aircraft carrier it's named fujian after the Eastern province that overlooks the Taiwan Street and the fujian is being termed as a super carrier because it's going to be the largest and most advanced fla of the Chinese Navy the fujian aircraft carrier is going to be China's largest ship the fujian is currently undergoing sea trials it has a displacement of almost 880,000 tons it will be the first Chinese aircraft carrier to use an electromagnetic catapult or eals eals is a quicker way of launching a fighter jet when compared to the conventional ski ramp or steam catapults China now becomes only the second Nation to deploy emal technology along with the US the fujian will be able to carry almost 80 fighter jets and the super carrier is expected to be inducted by [Music] 2030 so why is China rapidly advancing its Naval power because Beijing likes to be a bully the Chinese Navy has actively clashed with navies of neighboring countries Beijing claims Manila scabo sha and the spratly island in the west Philippine Sea and just north of Taiwan China also claims Japan's Saku islands in the waters around these islands ships from the Chinese Navy Patrol frequently XI jinping's boats gang up against smaller boats and use water cannons and despite being the aggressor Beijing tries to play the victim part Giant has always insisted on resolving Maritime disputes through friendly consultations with the countries directly involved but we will not allow good intentions to be abused or international law to be distorted we will legitimately defend our rights in accordance with the law against intentional infringement and will resolutely and reasonably counteract unreasonable provocation as president Xi Jinping has pointed out the Pacific Ocean is large enough to accommodate all countries of the Pacific the ocean should not be an arena for countries to show off their force and engage in gunboat diplomacy on one hand China talks about behaving maturely in the Seas while on the other Xi Jinping orders his Sailors to prepare for deployment xiin ping wants to arm twist neighboring countries the Chinese president has achieved his much touted reunification except it wasn't what his people were expecting Shi Jinping has unified other Asian Nations the Philippines Thailand India Taiwan and Japan are working with each other closer than ever and standing in China's way is the strongest blue water power in the world the United States Navy in fact America has bases all around China's Coastline US troops are stationed in Japan South Korea Guam the Philippines Australia and Thailand and this year the US has conducted maritime operations with all its allies the most recent were held in the Philippines where American and Filipino troops practiced the sinking of mock Chinese ships alakan centers around besides those tra I talked about a transparency respect of sovereignty seeking PE peaceful resolutions but being prepared for the worst when we prepare for the worst what I think we've seen in this bacatan and I'm excited that we'll continue to refine that is the the key Maritime terrain securing key Maritime terrain either taking it or defending it which we saw today and there are all building block approaches that leads to se control however Xi Jinping does not appreciate America's presence in the region and Beijing has made it abundantly clear that Washington would pay a heavy price for crossing the red line but the China us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions China's legitimate development rights have been unreasonably suppressed and our core interests are facing challenges should China and the US keep to the right direction of moving forward with stability or return to a Down spiral we always call for respecting each other's core interests and urge the us not to interfere in China's Internal Affairs not to hold China's development back and not to step on China's deadlines on China's sovereignity security and development interest in response the United States calls China's Maritime actions provocative and dangerous I discussed the prc's dangerous actions in the South China Sea including against routine Philippine uh maintenance operations and maritime operations near the second Thomas SCH freedom of navigation and Commerce in these waterways is not only critical to the Philippines but to the US and to Every Other Nation in the Indo Pacific and indeed around the world that's why so many nations have expressed concern about the prc's maritime Maneuvers I made clear that while the US will continue to work to deescalate tensions our defense commitments to the Philippines remain Ironclad despite China having the numbers shiin Ping's ships and sailors have practically no combat experience and while they may look like the mightier force on paper only time will tell if the Chinese Navy can actually hold on to its Waters
Channel: Firstpost
Views: 355,601
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Keywords: firstpost, world largest navy, world's largest navy, largest navy in the world, largest navy, xi jinping, china challenge us, china us navy power, china naval power, china us naval power, china challenge america, china navy challenges us, china us rivalry, china us, china us ties, china us naval rivalry, china taiwan us, china taiwan navy, china navy super power, china's expanding navy, china navy, china's naval power, us navy, us naval power, china largest navy, china, us
Id: zYAQx0okVOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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