Calling Out Company For Bad Wrap Job!

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so I've got a brand new Audi RS7 behind me and a customer got his car wrapped 2 weeks ago from a professional company they said everything's fine no problem at all then they wouldn't reply to my messages he wasn't sure how good the rap was he said jany I need some professional advice they said they did the interior ppf as well I've gone inside the car to check myself out of curiosity and it wasn't done and also he paid top money for this he gave me the quote of that's atrocious as usual I looked over it and blue taped any areas I thought might need to be rectified I was being a as fair and unbiased as I could until he said this and they said have a look at this car which has been done by yany and then I lost it never wrapped that car they're foolish you li never done that car don't lie latly said it to him yny rate my [Music] rap all right now I've been told who W this car and it is gve and the customer is not happy with it so he's like Yan do you mind rating it and can we walk around the car together I'm going to quickly just go around the car and just see if there's anything I can see off the bat and then we're going to walk around the car together give me the glory on this so I went with to them they wrapped it was supposed to be one week but it took them two weeks because there was a delay in the rack I'll be honest I'm going to be fair both ways yeah a week 10 days it is what it is I went to pick it up uh it wasn't ready they said come in at 6:00 you'll be ready then they said it's it's not going to be ready then the next day I said I'll just come in at 1:00 went at 1:00 end up leaving at 5:00 p.m. see the car they're like oh no we're just tidying up a few things so at 5:00 p.m. went to leave ppf inside wasn't done they said no no it's done 100% then went home a couple days later had a quick look around in the Sun and I saw few bits of the wrap lifting around the doors around the fuel cap inside of the fuel cap as well I sent pictures of the problems to the person I was talking to at GV and he said just bring in whenever you can we have a look at it he's going back tomorrow okay so they're going to try and rectify most of the things or they'll see what they can do I've used GV before to have my Dodge Ram ppf that went well then had my E63 there for some body work that didn't go so well but then I thought I'd give it another chance since they've changed a few people around and thought they might have changed but here we are I ain't going to lie I need to stop because I can just keep going around this and find an issues and let's just bring cladio in where I'm putting blue tape have you seen those issues pretty much most of them yeah obviously I'm going to rate this today it's 2 weeks old so it's going to be well under warranty going back tomorrow okay they said they're going to try and rectify most of the things or they'll see what they can do when speaking to them and going over the things they need to do they try to play it off a little bit and say oh no this is normal this is I'm like okay well fix it so the problem is he's put me right in in the firing line now is what is I'm rating the RP um and I'm going to be honest with you and actually I'll be very honest with you in regards to if the car's going back tomorrow I'll tell you what can be fixed and what should be rewrapped so you're going to go back there with an expert opinion rather than obviously someone that's not in the business going in blind knowing what what is right what's not right everyone is entitled to a chance to to to rectify their their mistakes because no one's perfect so I understand that so I said I'm not here to try and Bash but it might be cool if obviously I show you the things give it to them if they Rectify all then it's good and happy days they said they Rectify under warranty for free yeah okay you you've already taken the car back too then you just s no no I took I took the car to them did the exact same thing with you that you've done with the tape gone around with tape everywhere they love that show them this is wrong this is wrong went over with them with one of the sales representative yeah and then George No and then George foot who's the manager yeah he came over and had a look what is the vyl tech WP all right so let's let's look at the front bumper they have done the bumper in one piece which is not easy I can see under here as well yeah that's a massive triangle there okay I I call that a plaster cut it short Ah that's not good what that tells me they didn't take it off we stripped the cars now to a real big level to avoid these sort of issues some people pay less a price and they're happy to have this so again I'm going to be interested to see what you've paid put them on in for me please yeah look see we run a black patch on the inside the reason you to hold it down they haven't done that and that is just going to get worse and worse it's everywhere everywhere you look all the way around let me just quickly price this it's going to help me out when I'm walking around the car okay with regards to know what you paid for this this this is North for 5 grand based on the ppf based on the wp tell me you paid like three grand 58 my problem with that is you haven't paid cheap so if you told me you paid three or four grand I'd be like you haven't exactly you'd expect it yeah so the price you paid I would expect it to be a better standard original price just for the wrap is 3,800 plus F okay which is which is yeah that's that's bang on that's a really good price bang on when picking up it was 7,200 so 72 including that Y and you got down to 5'8 58 including that including including that so they were they knock at 4,400 yeah because I complained this I've just I've just walked around I'm just trying to I I don't know I don't know oh my god I've just seen the back handle oh have you seen that oh my God look at the look in here look at look at that so that's a new door what's weird is inside there's all lifting but the handle's down in here the handle's lifting but inside here is all down what's annoying is the joint on the on the side skirt shouldn't be there the reason that joins there have run out of vinyl they' obviously haven't ordered enough vinyl for this that's that's why they've done that rear bumper definitely needs to be rewrapped them putting the patch there is not the biggest bad thing because some people do put a patch there because it can lift okay it's the way they've done it yeah it's too far in it's just not done to a good enough standard again here finishing here LIF in there lifting there liftting there LIF in there you know that noise in it that noise that's chin I even looked at the ppf to see what the ppf's like it's not even straight it's just all crooked which tells me it's not templated look at the wind screen look at the line look at the line all the way across it does this poor they just haven't checked it whoever qced this hasn't qced it if I was you I would go back tomorrow I would show them the bits and I would say to them you brought the car to me that's I think that's going to put them on more higher to be like you know what we need to rectify this car they charge you top money for this not the most expensive but they've charged you enough to get a better job than this I listen I was getting slated for the G wagon and it was Chrome and it was like 9 10 months old and this is 2 weeks old and it's not Chrome yeah right time to rate your wrap I'm going to rate it based on what I've Just Seen okay and the fact they are a professional company okay and knowing that what you've paid for it as well my rating for this car would be a four okay so that gives cladio a score of four just above Jake's Aston Martin Vantage just pretty much issues all over the car so I think a four is fair okay the only way I would have maybe given it a five is if you hadn't paid as much okay I could have even gone to a three cuz of what you paid for it but I think a four is me not trying to kill them yeah and the fact that we're going to give them a chance should I say you're going to give them a chance not me with me tomorrow then it comes back hopefully that rating will go from a 4 to a 6 or an eight or whatever it may [Music] be right so cladio is back um I've literally just landed back from Cypress by the way so if you're looking at me thinking oh he's really Brown it's not suned I've just been to Cypress so cloudo dropped me the car on the Tuesday went over it he then dropped it back to them on the Thursday it's now a week later and it's the Friday today hope that all makes sense how you doing you well so they had the car for a week is that right I haven't even looked around the car just standing here I can see two issues straight away which is a bit concerning consider it's just come back from a warranty check yeah well they've done a health check on it right they've checked what panels need to be placing so they've done the front bumper front Wings three doors and the two side skirts and a part of the rear bumper really yep and obviously handles and door handles yes yeah right so they said they've done the front bumper yeah when I went there they had the front bumper off okay you know I'm standing here yes I saw of what you're looking at that there that there and I haven't even looked at the front bump yet y that wasn't there the first time no okay when you picked up the car so where're Friday today you picked up the car yesterday yesterday was that there no there wasn't there yesterday it wasn't when I picked up what about the bubble there well that was partially there you got bubble this side as well yeah I said to them and they said take it away for your trip so they don't delay me anymore and then when I come back in August take it back to them they'll do another health check and they'll deal with all the problems then cuz they have a longer time so well in a way I trust them cuz they've done some panels and they are okay okay but there's some issues that they still haven't solved my concern is that you've taken the car back they've repped your I'm only looking at your front bumper at the moment if they've rewrapped that why would you be why would they send you away to come back again they've just rewrapped it it should be fine now when you spoke to them I said listen I'm not really happy with these issues and I've got got an issue there as well I'm not really happy with these issues or these problems what did they say they said it's not paint it's got to have some issues it's not a 15 grand paint job okay okay yes it's not paint but it's it's still a wrap like did they did they read the Bonnet no okay fine they've done on the inside of the Bonnet some ppf to hold it down ppf because they said it's clear what yeah you can see it's all bubbled all the way inside but it's on the inside and obviously I can just feel the heat coming off the car they said to me they would have used black but they haven't got any black tape they haven't got any GL you you hold gloss back and S back at all times because it is the vinyl that everyone uses and obviously you can use it for patching or you people have roofs done and stuff like that so okay it's as I said I haven't heard of that before it's it's weird but okay they didn't wrap they didn't wrap the Bonet anyway okay so when you show them the door handles and you're like listen look at this what did they say they didn't have anything to say they just looked and said we apologize they did say they have to improve their quality control after WRA that's terrible sorry to say they haven't repped handles they've put a massive patch in there to try look look at this look have you looked in there yeah they've wrapped this one I went to pick it up and there was a worse patch so I said to take it off rewrap it again so they rewrapped it whilst I were there to pick it up let me just see the other side this handle is so much better than that handle they fixed this though so this is anymore okay so they fix the petrol cat I'm just I just I got taken down here though look at this we seen this no look at this oh I've got some ppf tape I can put over there God and they rewrap that yeah both sides there's no joint in the middle they haven't super heated it down that's going to get worse and worse look you can see you can see they're really lifting already oh my God it's worse man that's so bad when I picked up there wasn't any bubbles but I think the heat got to it no they haven't they haven't super hit it down that's really bad okay so let me ask you this how many actual days did they have the car for so I dropped it to them on Thursday okay and you collected it yesterday at 6:00 Thursday you had five four working days on this car they could have rewrapped the whole car in 5 days they said they've got 36 months warranty bro it's lifting within 2 days 2 3 Days forget 36 months I'm disappointed cuz as I said listen wraps are very difficult to get to 100% I don't think you can get a wrap to 100% no of course it's but the bubbles on the back bumper that's not even 15% the issues on the front bumper the fact that it's been rewrapped again is more issues and you've been fair by giving them a chance to rectify their work so you've paid top money you've taken it back twice now and they're telling you go on holiday and bring it back again if it was me I'm a busy man I haven't got time to keep going back and forth back and forth okay did they know the car came here I told them you had a look at a car and and they said well it's not paint have a look at this car which has been done by yannie oh really what car was there a haran perf man Huracan per I haven't done a Huracan PF in Forever they said it's a year and a bit old and it's got some marks and I'm like it's got marks cuz it's a year and a bit old I don't know how the guy maintained it P of the car yeah let me see listen I'm not here trying to call out shots I'm just doing what I normally do the fact that they've tried to come at me I'm trying to keep my professional head on and I'm going to keep my professional head on let me see let me see if this is one of my cars never wrap that car they're full of Rogue mate you look big listen my team have been here how long have you ever seen that car that color at yanis you liy never done that car chrome rose gold Huracan you have seen it on our YouTube guys who who said it yeah yes where's my phone hold back Yanni from Yan how you doing pal yeah good mate so yeah really good P just quickly you got a chrome rose gold Huracan there pu did yeah yeah who wrapped it not sure not sure yeah it wasn't wrapped by us okay no but I was curious cuz I was curious who wrapped it cuz I think you said that we wrapped that car I'm not sure who wrapped it did you not tell the customer that came there with the orange RS7 that we wrapped it I thought you guys had but I'm not sure who wrapped it you thought we did but you're not sure yeah ah okay all right no problem thanks all right right don't lie don't lie blatantly said it to him and then when you ask him listen people fire shots at me all the time and a lot of people do online will say that when they advertise their car they're like wrapped by animiz and then we'll get calls by the person that's looking to buy the car and say oh can you confirm if you wrap this car we're like never wrap that car and we must get I promise you four or five a month that they say oh you WRA that car and it's advertised wrapped by animiz never been here never been to Milton keing never been anything to do with us and you know the majority of our cars have the animite stick in the rear window what do you want me to do you want me to rate it again up to you you're a really nice guy man you're like a really nice nice there's other customers that would be going mental now and I think they're very fortunate to have you as a customer because I think you're very reasonable you're very understand in and you're taking all in your stride got give them benefit of Doubt the first time take it back fix it I did speak to the guy and said we have a chance to fix it according to trading no no you always got to take the car back got to be fair but then now again with all these issues they said come back in August how do you feel about that well like I said I'm in a bit of a hurry so I can't stay anymore and I'm pressed by time so I've got to leave and then come back so when you take this car back in August obviously there'll be more issues cuz obviously it'll have wear and tear on it now and obviously the weather yeah it's going to be hot listen it's your car yeah it's your money and it's not for me to to try and batter any company out there I'm just showing you what I've spotted the last time this car was here I rated it a four it's then gone away had warranty work done to it and it's come back some areas are better some areas are now worse I'm going to leave it at for I think we'll leave it there we'll wait for the um the comment section to have fun I've looked at it there's there's the evidence there and the fact that it went and come back I think is is is a bit of an issue yeah shame it's a nice color it's a great color it's a great car just the quality is a bit thing I might get you to bring it back again for a third time after the holiday we'll see if there's a wrap left on it you need to be doing work and stop taking your car ready getting your car checked I think you need to start making money rather than every week taking this car to get fixed but anyway that is the end of this episode check what's coming next trillionaire gent Squad yep yep so so we've gone past being billionaires and now we're trillionaires yeah I mean billionaires are dead bro so I have this Porsche here now it's a little bit different to normal the reason why I cover up is I just want to live a peaceful quiet life guys if you're looking to improve your rapping skills we've teamed up with our friends Avery Dennison exclusively for rap my rap they're offering a 10% discount on all their training courses which is being launched on their brand new platform ad rap Center here you can learn ppf color change digital print and window tinting as well as booking training courses and connecting with Avery Dennison experts click the link in the description and use the code yany at checkout to claim your discount today
Channel: Yiannimize
Views: 295,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yiannimize, vinyl wrap, vinyl wrapping a car, wrap kings, vehicle wraps, wrapping a car, car wrap
Id: F-oxZq8-WjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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