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car scammers using websites like Facebook to con tens of thousands of pounds out of people like you and me got scammed 10,000 I got scammed 25 Grand and got arrested for attempted murder at £15,000 more than 10,000 adverts on Facebook as scams meaning the chances of getting scammed when buying your next motor is quite likely like you I always thought how do people for flat well today I did and my God it was a costly mistake in 2023 people like you and me have lost over £500,000 due to car scams it's gone it's our guide and that's from Only One bank and only on the Facebook platform that's an increase of a massive 93% in only one year as the fraud studs become more and more profitable the number of scams found online is rocketing the way these adverts pray against these victims is mainly through one tactic price the scammers find a real car for sale and post the same ad on another platform for a fraction of the price it's that simple then they repeat the process hundreds of times then they sit back and wait for a bite and this is the exact scam that I fell for but we'll get on to that a little bit later to you this may look obvious and you may be able to identify from a mile away that listings like these are a scam but we wanted to find out how many people actually fool for these two good to be true listings right let's make us a fake advert so we're going to use this beautiful fat 500 which I found on autot Trader it's 283 M away so hopefully they're not going to knock on our door tonight it's a Katen 13,000 Mi and it's a 69 plate £ 8,750 they're selling theirs for now ours is going to be a little bit better than this one cuz it's no longer going to be a caten and I reckon what half price yeah 4 and half Grand bargain we just copy of the details from the real ad copy and paste description add a few bits of exrp beated steering wheel and lovely cruise control and within a few minutes we have made a completely fake advert of somebody else's car it was straight up for the world to see we were even able to spend £7 to boost the advert no questions asked and we are live right we'll leave that for a few hours and see how many people send us a message to see if they want to buy and send a deposit for our beautiful half price car we checked to see how many dodgy adverts were out there right now out on Marketplace and within 5 minutes we had found seven adverts seven on Facebook Marketplace they're all the same template and they're all obviously the same guy all cars which are super super cheap and are obviously fake it's mad if you think this scam is ridiculous this is just the tip of the iceberg to what we found out in the last few days the world is getting to be a dangerous place the worst part about falling for these scams it's the horrific impact that this has on normal people's lives my world was crumbling down around me and I didn't know what I was going to do cars are usually the second biggest purchase that we make in our lives so when the scammers strike it can be a massive impact to us financially especially when a lot of time that money is borrowed usually your insurance doesn't cover you for theft by deception so that means if you get scammed it's your problem so you have no car but you still have to keep up the repayments even when the car is gone less than 10 minutes after our fake advert had gone live we already had a hit that literally took a couple minutes and after a few more minutes of negotiations our unsuspecting victim was ready to send us a deposit this is disgusting Facebook you need to get your heads around this and sort of find a way of seeing who's copying this format because this is bad people are losing thousands of pounds daily so how do scammers get the money out of their victims just like we did in our example advert they ask you for a deposit they then pretend there's lots of interest in that car and they're about to sell the car to somebody else so then you rush to send them a deposit to a car that doesn't even exist and sometimes that can be thousands of pounds and this is exactly the tactics which they used on me and I just didn't see it coming to understand how common this is I reached out on Instagram to share your stories and sadly there is a lot of followers who had fell for these clever tactics this is James he is 21 years old and was trying to buy a Range Rover Sport I was looking and looking and looking I found this one and it was like a little bit cheaper than the rest but not too much to be like you know that's a bit dodgy yeah yeah I can hear kids in the background the phone saying like n and stuff like that sounds like a real person wouldn't be a scam she's a basic G said to her they're going to come pick it up on um on Saturday so I said t I come I took the D for it I come down Friday with and she oh you have to PIR Theos if you want to beat him and I was like oh I I don't know about that yeah now I said you know what I want the car so yeah so I'm there I paid 4 and a half grand and I'm knocked on the door and I said to lady I'm here for the Range Rover and she was like oh no and she was like you've been scaled oh like she said no seriously she said i' had four people this morning when the other guy was out another guy turned up and he paid six grand so that's now six people all paying in the thousands the minimum is 2 and a half Grand so they easy made 35 40,000 in a day that's an alarming example of how many people fell for just that one scam but it gets worse let's get back to our fake advert and see how many people we could have scammed 26 messages and that's on our one listing alone so if you multiply that by we already know there's tens of thousands of scam listings on Facebook right now then this is serious numbers it says from the stats that there's £500,000 worth of fraudulent money being gained out of these listings in 2023 but no way from what we've seen today it must be way way more than that these guys if they can get a couple of people hooked in only one day they are making some serious cash I think we can all agree that this was super easy and free to set up this trap but maybe like me you think you could tell if this wasn't real well I thought I was StreetWise but I fell for a scam and a big one and it all started with this my Porsche GT3 RS it is one of the most amazing cars I have ever seen although it was quite difficult to buy I was wanting to buy a new GT3 RS Place have you bought enough cars eventually though after a three-part series I managed to get one we are getting a GT3 RS and everybody loved it it's beautiful imagine it it's ridiculous oh it's just something else in it you know I don't like Porsches but this is this is oh it's so nice but this is a lot better than Ms yeah this is way so much better than Ms but there is a major problem simple supply and demand issues have seen these car sitting at an unrealistic inflated price now these cars affecting as much as £150,000 over what that car was originally bought for but now these cars are down to 310 ,000 that's serious chunks of money they are dropping which of course is a worry a big worry so when Louis called me to say he had a way out for me I jumped at the chance I've actually got a customer very interested in that specific car so I would like to offer you your money back for the car cheers L thanks lot byebye bye bye trouble is now I have an it for the amazing GT FS so I started looking for a car which wouldn't lose money and hopefully a sound appreciating investment so we went back to my own advice about buying a limited edition car around 15 years old now if you miss that video you can go back and watch it after this one and I think I have found the perfect [Music] car let me introduce the 997 GT3 RS a classic Model that's got all the raw magic and because of its older age it's sitting in the perfect wind to potentially make a Sound Investment to make sure this was a wise decision I asked some of my friends what they thought of it bro I'm a por man you guys and the people at home probably know that amazing car amazing car best car in the world amazing car I mean it's been a dream to drive one but unfortunately I've not had the opportunity just yet to see the deal I asked Ben Collins the X dig from one of my favorite TV shows Top Gear and of course he ragged this car within an inch of its life Porsche 97 GT3 RS wonderful car nearly as good as the GT2 RS s the problem being when you've driven GT yeah thanks for ruing this section Ben and the GT2 RS is a little bit out of our budget so with nearly everyone on board we set about getting this car so I found this company in America they have some beautiful cars oldest Enterprises in Texas but check this out two Bugatti chirons two we'll look at Rolls-Royce wfe that's much better than yours Matt so some beautiful beautiful Lamborghinis St please do by any more Dy it g me a headache why do I give you a headache because you buy too many cars all right go play outside with you more importantly they have this the Porsche GT3 RS 2001 there she is now what's really good about this car it's only done 965 mil from new and I think because of the American Market I think this car is a bargain let me explain why the main reason for that is cuz this car is undervalued in America compared to Europe which is exactly the same thing which happened to my two career GTS and that's why we made some money all the way back then and I think we've got the same opportunity right now when I bought these two careera GTS I took a hell of a lot of precautions to make sure that I didn't get scammed but as you're about to see with a much busier schedule I let my guard down and this would turn out to be a huge mistake so we're going to go through this whole Pro process of hopefully buying this car from over in America first of all we'll send him an email now and just find out a little bit more about the backstory and the condition of the car and so the Journey Begins exciting but little did I know at this time sometimes you just need to sit back and slow down so whilst we're waiting to hear back from olders and Enterprises I'm going to cook my family a meal why the fire extinguishers going need an insurance sa in a minute if you are as busy as me let hell fresh handle the meal prep it arrives at your door and there is zero race because everything is pre-portioned I'll be honest this isn't our usual job but hello fresh so it's that easy even we can do it yeah tonight we're going to be cooking sticky honey beef rice bowl and hopefully it's going to look a little bit like that and before we got cooking we had already heard back from the seller olders Enterprises bad news he had told us there were two other people interested in the car and we wouldn't know if it was still available for a couple coup of days so we got back to the [Music] cooking enjoy delicious meals without breaking the bank starting at just £315 per serving hellofresh have got tasty meals covered on a friendly budget there's lots of different recipe choices which cater for every different dietry preferences there's even vegan options for all utesa drivers after following the step-by-step recipe dinner was soon served there there we go that was easy looks good smells good good no that's good you like it Daddy do all right using my discount code you can get 60% off your first box and free desserts for life you can use a link in the description or you can scan the QR code here or the side or here thank you hellofresh for sponsoring this video and after we'd all smashed a very healthy and delicious meal we headed off to bed hoping to hear back from the salesman Ken Hoffman good morning it's Monday it's raining outside but it's sunny in here we've heard back from Ken and the GT3 RS is still for sale which is right result sent us loads and loads of pictures along with some very nice photos he had sent a walk around video including a cold start as you can see the engine is cold it hasn't been started yet and oh my god listen to the sound of this so let's not waste any time I'm going to reply to Ken I'm going to ask him for the VIN number and just to make sure this has a full Porsche service history we soon heard back and he had sent a VIN number which we checked out on car vertical it was perfect he also sent a Carfax report which looks legit so I didn't want to waste any more time so I went straight in with an offer to try and get a bit of a discount right hopefully Canen I reply today um and we can get this moving forward before it's too late GT3 GT3 one which doesn't lose money whilst we're waiting for Ken to get back to us I wanted to share some of the stories from our Instagram request now hopefully you are sat down because Tom's story is incredible he was after a very beautiful Mercedes C63 went to this car dealership it was a beautiful day so anyway went ahead bought this car so I then drove into the service station for a for a quick toilet break and then as I'm driving out coming down the slip Road as I looked down I had six Red Dot saw me and I thought they were like flies or something so I trying to hit these things off as I look up there there was two bmwx FES uh with coppers out the back windows pointing at me you've just bought I haded 17 minutes 17 minutes 17 and they said then they oh you you for um attempted Mur because they've done a an armed robbery on a Jeweler's bik before in Birmingham and shot someone they ran me out about s different charges they kept being tested for about four four or 5 hours and then realize it wasn't me and then I remember standing on the end of this train station filling up with tear thinking I just lost 25 Grand a perfectly innocent purchase and your whole world is turned upside down in a split second so as we mentioned before this car is in America and some of you may be wondering how much it would cost to get that car back to the UK so before we carry on with this deal let's find out what sort of money would that be to get that back to the UK get that back tested registered shipped insured in its own container give or take four I guess like that so that's £4,000 shipping but also some imported cars need modifications to make them road legal here in the UK yeah just a pair of UK lights they're not too bad that this is getting really good so we've got our car cost about 2,000 indicators ,000 shipping for Grand import Duty 10% 20,000 that 40,000 total cost of 265 now couple of things which we need to remember is that reckon is 100 Grand cheaper than what we can buy R in the UK so if we had have got this right this could have been a fantastic money maker and eventually after another day we heard back from the salesman Ken Hoffman at alerson Enterprises no you won't buge price fixed saying he's got three more people interested so fair enough it's cheap anyway it's the right money still going to go for it GT3 GT3 hopefully a great investment GT3 we then had an email back asking for a 10% deposit and I knew $225,000 is a serious amount of money to send to a man I've never met and for a car that I've never seen so I went for a second opinion just to make sure that this car was the best chance of a Sound Investment this is Ian one of the directors of the Porsche Club he knows these cars throughout the dec inside out so if he gives me the green light then we are good to go on this classic 997 GT3 RS so the next morning we headed over to Ian to see exactly what he thought of my car GT3 how you doing you're right well you found yourself a gem of a car here I've done my homework since we spoke and I have to say I don't know how you found it it is the four loer it's got everything that you could ask it Ian had done some great research on the actual car itself but there was a catch which was terrifying so Mark he you've asked him for a cold start video yeah and he sent you the video yeah as you can see the engine is cold it hasn't been started yet that's Ken speaking Yeah but next no one's speaking so that's a same video Yeah Ian had reverse image search the main picture on the listing and he found the original Source max power motors these were the exact same pictures that Ken was using so that's an old photo then yeah 12 months ago this was put up and sold by max power motors right so but how do you know that's my car cuz it's 529 and when we cross reference the pictures at kennet centers it's the same car and that walk around video wasn't his he had downloaded it from max power motor's YouTube channel which was actually uploaded a year ago and back then it's sold for $700,000 which is nearly three times what Ken is asking for it now why is Ken selling the car a year later and at a deflated price the evidence was clear but I was blinded by the deal and I didn't want to believe it maybe the economy what about if he doesn't know this is a 4 liter I was coming up with every excuse to why there could be a simple explanation so Ian he did some more digging there if you look at Ken's details there's the address of where the dealership is okay on Google the dealership actually exists including a review five star Happy Days yeah but Mark two weeks ago one review for a dealership and strangely the car dealership even shows up on the maps C like leadership I tell let's let's search Ken let's see who Ken is okay and after a bit more digging we found Ken Hoffman on LinkedIn there we go alers and Enterprises he does work there yeah he worked there for 5 years but he left in 21 well where do he work now a Chevrolet dealership in lubac this Chevrolet dealership is located only 40 minutes away from the olders and Enterprises dealership and what also doesn't make sense is why olders and Enterprises doesn't show up on Google Maps until we realize you could go back in time on Google Street View at the address which alerson is registered to alerson it is there so we're thinking the guy I'm speaking to isn't this guy no so to recap what we have discovered is olders in Enterprises was a real dealership and Ken Hoffman did work there but we now know it closed 3 years ago so we think fake Ken has brought this dealership back to life so this is U-turn from buying a dream investment car to maybe discovering one of the biggest superar scan websites in the world listing over 80 million worth of exotic cars I'm still not 100% sure this is still an accusation let's get some real hard facts let's speak to the real Ken Hoffman just to make sure that this is 100% a really really big massive scam this bastard nearly had $25,000 a mine so using the real Ken Linkin page we called up the dealership he currently works at thank you for calling Lan Chevrolet this is Kim how me I help you uh Ken Hoffman please okay this is Kim thank you for holding hi Ken um my name is Mark we think someone's been stealing your identity for car sales yes yes yeah okay so you're aware of it okay then we should pick my name of all people you must have been a good car salesman I was in finance most of the time so I didn't really even sell cars um so I just did the paperwork cuz you used to work at olders didn't you the alerson Enterprises correct although that uh it uh it was sold in October of 2021 so from what my manager told me uh a police officer investigating this in Florida called do you think the go do you think the police have been on to you cuz somebody's been scammed oh absolutely yes so devastatingly someone from Florida has already fallen victim to this exact scam website fake Ken what a cheeky if you think re go back to the very start when we tried to inquire about this car now he left us waiting for 2 days telling us that there was somebody else interested in the car the the absolute genius frauder and then thinking back now as well obviously he said to us he wouldn't take a deal he wouldn't take $240,000 he wouldn't take $240,000 cuz it makes us believe even more that it's real but that poor person who sent that money in Florida God I hope it was only depositing it wasn't a full amount for a car but if you think about it that was nearly me I nearly sent him $ 25,400 so so close thank you Ian for saving me but right ready let's confront the fake Ken fake Ken we are coming for you what's he going to say I hope he doesn't just put the phone down Jesus I'm nervous ready y Enterprise this is Ken how can I help you hi Ken it's Mark coming from England okay I'm fine thank you how are you sir yeah thanks for thanks for everything so far um sure is it possible to do a Face Time call uh no as I said uh for personal reasons we don't I I can do a FaceTime call what an as soon as we as to see his face he shuts us straight down and the lies just coming but to be fair he could sound believable is the car there now to FaceTime the car I understand that you for personal reasons yourself but what about the car I know but uh it's our policy we don't do call I'm just I'm still a little bit nervous about sending you the money obviously not seeing the car or anything you know I see you've been I see on the website 27 years and I see you do a lot of work with Charities which is great um we do yes we do can but if you don't feel comfortable buying a over the internet you are more than welcome to visit us we can go on a plane so now the time has come we finally get to confront this dirty dirty scammer right so we're an investigation team from the UK and we know that we spoke to the real Ken Hoffman so Ken we know that you're a scammer so what have you got to say for yourself oh fake Ken hanging up on this call says it all but at least we have got him he's happy enough to steal your money but a coward for not speaking to us from what we've learned please don't send a deposit don't send the money stand in front of that car no matter how far away it is see it pay the money and then drive the car away there and then I hate to think people are being ripped off but please if you've got any stories like this drop us a message we need to keep doing this but the next Tuesday maybe yeah who knows
Channel: Mark McCann
Views: 681,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exposed, scammer, I exposed, exposing, investigation, investigating, scam, car scammer, hackers, Mark McCann, marc mcan, mark macan, mark mccannn, mark mcann, scammers
Id: q2zpASi7e_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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