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[Music] every great gift demands a great response for God so loved the world that He gave he's giving you the greatest gift what is your response I hope you brought your seatbelts it is such an honor to have Albert Tate with us he is the lead pastor of a wonderful growing multi-ethnic multi-site Church in Monrovia California he has sacrificed the rest of his Thanksgiving weekend away from his family to come and to give us God's Word would you please honor him by giving him a big southeast welcome brother Albert King Church let's praise God in the building how many you know God is good his mercy endures forever anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord oh come on and act like it in here let's praise God from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same one he's worthy to be praised hallelujah y'all I'm peacock proud and hyena happy to be here I tell you I was glad when they said unto me let us go to South East in Louisville Kentucky amen I am I just got to start this sermon off with just a time of repentance I just gotta be honest I Thanksgiving y'all I'll tell you I ate so much food lord have mercy anybody ate too much anybody else eat too much y'all you know how that that sleep coma like itis thing happens after you get done and you ever be laying there sleep yawns laying there asleep and you just feel like your shirt is just tight like it's just your shirt is just tight y'all I was like my shirt is just tight and I got up together to take my shirt off and I realized I didn't have all no shirt it was just me I was tight I just is Laura was like that's your skin Albert that's your skin and you can't pull that off so the Lord is good to me he is filled my my stomach and just being here with you all this weekend it's just filled my soul it is a blessing to be in the house of the Lord one more time amen amen amen I'll um I'll just go ahead and be honest though yeah a brother don't have a long time to preach yeah I'll put a clock on his third I got thirty two minutes nine seconds left so we ain't got time to play around grab your Bibles and let's get started a brother got to go to work as Dave and Kyle don't play jack is like this Exodus chapter three begin reading at verse 1 Exodus chapter 3 begin reading at verse 1 and we'll go down to verse 7 verse 6 Exodus chapter 3 beginning in verse 1 and go down to verse 6 here these sacred words of our father now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to Horeb the mountain of God and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold that the bush was not consumed then Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush does not burn so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God called to him from the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said Here I am then he said do not draw near this place take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is holy ground moreover he said I am the God of your father the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God let's pray together father thank you so much for this great opportunity to open up your word in this great church father would you speak to us as we've gathered together to night ear to your voice so that we might hear you ever so clearly would you turn our hearts short you so that we might experience the fullness of all that you have for us goddess to that end and I pray now that you stand in my body think through my mind speak through my vocal cords those things you would have us say no one do may the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord you are my strength you are my Redeemer get glory in this place in Jesus name if your heart said Amen amen amen if you are anything like me you if you grew up in church this story is a very familiar story the story of Moses and the burning bush or or if you Bing grow up in church but you saw the Prince of Egypt you are right where I need you to be you are right there so right before Moriah do the big song you are right there where I need you to be this morning Moses we see him in chapter 3 and he's in a new season he's got a new perspective on life he's in a very new place and this place is good it is good for him but you can't appreciate the goodness in chapter 3 without identifying the tragedy in chapter 2 see it is in chapter 2 where Moses finds himself in Pharaoh's house but he recognizes as he grows into his identity that he looks more like the slaves in the field the Hebrews then he does the Egyptians in the house he recognized and he begins to identify with the people who were out in the field who have been enslaved the Hebrew people and passion begins to develop and burn within him and he got a passion for justice he saw these Hebrews being beaten by these Egyptians in one day he couldn't take it anymore he ran out and injected himself into this conflict and as he as this Egyptian was beating this Hebrew he he put himself in between and he got into a tussle with the Hebrew with it with the Egyptian and he ended up killing the Egyptian hiding the body the next day he sees two hebrews fighting each other and he goes out and he breaks him up and says why why why are you fighting one another we we were doing people are fighting you why would you even take that why would you fight one another and they looked at him with sarcasm and said oh well what you gonna do to us you gonna kill us like you did the Egyptian yesterday he was like y'all has seen that y'all y'all see now immediately Moses runs and he hides I don't know what you do when you get in trouble I don't know what you do when you make a mistake I don't know what you do when failure marks your life what's you're anything like me when you mess up there's a huge temptation to run and hide Moses ran he hid in Midian and can you imagine just for a moment what it must have been like a murderer exposed Pharaoh now wants him killed he is now hiding in Midian life now marked with failure with guilt with shame probably thinking that his life is over probably thinking that he's done probably thinking he's got to live in secrecy in hiding and in the guilt and the shame marked by the failures of his past for the rest of his life just there in Midian where he wants to throw in the towel and give up on any hope of being fulfilling any purpose or calling on his life there where he's about to give up in Midian we see the hand of the grace of God reaching into his life reaching into his story he is found by Jethro's daughter brought into a community given a life given a job given a wife given a family he's given a brand-new start I want to start this message off by encouraging someone that might have slipped into this service might be watching online and you are in a season of hiding why because your life has been marked by failure your life has been marked by guilt and shame you've messed up you've missed the mark maybe in twenty and at 18 it was filled with missteps and mishaps and mistake and just when you think that you about to give in the towel and give up on any hope of fulfilling any kind of destiny or calling on your life I have come to tell you my brother my sister lift up your head now is not the time to give up now it's not the time to throw in the towel God is not done with you if you still got breath in your body that means you still got purpose in your chest rise up and fulfill the calling on your life I've come to encourage you my brother my sister God's not done with you he's called you for more just turn around and tell your neighbor he ain't done with you yet turn around and tell her all you got a bad neighbor you got a bad neighbor turn around and tell somebody else tell him I said he's not done with you yet I've come to declare for you that the god of our salvation is calling you to more I don't care how bad you've messed up I don't care how deep your failure I don't care how wide your mistake God has called you for more he ain't done with you yet if he was done with you you wouldn't got up this morning oh don't be mistaken it wasn't the alarm clock that got you up this morning it was the grace of God that said arise my brother my sister we've got work to do in the kingdom so we see Moses in chapter 3 he has a family like he's recovered from this failure I mean I tell you Moses he he got it going on y'all he he's got a boo and a shorty oh I'm sorry significant other and offspring um he we see Moses I mean he's got a family he's got a job y'all Moses is chilling um I'm sorry chillin intense relaxation and rest with the idea in the hope of restoration of the soul he is chilling he he's doing his thing and that's when we see it happen again the hand of God reaching in and taps in on Moses shoulder it says Moses now this time I'd imagine Moses like huh he says Moses it's time to begin again I've got more for you to do now I don't know I don't know Moses like this but I know I'd be like if I just got myself together if we just got comfortable I'm just now can playbills and I finally got my anxiety down I didn't work through some emotional stuff and Jesus comes talking about some talking about some I'm calling you to more like oh no I'm good Jesus you ain't gonna call me I'm good thing I appreciate you thinking about me but you can go on and some other folks I got a whole list of folks that could probably use a whole lot more than what you want to give me I can send you to somebody else house go to my other house she's so jacked up she need all you you give her my blessing and he ain't hugs Jesus just go to her she needed I'm fine you know why because I'm comfortable you know sometimes when I'm in despair and when I'm broke bust get busted and disgusted then yeah Jesus come save the day but I'm I like that now I'm good I'm comfortable it's mind if I I just got everything settle down last thing I need is you come and messin up stuff I just finally figured out what I'm doing I've got news for you friends Jesus comes and he calls you to more not just from failure but he also calls you from comfort see one of the biggest threats of you walking into the kingdom calling that's on your life it's not your failure but many times it's your comfort cuz you get so comfortable that you will miss the kingdom and you will think that comfort is the goal and comfortable comfort was never the goal comfort was never the goal it was always Kingdom Jesus didn't die on the cross to give you comfort he died on the cross to bring you Kingdom food I was good I need to say that again at his side that was good somebody I'll tweet that Jesus didn't die on the cross to bring you comfort he died on the cross to bring you into the kingdom about your comforts it's about his kingdom and I'm telling you he'll tap you on the shoulder and say come here comfortable Mary come here comfortable John your families are nice and comfortable and you celebrate just got the Christmas card printed with a nice little beautiful perfect picture everything does it looks comfortable when you put a Christmas card you ought to just put comfortable up under the picture cuz that's what you look it's just comfortable hashtag comfortable and God says I've come to disrupt the comfort and bring you in the kingdom I've called you for more so now is not the time to set up and get comfortable oh I hear you I hear you my senior citizen 70 years old saying brother Tate I appreciate that but I'm retiring and I'm I've earned some comfort no you ain't you ain't earned nothing shut up they don't even make no sense what verse in Chapter you see that in the Bible you seventy years old you finally got some wisdom you got more sense than anybody else in the building you gonna let these 40 and 50 year olds run everything and they don't know nothing you finally know something we meet your wisdom 70 year old 75 year old we need your experience we need your insight we need your voice more now then everybody over 70 just shout amen that was what I'm talking about I see one lady had to wake up to shout it but that's alright wake up the shop that's okay that's alright it's that time this is like oh what's going on is the black preacher this Sunday oh okay I gotta wait guys I gotta stay I got to stay alert I guess what I'm saying it in the next 19 minutes and 42 41 seconds I want to encourage you as you begin and go into the extended holiday season in a time of reflection as we come to the end of the year what would it mean for you to begin to consider answering the call that God has on your life form or more of a spirit more of his love more of his kingdom more of his grace he's called you to more there are three things that we learned from Moses as he answers this call that would ultimately transform all of Israel first thing is don't get distracted just trying to round tell your neighbor don't get distracted I'll tell somebody else they already distracted tell them tell somebody else tell them don't get distracted Moses could have so easily been distracted you mean to tell me burning bush happens and I'm sorry I'm running away from the bush I'm not walking to the bush don't allow the comforts don't allow the new job don't allow the new things you've acquired to cause you to be so comfortable that you miss this divine invitation to more the bush is is burning now oddly enough I'm just gonna tell you when I was I grew up in Mississippi when I lived in Mississippi I thought the bush just catching on fire was the miracle well turns out when I moved to California I realized Bush's catch on fire all the time shout that ain't a miracle that's Tuesday uh so this bush catches on fire what I love about Moses is he doesn't run away he doesn't allow his comforts to distract him but he walks into the invitation kind of reminds me of my um I I have four children I've got a 12 year old a 10 year old a 7 year old and a 5 month old yeah yeah tell me about it our timing was way off on that we are unorganized people and we have failed miserably its although I mean my therapist has said I gotta find better words don't use failure that may injure the child when it gets older but you know is rough I'm telling you I'm tired right now I may take a snap during my sermon I'm so tired there are some days y'all probably ain't like this but there's some days when I just walk in my house I just walked back out I say I can't even do it today I can't even do it Lord okay I mean that day was just so bad the drama in crime is great I just want to take a kid and just throw him out the window just one at a time but like come here come here don't you run come in come in then I looked at my wife she was like don't you even think about it I was like okay I'm not even think about it but it is it just those moments but this day I walked in the house and you know the temptation and just kind of do that but I said you know what I'm not gonna do that and I just I just started tickling every kid I saw I was tickling her and I was tickling and then I I started wrestling and tickling in before for you look I we looked up dinner had come and gone and and there were no casualties we we made it through dinner uh and then it was bedtime and that's that's when they lost it y'all my ten year old her name is Bethany I'm telling you Bethany she's the one that's got me praying more now than ever before I I pray in tongues now I'll call my Pentecostal friends I said I need some extra help give me them tongues you'd be talking about I need I need all the help I can get English ain't working no more uh she call she got me just oh man so she back in the room and I could just hear her meltdown she loses it and you know normally this is a time of night when I also lose it so she's screaming and crying I'm screaming and crying and it's just a terrible picture you know 41 year old and a 10 year old it's just not beautiful so I said I'm not gonna do that this time I said at the end of the hall I didn't even go back there and I called her to me I said Bethany come here she came down the hall hit all down I stooped down got eye-to-eye to her I said Bethany daddy loves you and daddy wants the absolute best for you and right now you're not you're not you're not being the best you could be and I want you to be the best and I hugged her and I pulled her close I kissed her on the forehead I said daddy loves you so much and that's not a thing you can do about it you know that's what that's what Jesus does for us he came down from heaven and saw the chaos of humanity and he could have easily thrown us into eternal condemnation eternal judgment but he didn't do that he put on flesh and he'd walked among us and he tickled us with his love he took at us with His grace then he hung bled and died on Calvary's cross and got up with all power and with their resurrection power and he pulled us near with salvation kissed us on the forehead with Redemption and whispered the sweet love of the gospel I love you and there's not a thing you can do about it I was standing there as Bethany walked back to her room and I thought to myself that was good you know I was thinking man this this is this this changed her life like she's gonna journal about this that night dad hugged me close and told me who I was like she's like she's gonna be like this should be a book I should do a blog on focus on the family something this is great and she's walking back down the long hall I can hear the violin playing in the background all of a sudden she gets through the door and she stops abruptly and I thought to myself what meaning without this she turns and she says to her sister she says Zoe daddy has a unibrow what is that what you take away from this divine sacred moment ladies stop looking I don't have a unibrow so you look and stop it I don't have a unibrow this beautiful moment with her father and all she sees is what appears to be a unibrow I I guess what I want you to see I guess what I'm trying to get you to understand is be careful the loving father the loving creator of all things is inviting you into a divine relationship or he'll intentionally take you deeper in this loving moment and with this divine invitation of the Father don't be distracted by the unibrow of the world don't be distracted by the minuscule things of the world some of you God is calling you deeper but you're distracted or the anxiety on the job some of you God's calling you deeper he's inviting you to more but you're distracted by your own greed and self-righteousness some of you God is fighting you two more but you're distracted by your own comfort and your own goals for your own family some of you God is calling you to go deeper but you're distracted by small things that absolutely don't matter don't you miss the invitation for the greater because you've settled for the lesser whew that was good I liked that one shy can we say that y'all up hit it y'all get that up there whoo that was good don't don't miss this divine invitation for Greater by being distracted by things that have no eternal significance first thing that we learned from Moses as you considered the call to more is don't be distracted the second thing we've learned is I love it he says this bush that just catches on fire not only is it on fire but the bush is talking I don't know about you but where I'm from usually if a bush is talking you would have had to smoke a bush that then had you know what I'm talking about I don't know about the law and in Kentucky but the law in California y'all has changed we got a whole new ministry we got to build out there jack so this this bush is speaking and the first thing God says through this bush to Moses is take your shoes off take your sandals off because you're standing on holy ground he wanted him to understand that you need to take off your shoes remove the thing that's in between your flesh filling the power of my sovereign power in your toes one of the dangerous things in the world is doing what I do I I kind of work at the burning bush I I work at the place where God speaks every weekend and one of the worst mistakes I can make and I've made before is getting so familiar and so comfortable with him speaking that I just walk in without my shoes without taking my shoes off I just get so familiar that I don't take my shoes off I don't take time to confess and surrender and move the things that will get in my way of experiencing the fullness of his sovereignty and his power removing the thing that says God I'm so desperate and dependent upon you to provide for me God you are my source you are my power you are my strength God is saying if you want to accept the invitation to be moved and to be called to more you got to take your shoes off and feel in your toes the sovereign power of God and his provision for you your standing in his power not your own the other thing that he wants Moses to take his shoes off for is to realize Moses were you been walking you probably stepped in some dung and I don't want the dung of your past to be tracked into the destiny that is your future oh lord have mercy I'm preaching better than you shouting up in here today I tell you he's saying I don't want the dong and the failures of your past to be tracked into your future and your destiny so take your shoes off some of you keep saying there's some things that you stepped in in 2018 but he don't want you to track in 2019 so I need you to take your shoes off and surrender and leave some things behind because you're not gonna take that mess into 2019 what are the things you need to take off something you need to take off some bitterness some of you need to take off the pornography addiction some of you need to take off the unforgiveness some of you need to take off the arrogance that says you're in control some of some of you need to take off self-righteousness one of the things that you need to take off that will literally hinder your heart from filling the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit see sometimes we you leave those shoes on it it becomes so hard and you can't feel the presence of God and you end up losing the tenderness some of you you used to use to be convicted over your sins but you've walked around with your shoes on so long you're not even convicted anymore some of you you used to cry used to cry at your failure if it's falling into sin but you've got so used to walking in it now you've lost your tears some of you become so closely acquainted with sin and you've gotten so used to being in distance from the power and the Spirit of God that you just got comfortable walking around with your shoes on and you don't even feel anymore he says Moses if you're going to come in my presence I need you to take your shoes off I would actually take my shoes off but I'm not trying to hurt these poor poor folks on his front row right here he says I need you to take your shoes off so you can feel that I'm in control and you're not I'm sovereign and you're not I'm God in your not he says Moses I need you to take your shoes off and I need you to feel the power of the sovereignty of the holy ground that you stand on I need you to have this moment of all in reverence because not many days hits you will be standing in those same feet in front of Pharaoh and when you stand in front of Pharaoh he's gonna be big he's gonna be intimidating and I don't need you to run like you did the last time I need you to stand knowing that Pharaoh is big but your God is bigger and your God has all power in his hands since I need you to stand and be reminded of how big your God is how awesome your father is how great your father is I need you to be reminded I need you to recapture the all and wonder of seeing the great I am exude is power and glory in your life it reminds me of Ray Johnston friend of mine tells the story of Diane Disney Walter Disney of the Walt Disney Company his daughter she tells in her book of how it was growing up in the Disney household to be honest she says it was pretty normal as a matter of fact she tells the story it was so normal that when she went to elementary school then she had to introduce herself for the first time she stood up in class and she says hi my name is Diane Disney and she tells the story of how the class immediately started clapping and laughing and reacting and Diane was moved to tears she started crying in the teacher said Diane was wrong and she says they're laughing it means see they're laughing she says no they're not laughing for you they're they're happy for you she says happy for me I just said my name was Diane Disney and then they started going crazy it is like oh that's crazy that I don't know why they was so excited maybe they thought theirs will be some tickets out the deal that's not my I don't know but they they were going on and she says she's like no no they're excited because because of who you are she sued me she says in your name in your dad's name Walt she says he rose Walter she says yeah as in Walt Disney as in Disneyland as in Mickey is your brother like goofy is your cousin she said I had no idea she marched home she was furious with her dad he was sitting there reading the papers she went home stormed in the house you didn't tell me you were walk Thursday she said I walked around for months in all of who my father was South East I've come to tell you your father and the creator of Disneyland he's the creator of all the land he's the Alpha and the Omega he's the beginning and the end he's the first and the last all you are to get excited when you think about how big your father is you ought to get excited when you think about how great your father is it ought to blow your mind when you think about the awesomeness of your big great God if you serve a big God and he wanted to give him a big praise in here give God some glory come on as he wanted to be pray is he wanted to be praised he's a good good father he's a healing father he's the delivering father he's a saving father he's a loving father he's a kind father he's a good good father Oh his name he's worthy to be praised he's a big God he's a big father he's a big father listen I can hear folks saying now well Albert you just don't know how how big my problem is you just don't know what I'm going through listen I'm not here to minimize your problem I'm here to help you maximize your God I'm telling you he's a good father take your shoes off and be reminded of how big he is the next thing we see Moses do is number one not be distracted number to take your shoes off number 3 it's interesting Moses inquires when he could have walked away he walked into the fire he walked towards the fire and God did not speak until Moses moved if you look at the sequence God did not speak until Moses moved it speaks to me so many times were sitting in rooms like this and to be honest in our prayer requests we're just literally just waiting on God to move just waiting on God to move just waiting on God to move and sometimes I wonder if God is looking at us and I'm just waiting on you to move I'm just waiting on you to move I'm just waiting on you to move I am at the airport the other day and I'm embarrassed to say it y'all it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to wash my hands you know they don't put they don't put knobs on the faucets anymore y'all know y'all over the good old days when you can actually turn the water on yourself when you had that power at some point I guess in the 90s we lost authority to do to manage water by ourselves and now it's knobblies you know what I mean and y'all I just couldn't figure out how to get the water on it now and I would have just watched what somebody else did and copy that I mean that's how I made it through high school but but nobody was in there you know what I mean so I'm in there y'all and I'm telling after a while they look like I was in there dancing and watch me whip watch me nae nae watch me whip whip watch me nae nae watch me do you know any like oh then then finally I got excited this guy comes in and I'm thinking okay Coco I'm just gonna sit back and I'm gonna see what he does and then I'm just gonna do that this nasty Joker gonna use the bathroom walk right out without using the plow washes his hands I said that's the last time I trouble with Kyle anywhere I tell you this is disgusting so finally I did this and the water came out I did this and the water came out if you get it early I won't have to preach as long I did this I guess what I'm trying to say is some of you just do this and the living water will flow in your life if you just you just take a step of faith take steps into obedience state take take steps into faithfulness if you just be faithful and step into it you'll be amazed at the living water that will begin to flow in your life maybe instead of waiting on God God is waiting on you what it means for you to make the first move don't be distracted take your shoes off and make the first move this last point I really don't have time to get it this is two minutes and 31 seconds but if I had time and if I didn't care about the clock because it was the last service of the day I take my time and I tell you [Applause] all right let's do it all right the the the thing that happens is what will happen to many of us it's the Satan strategy just when you get excited about God using you for something greater just when you can get excited about God having a purpose for your life and a plan for your life some of you while I'm talking you've already begin to get visions and begin to dream again and says maybe that idea that I had I should go after maybe that hope for helping somebody else I should go after it maybe maybe that service opportunity that I wanted to think about maybe I should go after it as as soon as you begin to say yes Lord you want to use me yes I'm not done yes you've got a purpose for me the enemy comes in and tells you all the reasons why you're not qualified all the reasons why you can't do it it's what happened to Moses later on in Chapter three you'll see it God says I want you to speak to Pharaoh tell them to let my people go and Moses says you you want me to speak because Moses have difficulty with speech he says got the one thing I can't do well is the one thing you want to use God says that's exactly right I want to use the area in your life so then when I do it it won't be no doubt as to how it happened won't be no doubt as to how it happened and here's the crazy thing Moses was telling the truth it was a fact he wasn't in denial he wasn't he wasn't it God would say no act like you do have it don't have a speech impediment no no he says no you do Moses you can't talk it's a fact you're not good at it following Jesus and walking by faith is not an act of walking in denial no don't hide the facts don't try to share don't try to hide them don't try to act like the facts on so no take the facts and put them on the table but will you put those facts on the table you better put the truth on the table as well because you need to know the difference between the facts and the truth the fact is Moses know you can't talk but the truth is if you open up your mouth I'll speak for you you're in here today the fact may be you may feel like you're under attack and you're going through a hard time but the truth is no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper the fact maybe you feel like the enemy is coming after you but the truth is greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world the fact maybe you're tired and you're ready to throw in the towel but all the truth is they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount as wings as Eagles they shall walk and not faint they shall run and not be weary the fact may be I cried myself to sleep last night but all the truth is weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning the fact may be I'm tired of praising God and I don't want to praise him anymore but the truth is I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth southeast the fact may be you ready to throw in the towel and ready to give up but the truth is God is not done with you he's calling you the more lift up your head gear up your feet take off your shoes and walk in the more that he's called you to he's called you to greater he's called you to more for his glory amen [Applause]
Channel: Southeast Christian Church
Views: 5,404
Rating: 4.9578948 out of 5
Keywords: Southeast Christian Church, Dave Stone, Kyle Idleman, creative church, sermon series, worship, Jesus, God, Louisville, Kentucky, called for more, albert tate
Id: QygPdt4eTBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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