All The Things: All The Fears | Albert Tate

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[Applause] hey willow how y'all doing y'all good I am so thankful to be here I am fighting a cold so I'm gonna sound a little nasally but uh I believe the Lord can speak through congestion amen amen Psalm 23 is where you'll find me today Psalm 23 as we continue in the series today we're gonna talk about all the fears all the fears Psalm 23 hear these words of our Father the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever that's pretty together God thank you so much God I thank you for this great church thank you for the work that you're doing here in this church father I pray that as we've gathered together that she would speak O Lord like only you can tune our ear to your voice so that we might hear you ever so clearly turn our hearts toward you so that we might experience the fullness of all that you have for us God has said that and that I ask that you stand in my body think through my mind speak through my vocal cords those things you would have us say no one do may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord you are my strength you are my Redeemer get glory in this place in Jesus name every heart said amen in order to get started all I really need are the first three words of this passage the first three words are so loaded and so filled that one one preacher said you can get on the plane at JFK and go all the way to LAX and still not make it past the first three words because they are so packed with theological potency the first three words of this song that's that's that's that's that's all I need give me the first three words what are they the Lord is he is he he's he's he's all that you'll ever need all that you could ever desire all that you could ever want the Lord is he he is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the first first and the last he is he he is when the biggest implication is if the Lord is that means you ain't if he is that means you ain't it's important for you to realize that he is he is all that we could ever need I'm ready for the next word now the Lord is my it's personal all that he is he is all that within me all that he is by nature I am by grace whoo that was good let me say that again all that he is by nature I am by grace by nature he's he's loving I am loving by grace by nature he is peace he is shallow I get to experience peace by grace he is filled with joy by nature and by grace I get be filled with joy the Lord is my he is connected it is personal he's not some God out in the cosmos somewhere no the Lord is my I have a personal connection with him watch this I'm ready for the next word now what's the next word shepherd he puts a dynamic to the relationship he gives a description to the relationship there's a way there was this relationship work says there's a way it works every relationship has a dynamic me and my wife our relationship has dynamic she tells me what to do I do it that's the dynamic in our relationship every relationship has a dynamic Shepherd shepherd Shepherd shepherd the shepherd provides for the Sheep protects the Sheep anticipates the needs for the Sheep that's what the Shepherd does now if the Lord is the shepherd that means we're the Sheep in a quick Google search of sheep wool will show that sheep ain't the brightest bulbs in the pack what is Jesus saying about us I think he's saying you need to realize that the Lord is you ain't trust him and follow him trust him and follow him don't think of yourself more highly than you ought recognize that you desperately need the Shepherd now watch this I grew up on the King James Version so you have to excuse me I'll pull back the Lord is my shepherd therefore I shall not want it doesn't mean that you don't have desires anymore no it's that because the Lord is in all that he is he is my he is my shepherd he's gonna take care of me what that means is I shall not want anything outside of the Shepherds provision in other words if Shepard a provide meant that I ain't wanting it because I don't want anything that ain't coming from the Shepard why because he is all that I could ever need or desire a want so I guess the big thing you gotta get before you can get anything else you got to recognize that the Lord is and because he is you don't want or desire anything outside of what the Lord your Shepard is providing I don't want it if it ain't coming from the Shepard in 2020 I don't want it I want what God wants for me I don't even want what I want for me I want what the Shepherd wants from me so if the Shepherd ain't provided that I ain't one day the Lord is my shepherd because of who he is I shall not want then here we go he says he makes me lie down in green pastures well he gotta make me lie down because he loves us too much to allow us to stand in our own power so even if he has to make us lie down he'll make us lie down this is where you gotta be willing to surrender everybody say surrender this is where you gotta be willing to let it go everybody say let it go you gotta recognize that if he's the Shepherd and if the Lord is and if he's who who he if you're willing to allow him to be who he was created to be in your life you gotta surrender to Him you can't be a rogue sheep there's a story as I was studying this as a story of a shepherd when he has a rogue sheep a sheep that goes away from the flock it's very dangerous because the wolves desire to get the Sheep when they wander off so it has been said but if there's a sheep that keeps wandering off a Good Shepherd lovingly watch this we'll break his leg well break the sheep's leg and then with a broken leg carry the Sheep on his shoulders to remind the sheep that the shepherd cares for him and wants to lead him and nurse him back to health so that he won't wander away and be killed by the wolves somebody say he makes me lie down if he forces us to a place of trust and surrender because he loves us too much to leave us standing in our own power there's a story of a pastor friend who was travelling in the Middle East and they they went riding on camels and and one of the camels had all the luggage on it and then the other camels who carried the people when they got to where they were going the camel carrying the luggage you know it's pretty high they couldn't get the stuff off of the camel unless the camel bit down on his knees but the camel had been standing in his power and in his strength for so long he wouldn't bend his knees he wouldn't go down so they literally had to get twigs in whack in whack behind his knees in after whacking and whacking eventually the camel slowly finally went down on his knees it wasn't until he went down on his knees they could roll the burden away from his back y'all get it early I will have to preach as long sometimes guys got to bring you down on your knees so he can get the burden off of your back some of you carry him burdens into 20 20 already and he's saying you weren't made to carry that burden that burden should be rolled off of your back but you're standing in your own power so he says I'll make you lie down but watch this he says I'm gonna make you lie down in green pastures not a desert not a dry place but a place of sustenance a place of provision he says I'll make you lie down in green pastures in a place where I will provide for you I guess one of the first lessons I want you to begin to think about as we think about 2020 in the first Sunday of the year what are the things you need to let go of one of the things that you need to let go of and don't need to take into 2020 one of the things that you need to surrender recognize that the Lord is recognized that you ain't and say God this year I'm not gonna hold on to these burdens I'm not gonna stand in my own power in my own strength I'm gonna humble myself and I'm a lie down in green pastures simply put Jesus you take the wheel I'm gonna let you drive it's something about letting Jesus Drive that impacts how you live it impacts your position it doesn't just change Jesus's position in your life but it impacts your position as well there's a story of a pope many years ago he was going to speak at the UN in New York but because of weather conditions his flight got redirected to Newark New Jersey so he landed in Newark New Jersey and gotten a limousine but now had to try to make it to New York in time he was going to be late for a speech the Pope was growing frustrated you know it takes a lot to get the Pope frustrated because the driver was just driving slow he just wasn't driving aggressively at all eventually the Pope said something he says sir could you please speed up and then the driver said your holiness unfortunately I've got a lot of I got a lot of speeding tickets and if I get another ticket they're gonna revoke my license and I'm gonna lose my job so then this Pope makes a suggestion that no one saw coming the Pope says let me drive he says okay so the Pope is driving and y'all he started driving like he was in NASCAR or something like he just try he's speeding he gone too fast and he gets into New York as soon as he gets into New York police officer pulls him over so the Pope pulls over police officer him and his partner the ticket writing cop gets out his partner stays in the car he walks up to the car and just turns around it gives back in his car the guy his partner says man you know don't give that guy ticket he's like ah he he'd too important I'm not giving him no ticket says what you mean e-to important win well it wasn't the mayor he's like I'm more important than the mayor was it the governor nah he more important in the governor secondly well it couldn't have been the president the president ain't here he says no his guys more important than the president he said who in the world is more important than the president he says I don't know but whoever this guy was he had the Pope driving him got the Pope driving it I guess what I want you to understand is when you let Jesus Drive it changes your position it changes who you are he I could hear I could hear some of you though you say an Albert I can't be resting all this time I gotta go to work tomorrow I got a I got a I got stuff to do I can't just be resting but you see the movement in the passage it's he's not just sitting still he says he makes me lie down in green pastures watch this he's leading me beside quiet waters he's restoring my soul you can't get your soul restored until you let go you're the restoring and the refreshing of your soul happens through your surrender of your soul and then watch this he guides me along the right paths for his namesake he's gonna move you he's gonna put you in the right place at the right time for his namesake for his glory he's gonna put you at the right job at the right time for his glory he's gonna put you in the right situation the right relationship at the right time for his glory in other words don't worry about what's coming he's gonna put you in the right place at the right time you're not gonna miss anything because he's sovereign he's a good god he's a good father he's gonna provide for you he's gonna take care of you he says so I'll put you in the right place at the right time and then it turns ya though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death wait a minute how do we get in the valley of the shadow of death we were just sitting in the grass drinking to steal water and now all of a sudden we're in the valley of death Jesus well I guess what we need to understand is sometimes even following Jesus you'll end up in dark places 2020 will be a great year it'll be a great decade but can I tell you we will still have dark days we'll still have challenging times don't you think for one second they're following Jesus every day is gonna be sunny no we will have dark days but I'm telling you don't allow the fear of those dark days to overwhelm you don't allow all the fears to bring you to a place to where you don't believe you don't trust so do you don't go even though we walk through dark days David says I will not fear why because I walking through dark days by myself God is walking with me I am NOT alone reminds me of a story when I was in a when I was in high school I went to this dance it at this dance I am I still remember what I had on I had on this orange Karl Kani Jean outfit it looks as good as it sounds this wants you to know that and I remember dancing and get my groove on I had skills I had skills I actually I actually still have skills but I'm dancing and stuff like that and I remember this guy he was just upset and just pointing and cussing and stuff I was like oh man he's about to fight somebody so you know and adriĆ  how fight you know what happens you are they start making a circle right so I remember started getting in the circle because to see the fight in the circle the circle kept getting around me well come to find out he wanted to fight me but I had some thuggish ruggish cousins man I had some truckers so they came in it was kind of like this let me see I need some help sorry no just come here help me out come here my man right here would you come in come up here help me out come on come on come on the steps over here right here let me get one more my man right here yeah yeah yeah y'all come on come on come on all right so I need you excited to be up here I could tell this is all right all right all right I need I need I need you to be y'all too y'all uh my my uh Koosh cousins can y'all look ya'll look hard can y'all look what's your thuggish look let me see your thug look oh that's good that's okay okay that's good that's good that's good all right are you gonna be the angry dude so you go over there you to angry dude that's coming at me in custody stuff so so so just start cussing real loud I'm just kidding I'm just kidding now just I just wanted to see what kind of Christian he was I just says this see he had to think about it oh he was like huh what out what words should I use this okay okay so guys see y'all y'all are behind me and you come up but listen don't let him get close when he gets it up to me y'all jump in front of me okay all right all right so you coming you mad you angry you coming and then it come you obviously didn't do it in a lot of fights when he was kids like he was like but well this is dead alright okay okay so you come yeah y'all come in front of me you come you come come on come on there you go all right okay all right so y'all stand in front of me they come in front of me and when my cousins come he changes his mind and he no longer wants to engage with me because he sees my cousin's alright so then he changes his mind he goes you go on stage now thank you sir thank you he goes all right we'll check this out for the rest of the night I'm traumatized guess where I am for the rest of the night I'm with my cousins if they go to the left we all going to the left we we goes to the right we all go on to the right they go to the bathroom we all go on to the bathroom you don't have the same because yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil coz down aren't with me thou art with me and what David is trying to get us to understand is yes there will be hard times yes there will be dark days yes there will be challenging times but you don't have to worry and you don't have to fear because you've got a God that'll never leave you nor forsake you you've got a God that'll be there every step of the way you've got a God that says thou art with me and he'll never leave you or forsake you you've got a god who's gonna be right there every step of the way amen oh man thank you guys I guess what I want you to understand is as you get ready for another year there are two things you got to do you got to leave some things behind you got to let some things go and you got to trust God knowing that even when the dark times come you can walk into the unknown because you know that God is with you it's it's kind of like this it's kind of like this I I I have this vision and I think I can pull it off I think I could pull it off it's it's it's a frozen anointing is what I want you to have a frozen own yeah I know the movie frozen if you don't know it let me let me set the scene let me set the scene for ty come out come out come out help me out here frozen let me get some let me get some ice on the ground let me get some stuff coming off frozen there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah see I love Willow you can do all kinds of stuff at Willow Creek any other Elsa and what she realizes that she'd never walk into the full power and her full potential she'd never fully accomplished what she needs to accomplish if she doesn't do this one thing and this one thing she she she captures it melodically this theological truth that is so significant that honestly drove parents crazy all across the world that were tired of hearing it tired of listening to it because every child was singing in but in lies a theological truth that I want to remind you of she simply said these words let it go let it go don't hold it back anymore let it go let it go turn away and slam the door I don't what they're going to say let the storm rage [Music] [Applause] that's so good I'm so traumatic um so I guess what I want you to see is that you've got to let it go and then they came out with frozen - and in frozen - It was as if they knew what I wanted to preach about this weekend it was as if they knew exactly what I wanted to say because the truth is you have to let it go so that you might go into the unknown into the unknown into the unknown would into the young [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've got to let it go so that you might go into the unknown and going into the unknown is okay if you're going into the unknown with the one who is known by all [Applause] so let it go give Jesus the will trust him and know that this year he's gonna take you into the unknown he's gonna take you places that you would never sign up for places that you would never put on your schedule but don't you be afraid because you'll never go into the unknown alone you'll go with the one who is known by all for his glory amen all over the room would you bow your heads and close your eyes you'll never receive what he has if you don't let go of what you have you gotta let go so you can have capacity to receive so if you're in hearing you say Albert there's some things I need to let go as I go into 20/20 as I start the first Sunday of the year there's some things that I need to let go and I don't know what those things are could be addiction it could be unforgiveness it could be bitterness woundedness could be relationships that aren't godly but if you're sitting in here and you got some things that you need to let go of so that you might receive what God has for you if you say Albert I got some things that I need to let go I can't think of a better time than the first sunday of the year to let those things go so that I can receive what God has for me if that's you which I want to pray with you I want to pray for you if that's you would you just stand up right where you are just stand up right where you are I need to let some things go I need to let some things go I need to let some things go if that's you just stand up right where you are I need to let some things go I need to let some things go that's you just stand right where you are I need to let some things go I need to let some things go father I thank you so much for my brothers and sisters that are standing father I thank you that through the power of your grace we can come boldly to the throne of grace we can come boldly and surrendering releasing and letting go so father we let go now in the name of Jesus we surrendered to you now in the name of Jesus father we don't want to go another day carrying things that should have been left at the altar a long time ago so we surrender it now we let it go now in the name of Jesus and we trust you with no fear we trust you and we'll follow you into the unknown take us deeper where our feet will never wonder father we trust you we follow you lead us guide us the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters father thank you so much for leading and guiding me you lead me down the right paths for your name's sake and even though I find myself the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because Lord you are with me in Jesus name Amen everyone standing on your feet [Applause] would you just turn around and tell three people tell them let it go let it go let it go let it go [Music] now turn around and tell two other people said let's go into the unknown together let's go into the unknown into the unknown father we thank you so much we trust you we follow you we let it go so that we might go into the unknown with the one that's known by all for your glory in Jesus name Amen god bless you we'll know have a great week [Music]
Channel: Willow Creek Community Church
Views: 10,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Willow Creek Community Church, Love Everyone Always, Willow Creek Church, Willow Creek, Willow, Church, Faith, Hope, Love, God, Jesus, Albert Tate, All The Fears, All The Things
Id: dnyIVgr4GcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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