Guest Speaker | Albert Tate

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hello to all of our campuses today I have a great privilege of introducing it's a good friend of mine who's going to bring God's Word to us this weekend and all of our campuses I first heard Albert Tate preach a couple of years ago and then I got to hear him live in Anaheim California last year when I had him for the North American Christian convention and he hit it out of the park we had some great speakers and I can't tell you how many people said Albert Tate was my favorite so I've asked him to do the exact same message that he preached out in Anaheim because he brings the Bible alive and he opens up passages of scriptures and he brings a humor out of it but more importantly than that is going to touch your heart Albert is the pastor of fellowship Monrovia it's a multi-campus Church just outside of LA and God called he and his wife LaRossa to plant a church there back in 2012 you're going to find it albert is a gifted speaker and he's truly a gospel driven man fueled by a passion to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth so please join me in giving a warm southeast welcome to Albert eight I was glad when they said unto me let us go to southeast church and declare the wonderful name of Jesus amen amen how many know he's oh he has a wonderful name can we just give God praise one more time what a wonderful name it is hallelujah I tell you y'all I am peacock proud and hyena happy to be here with y'all I tell you the truth but I'm struggling here first of all I want to I'm struggling though because I you know Dave he's heard me preach before he knows he seen me before and he gets me here and I got 33 now 32 minutes to preach he even got a down here counting me down you know a black preacher and a clock don't get along like a come on man a black o'clock to a black preacher is like kryptonite to Superman is just oh just working on me right here man it just don't work van it's just you know and we the tricks we planted is a multi-ethnic in a generational gospel centered church and then I just learned you know culturally we just we just got some dynamics that are just different y'all were just different you know so this clock is is different to me but I heard this is never the clock service ain't no other service coming after this so you can just turn that clock off child I don't care about that clock is this ain't even gonna look in this direction I'm just gonna walk over here how y'all doing I'm gonna be over here guiding ain't even gonna look over there no I but I've learned to appreciate the cultural differences I grew up in Mississippi we live in California but I grew up Mississippi all black church and y'all you know you push it all black church they talk back to you you know it's a conversation I remember how - I'm Vicki when them when the spirit would get high the preacher get the preacher real good here shall she say come over some more if you got a watch on vicky's though you get to taking too long she'll say bring it on home now make up your mind I'm Vic either but what you know and then I know forget just kind of starting to preach in more diverse settings and then preaching in majority-white settings it's just different y'all and but people say why people don't respond to the message y'all do you do respond it's just a different kind of response where white people are really enjoying the sermon this is what they do when they really get excited they do this a [Laughter] long time you see how I feel for 30 minutes when I be preaching good and then when the spirit we really give really good would really get really high when y'all we get really excited y'all do this huh so you don't mind what y'all talk back to me this morning a men ah yes we don't have a rich time in God's Word none listen I usually would take time and tell you about my wife and my kids but I got 29 more seconds left so I ain't gonna tell you so I'll just read a short version who I met this woman she was fine I got a number we kissed got married had three kids the book of John chapter 4 look at John chapter 4 beginning reading at verse 4 normally I you know have give you time to get there but you know Dave don't care not about you getting there so just hair up just you know just catch me when you can um this train is leaving the station uh John chapter 4 begin reading at verse four hear these words of our Father now he had to go through Samaria so he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph Jacob's Well was there and Jesus tired as he was from the journey set down by the well it was about noon when a Samaritan woman came to draw water jesus said to her will you give me a drink his disciples had gone into the town to buy food Samaritan woman said to him you are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman how can you ask me for a drink for Jews do not associate with Samaritans jesus answered if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asked you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water sir the woman said you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where can you get this living water are you greater than our Father Jacob who gave us the well and drank from it himself as did also his sons and his livestock jesus answered everyone who drinks the water everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water he told her go call your husband and come back I have no husband she replied jesus said to her you are right when you say you have no husband the truth is you've had one two three four five husbands and the man you sleeping with now and even your husband [Laughter] gollu off there sir where's 19 sir the woman said I see that you are a prophet and our ancestors worshiped on this mountain but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem woman jesus replied believe me a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem you Samaritans worship what you do not know we worship what we do know for salvation is from the Jews yet a time is coming and now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth the woman said I know that Messiah called Christ is coming when he comes he will explain everything to us then Jesus declared ah the one speaking to you I am he let's pray father thank you so much for your word god I pray that in these next few moments you'd speak to us you tuned our ear to your voice so that we might hear you ever so clearly would you turn our hearts toward use that we might experience the fullness of all that you have for us God is to that end that I ask that you stand in my body think through my mind speak through my vocal cords those things you would have us say no one do father may the words of my mouth meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord you are my strength you are my Redeemer get glory in this place in Jesus name Amen Jesus says we must go through Samaria now if you're not careful you just pass right by that and don't see the cultural implications that's drenching in that statement he he says we must go through Samaria well you've got to understand that's a big deal because culturally Jews couldn't stand Samaritans they didn't want to be around Samaritans they saw Samaritans as as mixed-breed as much they they call them these scoundrels they call them this this mixed breed they don't want to have any dealings with Samaritan so they don't want to see them they don't want to be around them they had an inner merit and entertain another God today they don't want to have any dealings with Samaritans so they would literally avoid them at all costs even to the degree of adding to their journey and going around Samaria just to avoid having to go through Samaria and the see of the Samaritans so you can imagine the disciples surprised when they get ready to turn left and go around Samaria and Jesus turns right and he says no we must go through Samaria because when following Jesus you don't get to go around people you don't get to go around your cultural segregation and racism we go through the places where culture has divided and we go and we engage people we don't go around people I ha Church I'm convinced that we need to go through Samaria how we who are followers of Jesus Christ need to know what it's like to do life with people that don't look like us don't live like us and don't vote like us we need to go through Samaria we don't need to perpetuate the continued segregation of our culture we need to be one with one another the 11 o'clock hour is still the most segregated hour of the week and I'm telling you the kingdom of God says I require more of my people we must go through Samaria so sometimes I worry about the church y'all I worry about us cuz I don't know if we don't know how to act when we get to heaven because you know when we get to heaven ain't gonna be a white section or black section an Asian section or a Latino section the Bible says there they were gathered around God's throne every race every tribe every nation every tongue declaring worthy is the Lamb that was slain we're gonna be there together but y'all do know if it was a black section in heaven the music will be off the chain don't y'all know that now that girl I'm going to the black section at night Louie Jesus is giving us a fundamental picture of the kingdom of God he says we must go through Samaria we must engage the hard places must go to the places where people don't look like us don't live like us don't vote like us because there you'll find people that are made in my image people who not only need to be blessed but the people who will bless you Jesus goes and they're in Samaria he comes across this woman this woman this woman this woman is there and now Jesus is there and he's talking to her you've got to know this is just an inappropriate picture this is just inappropriate he number one this Jewish man has no business being in Samaria talking to this woman number two he's a rabbi talking to a woman at a well he's at a well which was doing literary times with views often use a well with with with with romantic overtones if you will it has a romantic overtones kind of like I like if I'm hanging out with the fellas and we say Amen let's watch a movie and he's like I doc what you want to watch and then he'd be like oh let's watch the notebook what I watching the notebook with you man what's wrong with you why because the movie notebook it's a romantic movie it has romantic overtones thus the imagery of this well it has romantic overtones you just got to understand Jesus talking to this woman act as well it's just an inappropriate picture it should not be happening can we just take 30 seconds and thank God that he comes to inappropriate places and meets us I don't know what he found you but he found me in inappropriate places come on we ought to just thank God for coming to inappropriate places [Applause] Jesus comes to this inappropriate place he discovers this woman at the well I love it because Jesus just in dangers with her he talks to her he he like I mean Jesus had game y'all he he talked to I'm sorry game influenced in a way of speech in order to persuade listener and endear them on his behalf um game uh game he yeah he had game so he he says for the one I love this is how he talked to the woman he just said to the one he said give me some the drink and and you can almost read the attitude in the text you can almost hear the woman's attitude she's like first of all why are you even talking to me yo people don't like my people and my people don't like yo people so why are you even talking to me I love Jesus comes right back he wasn't trippin at all I'm sorry trippin a discouraged or dismayed by her unintentional you know how to do trippin you got it see that trippin I don't know trippin she got it okay alright let me tell you something you gonna hear some words today Dave and Kyle ain't never used you know we going we're gonna work you today child you go daven Kyle ain't never done this honey that's right come on come on y'all keep up cha come on when she say I'm with you I'm with you alright girl alright girl hey Madison so he comes back he ain't he ain't trippin all he comes back to her and he says if you would ask me for something to drink you should have asked me for living water she she says she says you don't have a cup ha how you gonna ask me to draw from you you ain't got nothing to draw with and what you got your own special brand of water or you fancy ha oh you fancy huh said Jacob drank from this well Jacobs children drank from this well Jacobs dog drank from this well you spit in my I think if you to ask me for water I would have given you living water the water that I would have given you would have been in you springing up eternal life and if you would have never had to thirst again the water that you seek you will be thirsty again but the water that I give you who dwell in you springing up eternal life and you will never ever thirst again because the water that I give you will satisfy the deepest longings of your soul [Applause] can I have some of that water please because she knew what it was like to be empty she knew what it was like to be thirsty she knew what it was like to desperately longed for more she knew what it was like to not be satisfied with where she was so at the very hope the very glimpse the very chance the very opportunity of grabbing something more she immediately says please God give me that water because I know what it's like to be thirsty you may be here today and you know what it's like to be thirsty you know what it's like to be empty you know what it's like to longed for more so you come to a service like this and you may hear a message or hear a song or have a prayer that opens your heart said God I need more because where I am it's empty where I am is not enough I'm not satisfied with where I am and the season of my life and I'm desperately longing for more if you're sitting here longing for more at the hope of knowing that God can do more for you in this season God can open doors for you in this season God can lift a load and this season God can satisfy this thirst in this season you say just like this woman give me this water give me more some of you are sitting here today and you're saying Lord I need this water and my marriage I'm thirsty and my job I'm thirsty with my kids I'm thirsty in school I'm thirsty god I'm sorry give me more and if that's you and you're sitting here desperately for more I think what's most fascinating is Jesus's response to this woman's plea she says give me mama and Jesus says to heart go get your husband my husband why we gotta bring Clarence into this well he had to do with this he's not even thirsty I'll go on thirsty he ain't evil ye we gotta bring up Clarence see because Jesus knew something about this woman that we didn't know he reveals something that we couldn't initially see Jesus Jesus says Jesus knows that this woman is no ordinary woman um she's a see how I say it in church um she's uh um she's a woman of the night if you will huh yeah yeah I get it uh uh oh here did it she's she's she's a woman here here we go here go she she had a she had a she had a men's ministry oh yeah you got it now you got it you got it yeah this this woman had been a relationship after relationship being abused by man after man after man being disregarded which was cultural norm to disregard her and she had no voice had no rights had no power so after one relationship after another relationship men abuse her and discarded her and here she is she's had five husbands and she's sleeping with number one with number six and he's at the house but she just met man number seven and she has no idea that he has come to make her whole to make her complete and man number seven will leave her never having to look for another man again and hun right so she meets man number seven he says to her you want this living water go get your husband go go get the area in your life that you're not proud of go go get the area in your life this marked with shame and guilt go go get the area in your life that's marked with failure and defeat go go get the area in your like that Shh you love to keep secret Harry you don't talk about in neighborhood groups this is the stuff that doesn't come up next go get the Shh go get the area in your life school go get the pornography go go get the insecurity go get the bitterness go go get the self-righteousness in the arrogance oh go get to cook it in your single season look at the relationship the sexual relationship they're stripped over into inappropriate areas but you still are holding on to go he says bring me that don't so just bring me beautiful songs of worship doesn't just don't bring me prayer requests I want the good the bad and the ugly go get your husband go get those dark areas go get those inappropriate play I didn't come just to come to the worship center I came to come into the inappropriate places in your life go get your husband see because you want all of me but God is saying if you want all of me I want all of you bring it to me see the problem is we learn in Churchill oftentimes how to hold on to the dark stuff we have these beautiful moments in these beautiful congregational settings where we just worship God in do not care for you look around in everybody this looks like they got it all together so the enemy to tell you you're the only one struggling so before I raise my hand and surrender something broken I look around and I think I'm the only one so I just learned to hide here that's why she's coming to the well in the middle of the day the women came at the top of the morning but she didn't learn how to get her water and hide some of you've learned how to come to church and still hide says this in the place of hiding you don't have to hide because you're not careful you look around and you just be you say we're the only couple struggling these other cause look at that couple they don't they look like they were worshiping in the parking lot we were warned in the parking lot look at that family got a lot to get look at their kids all well behave my bad kids and look at that young single brother he looks like he just got it together you never know he does he doesn't look like he's struggling with lust like I am she doesn't look like she's struggling with body image and insecurities like I am look look he look like he looks like he's just making all the money and he's got all enough and Here I am trying to provide my family and struggling to make ends meeting I'm insecure even in my manhood because I'm not sure if I got what it takes to lead my family if you're not careful you look around the room and everybody in church just looks so well Oh put together everybody this looks like they got it all figured out you think you start comparing yourself and eat and it's just terrible you stop it's mom start looking at other moms look at that mom look at her she got the stroller that I wanted look she just glide across the parking lot all smooth with her stroller my racket is stroller you you compare yourself you begin to think no one struggling like I am so you begin to hide those areas you begin to cover those areas can we just do something real quick good what washes if you are in this room and you got areas in your life that are messed up you got areas in your life that you're not proud of you got areas in your life that have been marked by pain and failure in shame if you're in this room we just raise your hand just raise your hand real high leave my bleep up look around look around see the cute girl you was checking out doing worship look her hand is up leave about leaving I believe him I believe ugly one see little family that you two thought has had it all together look look that hand is up as a matter of fact Karen to the person sitting next to you turn to him and say neighbor why y'all looking at me I said turn the del junco say neighbor I'm so glad to see you just as jacked up as I am [Applause] oh yeah you just is jacked up desire is one lady looked at her husband's you say I've been waiting to say that for 27 years having this is jacked up brother you jacked up I guess what I'm trying to say is if you want the living water God says I want to give it to you but you gotta bring me all of you I want two broken places I want the places that have been harmed the places that have been abused the places that have been damaged I specialize it's showing up and inappropriate broken places bring me your husband bring me those broken places it's amazing to me how she realizes whoa this is a spiritual thing she says you must be a prophet or something and then she immediately gets defensive she defends her religion a religion that ain't even working for her if you don't even work for you but here you are defending it in it amazing how we defend our dysfunction it'll amazing how we defend things aren't even working and I call it the I call it the the Taylor Swift theology yeah I never heard of the Taylor Swift yeah what is Dave and cow teaching y'all if y'all ain't learned it what are they taught let me let me tell y'all the young prophet Taylor Swift says it this way she says she says and we will never ever get back together we will never ever get back together why are you still thinking about him being Taylor you ever thought about that if y'all go never ever ever get together why he'd get a whole song Taylor I mean y'all never ever get back together but yet you don't sing about him every night on tour it sounds like you're broken up but you're still together some of us got a saying yeah yeah yeah you broken up but in your heart you're still singing the song of your sin in your heart the melody of your past is still leading the Harmony section of your life whoa y'all see what I did that that was good you took the metaphor of harmony and music and singing together cuz it's Taylor Swift and she a singer all right back come on up Dave and Kyle can't do that shot they can't do that but what I'm saying is don't get defensive about your brokenness she says you say we worship here is it God says you you worship what you do not know but there's a time coming my sister all the time coming my brother when it doesn't matter where you worship what matters is how you worship and you can worship in spirit and in truth you tell the truth about where you are and my spirit will fully engulf that broken place and fill you with my joy my hope my love my Shalom my peace for your life that's what I've come to do other words you can tell the truth in spirit and in truth I'll bring you together so that you might be whole so that you might be one just then she she acknowledges I've read it you may not read it this way but I read it almost as a defeat she says I know the Messiah I know that when he comes he'll tell us all it's almost like yeah I know that there's something more but that something more isn't for me now there's a messiah that's gonna come that y'all talk about him when he comes maybe then I'll have a shot it's almost like her life she felt denied the promise because of her relationships with men because of her religion now because of timing I'm denied again because the one that can bring me healing ain't even here yet and he'll come one day one of the worst things you can do in the season when you're thirsting and longing for more in trusting and waiting on God is to allow hopelessness to seep in for you to begin to think that God has forgotten about you it plays out like this you know that there's something more you know that you don't have to live this way but you just don't think that that's something more you just don't think that you have the ability to get it I know I don't have to be here but what other choice do I have not only do you feel delayed ultimately a lot of times you feel denied I've been rejected by God it's kind of like this I am remember in in junior college I used to sing with the Jubilee singers it's a male chorus and we used to travel across the across the country and doing concerts and dr. Bobby G Cooper my mentor and music teacher after I graduated he invited me to come back and to continue singing with the guys he wanted me to help lead the chorale and dr. Cooper would compensate me for my time by buying he knew I liked suits I like to dress up so he'd buy me a suit from this this wonderful store back in the 90s called back rack and there would be a men's suit store at Bacharach you like that all right so so so he'd buy me take me the back rack and I'd pick out whatever suit I wanted so y'all I'd go and back rack and I don't forget I picked out my suit not put it on the counter and dr. Cooper standing there he pulls out his back rack card you know you a big deal you got the car with the store name on it you know so she pulled he pulls out the back rack card and we're sitting there talking and while we're talking the lady interrupts us and she says excuse me mr. Cooper your card was denied oh my lord I'm like Oh Lord what is all this how embarrassing how I'm bad like that would be a big deal if there was me but this is dr. Cooper if that was me that's not a big deal that's just Tuesday that happened to me all the time you just you know the minute ain't no problem enough but this is dr. Cooper not only is this embarrassing but all Lord ain't gonna be able to give my suit line what we don't do you know so he was unfazed unbothered he looks at the woman with all the confidence in the world and says try it again and then looks at me and starts talking well I'm not hearing nothing he's saying all the bacon is all lard angrier to get my suit Lord and you don't cover to try to send card dr. Cooper you got to pull out another car you just keep going until Jesus moves on your behalf you know we owe you a goodness before a man so he's in there talking I'm not listening I'm praying that I can get this suit and she comes back she interrupts us again I'm like lady please stop she says she says she says excuse me dr. Cooper she says yes he says she says sorry for the delay your card was approved and if he expected her to say that he said thank you and then started talking back to me and I'm not listening to none he saying that cuz all I'm thinking is thank you lord thank you lord I forgive my suit today praise you Jesus so I get my suit I get the bag and we walked her and dr. Cooper has to acknowledge the awkwardness and all he hasn't said anything about how awkward he hasn't acknowledged it at all we literally walk out and we get to the door and he stops me at the door my name is Albert but he called me Burt for short and he was from the south so he put a little southern silver on it so he said Byrd I may have been delayed but I ain't never been denied and went out the store and walked out with the back I guess what I'm trying to tell you you may be delayed my brother my sister but you have not been denied the Lord will not leave you he will not forsake you this ain't the time for giving up this ain't the time for giving in you may be delayed when you have not been good you haven't been denied test then the disciples come back and the woman leaves but notice in the text she left her waterpot she came with a water pot because she was thirsty for water but she left without her water pot do you see it she came carrying her way she left running in his way she was satisfied with the living water God moved on her behalf she didn't give up she didn't quit she didn't stop believing she didn't stop reaching for something more and just when she didn't quit God moved on her behalf can I just talk to somebody who might have come today and they're on the verge of quitting on the verge of giving up on the verge of losing hope or or not believing in you're standing on the edge can I just tell you don't you give up on God he hasn't given up on you he's still on the throne and he's still moving in your life don't you give up on him bring your husband invite the living water in he'll satisfy the deepest longings of your soul and when it gets rough and when you're struggling to hold on just know he's still moved he's not done even if he's got to come to an inappropriate place to find you he's still moving his eyes are toward to you it's kind of like this I'll close with this story it's a story that I love to tell there's a story about two men who walk into museum they walk into the museum and one who's a professional chess player is obviously captivated by this painting and it's a painting of a chess game it's beautiful painting of a chess game and the caption under the painting is simply checkmate which is chess terminology as you know for the game is over well he's just studying and analyzing into studying and analyzing and studying and analyzing his friend is walking around the museum but he's he's just stuck fixated on this painting and he's studying and he's analyzing it he's studying and he's analyzing and then finally his friend grows weary this man I'm ready to go he says no no wait wait wait and he keeps studying and analyzing and studying in analyzing some princes men I'm levy there's no wait come here he says what just look at this painting he says yeah it's a painting of a chess game big deal what he says no look closely this painting is wrong since how can a painting be wrong he says no the painting is wrong he says it's a chess game and it says checkmate which means this game should be over but if you look closely you could see that the King still has one more move and as long as the King still has one more move it means the game is not over this painting is wrong my brothers and sisters I just come to tell you I don't care if the devil is trying to make you think that it's over the be able to try to make you think that it's time to quit I came all the way from Los Angeles California to let you know the king is still on the throne and as long as the king is on the throne the game is not over the King still has one more move he's still moving in your family he's still moving on your job he's still moving in your school the king is still moving don't give up on God the King still has one more move now get the King some glory boy let's get the takes of God he's still holding in your life don't you give up don't you throw in the towel bring him your husband he has living water for you he wants to transform your heart in your soul he wants to fill you with life with you don't you give up this time give in to the king and let him move on your behalf father in the name of Jesus I thank you so much I thank you for this living water I thank you that you hadn't left us even if we're in an inappropriate place today thank you for being a God who will come to the inappropriate places and come not empty-handed become offering hope new life and living water father some of us are thirsty today so father we come now sing fill my cup I lift it up come and quench this thirst thing of my soul bread of heaven feed me till I want no more fill my cup fill it up and make me whole God we bring you the good the bad and the ugly we receive this living water satisfies God only through your spirit we tell the truth about where we are so that your spirit might overtake us we worship you in spirit and in truth in Jesus name Amen god bless you you
Channel: Southeast Christian Church
Views: 13,663
Rating: 4.8085108 out of 5
Keywords: Southeast Christian Church, Dave Stone, Kyle Idleman, creative church, sermon series, worship, Jesus, God, Louisville, Kentucky, Albert Tate
Id: N10AnO19ZpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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