Called And Separated | Romans 1 | Lesson 4

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Romans 1 verse 1 Paul the servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God which he had promised the for by his prophets and the holy scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord that's what the gospel is about it's not about politics not about religion it's not about making the world a better place the gospel is about his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to flesh and declared to be the Son of God with power according the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead by whom we have received Grace and Apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ to all that being wrong beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ father bless you were in our hearts tonight help me as I as I seek to teach it to say what's right and say it in the right way and help those who've come to listen to listen with the right heart and the right way father may not own one of us tonight be listening to hear what you have to say to the other person but Lord may we all be listening to hear what you have to say to us we might benefit and profit from your word and well thank you for it in Jesus name Amen all right he called to be an apostle the appointment of Paul to this high office was immediate upon his conversion look in three places Galatians chapter one verse one his call the Apostolic office was immediate Galatians chapter one and verse 1 Paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by jesus christ and god the father who raised him from the dead now he was commissioned to his ministry beyond antioch by the church and sent forth by the church we saw that last sunday but he was given Apostolic office and apostolic authority not of man not by a delegation of men not by the casting Lots of men but by Jesus Christ Himself selecting him putting him into that office the very day that he was saved we'll read about that just a moment Titus chapter 1 Titus chapter number 1 and verse 3 Titus chapter 1 verse 1 I'm sorry Paul a servant of God an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledging of the truth which after godliness in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began but I think I'm manifest his word through preaching which is committed unto me according to commandment of God our Savior so he made him apostle and committed to him the preaching of this great gospel Jesus Christ gave Paul a kiss no that's not Paul making a commitment to Christ or Christ make a commitment to Paul Jesus Christ took the gospel and gave that gospel to Paul and said I want you to unprotect old all of us that but Paul is given apostolic office that is he is going to go forth and preach that gospel with signs following you don't get that I don't get that no one but Apostles got that but Paul got that from the Lord in the day of his of his calling and ordination look at Acts chapter number 9 Acts chapter number 9 it's important to note that he did not take this honor to himself and it was kind of an earned reward but not an earned reward in the way that you would think he was he he was given this office on the basis of his dedication to God before he was saved remember now God ordained one religion in the world it wasn't Baptists it was the religion that he gave to the nation of Israel on the mountain sign I wrote it in tables of stone gave it to Moses gave it the children of Israel Saul of Tarsus who became Paul was a Jew Hebrew Israelite and and he says in his prolonged testimony in Philippians that he was the best most devoted closest to keeping the law Jew that God ever had and God said of him we're English as men at first Timothy he said that that I he said he put Paul in the ministry because he knew that Paul was faithful to serving God that's pretty good but you'd be so devoted to God before you were saved that the day God saved you he gave you an office that he only gave to 12 other people that's that's that's pretty amazing anyway knacks 9 Bible says here this is a Souls conversion here on the Damascus Road and in Chapter 9 verse number 13 now let's go back 1210 there was a certain disciple to Damascus named Ananias and to him said the Lord in a vision Ananias and he said behold I am here Lord and the Lord said unto Him arise and going to the street which is called straight that's when you get saved you move onto straight street just kind of interesting he could have that house could have been anywhere but there it was and where the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus for behold he Prayuth so what's in a name nothing unless it's the name of Jesus there's a guy named Judas being used to the Lord to house the newly saved Saul of Tarsus so you just give you your parents gave you some kind of name and you got saved later and found out that name didn't didn't the best of names to have well make it a good name they take it out of the realm of bad names and move it into the realm of good names just stepping up and prove the name and verse 12 he had seen the vision a man named Ananias coming in putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight then censored Lord I have heard by many of this man how much evil II have done did I seem to Jerusalem and here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all the call on thy name but the Lord said unto him go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel for I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake now just little thing quickly here we talked last time about a servant first and an apostle second God tells Ananias that Paul is going to preach the gospel everywhere before he ever consulted Paul about it and God told Saul Ananias is going to come lay his hands on you before he ever asked Ananias to go lay his hands on Saul there's two men that God could tell someone else before he asked them to serve him he could tell them they were going they were he could tell these men are gonna do what I asked him to do he said that before he even asked him now wouldn't you like to be that kind of servant of the Lord well I'd like to be that that faithful God so God says that a nice Paul's gonna preach everywhere he didn't say anything Paul about it and he sent Paul and that's going to come in lay his hands on you he hadn't said anything that I anodized about that and they both did what God asked them to do now maybe maybe sometime another in your life you've run across the little thing called Dom Paul only or you would call it hyper dispensationalism the hyper dispensationalist would call it rightly dividing and and this is a whole religion built upon the idea that Paul was sent by God to the Gentiles and Peter was sent by God to the Jews I mean you hadn't heard that just pause for a minute bow your head and say thank you God thank you so much that I've never been anyway here's what the Lord said before Bullinger wrote anything here's what the Lord said before O'Hara stam ever preached a sermon the Lord said unto him go thy way freeze a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel now how could you read that and then write books and split churches saying that Paul was for Gentiles and Peter was for Jews when the first guy to go to a Gentile house where the gospel was Peter and the day that God commissioned Paul to the ministry he commissioned him to go to Israel if you ever read anything in a book and it doesn't match what's written in the Bible stay with the Bible stay with the Bible never never take a book over the Bible anyway because Paul was not one of those apostles originally appointed the Holy Spirit frequently affirms that he had not taken this high office to himself but that he had been called to it by the authority of Jesus Christ and and passages include 1st Corinthians 9:1 Galatians 1 12 to 24 first Timothy 2 7 and so on he's continually affirming and and holy spirits have any reaffirm I'm an apostle God God gave me this office put me in this ministry so Paul is a servant that's his relationship to Christ Paul is an apostle that's his relationship to the world into the body of Christ you serve Christ by ministering to the world and ministering to the church how else would you do it you know some of these religion they get this idea if you want to serve God what you do is you say I'm never going to get married I'm going to go live in a monastery somewhere and I'm just going to spend my life singing songs and saying prayers and lighting candles and scratching fleas and that sort of thing and so I'm just going to serve God that's not serving God that's avoiding serving God Jesus didn't call 12 apostles saying I'll go hide somewhere and pray he called 12 apostles and said go preach the gospel and they called 70 and then he commissioned this whole church and he didn't say go find a place where the world won't see you he said go into all the world and preach the gospel so this this idea that serving God is isolating myself from everyone that's not a Bible concept at all all right so he's called to be an apostle and this calling shows up a number of times in the passage I don't know if you notice come back to Romans 1 we have a calling in verse 6 and we have a calling in verse 7 none of us are called to be apostles and none of us ever will be called to be apostles because the apostolic ministry has come to a close however look at these two callings verse number 6 among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ and then verse 7 called to be Saints so I've Paul's personal calling to be an apostle everyone who is saved has some sort of claim upon their lives by God for service everyone is saved we do not all have the same gift but we're all gifted that's first Corinthians 12 Ephesians 4 we do not all have the same abilities but we are all able we don't all have the same talent but we're all talented God has given every one of us something to do for him that'll be born out and developed in Romans chapter 12 second calling here is the calling of Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ you glad he called you you aren't calling him he wasn't even in your contact list he said well you know I called on the Lord and got saved yeah but he'd been ringing your phone how many old people remember this off the hook you boys and girls your phone can't ring off the hook it doesn't even but you're hooked the phone used to be hooked on the wallet now you're hooked on the phone anyway this calling results in the phrase in verse 7 called to be Saints now again religion they just they take words out of the Bible then just make make up stuff and so in in a certain religion that you may know something about they have a few really super bigshot members of their religion and after they're dead they make up some story about a miracle that they worked and then they caught they make I'm a saint no Church made me a saint Jesus Christ made me a saint and saint is not a term used for super Christians saved as a term used for save people but everyone who is saved if you're going to say praise God I'm a saint well then be different don't be like the world don't be worldly don't be carnal and ungodly be saintly or Saint like or st. ish or some other word that's not a real word Philippians 3 the best way to describe it is let the Bible describe it Philippians chapter 3 let's let's look at it Philippians 3 Philippians 3 and verse number 13 brethren I count not myself to have apprehended said I don't have a full grip on this thing but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind your reaching forth unto those things which are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus now this is very interesting in in the context go back go back to context verse 9 or 8 dealt aside count all things but loss for the excellency knowledge Christ Jesus my Lord verse 13 that I are in verse 8 that I may win Christ he's already got Christ and be found in him he's already in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that was through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith he's already got that that's imputed righteousness you receive as soon as you're saved then he says verse 11 if any means I might attain under the resurrection of the dead that's guaranteed if you're saved and he's saved here's what he's saying I could just acknowledge that the Bible teaches I'm a saint I'm righteous I'm part of Christ I'm gonna be resurrected and then just go out living the old way I want to or I could I could strive every day of my life to live like it I don't want to just say that I'm in Christ I want to be christ-like I don't want to just say I've got a new life I want to live a different life than the old one I don't want to say I'm a saint I want people to observe my conduct and say that man's are real Saint you know the world uses that term for people that live really good lives and do really good things and so the idea here is that we are if we're saved we are Saints we know that's the but it ought to be the practical reality in our lives we ought to be pressing every single day to be christ-like to be different to be a Christian praise the Lord alright then back to Romans 1 here we go deep-water put your put your life preserver on your water wings we're going to get out here turbulent waters this shouldn't be but they are Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated separated you've got to come to church like this aren't many left but there's some even hear anything about separation any more separated those who make much of separation makes may say a lot about separation from and little or nothing about separation on - he doesn't say here that he is separated from Roman stuff that he separated from Corinthians stuff and he's separated from Galatia stuff he is separated unto the gospel of God I would hope tonight that if you've been saved Italy at the time there are many many things that you have been separated from people think that's the mark of spirituality and the mark of being a good Christian but you'll observe by the fact that people can be separated from almost immediately after getting saved that that is not the mark of of deep devotion of Jesus Christ or a true understanding of Christianity you get safe you're not saying you get saved tonight you get truly saved tonight it won't take us but three months to get get you off of drugs and off a beer and off of cigarettes and it won't take but another couple of months to get you to see what's wrong with Hollywood movies and swards and all the rest that kind of stuff that's kid stuff that's easy the hard part is getting people have stopped doing that stuff to start living like a Christian you you just skipped one of the traded one Authority for another and one set of rules for another one set of don'ts for another and and now the idea is to take this separated from and do something with it because if you leave all those things behind and then don't get involved in doing something else there's only one thing to do and let's go back to what you left behind if you're having this wild life out in the world and you get saved and then you start going to church and you learn at church that I can't do a and I can't do C and I can't do e and oh there's three more things I can't do and you reduce your life to a giant list of things you can't do trust me you're soon gonna be bored out of your mind and the devil entice you right back into the stuff you gave up the God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt that was only half of the separation he brought them out of Egypt to bring them into the Promised Land and when they said we don't want to go into the Promised Land because there's giants there it wasn't but a page or two until they were whining and longing for the leeks and onions of Egypt you weren't intended to be at a standstill in the wilderness if you're going to get out of Egypt but you're not going to go on to the Promised Land you don't know anything about the Promised Land so you're going to revert back to what you know and you're gonna wish you were back in Egypt so our objective believe it or not our objective is not to get you to stop doing a bunch of things that may or may not be things the Bible says to stop doing our objective is to get you stop doing those things so there will be room in your life to start doing the things that you should be doing love's not the world well if you don't replace that with something now you have a loveless life you can't just not love the world you have to love the Lord neither the things that are in the world okay I don't do those things anymore well you better start doing some things I love nothing we're not things learned or all the world the lust of the eyes lust of the flesh the pride of life okay so you can't look at that anymore you better find something to look at you can't live that way anymore you better find a way to live the people who begin to begin to want to things they begin to resent God in church because of all the rules or they begin to make up rules because they've run out of things to stop doing and they don't know how to do anything positive they just know how to last negative things so you start making up new negative things the blast those are people that don't enjoy the Christian life and don't enjoy God and don't enjoy church you got to replace the old with the new are you just gonna wander around 38 years in the wilderness complaining about how bad it is out here will you chose to be out here you could have been in the promised land but you didn't want to fight some battles well whatever it's something floored just just for a moment all those people died in the wilderness during that 40 years if he'd had just resurrected him just long enough to watch the walls of Jericho fall down and sin now see wasn't that easy but they missed out on it so Paul here is he separated and we need to be separated but God didn't just bring you out of darkness he brought you into his marvelous light he just bring you out of death he brought you into a new life in Christ did this bring a city brought you into righteousness and if if your life just consists of this giant list of things you don't do anymore that's not gonna be pleasant for you or anyone around you Paul was a living example of the gospel so think of this in light of Jesus up in heaven Jesus was as separated from sin as you could possibly be look look at the distance maybe you won't be separated that's separated he's up there - right hand of the Father and sins down here on earth but you know what he did he came down here and was still separated from sin no wait he didn't come down here and hide in a cave somewhere he walked with sinners he talked with sinners he sat with sinners he ate with sinners he formed a group of disciples who were sinners and he fellowship with them while they kept sinning and the whole time he was separated from sin the the his critics couldn't understand it he said I do always those things would plead my father he didn't say anything the father wouldn't approve of while he sat and eat a meal with wine peppers he didn't do anything his father wouldn't approve of while he ministered to fallen women he didn't think anything that his father would disapprove of while he humbled himself and washed the feet of failing and erring disciples if your discipleship makes you incapable of being around anyone that's not as good as you think you are you're separated your isolated you're not separated Jesus Christ was holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and he was with them every day so separation how could Paul say I'm separated of the gospel of God and that will go great in the Corinth going right into Rome going right into Athens separated when he went in separated when he came out the separations not monastery separations not my family doesn't talk to any other family because no other families us that's not separation and separation is not I don't smoke I don't drink I don't cast well if you don't witness and you don't pray and you don't love and you don't give you're not separated you just stop doing some stuff so the great argument the Pharisees and others raised against Jesus was that he associated himself with sinners they just couldn't understand that you could come in contact with people that were sinning and not be a partaker of their evil deeds but he did and you should know people say people funny Bible says you can't serve God and Mammon alright people say I don't fellowship with those people because of the language they use or the clothes they wear the things they do but they'll go to work for eight hours and fellowship with those people they will fellowship with sinners for money but they don't they won't fellowship with sinners for ministry I'd really that if I was you so if you can go to work and hear people costs and not cuss with them and if you can go to work and hear people talk about things they shouldn't talk about and not become interest in those things then you're starting to understand that separation is not isolation you got to be separated in your heart you know what listen we're in kind of an advanced situation here kind of advanced society here wouldn't you say I mean we're we're we're way out there I'm not saying God never anticipated these days but we're way out there you know you don't have to get on your bicycle and ride to the other side of town and wait for the convenience store to empty out and run in with us with a shame look on your face and buy a dirty magazine you can build a cabin out in the woods where no woman will ever find you and look at all the filth you want on your phone or your computer isolations not separation you can separate yourself from sinful people and sin all day long so that separation has to be a separation in your heart not just from sin but from a desire to sin how can God send Paul or any of us any of his preachers to some heathen city full of Filth if separation meant you can't be around people that are doing things wrong when a bunch of people got saved how could they ever have a church if you can't fellowship in a church with people who aren't doing everything right means separation of some people to find it you just have to shoot yourself in the head and go to heaven that's not Bible separation now so the Pharisees they they just it blew their mind they spoke against the Lord when he was here I can't believe Jesus went to his house for supper what's he doing that man is not righteous but Jesus was righteous he never encouraged their sins he never approved of their sins he never participated in their sins but he had what the Pharisees didn't have love for sinners the son of man has come to seek and save that which is lost you tell me any other way to do that than coming in contact with people there are people who glory in their separation from sin they don't do what bad people do they don't know where the naughty folk go they don't wear what the carnal ones wear and they imagine selves right with God while considering you wicked and looking down their nose at you that's the wrong separation because you're not separated from pride and strife and envy and Romans 1 is a Holy Spirit separation it's a separation on two we ought to be separated from sin but if we don't get separated unto God you'll end up separated from things y'all not separate from usually the Brethren and a church you got all these Internet ministers out there you know what I don't go to church because you know I'm thin and there's people there they're overweight and I don't fellowship with gluttons do you think I'm kidding you know people that that all all they are is just one step farther away from end up away from that's not Jesus that's not Paul it's not what he wants for any of us those who major in well let me show you come to colossians chapter 2 Colossians 2 I'll be preaching next week in Homosassa Florida and man that's so long ago that brother Yoder and myself and a couple of guys we went over there and slept in the car Church parking lot go to those camp meetings over there man those guys get up and they'd preach against glasses that didn't have black frames on them they'd preach against cowboy boots they'd preach against men wearing bell-bottoms they'd preach against wide belts she's supposed to wear a thin belt not a wide belt and a thousand other things that God never even thought of we're not Church service is over in the church there's lasts about two hours those guys go eat a big meal and then he go the motel and sleep fifty preachers in town no tracks are given out no doors are being knocked on no signs are being held no no preach and going on a street corner listen if all you got is stuff you don't do while the world goes to hell that's not Bible separation they preaching it's worldly cars what do they drive in heaven what's that what's a heavenly car I never could figure out what's a worldly car a heavenly car one guy got preaching one day audio you heard me tell this they got preaching against suntan's I'll get you big offering in Florida and get they got preaching against Sun tans and these guys start getting up one after another in testifying as to whose wife was the whitest because she never went out in the Sun one got West God my wife she why does that shoot a paper right there hallelujah next guy he opens up his shirt my wife so why does my t-shirt last weird stuff man weird you know what they won't happen everybody around them had quit doing all the bad things they'd quit doing there wasn't any way for them to prove they were better so you got to start making up stuff your if it's not in the Bible didn't tell you not to do it you just made it up that doesn't make you righteous it just makes you opinionated and if you're here tonight you smoke your quit smoking I don't know if it's bad for you but it smells bad to smell it it offends me but got loyal change they got back in the car good grief man all the guy didn't sit in the car and move the car the way he go there cuz they're cheap they're really cheap enough and I'm cheap but I don't know I just I don't think good testimony if you drink I got 100 verses for that you ought to quit drinking I'll quit right now you just thought quit drinking just never drink again no the whole life without drinking oh you don't have to you just have to not take the next drink every time the next drink comes around you just don't take it you can do that you you can refuse one drink at a time if you're doing drugs I start to say illegal drugs about all the legal now and send more troops to Afghanistan and then and then pour more money into heroin prevention in America you know if you think there's a hope at all in politics or the government you want to solve the heroin problem in America just bomb the daylights out of the poppy fields in Afghanistan stop waging war to keep that the traffic flow open to get your heroin to America to finance your war to drop bombs in Afghanistan I know you're listening anyway if you stop smoking and you stop drinking and you stop doing drugs and you don't love anybody and you don't witness anybody and you don't pray and you don't read your Bible you're just one more good neighbor you're better citizen the guy driving drunk but you're not of any use to God or man so Bible separation look at this Colossians 2 Colossians - listen I got saved the first thing I heard on what the church is you need to get your hair cut and the second thing I heard is you need to get your hair cut and I thought well this ain't no different than I've been hearing this since I was 14 years old all my dad ever said you need to get your hair cut and so I got my hair cut and then I said to the guys will telling me to get get my hair cut how about come out with me Friday downtown and help me give out tracts and none of them would do it and I realized I was going to church with a bunch of men that had good haircuts but didn't care if the world went to hell now I'm not saying grow your hair long and be a Jesus Freak I'm saying if you're separated from but not on - you're missing the point Colossians 2 verse number 18 let no man beguile you of your reward okay there's something that could cost you your reward and it's not what you'd think in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels intruding into those things which he hath not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind here's what he said if somebody talks you into doing something to show how humble you are and what they talked you into doing is something they just made up you're gonna lose your reward because you're gonna start obeying the commandments of men instead of the commandments of God and you don't get rewarded for obeying the commandments of men you end up at Jonestown keep going not holding the head capital H that's Jesus Christ for it's all the body by joints and bands having nourishment Minister and it together increasing with the increase of God no it's not suffering from it I've got opinions and views on things and you've got opinions and views on things and I I if I'm going to give you an opinion I try each time to say this is my opinion this how how I see and how I look at it okay let me give you a couple and no look if you send an email we're not gonna read it when I never salon to it if you call if you want to argue him after church I'm not gonna argue with you I'm not gonna do it I think cigarettes are nasty habit biblically I don't see how cigarettes are any worse than a bag of potato chips three times a day means what they're not good for you pretty much nothing's good for you anymore so so and then gambling I mean I've looked at that thing up and down and backwards and forwards and I don't gamble I don't encourage you to gamble but I'd have a hard time putting together a sermon with ten verses on it on on gambling you got opinion I got opinion your your scene I threw those topics I knew you wouldn't like that because they're you supposed to preach real hard against those things my point is if you are striving to obey my rules or my commandments or some other Christians rules or some other Christians Commandments you are not subject to the head of the church who is Jesus Christ you're subject to someone who wants to be the head of the church who is not Jesus Christ somebody comes in starts pulling people aside and saying you know God doesn't want us to use deodorant he does Dossett God doesn't want you eating sugar there's not a verse in the Bible about that if it messes you up don't eat it once if it slows you down don't drink it once but when you start trying to to teach for doctrines your opinions are something you got at a Christian bookstore in the yoga section this thing is so messed up man Christian bookstore got it got all their stuff in there about health food and herbs and meditation and thing is so it's so turned around anyway if Jesus gave you a commandment you ought to do it because he's the head of the church if somebody else said I think that's wrong you should say can you show me that Bible and if they can't show you that in the Bible then then encourage them to be devoted to their opinion and to mine their own business I can't keep everybody's rules you can't keep everybody's rules now wait we're concerned about a reward here and not holding the head from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered and knit together increases with the increase of God now listen if every one of us sad if you agree with my standards our fellowship with you there is no fellowship if every one of us said let's do what the Bible says we are all knit together so we have a thing here what's this 1717 so this had to be early 90s early 90s and and homeschooling was all the rage it's a blessing now I'm old my kids are grown I have no idea what's going on with you with you school people if you need some help I'll help you I'm here to help you so far you have an ask it's obvious that I've not given you in the impression I could help you with anything regarding school but if you weren't homeschooling you're not really spiritual and we don't really want to talk to you and then a bunch of people started homeschooling so that wasn't good enough now you have to home-school and make your own curriculum you can't order a curriculum because that's not really homeschooling that's schooling through somebody else's organization we're their real home schoolers well congratulations nobody cares but you now if we're gonna have a hundred of those things we can't be knit together I mean we tried doing your own curriculum I like a cooked meal I like a life who hasn't been up 20 hours a day the last six weeks if somebody's devoted their life to teaching school in a camera and I can plug it in and we can all watch it and we don't all have nervous breakdowns I'm paying for it I don't care what it cost I'm paying for it now if you think that's compromising don't do what we did don't get videos anybody here using videos you know what I'm saying there's nothing in the Bible about school at all come on kids that was your chance just put that elbow right along there biblically you can't show me math or science or English or Greek or Hebrew now if you don't want to be on minimum wage struggling to get out of the pin all your life I'd encourage you to get a good education but why would you split a church come on so let's go back to those days what you say it's wrong biblically biblically what do you say it's wrong to ride to welfare train and live off somebody else's money would you say it's wrong to put your kids in a public school or a private school when you should homeschool them oh yeah yeah okay so what do you do with the woman who's got three children and her husband's dead well bless God a woman's not supposed to work out in the world okay so she's going to get on welfare oh no bless God you ain't supposed to be on welfare we'll pick one you're supposed to be home with your kids while your husband goes to work my husband's dead pick one you know what you got to do learn to keep your nose on your face I got these books in the library and they're kind of helpful and uh you know one of them's about why women shouldn't wear makeup it's written by a woman who shaves her legs maybe if you just if you're not supposed to improve on what God made why do you shave your legs why don't you go full sasquatch some of you remember this bless their hearts bless their hearts i lord bless them do you remember the family came in one night the man and a wife and three mature probably thirtyish fortyish daughters and all four of those women had mustaches if you were here you will never forget it I don't think that's what shamefacedness means now if that's your opinion have it you're probably not going to get far with it but I wouldn't encourage pushing that on others man you should have been shouting right there as chaton grown my buddy Alfred who he had a cartoon he he got so much trouble is in a Sunday paper I don't know why you remember these things but just this these two guys are hanging in a dungeon and the one guy's got a jester hat on and he says the other guy he said I had a rolling in the aisles till I inadvertently mentioned the Queen's moustache there he isn't a dungeon anyway how come over you men don't have beards how come some of you have them you can't make a rule where God didn't make a rule anyway let's go on verse 20 we're for it if he'd be dead with Christ rudiments of the world why is the living in the royalty of subject ordinances touch not taste not handle not which already perish with using after the commandments and doctrines of men if a man made up a rule that you can't touch that that's all it is it's a made up man-made rule and it will divide Christians if God said it it will unite Christians proper separation doesn't divide it unites if my separation divide our separation divides me from you it's not biblical separation and he says which things have indeed no watch a show a show a show of wisdom and will worship and humility and neglecting of the body not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh here's here's an obvious one fasting Lord didn't command it but he implied he strongly suggested that all his disciples fast wings dawn but he said if you do it don't let people know you're doing it we're not doing it for show so people make up rules so they can show other people that they're separated and God said That's not me don't do what you do for show remember the passage about the offerings you can give some money don't sound a trumpet before you give your money looky here looky here I'm gonna give 100 okay you gave a hundred but there's no reward you got your reward everybody saw you give 100 okay everybody's all uptight now everyone has opinions about what is right what is wrong and what is good and what is evil whose opinions are right gods are how we going to find out what God wants us to be separated from unless we get close to God he's trying to get us to come to him if we get wrapped up in God we're not going to be wrapped up in sin when we get to Roman's 6 through 8 God doesn't say stop sinning he doesn't he says yield yourselves unto me and I will take care of that for you look young people you've got you've got to get this you've got to get this every church in America this is what happened that kid grew up in church and did and now out in the world what happened and they're gonna say well those parents you know who says that people don't know what they're talking about now look your parents I've watched them your parents say you're not going there and you're not because they said you're not and you're not listening to that and you're not because they said you're not and you're not wearing that and you're not because they said you're not they can keep you separated from but if you don't separate unto Jesus Christ and give him your heart and give him your life there is nothing at all that's gonna keep you from those things once you've got your own keys and your own car and your own money and your own apartment your parents can separate you from they have no power to separate you unto you got to do that yourself we could we could make ten rules that you have to obey to come to church here and we could enforce them here and as soon as you left this property you go right back to doing what you wanted to do you know that's true we've only got a couple of things you asked you to do so we can keep the Rings pulled in on on things with our young people and I appreciate your cooperation but I see you Monday through Saturday and I know you don't agree as far as you can throw this building you can teach no you can force people to be separated from but you got to decide in your heart to be separated on to and that's that's you young people you don't make up your own mind on that whether you gonna serve God or not all right beware the man who wants to talk with you about the sins of others not talk to you about the Lord and how good he is you could do that you know you get on the phone you talk about how good god is or you talk about of rotten somebody else's I take who I want to fellowship with you know what he did you know what they did you what she did know who guess what I found out Wow let's just spend hours doing that that'll really help me no thanks no thanks you understand the fact that someone would speak evil of another person in their absence shows that maybe separated from some outward transgressions but their heart doesn't belong to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit live inside you he lives inside me you know he could tell you all kinds of things about me you don't know and he doesn't somebody running around badmouth and other Christians they're not they're not filled with a spirit I got led with a spirit they might be separated from some stuff so when I got saved all it was all the rage the women had to have Tower of Babel on their head Your Honor I didn't know I did not know this brother when I did not know this until very recently you know it was Pentecostal women knows those southern gospel singers you know they used to put like cardboard cones on their head and then wrapped their hair around it I thought that was hair I thought that was all as like wow man that woman got a lot of hair piled up there like that but it wasn't it was just phony but that was all the rage and then all the men had to had to leisure suits in the I never had breasts god I never had one of those but they'd have the white belts and the white shoes and everybody wore him and then they went out of style and then everybody's preaching against them well how something become a sin in five years that wasn't to send five years ago but her getting a Bible I gotta leave sermons you guys get up preaching sermons back back in the day facial hair was just I mean it was death if you if you had men had facial hair he couldn't get in the pulpit and he just he wasn't called a god nothing and these guys all have pictures of Ch Spurgeon and robert e lee in their offices so weird go in that office and i'd say can you show me the verses about the beers all bugs i want to wear beards i'm hip he's wearing beards he's got a stuffy Bible Scofield out a beard man anyway not supposed to think about that stuff that I do all right come to Galatians 1 let's look at some verses here Galatians chapter 1 I want you to be separated from the world as God defines it and separated unto God as God defines it and not dividing and breaking fellowship over things that God never thought of less less Lord Oh sister jann she's in heaven now she's to where my kids out man my daughter where black she tell her she was a witch which is more black only witches were black my daughter come home so the next Sunday I'd wear a black suit Terrence you're gonna call me a witch she wasn't say well that's bad people say stuff to your kids they won't say to you just kind of get you into flesh a little bit Galatians one black black I see black black like a witchcraft color says the person with a black Bible I think come on people isn't this book big enough for you isn't there and aren't there enough Commandments in here to keep you busy all day long Wow why would you read four books about the Illuminati when you haven't read Ephesians yet why are you trying to prove the Masons are taken over to land when you haven't yet read Genesis it's just the bible's enough blazing 115 when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by His grace through Vilas son and me that I might preach among the heathen immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood so there's a separation separation from mother's womb I would take that verse as a good evidence that when God separates you from something he doesn't want you to go back how about that if I don't if I don't tell you this now I'll forget it and has nothing to do with anything but that verse made me think of it I was riding a car two days ago and I thought these oh these people believe in reincarnation all these Hindus and Buddhists everything else I hope got to let me see one next couple of weeks there used to be two billion people on earth now they say there's eight billion how do you reincarnate six billion people who weren't there before you you can't go from 2 billion to 8 billion if everybody's reincarnated it must be some Mormon God's around here making new spirits or something religion just it just doesn't work by the Bible works Bible add up all right certainly we're separating from mother's womb we read about Paul being separate his conversion in acts 9 now let's go to acts 13 Acts chapter 13 and then I'll just put some ballast on the other side of the ship because somebody about to tip over acts 13 verse 2 as they ministered Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work we're unto I have called them so Paul is born he separated from his mother's womb I don't think he should ever go back there Paul is saved he separated from his old life I don't think he should ever go back there Paul is separated under the gospel I don't think he should ever go back to not preaching the gospel but if you separate from and you don't separate to there's nothing to keep you from going back now we talked last week or so about this mega church thing this modern generation we're living in that I don't think there's one person here it misunderstood me but in case you did nobody is sanctioning the practice of sin we're not saying just do anything just go anywhere just look at whatever you want to look at no we're saying let the Bible define sin not some Pharisee let the word of God spell out what's right and what's wrong not the passing trends or fads of the day those things come and go so we're not saying just you know just God's not angry with you you imagine putting that billboard out in the town full of drug dealers and parasites child molesters guy riding down the road just committed adultery he's on his way home and he sees a sign God's not mad at you what I work on the devil man some girl been out all night messing around snuck out of the house your parents think she thinks she's in the house she got messing around defiling herself with some boy in a bar and on the way home she sees a sign God's not mad at you what a stupid thing to put up on the road idiots man do you and sent their face I sure would so we're not saying just go out there and sin live like the devil and call it separation but if you made it up it's not you're not God you're not the head of the church if somebody else made it up they're not God they're not the head of the church it takes me all day to try and do what's in this book I can't add three other books to it that people wrote and I tried man I used to I go to those camp meetings man I'd go to that altar I wanted to do right I just couldn't figure out what right was man kept moving one preacher preached one thing the other preacher preached another thing these guys get going two-three hours on an offering people come up put their car keys in an offering plate and preacher said bless God know there's somebody really sold out to Jesus like I want to be sold out to Jesus I don't want to walk home I got to get to work man it's confusing it is and you're a young Christian and you're year you just you want do everything a preacher says do you respect him you don't just ended up they're telling you their King David you've touched God's anointed he's gonna take your firstborn and give you a leprosy and all that stuff man it's how many of you some of y'all never heard that preaching I be heard do you first say who's heard that that preaches but God usually gets about her got to open the ground swallow you up like you did Cora I see one church floor open in 40 years and there's somebody every one of those churches talking about about the Aster's but man you hear that stuff for the first time you think well I better give them all the money I got or got going wrecked my car on the way home so you give all your money then the guy wants your car people put their wedding rings and stuff in an offering plate I bet they rethought that when they got back to the motel some great give your wedding ring to the preacher till you get home that night to your wife you keep that preacher the wedding ring I gave you well they need to build a gymnasium oh really let him play ball in the yard like we did you don't need a gymnasium anyway all right now better either wind it down leave Egypt but don't stop in the wilderness go on to the Promised Land or your start wanting to go back to Egypt Paul separated Jesus was separated but they're very very involved in the lives of lost people and save people praise the Lord all right let's pray father help us help us help us help us to live right to be right and to do right according to your word Lord according your word and we'll thank you for helping us thank you for brothers and sisters in Christ encouraged us to be separated from the world the flesh and the devil and help us Lord to be a help to one another well thank you jesus name amen amen all right you are dismissed good night you
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 2,973
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: Romans, Romans 1, Romans 1:1, The Gospel, Truth, The Bible, Separated unto the gospel, Called to be an apostle
Id: GyC9EiX5tuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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