Condemned | Romans 2 | Lesson 1

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oh yeah Romans chapter number two how about that if you're visiting we've been in Romans 1 38 years our shoes haven't worn out our same clothes Romans chapter number 2 you might not be so happy these first three verses therefore on the basis of everything that we read in chapter 1 now it inexcusable o man whosoever thou art that judgest and everybody does for wherein thou judgest another thou condemned 'us myself but now that judgest doest the same things God said that for you were born God said before that said that for I was born he knows that everyone who will ever read the Bible judges other people for doing things they do it just he didn't have to ask he didn't have to watch you he knew ahead of time he could prophesy that every person walked this earth would find fault with other people for things they do in their own lives verse 2 but we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things and think us now this o man that judgest them which do such things and do us the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of God or despise us now the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasure east up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God who will render to every man according to his deeds by the Blessed you word pleased our hearts this morning help us we ask we pray in Jesus name and amen now who is without excuse some writers have read and studied Romans 2 and concluded the subject or the object of the chapter is the Jew and others have read and studied and commented they believe the object of the chapter is the Gentile and others say perhaps it's the save Jew and the saved Gentile which make up the church and and and so they go round and round trying to support their arguments here it's real simple watch therefore thou art inexcusable whosoever thou art that kind of settle that if you're part of the human race God says I'm talking to you whoever you are I'm talking to you there's people here to say I was with a pastor in Idaho couple of weeks ago and I told him I said are our church on Sunday morning looks like a meeting of the United Nations and and I appreciate that I'm glad God saves everybody of every background and race and color and Creed and all of that if you trust Christ your Savior he'll save you and you'll fall in love with Christians and Christians to fall in love with you praise the Lord there's one gospel for everybody in the world because everybody in the world is equally guilty before God and we are equally guilty of knowing that sins should be paid for and punished when other people do it but not wanting it to be judged and punished and paid for when we do it and the Lord said you don't have an excuse because you proclaim every day you profess every day that you know right from wrong when you see other people do wrong but somehow when when I do wrong and when you do wrong it's not as easily recognizable and so the Lord says let me recognize it for you you can't see it in yourself I pointed out to you looking in the second verse this is a very unusual thing for the day and time in which we live but we are sure that the judgment of God is you know not too many people left in town that are sure the judgment of God is they don't think he judges the grossest of sins they don't think he judges the most oft-repeated sins they don't think he judges the most hurtful of sins much less the ones I commit or are you commit but those who agree with the Word of God written in the Holy Bible we are sure that the judgment of God is there are still things that God says people shouldn't do there are still things that people says God should do and God still says when someone does something they shouldn't do they're wrong and when someone does something they or does not do something they should do they are wrong this world doesn't want to go to a church where they're told that anything they're doing is wrong they don't want to be friends with anyone who is telling them that something they are doing is wrong because it's judgmental and it's hateful and it doesn't show any love and they manifest that by saying I think your church is wrong I think you're wrong and God's us excuse me you don't believe in judging but you judge my Bible and you judge my church and you judge my people and you don't believe that anything is wrong but you talk all day about how wrong those people are who are trying to tell you you need Jesus God says that's that's inexcusable it's not acceptable to me that you have a standard of judgment from you toward everyone else but you will not allow a standard of judgment from me a holy God towards you then he says in that second verse we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth the basis of judgment is not what the Republicans believe or what the Democrats believe or what a liberal believes or what a conservative believes it's an accord with truth and there's only one who ever always without fail speaks truth Titus 1:15 says God cannot lie the president can the last president can the next president will people lie mothers live fathers lie children live people people lie God cannot lie if he if he he wouldn't but if he tried to tell him I couldn't do it because there's nothing God can't do sure there is he cannot lie Jesus said I am the truth he didn't I am the truth and footnote most of the time and footnote whenever I'm able to tell the truth he's true so what Jesus Christ did is the basis of judgment what Jesus Christ said is the basis of judgment what Jesus Christ taught is the basis of judgment we don't think we're right and everybody else is wrong we think Christ is right and everybody else is wrong the Bible is right and everybody else is wrong you understand this morning and this this will sound very judgmental it is you realize this morning the majority of congregations that assemble today in a building that is called a church our meeting in a place where the leadership has decided God was wrong maybe God was wrong when he said that his word was without error maybe God was wrong when he said that people should be married if they're going to live together maybe God was wrong when he when he defined what a marriage should be maybe God was wrong when he said thou shalt not steal but but you have entire denominations whose leaders have voted or sanctioned or institutionalized positions contrary to what God said in the Bible we are certain that the judgment of God is not according to what a Baptist says or a Catholic says or a Lutheran says or a Methodist says the judgment of God is according to truth Romans 10:17 says sanctify them through the truth thy Word is truth we don't believe that God is going to judge us or that we are to judge one another on the basis of our opinion or a majority opinion on the basis of truth that second verse says we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against well that just got God run out of the conversation then just just got God put out of the social circle let newsflash breaking news God is against he can't be for life and for murder he can't be for normal and for perverted he can't be for raising children in the nursery admonition of the Lord and harming little children he can't be for telling the truth and lying we are sure the judgment of God is against there are things that are clearly spelled out in the Bible that people should not do and when those things are done God is against those things you can't have a sane life unless you have a God who's against things that would rob you of your sanity you can't have a safe life unless you have a God who's against things that would take away your safety this notion in this these modern times that we have to find a church and a minister and a God who's not against anything that's why your society is in the danger that it's in you're not safe and broad-daylight you're not safe in your hole why because you have a bunch of Darwinian evolutionary animals who don't think there is a god and if there is a god he's not against anything they do we are sure that the judgment of God is against you stealing another man's wife you harming a woman's child you robbing a widow lady of her of her income come on how long a list do you want then he says we are sure the judgment of God is according truth against them here's here's a myth so oft repeated people think it's in the Bible well God loves the sinner but hates the sin no he's pretty much against the person that does the things he's against the judgment of God is against them that do these things he's against them that do such things everybody's not on good terms with God everybody's not God's child God's not going to make everybody a superstar if if God says don't kill and you murder somebody he's not just against murder he's now against you God said thou shalt not commit adultery and you you are unfaithful to your husband to your wife God's not just against the principle he's against you for doing it now here's here's how he hears how God said I know that you know this is true because if it's done to you you judge it as wrong [Music] but if you do it to me you say I'm supposed to be okay with it and that's why I can't excuse your behavior because you can't say I didn't know it was wrong because when somebody else did it you testified that you knew it was wrong I can't believe that guy did that but so that's the so awful I'm I'm gonna write about it on my facebook I'm gonna give him a thumbs down so let me see if I kept this right when that man did something that didn't meet with your approval you wanted to judge him privately and publicly because he in your judgment he deserves to be blacklisted or criticized or or brought to repentance or or shown the error of his ways and God says so how come when I have a Christian friend or a Christian family member or a preacher or my Bible show you there's something wrong in your life you get all bowed up and say I don't believe you should judge but you do believe in judging as long as it's coming from your throne to your subjects but not if it's coming from God's throne your direction and you say well I would never do that thou art inexcusable o man you would you do I would I do we all do we all do God said I'm just he's not even trying to get you to stop judging other people because you can't he's not even trying to get you to say it's wrong to judge other people cuz it might not be he's just asking you to admit that you believe in judgment and that you believe that things that are done that are incorrect or inappropriate are going to be judged and should be judged he's asking you to agree with that so you can prepare for the day when he judges you he's not arguing against your practice of saying that shouldn't be warned you're right those words shouldn't be used you're right those deeds shouldn't be committed you're right it's not wrong to judge you need to sit down with your children and put your arms around them and say we don't do that and here's why we don't go there and here's why we don't engage in those activities and here's why you have to judge or you're crazy God's not telling you to stop doing that he's asking you if I made you in my image and I put enough sense in you to judge hurtful and wrong behavior so that it didn't ruin your life how can you think that I don't judge hurtful and wrong behavior look at yourself look at how you're made I made you in my image you think I'm just gonna watch you do all this stuff and not say anything about it now look at the third verse then think it's now this so man see God knows how people think long before you ever had a thought God wrote in Romans 60 ad okay I know what you're thinking and when you read it that's why the Bible spooks people like it does that's why it's people are scared of it because it reads their mind God knows you inside now don't know where the book in the world knows you inside out like this you never read a novel or you know some internet blog about politics along men like I know he knows exactly what's going on my heart what you read this Bible it's it's scary how much God knows about us and think it's now there's so man that judges them which do such things and do us the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of God you said that's wrong and you're a sinner how about God who's holy how you think he feels about it if you know it's wrong and you declare it's wrong and you pronounce judgment upon it because it's so wrong you think you're gonna stand before somebody who's absolutely righteous and he's gonna say that's not a big deal I mean you your standard was higher than mine your expectations were higher than mine I've really didn't care I don't think so we got to change that way of thinking turn with me in your Bible just just a couple of verses real quickly James chapter 2 James chapter number 2 this generation needs to get over the improper thinking that when I judge someone's misconduct that's an acceptable Act but if God were to judge someone's misconduct he'd be a bad god that's just somebody trying to make money off you in the name of religion you know you know if there's a God he can't be less righteous than you are you know if there's a God he he can't be more concerned about the way people harm one another than you are you got that right James chapter 2 verse number 13 for he shall have judgment without mercy that has showed no mercy and mercy rejoice ahthe against judgment hang on to that thought he shall have judgment without mercy that has showed no mercy and he's not warning you that that you can get out of being judged by God we're all going to be judged by God he's saying you can prepare for that judgment by judging more correctly in advance of that great and terrible day look at Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter number 12 similar thought different place Matthew 12 verse 36 when I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned all right now stay with me Luke 19 verse 22 Luke 19 verse 22 where in the Bible Bible is good for us good for us we need the Bible Luke 19 22 and he saith unto Him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant thou knewest that I was an austere man taking up that I laid not down and reaping that I did not sow no we have three cases here two of them told by Jesus Christ directly one of them told by Jesus Christ through James the Apostle in all three places he said this when someone sinned against you you were so harsh you were so angry you were so indignant you you wanted that person to repent because they'd sinned against you and whenever somebody tries to talk to you about Jesus and you need to be saved you get all crazy like God is not upset with you for sinning against him and God doesn't expect repentance free from you when you sinned against him come on think about this this morning hundreds of people made a late run through the yellow light and cause someone to nearly collide with them or to have to stop and miss themselves getting through the yellow light just before it turned red and none of those bothered you but when that guy pulled in front of you it's instant you don't have to prime the pump I can't believe like I did that look at that to me it's not that he charged the yellow light it's not that somebody had to slam on the brakes it's that you had to hit the brakes he pulled out in front of you I've been sinned against somebody should do something about I wish there was a cop here right now than to make up for missing the light the next three blocks you're going 50 in a 35 zone but you don't want the cop there for that because that's you I got a right to speed because that guy pulled out in front of me and I'm gonna be late to get someone this morning we'll be rubbed the wrong way in this building and you don't care unless it's you and if it's you it becomes an international crisis somebody's got to do something about that because it happened to me and God says I wish I could get you to understand that because I am God and the God and your God and these are my words and my Commandments you don't think it bothers me when you sin against me I'm the recipient of man's transgressions they're against my words they're against my commandments they're against my requests and the Lord says you're missing out on a great opportunity to get right with me if you don't properly evaluate how you respond when you're sinned against I'm trying to show you how I feel when you sin against me and I'm trying to show you how I desire for you to repent and make that right but all you can see is that you got offended look at it come on look back at our passage and I'll show you what it exactly what I mean Romans Romans chapter 2 in verse 1 I am judging someone to condemnation because they did something that hurt me or someone I care about in verse number two I am sure that God should we're sure God would judge them that come them that commit such things okay when they do that God should judge them God is going to get those congressmen that steal all that money from the citizens he's not going to get me from clocking out an hour early and stealing from my boss man God is going to get those people that that let their children just run wild all over the place in the store but me neglecting my kids in my own home and not training them up a quart in the Bible entirely different I'm going to say what you can you give a thousand of these we're certain the judgment of God is against them not so sure against me so he says in the third verse why do you think they won't escape judgment but you will escape judgment for or despise us other riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering not knowing the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance here's what happens some of you parents have told your children since they were were old enough to understand words if you don't live for Jesus there'll be terrible consequences and when the nineteen twenty years old they turned their back on you they turn back on the church they turned their back on God and they head out there in the world and do all the things you taught him not to do and at 21 nothing happens and they think God doesn't care they're 25 and nothing's happened and they think God doesn't care they're 30 and nothing's happened they think God doesn't care and God said you misunderstand how much I love you and how much I want to spare you from the wrath to come you confuse that for I don't care my patience in giving you space to repent you take it to mean you're not doing anything wrong and God said I just want you to understand I am going to deal with those sins the fact that I haven't dealt with them yet is because I would like to deal with them in the person of my son Jesus Christ when you turn from those sins and trust him rather than have to deal with you directly but don't make the mistake of thinking that I don't care because I made you in my image and you care now again we're we're not we're not making God a sinner like ourselves we're trying to understand the God of the Bible two kids in the neighborhood one does something that breaks the rules another one is right there with him the one that's not your son somebody really needs to do something about that kid the one is your son he probably just got talked into it he probably is probably he's probably not to believe you know he's just the wrong place wrong time let's agree let's agree there's something in all of our hearts once those we love to have another chance or the benefit of the doubt or every opportunity get it worked out why because we just we love them nobody else can figure out why but that kid what that was my kid that's what they're saying about yours well if that was my kid I'd do something about that because okay so apply that the fact that God has let something go in your life doesn't mean he's not against it it means he would do anything he could to keep from having to sentence you to that terrible place called hell he doesn't want to do it don't mistake the love of God for God not caring don't don't mistake the patience of the long-suffering of God for God not going to do anything so what a men do verse number five but after the hardness and impenitent heart treasure east up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God what do we do by not repenting because nothing bad happened by not repenting because no judgment has fallen yet all we do is just pile up things for God to judge when we stand before him and he's gonna hit us all at once with all of it and people just gonna be shocked well I never thought God would judge me for this he said he would I never thought God would punish this he said he would you thought he wasn't going to you thought because you got away with it ten times or twenty times or for thirty years God wasn't interested but he told you in the Bible don't think that way I am going to stand you up before me and judge those things so come to me now and let's get it resolved come to me now and let's let's make peace so I don't have to do that turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter number 7 I was talking with one of our ladies for service and and we were commenting on how far things have gone since my childhood the things that were inappropriate and out of line 40 years ago 50 years ago you wouldn't even believe anyone was ever concerned about those things we didn't have sheriff's to protect us against shooters we had school patrol with orange belts to stop us from skipping steps six steps went into the side entryway of the Faulkner Street elementary school and you could take them two at a time it was just it was easy but if you did you would have to run laps at PE because it was against the rules you had to take them one step at a time and why I don't know I don't know why because if you fell down the steps back then you couldn't sue anybody you just had to get up and hold your arm and try to not cry in front of your friends that's just--that's they might call you a baby and that would that would ruin the whole day we didn't have lectures on in the second grade on which gender do you think you might really be we were told why if you got got caught putting gum under the top of the desk you'd have to clean all the undersides of all the desks different world but you know what's happened as our societies declined into the robbing and stealing and molesting and perverted Mehsud it is because God hasn't sent fire down from heaven or open the earth and swallowed people up they think he doesn't care and the Lord said you're making a big mistake I'm patient I'm long-suffering I was going to destroy the world in a flood and Noah's day and I waited a hundred and twenty years hoping somebody else would get on that boat and then I sent the flood I said I was going to send now look at James chapter 7 Jesus Christ re Matthew 7 if you've got James 7 in your Bible I want to see it Matt Matthew 7 Jesus is speaking and he says in verse number 1 let's let's say it the way the people who've never read it said judge not lest ye be not judged you have to say it what kind of a sneer for and here's why he said it with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged and with what measure you meet that shall be measured to you again he just said here's why I don't want you to judge not because the other person's not wrong but because you're showing me how to judge you verse 3 and why behold us now the mote that's a little tiny splinter a little tiny tiny piece of wood why behold us now the mote that is in thy brother's eye but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye see that see this here you got that sticking out of your eye but but you're using your one good eye just say you got a splinter in your eye man what do you think about that I think I get that splinter out of your eye man and he he didn't say you don't know you have a mode in your a beam in your eye he said you just don't consider it I mean you couldn't have a beam in your eye and not be aware of it it's just not a big deal the big deal is that you got a splinter in your eye man that's terrible get the splitter out of your eye you got a six foot four by force they came out of your other eye but it's not a big deal you know what people you know young people think they think God's okay with that when they stand before God their beam is gonna be all right because they're special but boy he's gonna really let you have it for that mote you know what there's no excuse for your thinking there's no excuse for your lack of preparation for the Judgment Day you believe little teeny tiny sins should be judged in the other guy but great big giant sins shouldn't be judged if the other guys judging you and I'm gonna take the proper standard a judgement deal with them on look at the next verse he says in verse number four or how wilt thou say to thy brother let me pull out the mote out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye okay so I hope it doesn't happen but let's say this afternoon you're out we're working in the garage and you got the power saw going and like my wife and your spouse is standing at the house yelling and saying put your goggles on [Music] and you you get a little piece of wood in your eye and we rush you down to the eye doctor and he walks in and he's got a he's got a golf club sticking out of his eye and you laid out on the table he says okay let me get that when he whacks you with it he's trying to get close enough to get the splinter out of your eye he's got this big thing sticking out you say get away from me man you're dangerous you're crazy it's not that people don't appreciate your constructive criticism it's that you get such big giant things sticking out of your eye and you're gonna hit them in the head with it if you don't settle down let me help you with that sin in your life Wham because I get this big one in mind and it's not that I don't know it's there he didn't say that he said I don't consider it I'm used to it I like it it's not a big deal you ever have a construction crew come and work or you're a highway in your construction zone you ever notice the cooler on the back of those work trucks it's got like 12 years of dirt caked on it and an algae growing out of the spout it's all green all over it and those guys are drinking out of it every day because it's their cooler they're so used to that cooler it's not dirty to them they don't consider it and you walk up say they say it's like a drink no if you look thirsty not that thirsty I'm not drinking out of that cooler next time you're going to straighten your wife out of your husband out or your kids out or your parents out or your brother or sister in Christ just remember what your cooler looks like to everybody else hey can I give you some water no it's living water don't care not if it's coming out of that we're used to our sin I'm used to mine you're used to yours to the point where we don't even consider it God said you know what one day one day we're gonna stand before someone who's never had a beam in his eye we're gonna stand before somebody who's cooler was spotless and he's gonna say now how was it again that you expected the guilty to be judged that's right no mercy that's right no tolerance that's right no understanding well god I don't want you to judge me that way you just didn't think it would ever come to this that's what he said and I want you to understand you believe in judgment it's in your heart you believe it should be against sin it's in your heart you believe it should be carry it out swiftly and without mercy it's in your heart I made you in my image I am going to judge sin I don't know if I like this preaching or not I don't like it but it's the truth all right let's finish up let's finish up with this Romans 2 Romans 2 and John chapter 3 Romans chapter 2 and John chapter 3 here's what God wants he doesn't want me to live and die in fear of judgment he wants my fear of judgment to bring me to a place of salvation now look at Romans 2:1 there without an excusable man who served our that judgest for wherein thou judgest another thou know'st watch thou can demouth but other judges do it the same things so I just don't believe in a God it would condemn me he doesn't you condemn you I condemn me my condemnation is self-inflicted God wants to save me from condemnation look at John chapter number 3 here's a verse we know verse 16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son in the world to condemn the world see that we do that ourselves by excusing our sin while finding fault with it in others God sent not as 7th condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and this is the condemnation that light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil now what brings about condemnation it's not that I sin it's not that you sin it's that when I have sinned I excuse it and I pardon it and I expect that God will do the same and that brings me into keeps me locked into condemnation God doesn't want me condemned he sent His Son Jesus Christ to die and pay for my sin and Jesus come to me and I will free you from that condemnation and what do people say when you witness to them I don't think I need that then you stay condemned who are you to judge me then you stay condemned I don't think God would do anything like that then you stay condemned it's not God who does it to you we do it to ourselves they don't do it often anymore there there's so many ways to fix something up but I remember frequently when I was younger you you drive past a house as leaning this way and the porch is leaning that way and that part of the roof is gone and and on the door it would say condemned and what that sign condemned meant is there is nothing more that any man can do to save this house the only thing left is to tear it down now I know what could save that house not not Bob the Builder not bringing in some crew from a TV show if God if God showed up the God that created heavens in the earth he could fix that house but the Health Department said the building Department said the code enforcement people said short of a divine intervention and an act of God there's no man can fix this house tear it down what God said if you don't believe on Jesus Christ you're condemned already a priest can't fix you a pastor can't fix you rabbi can't fix you a shrink can't fix you you can't fix yourself there is no man living that can repair the damaged sin has done but Jesus see if Jesus will walk through that neighbourhood and the power by which he hung the Sun Moon and stars he just said to that house be fixed there it is he could do that and Jesus Christ could take your life he took my life with all the sin that was in it and in a moment of time he said I can fix that I can fix that and he did look at the back to Romans back to Roman's one more verse Romans chapter 8 and verse number 1 Romans chapter 8 and verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus praise God I was condemned I'm not condemned why well here's why I agreed that the judgment of God was against sin I agreed that I had sinned I agreed that that sin was against God and instead of pretending like God didn't care or God was never going to do anything about it I came to him and asked for salvation I am guilty I am a sinner I have broken your rules I have judged other people for doing things that I do myself all the time I'm so guilty would you forgive me would you save me and God said it's so Tritton in his word it wasn't some audible voice I didn't need one he put it right he said I thought you'd never ask I thought you'd never ask I didn't want to condemn you you condemned yourself I didn't want to sentence you to hell you were gonna jump in on your own but when you agreed with me that sins should be judged and you came to me for mercy I decided to have mercy praise the Lord so my friend whether you've been here for years or you just stopping by please don't let the religion of this modern society fool you God has some right and wrong gods against the beams and the splinters he is against the big four by fours and he's against the little tiny motes and you are too in the other person you just need to get against them in you and when you get us against your sins as you are against the other person's sins you're going to try and find somebody to forgive them because you don't want them judged by God you want them forgiven by God and that person is Jesus Christ have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power he can do it he's merciful if you let him be merciful if you won't let him be merciful he'll have to deal with you and wrath in judgment that's not a good thing so let's get to Jesus as quick as we can if you don't know him please get that settled today amen Father thank you for giving us the Bible clear plain simple truths put in our language where we can understand them to help us escape this careless generation that is so misrepresented you so confused people about judgment and father help us to move out of the condemnation side of the ledger and into the no-condemnation side of the ledger by agreeing with you and trusting your son Jesus Christ and his name we do pray amen let's step
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 2,516
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Religion, Preaching, Gospel, Compassion, Love, Church, Ministry, Truth, Salvation, condemnation, does God care, judge not lest ye be judged, james knox, bible baptist church, judgment in the bible, jesus is the answer
Id: NiN3sUiC3Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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