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there's therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus let's turn to 1st Corinthians 12 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 first Corinthians 12 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 we have people have been with us since day 1 February 1987 and we have people that have been with us for a week or so and we want to make sure that we never lose our direction we want to make sure that what we do is scriptural and biblical and we want you to know why we do what we do and show you from the Bible what what God has has led us to do how God has led us to conduct ourselves the Bible says in first Corinthians 12 and let's start at verse number four first Corinthians 12:4 now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit everybody saved doesn't have the same god-given abilities but they've all got the same God who gives the abilities verse number five and there are differences of administration's but the same Lord everybody doesn't conduct their business the same way but you hope that everyone conducts their business for the Lord and then verse number six says in their diversities of operations but is the same God which worketh all in all I have the great privilege of being in men and many many churches each and every year and if you just were with us for our Bible Conference and know the joy and the excitement and then the fatigue and the weariness that goes with that because that's our big high point of the year and I get to be in about 40 of those big high points every year it's it's a great blessing and one of the great blessings is realizing that there are people who love God as much as we do and believe the Bible as much as we do and do little or nothing the way we do it so I'm not going to present to you this morning the right way to do something to the exclusion of all others I'm going to explain to you this morning why this church does the way the things we do the way we do them why we have the points of emphasis we have and that that doesn't mean everybody else is wrong and that doesn't mean that you have to agree with every point of emphasis the way that we do it it's not like you're living in a country with one church and you have to go to this one and it's not like if this church does something you don't agree with you're right that's always the assumption well you know there's no perfect church no way does everything just right what do you think you do or you wouldn't be pointing out that no churches as good as as you think you are so so I don't think I've got everything right I don't think you've got everything right I don't think we have everything right but what we're trying to do we're trying to do according the Bible and we might be doing something right according to the Bible and someone else may do it do what they do right according to the Bible and not be doing it the way we're doing it that's you've got to be able to get to the place where you're okay with that now there's some things you can't waiver on and we'll talk about those but there's other things that are that are optional and you will see that in just a second now second Thessalonians chapter number two second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse number 15 therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught whether by word or our epistle now this interesting people against tradition just because it sounds like a noble spiritual thing to be against tradition the Bible's not against tradition in fact there are things that were traditional that were carried over and made scriptural see that he said I want you to hold to the traditions some of them were taught by our word that is we're gonna we're gonna meet on Wednesday night where's that in the Bible we're gonna meet on Thursday night where's that in the Bible we're gonna have visitation on Friday afternoon where's that in the Bible it's not it might just be a church tradition or there might be traditions that were put in Scripture that became biblical teaching where a 4-time they were just things that were commonly or generally agreed upon there's no commandment in the Bible to wear your best clothes when you go to church but it's taught throughout the Word of God and just sort of assume that meeting with God is more important than going to Walmart a little about that okay so so here's what here's my point before we pray and get started there are some things that we do that we cannot waver on we cannot budge upon because they are set forth in the Bible as thus saith the Lord you must do that then there are some things that we do that are traditional there are traditions they might not be in other churches traditions they may not be any other churches traditions but if you want to be part of a great church why would you object to their traditions you don't object to the traditions of any other thing you want to be a part of and enjoy okay so let let's let just relax and enjoy ourselves and we'll see what makes this church tick and why we have so many ticks and we're just hopefully we'll all get as close to being on the same page as we can praise the Lord father bless you were in our hearts we ask and pray this morning latest guide us direct us into the truth that is necessary and we're thank you for it in Jesus name and amen Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21 in Psalm number 12 here is the first foundation of our church it is not all please careful please listen carefully Luke 21 Psalm number 12 the first foundation of our church is not God what the first foundation of our church is not Jesus Christ what the first foundation of our church is that the Bible is true because without the Bible you don't end up with the right God and without the Bible you don't end up with the right Jesus Christ so you have to start with the revelation God has given up himself or you will never come to God himself without the Bible you you don't have the correct revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and so you find yourself believing in a Jesus there's one of your own invention or one of man's own invention we must have the biblical God and the biblical Jesus and the biblical way of salvation so the Bible is the starting place the scripture says in Psalm number 12 the words of the Lord are pure words pure means without any admixture of error or corruption if that bottle says 100% pure water and you put one drop of poison in it it's no longer pure water okay so the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of Earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them O Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever now the Bible college is almost universally the seminaries almost universally believed that God once upon a time gave his pure word but it got lost once upon a time God gave his pure word but man corrupted it and couldn't keep it we believe that the Lord who gave his word in purity kept and preserved his word in purity we believe that Luke chapter 21 and verse 33 says this Luke 21 verse 33 heaven and earth shall pass away but my not word words I every last single one of them shall not pass away when that son no longer shines when that moon has turned to blood when God dissolves this and notes the element with a firm it heat every word that God authored and put in this book will survive when God creates a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness he will not write a new book he'll still go by this one so we believe the Bible to be the perfect inerrant Word of God now when I say that you say which one well it couldn't be the NIV the people that wrote it said it's not perfect it's not an arrant the new American Standard doesn't claim to be perfect in an arrant the ERV doesn't claim to be perfect and there's only one book on the face of the earth that stands without one proven error one contradiction in its text and in its context and that's this old authorized King James Bible you say it's hard for me to read and understand who are you to think that you a mortal man could read the words of God and not find some things hard to understand why would it not be hard to understand if you ever in your life read a book this long have you ever in your life tried to comprehend and understand a book this complex have you ever in your life tried to read in one volume everything you need to know about marriage family men women life death money why would you think this is going to read like a comic book well there's some words in there I don't know there's some words doesn't stop you from using your phone hey man so now having said that we have people who attend our church faithfully who do not believe the King James Bible is the pure and perfect Word of God and when someone asks you is that version you're reading perfect and without error they say no well you're welcome to come you're not welcome to teach anybody your error you're not welcome to spread your unbelief to others but you're welcome to come but we are not going to change our position of believing the Bible to be the Word of God just because someone taught you that it's not will have charity toward you and your unbelief and we ask you to have charity toward us in our beliefs and we'll hope that you you come but but if you want a church it just believes any versions okay and and no versions right and anything you want to read us is good then this is probably not what you're looking for but if you're looking for a church that has a Bible that hasn't taken out the blood of Jesus Christ in Colossians 1:14 hasn't taken out the Trinity in first John 5:7 hasn't taken out the virgin birth and Luke 2:33 hasn't taken out the the Ascension of Christ to heaven in Luke 24 if you want a Bible that teaches what you think you believe you need to stick with the King James Bible alright number two Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 third John chapter pick one there's only one chapter third John chapter one Colossians 1 3rd John 1 and Ephesians chapter number 4 next thing you need to know about our church is that it has pastors everybody doesn't do their own thing everybody doesn't bring in their own doctrine everybody doesn't set their own agenda now there's got to be a biblical balance there Colossians chapter 1 and verse number 18 Colossians 1:18 speaking of Jesus Christ he is the head of the body the church who's the head of the church not the pastor Christ who is the beginning first more than dead that in all things he might have the preeminence who should get all the honor all the glory all the praise that would be Jesus Christ okay Jonah third John chapter 1 3rd John chapter 1 here's a man by the name of Diotrephes the Bible says I wrote of the church but Diotrephes who loveth to have the preeminence among thou receiveth us not here's a man causing problems in the church because he wanted to be more important than Jesus that would be a problem for pastor had that attitude that would be a problem if the janitor had that attitude that would be a problem for Sunday School teacher our Sunday school child had that attitude if anybody wants to take the preeminence away from Jesus Christ you got a church problem ok now having said that look at Ephesians chapter number 4 Ephesians chapter number 4 and verse number 11 he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man under the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ now who has the preeminence in the church Jesus Christ who is the head of the church Jesus Christ what did the preeminent head of the church say everybody needs a pastor the pastor is not taking the headship from Christ he is taking the leadership given him by Christ who needs pastoral ministry to go on to perfection and to grow into the Christian God wants unto thee the Bible says we all we all now notice the first thing in verse 13 till we all come in the unity of the faith you what the greatest disruption the unity of the faith is in the Christian Church people not respecting a pastor I mean of all the disagreements people someone over here will have with someone over there and for all the disagreements someone back there will have someone up here add them all together and they will not equal the contention save people have with their pastor and what happens is people can't can't come to the place where they're enjoying the unity of the Christian life because they're trying to have unity with Christ and with other Christians but they can't bring it to find it in themselves to have unity with a pastor oh I'm not saying this for my benefit I'm telling you that you cannot have any organization you cannot have a home a family a classroom a place of business a company of soldiers you can't function if someone isn't in charge and Jesus Christ said the way this thing's gonna work I'm the head I'm giving you a pastor as long as the pastor is giving me the preeminence not himself as long as the pastor is honoring the Word of God not forcing you to obey his own invented ideas you're in the right place no pastor everybody's a pastor pastor that's preeminent pastor not teaching the Bible you're in the wrong place okay that's just it now you people come out and they said well that not Jack he's a dictator let me let me give you a list of places to go to church where you can experience dictator if this church you got saved in the only church you've been in all your life I'm probably very dictatorial if you've been to the standard run-of-the-mill average fundamental conservative independent about what it whatever you got more liberty and you know what to do with some of you would be better off if I was more dictatorial anyway so that's that's where we are with that now what about Deacons come to Acts chapter number six deacons Sunday School teachers trustees other workers you said we don't have trustees well that's a tradition thing we don't have a governing board of elders way that's look there's Bible there's traditions I'm just going to show you something here in the scripture Bible says in Acts chapter 6 verse one in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied wouldn't that be a blessing so many people are getting saved would not be a blessing there are rows of murmuring you want the church to grow you're gonna have more people serving God and more people complaining you can have more people singing praise to Jesus and more people griping that's just how it goes yeah yeah because the Grecians are murmuring against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration now the problem is they weren't neglected here's what happened they were there feeding them there feeding the widows one group of widows ate first and the other group of widows by the time they got through the line the mashed potatoes were gone and they're griping about it they could have said thank God I got chicken thank God I got mixed vegetables thank God I got a salad thank God I get dessert but then age 15 is well that good preaching yeah but no mashed potatoes aren't you enjoying the Bible conversation but if you can most potatoes that's never gonna end it's never gonna go away Sears what the Bible says verse number 12 then the twelve called the multitude the sample sent of them and said it is not reason that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables here's what the suppose do they think they're so here's what God said it's an unreasonable thing to think that when anybody could serve mashed potatoes anybody could carry out the garbage anybody could vacuum the floors but one or two people have been gifted by God to study this Bible and get truth out of this Bible and present it in a clear understandable fashion and encourage people there for Jesus Christ why should we make those people put their Bibles down and mop the floor it doesn't mean brother David's above it he participates I'm not above it my wife's not above it his wife's not above it and Becky aren't above it will do all of it but it's not reasonable that a church should bog down its pastors in doing the job that anyone could do and keep them from doing the job that God wants them to do is that is that fair verse 3 wherefore brethren look ye out among you seven men of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business but we will give ourselves continually to prayer into the Ministry of the word now let's say a couple of things here so here are people appointed to take care of business it might be meals it might be groundskeeping it might be bookkeeping it might be bus up keepin ministry it might be air conditioner repair all that stuff has to be done these air units and heat units and and the plumbing and that stuff doesn't fix itself but you don't the pastor's doing all that stuff or you're not gonna get any Bible you're gonna get some thought God gave a guy and three illustrations he pulled off the internet if you want to learn the Bible it just doesn't appear in the preachers brain he's got to get it out of the book but here's what I also want you to see you want the Ortiz men you don't their job was overseeing lunch and the Lord said I don't want anybody overseeing lunch that's not filled with the Holy Ghost it is just as much a spiritual duty to serve meals with a Christian spirit as it is to preach a sermon with a Christian spirit it's just as much a work of God to carry out the trash you should try it sometime as it is to sing a solo I want to take part in the Bible conference great what would you like to do I'd like to play my flute I'd like to play my accordion I'd like to sing a song I'd like to preach a sermon how about mop the restrooms oh no I want to do something for God you don't understand serving tables was a work for God that required people to be filled with the Holy Spirit because you're gonna have to stand there and smile and be polite while somebody says it didn't get most potatoes but deserves mashed potatoes in your face [Laughter] that's why I don't that's why else stand on the serving line alright proverbs 22 in mark chapter 10 proverbs 22 in mark chapter 10 you want a tradition here's a tradition that's not a Bible proverbs 22 mark chapter 10 we have Sunday School we have Sunday School and we have Sunday school because we want boys and girls and young people of all ages to learn the Bible on their level taught by godly people who are living for Jesus Christ now some churches don't have Sunday school they say we just want the parents to teach their children that's fine all parents aren't godly all parents don't know the Bible some parents have been a disaster in raising some of their children but don't want anybody else having any influence on the rest of their children okay that's between you and the Lord well you know I just think well to have everybody have Sunday school together and I know great churches that have everybody have Sunday school together but sometimes as we're teaching through the Bible in Sunday school we come across adultery fornication circumcision wouldn't you rather your kids be back there when we deal with some of these type of mom what's fortification it's when you make the walls strong son it's safe don't let anybody in that doesn't belong in there we can't do we can't do David and Goliath every Sunday morning with 50 and 60 year old adults and one little stone went in the sling and this thing went round and round might help us to do some of those songs they do back there for their grown-ups you know stand up sit down turn around and sit down yeah we're not against churches don't have Sunday school we have Sunday school we have Sunday school alone super Barbie Dream kids Sunday school I don't see why you need to sit in front of a TV five nights a week I don't see why they play video games four hours a week well you know it's so early in the morning is that what you tell them I was time to get for school it's so early in the morning mom okay we'll just sleep in Sunday school starts at 9:30 what time's school start nobody goes to school 8:00 got to leave 7:00 7:30 ride too boss well you know some kids back here in sunny cooler you put your kids on a bus go to school well you know there's some people been you know Sunday school there kids don't do some things with it we doing it your kids got a computer unsupervised anyway we have Sunday school because there's things we want to teach 6 7 8 year old boys and girls and things we want to teach 9 10 11 12 year old boys and girls we've got a sunday-school teacher teach our young ladies about about how a woman should dress we can't trust all their parents teach them that will teach those teenage boys about booze and smoking and drugs we can't trust everybody to teach their kids that some people come to church and drink hmm have all kinds of addictions I'm glad you're here we want to help you all right well it's just it's just your tradition that's fine participate don't participate nobody gonna cut your arm off for it we're not Muslims first corinthians 11 first corinthians 11 now the first Sunday of every month we don't have Sunday school we take Lord's Supper together and some people find that unusual they come from a church that did it once a year if they got around to it or some other thing like that and some of you came from a sacramental church and and a little scared a little confused about it at first about how we how would do that but here's what the Bible says verse 23 first kritters 11:23 fra received the Lord that which also I delivered unto you the Lord Jesus the same night which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me at the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is New Testament in my blood this do ye in remembrance of me now I know I love something out so here's what he said he said I want you to break bread and remember my broken body and I want you to drink what's in the cup in remembrance of my broken body okay that's commandment so we do that because Jesus wants us to now watch the tradition watch the liberty verse number 25 as oft as ye drink it verse 26 for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come so how often is a Christian supposed to partake of communion no commandment how often is a church supposed to have communion no commandment see so I say to you as the pastor under the preeminent head of the church you should take communion if you're saved how often should you take communion it's up to you we're going to give you an opportunity to do that the very first thing we do every month because we don't want to forget the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ say why would you do that so often how long does it take you to get your mind on something else besides the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ doesn't take me long and I'm doing this full-time it's got to be really tough for you going out in that world and you still got kids to raise and all that so we want to make sure the first thing we do every month is get our hearts and our minds back on Jesus Christ that's our tradition some people don't come they find it awkward some people come and enjoy it let's clean you in the Lord does that sound like a dictator I'm okay three of you somebody find some old video is some dictators and show these people all right what about preaching what about preaching if you notice preaching is central to our church services we have music it's not central focus we have special music it's not special focus we have started to say offerings we'll talk about that it's not special focus we have busts ministries not the central focus the central focus of our assembly is preaching preaching why Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 and Hebrews chapter 11 Romans chapter 10 and Hebrews chapter 11 Romans 10 and Hebrews 11 so I'm just here looking for a church I'm so glad you're here looking for a church and I hope we're the church you're looking for we're not going to hide what we are and pretend to be something we're not to try and trick you into staying a little bit longer than you intended to here it is right up front we're not hiding Jesus behind a pizza party speaking of a pizza I'm what they say there's a lunar eclipse tonight hear about that I'm just wondering and B if the Earth's going to line up so it covers the whole moon or just that slice goes across the moon if the Earth's flat will just be a black line go across the moon right I'll be if you look real close you can see the green cheese during the Eclipse you can see that it's another thing about our church I'm real sarcastic so a tradition that's it's it's not commanded some people don't like criticizing the preacher he's too critical and I find fault with it every time he does it and I don't like hypocrites in the church Hebrews 11 verse number 6 but without faith but without faith it is impossible to please him free that cometh to God must believe that he is these reward of them that diligently seek Him so what do you have to do to please God you got to faith you've got to have faith to please God okay Romans chapter 10 verse 17 Romans 10:17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you can't please God without faith where do you get faith you get faith from hearing the Word of God in in what way verse 14 how then shall they call on him and whom they're not believed how should they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher the more times you walk through this door and sit and listen to preaching the more faith you're gonna have in God the more times you skip Church to watch TV or play in your yard or go to a ballgame or the less faith you're gonna have in God it's that simple I want to please God do you want to please God you're not gonna please God if you don't come and listen to preaching you're not gonna please God if you come to church and when you come to church you don't get preaching ok nothing about this is the Bible the Word of God who tells you that it worked who tells you that on TV who tells you that your neighborhood so you're out there and Fox News is criticizing the Word of God and CNN's criticizing the Word of God and Democrats are criticizing the Word of God Republicans criticized the Word of God school system criticizing the Word of God people that you work with criticizing the Word of God and you and you don't come and hear a man say this Bible is the Word of God believe it don't you know if you never learn any new thing when you come to church you need to come and hear the other side you need to come and hear someone encourage you to believe a book that everybody else is making fun of faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God look at 2nd Timothy chapter 4 2nd Timothy 4 I'm I'm moving moving quick as I can 2nd Timothy 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 he saw that preaching you know that's just telling lost people about Jesus I beg to differ 2nd Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine that's church people unless must go out and teach doctrine to loss people I'm given the gospel for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they should turn away the ears from the truth and she'll be turned unto fables you know what I'm supposed to do brother David's supposed to do every man that stands in this pulpit when I'm not here supposed to do there to preach the word there to preach the word now if you want fables they're all over town if you want cunningly devised fables they're all over town you want fairy tales and and hocus-pocus and voodoo and and it's out there but if you want to come to church and hear the Bible preached so you can increase your faith and please God that's what we're gonna try to do that's we're gonna try to do it we're not gonna put any jugglers up here we're gonna put a pinwheel dancing girls up here we're gonna preach the Bible if you want to if you want a light show there's one right over there you want to egg hunt there's one right over there you want a dating game you know there's one right down there we're gonna preach the Bible because we want you to have faith in God because we want you to live so you can please God that's that's our point of emphasis all right seasons five second Chronicles 30 not Corinthians Chronicles seasons five second chronicles chapter thirty music is huge in the Bible music is huge in the Bible I'll tell you what the Bible never never gives you it never gives you any instruction about melody meter rhythm the instruction of the Bible is about lyrics so here's what we have we have biblical truth and we have tradition you know what God said in the Bible you need to keep the tradition lori's going with this well you will because nothing to hide Ephesians 5 seasons 5 verse number 19 seasons 5:19 speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord okay so when we're together everybody's not going to get up and preach at one time that'd be pretty confusing but everyone can sing at one time and we can sing to the Lord and we can speak to ourselves in those songs if one person stood up and sang I have decided to follow Jesus you could enjoy that presentation of a song but if we all got up and sang I have decided to follow Jesus what strength and confidence we derive from our mutual determination to follow Jesus so we we sing together and it's a very important part of our of our gathering it's a sad world it's a gloomy world it's a it's a it's a world full of all kinds of heartaches and troubles and trials we have them we have them here this morning we come together and we sing to lift our hearts and lift our spirits and encourage one another while we praise the Lord so I would participate but I don't have a very good voice God wrote about you he says speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart God said there may no melody ever come out of your mouth but as long as you've got melody in your heart and say it so we pick a song and let's let's sing number 429 you so I can I can sing I can't read the notes I can't sit hit the music I'm tone-deaf all right and so you ready to suffer grief or pain ready to stand the test and you're you're joining in the melodies in your heart the testimonies on your lip now know some people can play instruments and we we appreciate that everybody can't do that some people can sing very very well and we like to listen that hear that but everybody can't do that but all of us all of us can participate in praising the Lord and encouraging one another with song and that's why we put the emphasis on the congregational singing not on the special music or unpaid professional entertainer singing now here's our tradition there is music that has been proven over centuries to honor God and build up Christians and not tend toward the flesh that we can all agree on so when we come together that's the music we use if in your car you like down at the cross with the fiddle and a dobro get down at the cross if in your car you like acapella and no piano if in your car you like piano and no organ if in your car you like a little pep to your step that's between you and God I'm not a dictator I'm not going to come to your house and burn all your southern gospel or your neww ind urban gospel I know some of y'all got tons of that brother Daniel likes classical music any I don't know why I've tried I go I get with these preachers and he's like Costco because those men love God they were inspired by God I don't hear it couldn't one of them have hired a lyricist so I knew what he was what the music was about I don't get well this one's about a deer down by the water and he's running from the hunter and I don't get it I need the video or something when we come together and and let me give you one one reason why I know this is the right way to go try to try to fast-forward in your mind if Jesus doesn't come and you gather a bunch of Christians together in an assembly room at a nursing home in 2040 and this one's from a rock and roll Church and this is from a mega church and this was a charismatic churches there will be no songs they all know you get people together in our nursing home services Church of God Assembly of God Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Episcopal and you say let's sing I come to The Garden alone the people with Alzheimer's are singing blessed be the name of the Lord it doesn't matter where they went to church they know that song so let's let's try our best to have a common hymnal and music that we can agree upon and then look at their second second Chronicles second chronicles chapter 30 you're probably there I'm not second chronicles chapter 30 and verse number 21 and the children of Israel that were present at Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness and the Levites and the priests praise the Lord day by day singing with loud instruments under the Lord we can't run all the verses when they sang in the Bible they sang loud when they played in the Bible they played loud when the musicians played and the singers sang they played and sang loud you're the definition of joy through the spirit of joy definition of joy is being allowed about it not keeping quiet about it if anybody's got a reason to raise the roof it's saved people and this thing about the Lord and so so we we try our best all right so now having said all that Bible pastors deacons workers Sunday School Lord's Supper preaching music all that if all that's right and is important there's nothing in a Bible says we have to come back tonight and do it again why wouldn't we there's nothing in the Bible says we have to stop in the middle that we can do it again why wouldn't we you don't have to come three services a week you don't have to check Facebook every day you don't have to come three services a week and extra services you don't have to go in The Drudge Report every day you don't have to come three services a week and here the Bible and sing and fellowship but why do you have to go to Hollywood every night look we meet as often as we do to give the people who like this more opportunities to do what they like if we can afford it we'd have jobs and all that sort of thing we'd have something going on every day of the week oh wait we do I witnessed people around town and they said well where's your church and I tell them sir oh yeah that's the one by the fire station there's somebody there every day then the town notices that that our God doesn't close up shop at noon on Sunday and open up again the next Sunday morning praise the Lord you don't have to be here but where do you have to be yeah I don't want to come that often well what do you want to do let's look that's between you and Lord nobody's ever come to your house and said well how come you in big midweek service but I wish the Holy Spirit come ask you why are you doing this when you could be doing that all right money did we say anything about money oh well I don't want to disappoint you first Corinthians first Corinthians 16 let me get a drink water not pure but I have faith you drinking that top water yeah you drinking something in a bottle cost four dollars let's tap water with a label no I got mine from Fiji yeah okay whatever brought over in the hold of an oil tanker anyway there are so many things to be worried about I don't have time to worry about it anyway now concerning the collection for the Saints so let's stop here it and talk about first Corinthians twelve is it right or wrong to pass an offering plate not in the Bible is it right or wrong to take up two offerings and a service not in the Bible is it right or wrong to have the kids come and put coins in a big glass bottle and no is it right or wrong to have offering envelopes no is it right or wrong to take credit card payments no listen here's what the Bible says what the Bible says all right now concerning the collection for the Saints as I have given order this is an order to the churches of Galatia even so do ye upon the first day of the week that's Sunday let every one of you that means you got to be there let every one of you lay by him in store that means everybody gives as god hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come instead of arguing about offering plates or no offering plates why don't you argue with yourself and buy why you don't put anything in well I don't think they ought to take offer in that way I don't think they'll to raise money that way God didn't tell you how to do it he told you when to do it and to do it we choose to put a box in the back by the door because we don't want anybody to come to church and think we're after their money we didn't pass a plate when or what we'd want you to have to fold up a dollar bill so we won't know it's a one if you fold it up everybody knows it's a one my and and and we don't linger uh sure standing there holding the plate yeah you can hold it all afternoon that guy ain't givin man keep movin we don't have envelopes we don't have pledges we don't have faith promise so that I don't find any that stuff in the Bible and I don't find anything in the Bible says don't do it we just try to make it as simple and as non-intrusive as we possibly can okay now having said that I I think just encourage you and discourage you all at the same time last year last year this this church took in no last year this church spent seven hundred seventy two thousand twenty one dollars and sixteen cents that's a lot of look around that's a lot of money all of that four hundred seventy nine thousand eight hundred forty three dollars and sixty-five cents was spent directly on reaching souls for Jesus Christ that's sixty one percent our staff brother David brother ed myself our staff cost some of you in the car in the car that staff cost some of you 115 thousand seven hundred four dollars or roughly what most pastors individually make in this town and other towns who work one day a week is it safe to assume that some of our time was spent reaching people for Jesus could we maybe not is it safe to assume that we spent some of our time trying to reach people for Jesus okay we spent sixteen thousand three hundred one dollars on telephones and web site you know what that's use for preaching the preaching the Word of God or talking to people about Jesus so of the money that we spent last year six hundred eleven thousand eight hundred eighty five dollars was spent spreading the gospel that's eight dollars out of every ten that we spent we spent on telling people about Jesus you know what you want why would you give to a United Way or a pet rescue or a Humane Society or save the whales we're not wasting your money you're not spending your money on vacations and you imagine taking your wife to your Palm Beach Resort that you named after your last wife Melania let's go down to Mar Largo that's got to be weird eight dollars out of ten if you put ten dollars in an offering plate eight dollars of it went to reach people with for Jesus Christ and the other two went put a new roof on this building run the air conditioning power bill rest of that praise God now that's a blessing in our church directory there are 223 families or individuals of adult age so if you're married my wife and I that's one one out of two twenty three our grown son would be that would be one so 223 individuals our local family 145 donate to our church that means 35 percent of the people who attend our church never give to our church that's sobering isn't it that's why I never look at the books I don't want to know I don't want to know but I'm gonna read you a verse upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him you got a house got a car got food got clothes okay so that's you God has prospered you he ought to be worth at least as much as your cat or your dog well I can't afford to give to the Lord mow your own yard you pay somebody to mow your yard you can't pay the gospel out around the world I'm not gonna dwell on this but we're not we're not after your money but what could we do for God if everybody gave instead of six and a half people out of ten and you have people know who you are alright let's talk about outreach to two more little topics here that kind of killed the whole service didn't it I knew he's gonna talk about money in it yeah that's why I never go to the store because they always want your money I never buy groceries every time I go to the grocery store they want me to pay for it I just pray and ask God to send it in not me but those of you don't like to hear about money acts 20x20 first Timothy 5 so we do a lot of outreach we come here to sing praise praise to God learn the Bible preach the word courage one another but then we realized the whole world out there is going to hell and here's what the Bible says acts 20 verse number 20 how I kept back nothing it was profitable unto you that showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house testify both the Jews and also the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ 1st Timothy 5 and verse number 13 some people went house-to-house talking about Jesus verse 13 with all they learned to be idle wandering about from house to house not only idle but tattlers also in busybodies speaking things which they ought not everybody talks to people about something some people talk to people about idle chatter chatter and empty tales and other people talk to other people about Jesus we want to talk to other people about Jesus they're telling me tomorrow morning it's going to be about 40 here when you go to work you don't have to say man it's cold isn't it because it's pretty well known by everyone who's there that it's cold and when you say it's really cold that guy will say you know man it is cold and you've both enlightened each other with some great truth they couldn't have known otherwise or you could let the other person go first and say it's really cold isn't it and you could say not as cold as my heart was before Jesus came in summers coming Fitz Florida geniuses every morning you're gonna say man it's hot and in response the newly enlightened will testify you know you're right it's really hot we all talk to other people man it's really hot isn't it and you could say it's not as hot as hell and I'm glad I'm not going there we just want to encourage you to go tell people about Jesus we don't make you do it we're on this you know preach it on the street people come to say I wouldn't go to church makes me do this and our people out does it neither what I who has so much good you think this town thinks I have so much control over you that I make you go out there there'd be a lot more of you out there if I could do that so we're on the radio every day indle and many stations across America and many others in other nations around the world every day every day you said where those radio programs come from well here's what happens you when you're when you finish studying for Sunday morning and Sunday night and midweek service you have to study for a 30 minute radio program and then another and then another five programs a week on top of three sermons a week and they've all got to be good enough for people to listen to and learn something well those preachers mean all they do is just take your money and they don't you know they work they can over a week come on if it's that easy do it quit work rent a building give it a shot so why you do those radio programs have you heard what's on a radio would be nice to Smeg turn on the radio and learn something about the Bible we're on the internet the world wide web internet it's a place where a lot of people are getting ensnared and tangled up it's a sewer of pornography be nice people got to get the phone in their hand you got the internet in there you got their laptop at work and at home and everywhere else wouldn't be nicely go on there and learn about Jesus Christ learn the Bible we're going to jails I'm going to jails and a Bible study and preaching brother Gary's there preaching this morning some of the ladies going to women's prison the men in the men's prison say why do you do that a lot of people get saved when they get to the end of themselves and get broken and scared and humbled before God we preach on the streets we wear you do that why wouldn't you do that why wouldn't you tell people how good Jesus been to you I wrote by some boy yesterday he's holding a sign for a phone plan he don't even he don't even agree with it week or two somebody made dressed up like a Statue of Liberty so you'll come do their taxes somebody dressed up like a leprechaun and hold of Sciences we buy gold I stand out there and hold the signs that Jesus Saves mattress barn big arrow mattress barn you look at that guy there I would buy a mattress from him anyway we'll go door knocking house to house knock on the door all from Jesus you say how long does that work how long does it work if you don't try we give out gospel tracts by the thousands here can I give you this little something to read we don't read liar here just take it it's easy to do we send missionaries around the world go to the rescue mission rescue mission somebody lost everything living under a bridge wrapped up in a blanket somebody secondhand blanket somebody gave them she thinks some of those men be glad to know there's a God that loves them to change their life save their soul our nursing home services we have several of those who have bus ministry pickup these boys and girls we have good news clubs in the school say what do you mean we yeah I'm glad you asked with all that going on think if everybody was doing something now let me encourage you I'm encouraged I know it's it's 11:58 I know I see that 11:58 it's a tradition that church gets out at 12 it's not in the Bible on our on our church role at present and it changes every week we have 233 adults and teens about about 3 330 340 and membership that's a blessing that's a lot of kids thank God for a church with a future amen thanks to all of you who are contributing to that thank God it's you not me of those 233 adults and teens 7 7 are unable that just not well brother Perkins his legs all eaten up with Agent Orange and and so I mean we understand that so 226 people could be doing something for Jesus a hundred and twenty-five of our adults and teenagers are involved in some ministry every single week what a blessing there's another 20 that occasionally parades once a year or fireworks show something like that that's sixty four percent of our adults are involved in trying to reach somebody locally for Jesus and that doesn't even count all the personal one-on-one witnesses Church thank you thank you what a what an amazing blessing to have that level of participation but I noticed something maybe you noticed and I didn't I didn't even mention the Bible school we're doing that three nights two night two and three nights a week we're not stealing from you we're not stealing from you brother David myself putting in about 80 hours a week we don't think we don't take days off once in a while we'll take a day off once why would take a couple of days off back to back I don't know one day off January I want a one day off February I want too I might have day off in March when I'm not complaining we love doing this I'm pleased making us do this what we want to do what we enjoy doing but nobody wants my money it's not true but we want to reach the world for Jesus and we want to want to build up a church so here's here's what's interesting 64% of the people in our church are involved every every week or fairly consistently and trying to reach somebody for Jesus and 65% give I'd encourage you if you'd start witnessing you'd see the value of the church you'd see the value of missions or if you'd start giving you'd want to be more invested in what we're doing if we can do this much with honestly I've talked to other pastors most of them give anything to have 65 percent of people giving thank God and it's unheard of to have 65 percent participation in in things beyond going to church and most Christians think going to church is serving God so thank you it's incredible we are not going to chastise those of you don't give and we're not gonna gonna belittle those of you that don't participate but we're not gonna stop urging you to do it because that's what we do we just push and push and plead and plead and cheer and cheer and lead and lead and sickle it's great it's great serving Jesus it's great being part of his word and if if those of you that are in staying those of you that are committed stay committed those are you about to be committed get committed to Christ you don't commit it's over oh if all of us could get in on this thing what could we do for Jesus Thank You church for helping us do all that we do those of you new to the to our place that's what we do it's what we do nothing to hide we'll show you the books we'll show you the the numbers we show you where we're spending our money we'll take you with us their ministries show you what we're doing no secrets no no hidden agenda we just want to preach the Bible and tell the world about Jesus amen father bless you word our hearts we pray in Jesus name Amen amen let's stand and sing we'll be dismissed number 428 428 to the work to the work we are servants of God sing or recite 428 to the work to the work we are servants of God let us follow the path and our master has truck with the balm of his counselor strength to renew lettuce to where there might what our hands fine to do coyly God holy God boiling all tiling all let us watch hand labor till the bastard comes to the work to the work let the hungry be fed to the fountain of life let the weary be led while we hear of the tiding salvation is free toiling on toiling on let us watch and labor till the master comes to the work to the work there is labor for all and the name of Jehovah exalted shall be little of swelling chorus salvation is free toiling on Troy Lee gone toiling all let us watch and labor till the master comes to the work to the work and a robe and a crown shall a laborer reward and we found with the ransom salvation is free spoiling our spoiling all let us hold let us watch and labor till the master comes thank you for coming you are dismissed
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 3,972
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: family Bible study, a happy home, sermon on family, christian sermons, christian husband, authority, biblical authority, christian marriage, christian relationships, being a good husband, christian marriage advice, husband wife bible study, being a better husband, godly husband, husband's role in marriage, what the bible says about marriage, New Years Sermons, New Years Eve Sermon, how to be righteous, how to be holy, righteousness in the Bible, a little leaven
Id: 4MMvQGbNa-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 43sec (4183 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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