CALL OF CTHULHU All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the sky towards you water that really the castles ready the big rivers but the house you'll attempt to change your destiny [Music] I wonder why I still take those things been a while since I jotted down something other than my nightmares Natural Sciences linguistics archeology Natural Sciences linguistics archeology I should get rid of all this I'm listening that's correct I'm calling because of a problem with your file a fire has destroyed them about documents is that right I'm so very sorry but I have to collect your personal information yet again thank you for this information mr. Pierce our files will still be up-to-date and on a related better may I raise a sensitive question what's wrong as you know we wish to closely monitor the progress of our contractors and it would seem you've been accepting fewer new cases work is scarce but are those cases worth it show yourself worthy of the one with detective agency and we might keep you on the table I'm coming [Music] sir I came here on the advice of a person whom I hold in high esteem that I must say that I expected anything but a drunkards lair you're free to leave anytime sir do you know to whom you speak Stephen Webster industrialist an art collector all of Boston knows you tell me mr. Pierce are you capable of handling a new case or are you simply a deadbeat inebriate have you come to me it means you're desperate nobody believes me they take me for an old fool Sara my little girl she is dead even you must know of her she was Sara Hawkins the painter yes everyone knows her work the police accuse her of killing her family they all died in a fire Sara her husband and Simon my grandson I can't do anything for a woman I was already dead find out the truth they say she was mad but I know that's a lie she would never have done such a thing but if you have no proof I've brought all that I have look I want you to look carefully at this painting tell me all the assumptions that come to mind what am I supposed to find tell me tell me if this is the work of madness or if on the contrary you manage to detect some logic a rationality to follow so that I may understand it is that all you want from me yes please all right I'll look at your picture that's all you've got the painting I placed a file on your desk it contains everything I have on the affair a warehouse on dark water some sketches of the Hawkins family rather thin the symbol on the man's chest it's as if Sarah Hawkins breathed a message into it so mr. Pierce what do you make of these elements Darkwater never heard of the place where is that it's a small remote island off the coast of Boston Sarah lived there with her son and her husband I suppose you want to [ __ ] me off there dark water holds the secret regarding my daughter mr. Pierce you must uncover it you must tell me if what the police suggest about the mental state of your daughter is true no Sara had visions everyone knew that she never would have heard a fly she only thought she saw things saw things what do you mean by that I never knew what she meant by that my daughter was an enigmatic figure mr. Pierce you must find out the truth about her life and death the sender's label mentions warehouse 36 that's right it came with Sarah's last painting and you think your daughter could have been the sender that is what you must find out go to dark water find warehouse 36 her husband was a big deal on the island but the police are sticking to the accident theory though they mentioned Sarah's mental state was fragile I believe you are right sir this case is not as simple as it appears I am aware of that I believe there is more to this case than just an accident the meaning could be exactly as it appears I think your daughter is sending you a message that's what I believe - it was three months ago that I received the call from the police telling me of my daughter's death and yet a short while after this painting was delivered to my home the painting is linked to this case can't you see you must find the meaning behind all this I think I'm beginning to understand I'm willing to do anything for my daughter to recover her honor quiet down I'm on your side let's sum things up an artist dies with her family in a house fire your only clue is a sort of premonitory painting sent from dark water right before her death correct and the room is about her supposed folly which you don't totally deny find that warehouse find out the truth regarding Sarah Hawkins death you will be handsomely compensated alright I'll take the case I'll go to dark water and look into the death of your daughter thank you Mr Pearce I didn't expect any less coming from a man in your situation something's queer listen I can have a choice dark water I think I've got a book on the North Atlantic I'll no doubt find some information on this island in their dark waters off the coast of Boston but I've never heard of it according to this book it was often mentioned during whale hunting times at the end of the 19th century but it seems to have been shown since then [Music] we're almost there [Music] [Music] [Music] stay on board there's guys coming to unload welcome to Dark Water Island mr. Pierce well I thank you so what when brought you does the Hawkins case mean anything to you Johns Hopkins may have been a landlubber and his wife Sarah Hawkins a nice young woman and a great paint you know what go have a drink of the stranded whale what you need is a good pick-me-up Mitchell may not be very welcoming but his bar holds a surprise for you as for me you'll find me at the harbormaster's office if it's the Hawkins family that brings you here I have a pile of documents that should interest you understood I'm going for a look around the docks I've brought out the Charles Hawkins cargo manifests around the table next to you but in truth you're likely to be disappointed when you're done come join me on the deck these manifests are signed by Charles Hawkins that's all I'll get from them [Music] [Music] hey be careful let's get him another drink he's dry in my bar we don't serve troublemakers pure instinct I behaved like a hun and I sincerely apologize veteran huh 307 Infantry Regiment that'll be okay from now but the war is over you try not to forget it I'm here for information not for a fight I prefer it that way speak then I reserve the right to answer or not do you know where this place is warehouse 36 dark water Harbor the Hawkins warehouse I see yeah well if I were you I wouldn't hang around there why not first off there are rumors sailors from around here say you can hear noises coming from the warehouse at night screams that sort of thing screams and that's not all there's the fate of its owners and all the superstitions that go with it but I'll say no more anything else I didn't expect to find alcohol on this island what's the source of this miracle you mean who our source of supply wouldn't like me to betray them to the first comer I'll tell nobody she'd know it anyway anything else the stranded whale I guess this bar has been here a long time well can I tell you I'm a nostalgic sort of guy the name it reminds us of the Golden Age of dock water when our whalers left four long months and came back sweating and stinking of the oil and flesh of the whales even hunting it was a tough time all the same but steeped in glory we've never known such wealth since then what can you tell me about it we all knew she was famous on the mainland for her paintings never understood why then I don't want to speak ill of the dead her vision was it so terrible way I see is the truth is really a question of point of view what do you mean by that do you still trust the truth after a bottle of whiskey her style made her famous how would you describe it tortured yeah well it wasn't normal I mean for a young woman with a child in all that we saw them in the papers and we said to ourselves who can paint such things is that how she sees the world so they made you feel uncomfortable you need to see them for yourself make up your own mind I've got what I need anything else what you looking at stranger the clientele is predominantly male tell me something I don't know I meant nothing I'm just wondering what a woman like you is doing in this flea trap and I'm wondering what could be going through the head of the chump who goes to disturb her let me drink stranger I told you to beat it you liked our song we're two sirens we may not be pros but we give it all we've got that's true it's a reminder of the time when we were still fishing for whales off Darkwater Island I've never heard this song before only people from here know it it tells the story of the miraculous catch it's a local legend watch what you say young man that catch saved our island where's the proof we're died proof without it the whole of dark water would have died of hunger in 1847 it's true everything happened just as it says in the newspaper report what report the one that's framed right behind you our grandparents tasted its flesh and it was delicious what brought whaling to an end the whales of course they all disappeared you exhausted the stocks you could say that yes there were fewer and fewer of them until the last the biggest the one of the miraculous catch exactly I bid you farewell gentlemen good night stranger so long the miraculous catch apparently the most significant event of the last 80 years Hey can't you go any faster we force it too much we'll break everything the blood is just beginning to coagulate it died a short time ago only a specialist would know what oh yeah you can't understand you're not sailors it's a sign there's something coming something real bad don't put that beast back in the water you shysters you're crazy they're cops they can't understand damn stupid idiots forget it nobody listens to us anyway that's no way to treat an omen oh yeah you can't understand you're not sailors it's a sign there's something coming something real bad don't put that beast back in the water you shysters you're crazy from here I see everything that goes on in the harbor the hard-working lives of my sailors the fights of the stranded whale even the antics of these Wharf rats don't escape me it's you who lays down the law around here oh I wouldn't go that far I'm just the last serving captain on dock water tell me what I can do to help you I was looking at your photograph one of the man in front of the boat ah yes I can see the one you're talking about interesting resemblance I thought it was you but with a wooden leg and for good reason that's my father in the photograph your father John Fitzroy captain of the scylla his wooden leg is here you can go and see it if you're interested I found a threatening letter signed by a certain cat what I don't mind you visiting my harbormaster's office but I prefer if you didn't go through my affairs are you being blackmailed not exactly know that shyster wants to make us pay protection money with any success yeah I wouldn't say that but she terrifies my men as much as her own can you not do anything to stop her don't you worry about that I'm just back from the wharves but that killer whale is unsettling the sailors ah yes us men of the sea are superstitious folk the police took the decision to put the killer whale back into the sea you've got to understand them they didn't know what to do with it I think that was a mistake who says that whatever caused those wounds is no longer in these waters you think we should have kept it to look into the real cause of its death at least killer whales don't have many known predators that's true and normally they're not found around here but then you're gonna take me for a fool give it a try have you heard about the depths trenches that plunge into the earth and the shelter creatures unlike any other you're talking about mythology huh indeed you're right the miraculous catch is at a local legend not at all it's an episode from our glorious past go read the story of the sailors returned to dark water Harbor its displayed on a wall of the stranded whale I'm looking for warehouse 36 do you know where it is look it's right there the warehouse is opposite the jetty you can't miss it understood you know who the building belongs to don't you it belonged to the Hawkins family precisely ship owners from father to son I think that somebody here wanted me to search this warehouse your manifests have been blacked out they're totally unreadable yeah I saw that I've got no idea who did it or why I don't remember having countersigned anything special enough for someone to hide it and why obliterate the dates as well as the goods stored in the warehouse you mean that the dates have some meaning I know that Charles Hawkins was descended from a family of ship owners and the islands fishing industry was hit badly indeed we specialized in whaling but no Whalers went out to sea after the miraculous catch of 1847 so where did the Hawkins family get its money well from what Charles inherited I presume although these dates on the manifests could indicate that he had contracts of another kind with whom I wonder I shall be on my way so come back and see me when you've got something new this guy no idea you better keep it shut huh no way we don't have a clear conscience quiet what's with you wandering around here like a hungry dog I've got to enter the Hawkins warehouse I guess it's gonna be complicated no it's very simple in fact [ __ ] off I don't give a damn about your racket I just want to get into this warehouse and we don't give a damn about you whatever your reason for wanting inside there's nothing we can do for you so who are you are you stupid are you doing it on purpose everybody knows us on dock water I've just arrived let's just say we're standing God for the owner of the site and we let no one enter her property Kat she's your boss what you listened through keyholes she's the boss yeah she says who goes in or not shut up you Tommy you wanted to know that you also talked too much she must be quite intimidating if she can make two men like you tremble she redid the smile of the last one who wanted to get in I hope you had a good dentist no no you don't understand she really cut him a new smile but he only smiles with left cheek she sounds frightening your boss and she doesn't like to be talked about behind her back what are you gardening exactly listen bonehead we already told you that we're guarding our bosses turf I bid you gentlemen farewell how could you be dumb enough to leave the entrance to the warehouses unguarded keep your voice down why not go and shout at the cat while you're at it I don't want to end up with her little knife under my throat it's a stiletto you idiot and with that smell on your breth I don't give you much chance anyway you live here why did you do that huh we saw what you did to Saint Brendan yeah we'll teach you to come on to our Island and ridicule our protectors I respect your beliefs our beliefs you mean you don't believe in God that's irrelevant that's what you think there's you our beloved statue and then those two bozos behind us wait now that I think about it it's got to be them there's one of them who's always going back and forth to the statue quieter that's all we need for them to hear us what brings you to dark water that statue represents your local Saint what do you mean by local exactly you wouldn't be looking down at us like all townspeople do Saint Brendan he protected whalers and fishermen like us till those [ __ ] defaced them isn't it a bit early for alcohol we got nothing better to do anyway it's not much work around here Fitzroy gives us a futures every now and again but since the whaling station shut down ain't a lot of jobs left around here so we drink peculiar house we live our boat it's not because it doesn't float anymore that we're going to abandon it the two guys behind you what are they guarding the bootleggers scum they're protecting their territory from whom I wonder they really don't have a choice anyway and more scared of cat than an attack by drunken sailors if only they would kill each other is it cat who's shaking down Captain Fitzroy hold on just a minute we didn't tell you a thing nothing at all I have an offeror that could interest you we're listening I need you to keep them busy for a while you sent us to take the punishment while you go quietly about your business what's in it for us what would convince you to help me there's only one thing that'll get us to move for sure bring us something to drink and we'll take care of the bootleggers liquor exactly I'll try to find someone for you st. Brendan patron saint of sailors and travelers desecrated I can't even say which language is written in where do you think you're going who are these others so interested in the warehouse and why would I tell you you and I are on the same side of the law oh yeah you don't want to know the truth behind this case are you saying our work was not up to snuff forget it I thought that the Hawkins case had been closed that's true so what are you doing on guard duty in front of this warehouse who's asking the questions here the cop or the tourists what more can you say about the death of the Hawkins family not much more than what everyone knows I wasn't on the case they were all burnt to death right up at their place the whole mansion went up in flames don't get it into your head to go wandering around up there it's dangerous what do you mean by that the only one left there is old Silas and the accident is affected him badly he can be unpredictable especially if a stranger starts poking around the property is he a danger to the public no he's in his own home do yourself a favor leave him well alone you again I told you to beat it no need to get worked up what can I get you captain Fitzroy told me about a little pick-me-up you want a drink I wouldn't say no to a glass try this I think we'll get along well let's say I want to buy a bottle from you choice is yours everything's on sale what would you say to a deal your bottle for a service it's $5 for everyone including you are you sure sir I guess I'm not desperate I'm not judging yeah [Music] that'll be all for now so have you got what we asked you for yeah now sit back and enjoy our performance follow me I don't feel well say that again I hope for your sake that I did let's see perfect oh this place stinks what is the connection between this place and the Sarah Hawkins case what happened here is this one of Sarah Hawkins paintings someone is settled in here and whoever it is has something to tell me about the Hawkins yo don't move the Hawkins case has been wound up let the dead rest in peace wound up you mean messed up dog we don't take no lessons from the likes of you we do our job carefully and fairly no stone was left unturned really can you explain what this painting is doing here there's strange poetry wait I know it it was in the Hawkins mansion when we came to investigate the fire so you confirmed that it was removed from the crime scene interesting I'd like to go and see the mansion now of course you want to go back along his trail I'd like to understand how this painting made it to here come on my car's parked down away Andrews would you please shut the door and open your eyes damn it this guy went right under your nose goddamnit her again this case has nothing to do with you Baker clear the passage or I'll shut you up for obstruction officer Bradley you finally grown a pair too bad you're too fat to see them down there why you come on keep the smile you don't want to force me to widen it okay I get it can we go to the mansion now who the hell are you what were you doing on my turf I've got my eye on you we'll meet again is it for this mansion look behind you at the top of the ridge you see the building that's the Balkans match come on we got some driving to do well here we are Hawkins manche the place is being abandoned since the fire there's only old Winchester in his Hut I see no skorts trees or fire damage on the building you're pretty damn observant ain't ya the fire was quickly contained old Silas acted as soon as he could not sin enough to save the halkans they were trapped in the drawing room and don't go troubling Silas anymore his guilt torments him enough as it is are we gonna take a closer look at this mansion or do you have other questions your partner Andrews warned me against him you managed to get something out of that bum I'll end up asking you for advice he talks too much he inferred that old Silas was slightly unhinged that's not far off the mark as oppose but kind of unfair at the same time you know Silas Winchester has been working for the Hawkins family as far back as I can remember Charles was like his son to the day of the fire he lost his whole family so he's got nowhere to go and as you'll see in a way he's still watching over them is there anything else you want to ask me well do you want to go up there you won't get me to believe that it looked any better three months ago it's a very old building you know it's foundations would probably date from the arrival of the first settlers it's got nothing to do with Charles Hawkins debts huh you've already begun the nose around it would seem so since you already know it the Hawkins family couldn't afford the upkeep of this house it remains to be seen what they did with all their money I wager it was Charles Hawkins travels let's go up there unless you still have questions you're the one who looked after the Hawkins case don't think I was trying to hide it it's just that this discovery shakes my convictions that's why you're so keen to find out who removed the painting from the magic yes if something escaped that's all if there's been a law-enforcement error then it's up to the police to make good its mistake anything else I prefer to be prepared if there's going to be trouble wise attitude but apart from old Silas and some rotten floorboards there's nothing to worry about could he be a problem strictly speaking he ain't dangerous but since the tragedy he's been a little touched though he's a remarkably sturdy man given his age a true force of nature a sad old man doesn't worry me gee if you don't want to listen to my advice we might as well go right nightfalls quickly here and I want to be able to see when we arrive I'll go with you if only to reassure Silas why not you can help right let's go someone must really hate Charles Hawkins I told you Silas Winchester is still watching over the Hawkins family I must say it's pretty gloomy though detective does this place inspire any thoughts [Music] you know if Charles Hawkins had any enemies not to our knowledge he was a well respected personality on the island I don't understand Silas would never have let such a thing happen why were they buried here I was given to believe that it was Charles Hawkins wish strange idea I mentioned Webster wasn't too pleased mrs. Hawkins father it said that he's devastated let's go to the mansion please give me a minute I didn't expect to set foot back here after the burial what kind of deranged individual would defile the sanctuary and steal a burnt painting I don't see Silas doing such a thing let alone allowing it even that broad Baker is above that Lord have pity on this poor family the flowers on Sarah Hawkins grave are fresh the caretaker takes great care of these graves the caretaker takes great care of these grave someone must really hate Charles Hawkins [Music] poor kid poor kid this entrance is still in use [Music] whoa whoa you are trying to force the door you nosy prick easy sir all right put down the X you know how we do it Rob like you we got them dump them into the ocean whoa you're mr. Winchester lower that ax let's talk [Music] I'll show you how we have it out on dark water [Music] Sarah Hawkins father sent me here to investigate the death of his daughter Webster huh I understand how he feels but me I want to dead to rest in peace and that means kicking the ass of gumshoes like you why would you not want me to help understand what happened here I've got nothing to hide tell me what you're doing here and no Baroni the police report describes a domestic accident but Stephen Webster has several reasons to believe that this may not be the case Webster is as stubborn as an old mule and I did tell him that we should let the dead rest in peace he wants to restore the reputation of his daughter I just need to see where the fire started the mansion isn't safe you would break your neck as sure as you're trying my patience right now that's why you barricaded the entrance that's right and this door it's locked and I make sure it stays that way no one lives in the mansion and you don't take care of it anymore if you have a good reason to be here I'm listening there's vermin I keep an eye out vermin yeah that's it vermin right this is what we're going to do I go inside and I promise that I'll hunt vermin okay with you yeah I'm not sure if there's nothing else to fear you can give me that key right take the key and do what you have to do go on then just to get rid of you let's see what stop bothering me yes shall we Anna now that you finish your fun and games with Silas we can perhaps inspect the mansion you're right let's go stop bothering me let's take a look inside I'm willing me I know the place who left this light on the last supper of the Hawkins what does this tell me what kind of meat is this this place is for the head of the family Charles Hawkins the boy was probably here smashed his plate on the floor Sarah Hawkins played why did she leave it untouched something happened at this table an argument Hey daydreaming again working officer this dinner table tells us a lot about the Hawkins family life well we don't have all day the scene of the fire is next door let's see if I can find some fire hubs missed but it was already too late for the Hawkins [Music] the child's corpse left a trace where are the others they had a fight why [Music] who's Charles Hawkins a heavy drinker but Sarah Hawkins lose one of her shoes how if the painting I found on the docks really came from here how come it didn't burn did someone escape the fire blood his lap was thrown this was no accident this was a fight someone fell here a desperate attempt to flee so detective what do you make of it I firmly believe this fire was more than just an accident what's your theory I think the Hawkins couple got into a fight you sure that there's only one way to be sure I just ask that you don't disturb anything if chief West found out about what we're doing I'd be in serious trouble these bandages are covered in dried blood but who's a book on the first inhabitants of the island it seems they got here around the 14th century this place was falling apart long before the fire what had Sara have done to make this person threatened to call the police it seems the last one was given for free to her Francis Sanders I wonder why the Sarah Hawkins interested in the occult what was she trying to achieve Bradley is that you is anyone there you stop Bradlee did you see which way he went who I didn't see anyone I just heard some noise are you alright a man was hiding on the upper level he ran when he saw me he can't be far this door is blocked from the outside I'll cover you this door was closed earlier where did he go must've got out some way no no he was here I'm sure that's the scylla it's the boat that was stranded at the entrance to the harbour this globe seems to have been part of some mechanism looks like it worked well done peace [Music] secret passage under the manor is like a detective novel that guy must have already gotten far yeah and he had a direct means of entry to the crime scene we must find him why is this place it's more than just a tunnel look someone's been here recently three seats the Charles Hawkins used this place who were the others what is this mask supposed to represent this piece of cloth is unmistakeably from a dress Sara Hawkins was she hiding from someone whoever was sitting here could have seen Sara Hawkins could this be related to her death are you scared I want to see how far these steps go who's talking about being scared I'll wait for you by the door there you are again well done Pierce and it looks like you found our fugitive this door is securely shut I'll look for another passage it's an underground cave we can advance this site yeah I can see that you please excuse me but given your condition I'll stick to my idea I'm not cut out for this kind of acrobatics all right look for another entrance I'll try to catch up with our man what's going on here beers keep your voice down we're not alone God why have you got me into we'll see I'll go on try to go down on your side yeah there's a passage I'll meet you at the bottom a table for sacrifice [Music] oh my god okay it can't please what no damn it I must find a way out of here is it my turn yes it is time you will soon be one of us if your body our mind already I dream of it every night I have constant visions I am ready good enough prove it to us it's like in my dream it seems to have been used recently probably some sort of ritual you who sleeps yeah Cthulhu knits ha Fatah grant him your flesh and accept his so that his body and yours anymore HIPAA thing apart Cotulla think Oh grant him your mind headaches I feel him you are gifted indeed let him more sacred flesh we pray for your return into the kingdom of the earth dead this ritual killed him where is the sense in that we are ready for the ceremony what about your protege his awakening is complete he will join you shortly these days not No but I think if Christ as natural or they not have clear - lock letting go can you see God then what are you doing here I saw two hard-working guys coming down seemed up to no good what in the world is this an intruder oh [ __ ] Oh move police don't move I won't hesitate Lee get back get back you asked for it I've seen this let's go camping in I need to get out of here ah my leg light at last [Music] [Music] he's having a seizure strong [Music] I can't get off don't move Pierce you can certainly say that you gave us a scare what did you do him undo these straps whoa go easy my friend your dad he killed you are you sure he's better he was dead me too we we were dead what are you doing I'm sorry my friend what no what happened to me where am I Mr Sanders you have to come with us no please I can't leave here you've got no choice Sanders and neither do we you don't understand if I go out he'll see me no you're leaving this cell please I wanted to find me [Music] [Music] [Music] when the last other surprises [Music] but the earth [ __ ] are 30 in turquoise [Music] you there we go come on stand up we don't have much time can you stand up who are you a friend of Ethan Bradley it was he who told me that you had been interned here wait Bradley is really alive I don't understand you filled me full of drugs I can't distinguish dream from reality please believe that I have nothing to do with these disgraceful treatments look I don't have time to explain everything I'm not really supposed to be here and the same goes for you according to Ethan you must leave as soon as possible and as unobtrusively as possible I've brought you your clothes let me go ahead we'll meet upstairs wait a minute what's going on here what did I do to the patients to make them so terrified I would really like to know I only see them when they are brought up for medical treatment for problems they didn't have before going downstairs but this is neither the time nor the place to talk about that we must not stay here there are two men standing guard near the stairs it's the only way to the floor above I shall try to distract them and get at least one - come with me all you need to do is to follow me as soon as the way is free understood [Music] what does this mean what did they inject him with am i in an asylum what did he write about the painting why this strange symbol repeated over and over Sara Sara Hawkins is on this list of authorized visitors [Music] poor wretch will be you these people need care to keep the most terrible place as if go back upstairs where your patients are waiting for you to treat them damnit I'll have to find a way of getting rid of those two myself machine is working again but the control wheels haven't been put back on I was just going to the storage room I can bring them to you no dr. fuller doesn't want us touching the pressure valves as you want I'm gonna see if there's sleeping pills left good god what could this machine be used for this machine seems to consume a great deal of electricity that's of rotten flesh an elaborate electrical system like a dumb pulp novel I can still increase the load the corpse is complete whose are these limbs is there a connection between this corpse and the machine I can still increase the load have I activated anything I can still increase the load what's the connection between this meat and the electrical installation worse and worse what will happen if I increase the current to the limit it's done now for the others just a few days what he's willing up inside me body yeah you there come here I don't know what you're doing there but you don't seem to be friends with the nurses I can't help you help me and I'll owe you one what do you want sleep that's all sleep you don't want to leave no if you've seen the storm that's bring it I'm fine here except for one problem you want sleeping pills right yeah and in exchange I can make noise lots of noise you'll draw the guards to your cell to allow me to escape so you win find something to make me sleep and I'll take care of the guards for you hey where do they keep the sleeping there anybody around [Music] let's go poll Amin morphine opium nothing my new friends sleeping pills I've got what you want show me there and remember they don't come for free don't you worry you'll have your diversion go on now go hide yourself the grows they're everywhere make them go away that should draw the attention of the guards I should hide doctor is that you don't you worry about the doctor right now he'll have plenty to keep him busy with his precious machine it gives us time to get away I'll undo you anyway can we work I can't go anywhere it'll find me like it found me here sneaking about the Beast don't stay with me oh you end up the same way your Sanders aren't you I heard you from myself what did they do to you what does fuller want with you the doctor you think it's the doctor who's crazy he wants to restore my sight he wants to give me back my eyes and yet I told him that I didn't wanna I do not want to see it anymore real culprit is Sara her and her accursed paintings you're kidding me you're talking about Sara Hawkins the one and only the legendary there is no artist more enlightened or cursed than Sarah Harkness is she cursed because of something she did to you no no it's because she's cursed that she are me on purpose you say that Sarah Hawkins harmed you if it were only me her concience her guilt were eating her away but she never wanted all that Wow not really what's going on on this island I'm I'm so sorry we should never have met what are you talking about destiny it has trapped you don't let it see you or you won't be able to escape it so don't look at it that's how it finds what finds me Sarah Hawkins prisoner the Chandler Sanders pull yourself together without her it's no longer possible to save me and what hell I got it [Applause] this is insane what killed him [Music] damn gasp oh my head later we need to move on [Music] who goes there that nightmare again I need your drink you're awake mr. Pierce how do you feel did I sleep long the day is only starting it's fine how's our fugitive dr. fuller hasn't reported your disappearance to the force but that'll come soon Bradley who else would it be mr. Pierce are you all right you look like you saw a ghost I there are things that I can't explain tell us what happened I have flashbacks they haunt me what did they do to you there was that dr. fuller and a nurse blood everywhere my legs the pain I couldn't bear it I was screaming they injected me with something I woke up at the Institute Bradley was there and how you scared us you seemed there meant it you likely woke up during the anesthesia no wonder those memories haunt you what in God's name were they doing to you what happened afterwards when I woke up the second time I was in a padded cell that's where you found me doctor after you released me I got a good look at what's in store for the patient's of the Riverside Institute hallucinogenic gas pumped into the cells an infernal machine horrific medical experiments impossible dr. fuller would never do such a thing you should believe it Ethan what mr. Pierce saw is precisely what I've been trying to prove did you discover anything else [Music] I met a Francis Sanders do you know him of course he's a patient or was I haven't seen him since dr. fuller had him transferred to the basement he know Sarah Hawkins and that's what killed him what how did he die I'm not sure I can explain it tell me how Mr Sanders died I didn't see what but something was there with us of what do you speak sander said it was Sarah Hawkins visitor he spoke of it like a living being Sarah Hawkins have I missed something here this makes no sense I don't see how it can help crack the Hawkins case you really think she's involved how could she have murdered Mr Sanders Francis Sanders mentioned mrs. Hawkins just before dying it's no coincidence you know Frances Sanders was a well-known art collector I guess you can still pay a visit to his wife Irene Sanders an art collector you say that's probably how they met if you plan on having dinner at the Sanders household please spare the widow the tale of her late husband's suffering I don't agree she deserves the truth but that truth may be biased we don't know the bottom of it [Music] you're right without a plausible explanation for what I saw let's not jump to conclusions that seems wise indeed very well I'll go to see Francis's widow perhaps I'll find a link between her husband's death and Sara Hawkins don't end up in the hospital this time I'll do my best the other night's events are still confused in my head let us go now and learn the truth about what's happening on this island what can I do for you sir mrs. Sanders I'm a private detective we must talk about your husband and his ties to Sara Hawkins can I come in you may however before we go any further please know that my husband died yesterday that is precisely what brings me here well well look who's here [Music] you know each other our paths crossed briefly the brave detective has a talent for sticking his nose into my business I bump into her every time I'm investigating someone's death it's a small island detective my Island it's better that it's you bumping into me you're investigating Frances death why who hired you I spoke to Frances before he died his story suggests a link to a case I'm working on well since this business has got nothing to do with me I'll be in your husband's office Irene will carry on later very well miss Baker this way Mr Pearce and do make yourself comfortable it would seem that you have much to tell me may I inquire when you had the opportunity to talk to my husband yesterday I met him at the hospital he spoke to me about Sarah Hawkins oh of course he spoke to you about her that's all he talked about Sarah Hawkins and her paintings please forgive my tone the fact is that I have not been allowed to see him since he was interned you on the other hand a perfect stranger were able to see him and even talk with him the day he died how was he were you present when he had this attack what happened he started raving screaming that a dimensional sham blur had found him see that story again why have him interned that was when he began to convulse and twist with pain or terror it's hard to tell I beg your pardon I'm not really sure of what I saw or what I didn't see but it's best that you weren't there I should have been there what you're telling me is outrageous I need to understand how could this happen in a reputed Institute and right before your eyes did you not do anything to help it's terrible what happened to your husband but I had nothing to do with it I was injured and I came across him in the hospital quite by chance injured well I'm delighted to see you in such fine fettle detective not everybody enjoyed such a prompt recovery I suppose fuller does do miracles now and again luck is obviously very kind to you oh I'm tired mr. Pierce I would be grateful if you could tell me what you expected me and then leave did your husband talk to you about Sarah Hawkins visitor shandler to use his precise terms well you can't imagine that's all he talked about its exhibited at the center of the gallery no better place for the painting that endowed him with the privilege of such a shameful and miserable end to his life hold on the shandler is a painting by Sarah Hawkins who else to paint such horrors take a look for yourself if you feel so inclined it is my only lead at this stage I suppose I have nothing to lose then you have paid no heed for my part I refuse to set foot in that gallery again but if you're so eager to see it thank you mrs. Sanders I won't be long the day the shandler came into the Sanders lives Francis Sanders and Sarah Hawkins were close friends even Xander's accession register he wrote beside the sham blur finally what did Sarah Hawkins fear so much that she didn't want to sell the painting she first refused to sell the painting how did that make her feel the shandler I need to see it let's see what the cylinder has to say once it's inserted in the phonograph Irene I made a mistake I fear that it might be too late for me nobody should answer except the burn everything I never had the courage pay somebody to do it he's inside my head I see him behind my eyelids each time I shut my eyes I can't take any more I can't hold back of course the paintings that accurse at Sarah that's twice you've stepped on my toes detective try not to make a habit of it I've got a lot of bad habits some can be more fatal than others what have you come looking for in this gallery another painting by Sarah Hawkins one connected to the horrors I've discovered on this island what a surprise I'm listening and you what brings you to the Sanders home I'm here on business Irene asked me to liquidate all these paintings she doesn't intend to hang around here for long why you believe it or not there aren't many collectors on Darkwater it needs someone with a network and a means of transport to the mainland a choice that comes down to Fitzroy and me and I'm far more pleasant wouldn't you say the man transforms an entire wing of his manner into an art gallery [Music] what now this dagger looks different what's the matter with you you sure you won't be needing that hand you're losing it detective at this rate you're right the bottle will get you before I do you didn't say anything I saw you within an inch of putting a dagger through your forearm did I miss something more interesting I was attacked by a creature I pushed it back I think I I think so too you know you knew about the Beast what are you talking about think yourself lucky that I saved your hand even if it was to save my goods you mean me don't flatter yourself sweetheart I'm talking about the contents of this gallery and by the way where do you think you're going with that dagger it saved my life it's an extraordinary dagger you should talk to Algernon Drake he's an antique dealer here on dark water he'll tell you all about it from what I saw in the ledgers it was him who sold it to Sanders the creature this dagger was the only weapon capable of pushing it back this antique dealer has a good knowledge of the occult I have nothing to lose by meeting him you've got your spunk back go where you want I'm staying here to talk business with Irene [Music] [Music] where is the bookseller what happened here let's start over where did they break in from blood seems like amateur work someone tall left this footprint a man probably this burglar seems to be rather clumsy [Music] what sort of thief leaves his tools at the crime scene what happened that made the burglar flee before finishing his work what killed all these animals what Charles Hawkins what sort of power did Sarah Hawkins painting possess Sara Hawkins helped hide something in this safe right put in a great deal of effort to hide whatever is in here everything is linked to this Sara Hawkins case and these red drops like precious stones life it's set in divine gold to be the guardian of the Grail does not protect me from its attractions Henry and I do confess it I am willing to pay to know its secrets I finally understood that we were only pieces on the chessboard of the gods let those of us who are still standing protect our white Queen from their dark soldiers I see our number dwindling and my will strengthens as my apprehension grows we shall refuse to be the playthings of destiny dear friend I thank you again for the anthology of the works of Arkham additions that you sent me volume 9 as a thought and other Horrors seemed particularly relevant to my research I never tire of browsing through them [Music] dr. Colden this man's condition is deteriorating what says dr. fuller it's his patient after all he he's busy with Captain Fitzroy he specifically asked us not to bother him when that's the case oh of course I'll see what I can do mr. Blake can you hear me I'm dr. Colden we'll take care of you there's nothing we can do I tried talking to him he's catatonic did you inject him with a tranquilizer no doctor not me not anyone our stock is empty yet again again but there was enough for the whole island more and more people are suffering from insomnia we can't refuse to help of course any idea what this man might be undergoing very well I'll examine him his skin shows abnormal loss of color and seems dried out he's totally dehydrated his fingertips and toes seem to feature a slight ring under the skin tender at the touch slightly sticky severe malnutrition swollen abdomen with traces of petechiae doesn't seem like an edema slight protuberances seem to indicate the presence of a foreign body 30 year old subject severe hypothermia erythema des papules around the eyes and ear drums neck crosed polluted tissue Lord this smell so doctor an opinion I'm not sure I have the necessary knowledge to treat this man don't say that you're our most worthy doctor after dr. fuller some of his symptoms are beyond my comprehension what did you find [Music] I see signs of hypodermic lysis but he still dehydrated when was his last IV he's constantly under perfusion I had even gone beyond the recommended dose to no avail and you won't believe me but when we bathed him earlier he seemed to feel better yes like he needs an aquarium not a perfusion but that doesn't explain his condition in spite of the muscle contractions his arms seem limp yes they can't have decalcified not at this rate and yet if there is a bone in this arm it's softer than that of a newborn baby what about his cranium it's soft at the touch it does seem like the skull of a baby look at these sticky rings growing at his fingertips what can be happening I'm sure you'll find an explanation you have to did you examine his abdomen it would seem there's something inside he hasn't eaten in days are you certain it's not an edema no can't you recognize an edema pushing with your finger won't leave a trace and look at these bumps it's not like he could be pregnant whatever it is this man has something inside him that shouldn't be there we should operate on him at once dr. fuller said not to worry that the edema would go away by itself you know I'm not sure dr. fuller is telling the truth I almost don't believe it myself but these symptoms are not those usually associated with the human species what do you mean don't tell me you believe in extraterrestrials no this poor man is from our world alright but his body is undergoing unnatural mutations and this transformation is killing him his body simply can't cope where could he have gotten such an infection I pray that it's not here doctor : may I know what you're doing to my patient what I'm doing how about what you've done to him let us come down My dear Marie I don't appreciate your tone nor your insinuations I've done to him what I do to all my patients provide him with the best available care your imagination is without limit it's your homemade drug again is it not those people are not your guinea pigs they're bad what have you seen to put you in such a state these are alarming symptoms if we don't act he'll die do you believe that I'm not as convinced you see I even think this man has a strong chance of completely healing from his ailments no doctor this patient isn't himself anymore he's dying really what do you mean by isn't himself he's changing his physical characteristics they are more animal than human now fascinating any more you say could you be more precise cephalopod perhaps this amuses you your reaction does I know your thirst for knowledge doctor it's your innocent worries for this man that have you overreacting for this man and the others whose medical files you've been hiding I have to protect my discovery these people owe me their life but the world isn't ready it will be in time I will not let you do this you disappoint me Marie but I still have hope you one day share my point of view in the meantime take care of your own patients and try not to forget who you're dealing with was that a threat what did he mean it was a warning dr. fuller is this institutions founder and one of our professions most influential voices my word is of no weight against his if I continue to protest I will only ruin my reputation and career it's scandalous can't we do anything is there no evidence of his crimes oh that evidence exists I'm sure of it I need to find the missing medical files and where would you find those in his office what if you get caught I'd rather not think about that I'm counting on your discretion of course doctor you can count on me I'll keep my I have little time for you doctor you'll find out that it's not only the doctors who have things to do wait a minute where do you think you're going doctor Colden mrs. Donovan nobody goes into dr. Fuller's office but rest assured I'll tell him you came by that won't be necessary thank you I will tell him nonetheless this man Edward Pierce his file is incomplete what did fuller do to him the key to the boiler room is missing dr. fuller always keeps his key with him Ethan Murray hi what are you doing here I'm waiting for my medication of course why tell me your symptoms I have headaches and I can't sleep do you suffer from insomnia no look I don't want you to laugh at me Ethan if you don't trust me then who alright you have nightmares they keep me awake every night it seems stupid I know but the terrible actually you're not the only one no no one has ever seen the things I see it's like I'm turning mad so many people have this affliction it's like an epidemic do you think it might be related to Fuller's work I don't know yet but I will figure all this out everyone in dark water is suffering from nightmares really we don't have any medication left oh there's no excuse then I should let you work take care everything you told me the answers must be hidden in Fuller's office she's a witch an old hag I didn't make this up and I'm the one who pays what a pest Elizabeth are you all right why is this room in such a state because as always I'm cleaning it by myself and the water was once again shut off this morning I had to bother mrs. Donovan again giving her a new excuse to belittle me do you really need mrs. Donovan to open a valve why not ask the janitor I can't make these decisions without her approval imagine if there were a leak anyhow the boiler room is locked half the time so every time the water gets shut off I have to go and endure her reproach until she settled the problem I see courage Elizabeth thank you doctor it's temperamental if I understand correctly patients and hospital personnel eat the same food gentlemen may I help you we're waiting on news regarding our mother Maureen Hardy she came in with a kidney problem but we haven't heard anything since I'm sorry dr. fuller is a very busy man well is there anyone else who can tell us what's going on she's our only family you know we can't even see her medical file don't worry I'm aware our institution is not always welcoming but your mother is in good hands I'll tend to her myself and keep you informed at once would that suit you well that sure sounds great to us doctor thank you but those are just words so we're not budging very well at least I'll know where to find you dr. : hello Betty I'm looking for the key to the boiler room what for to put it in its place perhaps I should do the same with you I beg your pardon I suspect you of having a little too much fun at Elizabeth's expense but be warned it could easily be you they will all be laughing at tomorrow you are right doctor the key is in the dormitory office and in Block B thank you I shall go fetch it the key to the boiler room all I have to do is shut off the water and hope Donovan takes the bait mmm I can't shut this with my bare hands I need a tool [Music] [Music] I feel guilty about Elizabeth but I need the diversion [Music] dr. Colden might there be a problem with the water I was about to mention it it seems it's been cut off yet again I can't take this Murray I feel I'm gonna burst it's not your fault if we have defective plumbing and yet I'm the one who gets punished because I'm gonna have to square off with that annoying old witch courage Elizabeth here we go and hold your tongue this time the last the missing files must be hidden here something is wrong with these masks it's some sort of puzzle I've unlocked something patient files I was right the Stendhal syndrome of course this is where fuller found his diagnosis for Francis Sanders conclusions session number 17 patient Sarah Hawkins the patient appears to have finally accepted the illusory nature of what she calls the missus it goes without saying that these peculiar delusions are the price that comes with her exceptional gifts why does dr. fuller write psychological reports about Sarah Hawkins abilities [Music] the poor souls downstairs and not Fuller's only subjects that Charles was telling secrets from him I presume that he would try to break into the basement sooner or later I am prepared Hawkins Fitzroy and fuller what is the connection between these three in the basements when all the father Hawkins incident finally comes to an end I will dispose of her meanings the meantime we must remain hidden in plain sight of course Sara Hawkins is the connection I must go back to the basement ah now that's the Marie that I know I knew I could count on your scientific curiosity it's time to show you what you were so eager to discover if you're gonna shoot me at least have the decency to look me in the eyes turn around slowly talk filthy thief I swear I'll shoot take a minute to look around everything points to Charles Hawkins he's dead no he was here for a very specific item oh now the book why was it in the safe have you read it answer the question how foolish of you now you won't be able to escape his will what did it show you she went into Fuller's office she was looking for Sarah Hawkins corpse Sarah Hawkins you say let's go back to the start shall we whose life did the Necronomicon choose to show you doctor Colton she was at the Riverside Institute she's in danger I have to go wait no one knows the occults better than me you might need my help all right all right I might need you after all perfect let's meet later at the Hawkins mansion now go rescue the doctor Thank You Drake [Music] I pray that : is really here and alive old diary right enough time wasted Colden meets me I must find her my god what what is happening to me what was that this is if I'd been transported somewhere else [Music] [Music] it looks like things are back to normal what's going on it never ends damnation that's that's me [Music] Pierce I found her I finally know what's going on you must live and find the truth it is already too late for me Colden what's going on was it a hallucination please take a seat and be quiet mr. Pierce I'll be with you in a moment stop whatever the hell you're doing and turn around now [Music] No you son of a [ __ ] why did you do to her I wish I could've done more experiments on you mister [Music] I said what did you do to her you should be sorry for your friend you should Envia murder this madness must stop holdin [Music] what in God's name [Music] what did they do to you speak he gave him the gold and I the isère I don't see him very often anymore the green is stronger are you feeling he'll I me here but no no let's get you out of here it comes in my dreams our minds melt like colors on a pallet come with me it's is of the oldest green a violent living vibrant a sea green maybe no no mrs. Hawkins we must go before someone finds out oh but he will he always knows these things when it's about me who put you here but Charles of course he tries to protect me so he locked you in this rat hole out of love love he is the only one who still believes he can feel it all right come with me he will know he will find us one more reason to hurry have I seen you before can you walk maybe then let's go before your husband finds us it was in your studio what you painted me that's where you saw me of course the man and wider coming you mean the guards this way follow me what Oh No come out of your hiding hole you [Music] wait the machine it's the green that it came one the gas yes it's not good for living beings we don't have time for that I am not moving until the wrong is set right damn it [Music] I'd be better off finding a tool perfect [Music] all right that should do it let's move [Music] [Music] I'm your puppet no more you bastard you're my wife my wife you owe me obedience [Music] leave her alone we're leaving this crazy island you are going nowhere don't get between me and my wife [Music] and nobody tells me what to do with my wife [Music] not watch [Music] Rory heard this brat I stop I did everything I could to protect her power is what friends what which [Music] she needs help Oh the presence of the forge what's still here with Airways wait and we'd get rid of it members of your detective they control we'll finally surrender will mr. change it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no parent should have to bury their child knowing it's me that put him there the guilt guilt will never go away I feel your pain I'll do anything to get him back anything my work was what we argue here in the first place begin showing me things things I never should have painted things Charles should never have seen what am I to you I took care of you saved you from your miserable life you'll never find a man better than me you owe I owe you nothing we'll leave now you're not going anywhere [Applause] [Music] [Music] Simon come on it's over now [Music] mr. Pierce we were waiting for you good Sara doesn't have much time what are you doing here did you think I would let you confront the occult without supervision this is too dangerous for a bookworm like you Algernon I need to talk to mr. Pierce very well Sara I will be in Charles Hawkins office [Music] you seem different yes when I woke up this morning my mind was sharper cleaner I can still hear the voice calling me that is so strong so ancient enticing dangerous I may never be able to escape his grip but for now I can keep it at bay I know what I owe you mr. Pierce but I can't come back to Boston with you there is nothing left for you on dark water except my sins Sarah we all know you're not responsible for the actions of your husband and what about the wonder the creature who killed Francis Sanders so he met his fate you understand yes I must find it and kill it I am the only one who can end it slaughter no no you will come with me to Boston I owe you no obedience this isn't about what you want or don't want to do you would risk destroying the world just because you can't face the consequences of your actions I am willing to atone for my sins no you're just trying to erase all proof of the mistakes you made I know what I have done I will not rest until the creature is sent back to its dimension you've recovered from yesterday's condition that must mean you can fight it we must find something that will stop you from relapsing Algernon knows of a way to protect me help him find what he seeks and we may all survive this battle all right I'll help you [Music] with Sarah Hawkins telling the truth what kind of ritual was she preparing was the painting of the shandler displayed here mrs. Hawkins never told me why she was in possession of the Necronomicon how did she survive how did she react was she afraid John Hawkins was ready to do anything to protect his wife seeing you again ah it's you I'm here for her not you I don't care why you're here your usefulness is the only thing that matters how do we protect mrs. Hawkins from the influence of the forces that claim her by following Charles Hawkins that imbecile of a thief of course what do you mean he found something an amulet the symbol engraved on it could protect Sarah could we are dealing with forces that by far surpass what your intellect can process feel free to ask me any question regarding the matters that exceed your grasp this creature the sham blur what is it it is a hunter it travels from one dimension to another to hunt down its prey Francis Sanders was one of its victims how could a creature like that end up in one of mrs. Hawkins paintings sarah has an uncommon gift a connection with entities that live beyond our reality I doubt that she was aware at a time but when she painted the picture in a certain way she called it and now it remains in our reality let us say that it uses the painting as a portal into our reality and we make enticing prey for it that's why we must find a way of sending it back to where it came from permanently the dagger with a strange sign was it you who sold it to Francis Sanders if you are referring to the dagger of the Ancients then yes it was me why do you know what he intended to do with it Francis was primarily a collector of occult objects he liked rare items such as the dagger but I doubt he knew its purpose it allowed me to send the creature you call the sham blur back into the painting fascinating but I am afraid that this might only be short-lived you mean that thing could come back yes that is why I am looking for a more permanent solution it must never come back a genius like you must have already found a way to get rid of this creature yes I sense your sarcasm but it does happen that yes I do have a solution I think I can destroy it but for that I must approach the creature and to be able to do so I need the key to create another one of your baubles it is no bauble unbeliever it is a very powerful protection able to repel very ancient forces much more effective than your cult what does it look like it is a golden amulet bearing very ancient inscriptions and an elder sign at its center a star with an eye in the middle I've already seen that sign where can we find it therein lies the problem that foul thief Charles has hidden it somewhere I found this drawing among his personal effects I think that it has something to do with the location of the amulet I'll follow this lead you continue searching that is what I intend to do as for you return here the second you find it I don't want it to disappear again damnit the entrance to the tunnel has been buried following the cave-in but at least I didn't dream it how are you Bradley ah it's you pious I'm just worried about Marie I mean dr. Colden have you had any news I'm so sorry Bradley I could do nothing to save her what do you mean what happened I'm not sure what happened well I found her body in the cellars of Riverside you you sure that you've got nothing to do with it if she hadn't tried to help you she might still be alive I'm sorry truly it's that slug fuller I swear I'll shoot him what do you say Perce are you with me Fuller is evil we agree on that but we are neither judge nor executioner you are a police officer the man must be arrested and brought to justice it's for the judge to decide his fate and risk that he gets away scot-free no not while I have something to say about it you really intend to shoot him down in cold blood if that's what it takes and have you thought of the consequences I don't give two hoots for the consequences we must do something for those who are still alive Bradley Sarah is still in danger as long as the cult is active we need to see this through otherwise Marie's death will have been in vain you're the voice of reason peace as always [Applause] [Music] this is the amulet the truth it's you again I think I've found what we're looking for let me see that yes that's it it's perfect we are saved I must tell mrs. Hawkins yes do that I have it it's a strange amulet I hope it will protect you considering that nothing will help you change your mind you must understand I already went too far what have you seen that's so terrible you convinced yourself that you had to risk so much I can't tell you now this story is going to end badly yes chief West is here with Sullivan Bradley you take care of Sarah I will deal with them sure all right I've been hearing about you a lot lately you seem to enjoy causing trouble nice job chief you got me great police work you can try to play smart with me all you want Pierce witnesses have identified you as the one who set fire to rip witnesses how convenient that's not the whole story is it I don't care about your stories saving the FIR the judge you know us cops we base our investigation on facts and testimonies you might want to try that next time you bet I will you know I've heard a lot about you mr. Pierce all good I hope it appears that you've been involved in a variety of misdemeanors since your arrival on dark water entering private property twice aggression insulting behavior and to top it all arson with all the liquor that is openly on sale in the middle of Prohibition do you really want me to believe that you're enforcing the law enough of that you're not gonna tell me how to do my job I would like to point out that it is you not me who is behind bars there are things going on right now that are so much more serious than what you accuse me of yeah so what's going on that I don't know about there's a bunch of fanatics who are attacking this Island's most ancient beliefs I suppose these are the ones who desecrated the statue of Saint Brendan while I'm looking at a man who burned down a hospital influential people from your community are part of it operating in the shadows you got a real imagination detective there was a tunnel leading to their hideout under the Hawkins mansion but it caved in oh how very convenient right enough time wasted come on I'll show you to your new residence I'll be back later to ask you some questions I hope that you'll make the right choice and confess to everything it would be as unpleasant for you as it would be for me if I had to adopt more advanced questioning I have no doubt about that good night mr. Pierce I learned the one:1 emanating Leviathan not because of the scale of my terrestrial faith but as a reminder of the immensity of my knowledge which I came to share you do not struggle you will not be able to see all the space my influence I told him to behave you are here to access the knowledge and follow the path that leads to your freedom this is an affair that the likes of you particularly those with such their characteristics cannot refuse the more you beg that you will human spirited to make it able to receive the truth the club says you will come to it race is where is the article truth seeker would you like to see well not the very objectively request a lot you see for yourselves but do not dare do you fake calls shall cross again the true seeker you know the risk sir if you happen to use your powers again you you may lose more than your life it is not about me but innocent lives I hope that your sources are reliable the bootleggers have the painting if the dimensional sham blur is to appear he will do it here the sheehan blur I knew it al-jihad come back his Algernon and the Sham blur [Music] [Music] night you can't leave us sorry old friend it is either you or me Oh Oh [ __ ] open open up up in this door the Beast is within our reach are you sure you want to do it let's go quickly come with me [Music] how do we kill it the Sham blur can open breaches between dimensions he uses glyphs as anchors to stay in our world then I must destroy these glyphs exactly how can I find him I will make the glyphs visible so you can revoke them by doing so this zone will be protected by a barrier perfect stay inside the shield I'll create the protective barrier get back inside it as soon as you sense the slightest danger [Music] the first glyph must have appeared somewhere on the floor I can't move it is it acting against me the ritual is working don't worry it's just until I ward it off Oh No the wanderer is back [Music] the second symbol has been revealed you know what you have to do Sarah quickly bring it towards me respect [Music] let's go so do you hear something he calls me Sarah no [Applause] it's tight [Music] [Music] Sara Hawkins why did she do it damn it did our guests enjoy our hospitality let me out of here I'm warning you Pierce I want a short and clear-cut confession do you admit your guilt in the case brought before you you don't have any idea what's happening on this damn Island chief West we got a problem damn it not now what is it this time Captain Fitzroy chief some guys have ransacked Roy's bar they went berserk attacked the patrons smashed the place up it's chaos this is only the beginning let me out let's go take a look tell Sullivan and Marshall to keep this one nice and warm till I get back who are you stupid don't you understand oh god damn idiot to see I finally began as promised I came back to reactivated the valve of truth as you mind expands and finally understands the true nature of the world your perceptions changed me are you ready to see you world and the ones that live in it as they come for another part of the ultimate truth [Music] detective fighters survivors I never would have thought you so naive it's all your fault you could have stopped this whole thing there are everybody's the villagers me wrong in danger as long as you're alive [Music] the same three should I say nightmare my pain in my chest as if always been stealing silence then I wake up with my hospital bed alive boys whispers in my mind appearing in a night I don't know how long are they able to resist [Music] for both of us but I will fight for what is right [Music] daaamn what happened come you'll want to hear what these two eejits have to say this better be interesting seems like someone decided to grant you your deepest wish a mutiny worse they killed Chief West what and left his body and one of our warehouses you're kidding they're all yours which one of you is dumb enough to kill a cop and throw him on my doorstep we don't know nothing the dead body in my warehouse disagrees we swear miss it's not us I don't have time for this spill it we've got nothing to do with it should I trust these two they're scared as [ __ ] what's more frightening than me good question the captain it's just a misunderstanding anyone can make a mistake shut up interesting let's go Dom where is this workshop I'll go with you he must be talking about the old boat repair workshop yeah they've done nothing wrong apart from killing a cop on our turf that's who we how do you know they killed him do you want me to settle it with some lead scurvy dog always threatening us quite in these lunkheads down before I shipped a lot of them I'll take care of them a bunch of liquor sponges aren't going to lay down the low round here I'll take a look at this workshop join me when you're finished if someone had told me that one day West's work would kill him someone moved the corpse here where did the murder happen we came from here down the stairs so this is where West was killed what's that what the [ __ ] is that where did it come from he wasn't alone who were those guys there's only one man who smokes these Gaspar's Fitzroy you're not supposed to be here truth seeker it's my body get out of here damnit wake up what happened take that weapon you'll need it what tell me right diamond pave yourself together [Music] Oh just keep an eye what happened what happened to several pockets what do you mean [Music] left the book salary all Mexico delicious doctors told me later this you're going in the diner station attorney keep writing [Music] kill me enough Oh [Music] stop what am i doing [Music] it looks like an old Seaway met and they found a meal they ate my flesh and my flesh not depend on the powers as methanation exits you are getting you closer to the seeker of God the ancient and powerful someone with exceptional sensitivity to history trust exceeds like the not how what has she done I'm not dying in this rathole come on [Music] what are you still doing here detective I need to go to the whaling station it's locked you'll need a key to get there right go get me a first aid kit I might have something for you you were chasing Fitzroy but now you're here injured how do you know there were too many got us if I don't get something to stop the bleeding I'm a goner I'm coming back with a first-aid kit hurry up I won't last long go get me a first-aid kit I might have something for you here-take right the entrance to the whaling station is behind the Hawkins warehouse yeah she'll be free Sarah is where those bastards I gotta find your court [Music] hello who is this the quest for truth requires sacrifice there's no room for cash who's there your stubbornness wanting to help others fate leads us inevitably to solitude and in one's final moments one is always alone you can't escape it forever it will always find its way ah finally awake how do you feel mr. Pierce for son of a [ __ ] I'll kill you no no I'm not even really with you well to be perfectly precise I am with you but not in this cell what have you done to me me nothing really see it's one of the exquisite effects of this incredible creature Leviathan I see you already know about it well shall we begin [Music] [Music] let me take a sample from you flesh blood spinal fluids don't feel I created the mythological I call from leviathans flesh who knows when I can mate with you I need you body for my research [Music] like unnecessary for free nothing's happening [Music] here's Fitzroy time to hoist the white flag we're not gonna hurt you I won't go without a fight you pick your heel of your own accord stay back or I'll put a bullet in your head bring horribleness open noticed what so quake I see you come out the space I follow your dreams your choices attempts to flee investors but it is and as I was reading you have come to free me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please I can hear the voice anymore [Music] [Music] we're trapped golly oh my god this way stand up walk is somebody there hey who are you [Music] where am I to our fallen crew members they have given their lives for a greater purpose the last name at it is that of Charlie Wilkins I'm willing to bet that they killed all the survivors and then I go his catch it will soon be time you like none of this is real I saw you dead as I see you now my crazy - you survived don't you understand you couldn't die you will stay alive until you fulfilled your destiny No look at me look at me Pierce dare tell me that you still don't believe it this is madness I'm here to guide you don't you feel him but it can't be he's gone you were mistaken he's still inside of us it's not just your life that is at stake many men and women have sacrificed themselves for this moment Holden you will not deprive them of their hope of a better life I saw we will all die like him his life was written well before it started it was not predetermined that he lived to see the call but you yes it is your destiny you're mistaken I believe no more in destiny than I do in vampires gods well done again this denial it doesn't matter anymore the future is now but an image that Sarah Hawkins has painted for you why don't you go and join her you who believe in nothing and then you'll see you'll see that there are truths so powerful so overwhelming but even a mind as narrow as yours cannot withstand them and what is your truth goal what is your role in this story I must take you to Sarah Hawkins our Oracle [Music] Sara tell me where you tell you will find Herod alabaster point I'm going together don't try to stop me of course you shut up get out of my way either them silence shop go away stop [Music] don't resist Edward they're already dead there's nothing you can do just give in [Music] what happened to me Sarah let's go to Sarah she is the Oracle she will know what to do [Music] reality if you know it stops me none of this makes sense oh she is waiting [Music] what have they done to me Oh it appears fuller you died in front of my eyes don't jump to conclusions is there not the tiniest spark of a scientific mind inside of that Detective skull of yours well abject substance did you use to turn her into an empty shell abject substance the serum extracted from leviathans oil bestows the power of life to me my body is nothing but the mortal vessel of my conscience to you it contains more answers and secrets than your insignificant mind can grasp [Music] that is not you not anymore not since your disappearance on the docks [Music] detective so easy to fool you so eager to rush to the rescue of a woman in distress you won't make me regret having tried to save people I did what I could even for Colden your efforts to change your destiny although in vain make you worthy of the fate that is yours the day has come you will be asked to choose [Music] [Music] you took everything from me wife life destiny you first suck you're right to a normal life the moment you chose power over humanity no one wants to see such an embarrassing [Music] we don't have the slightest idea of what you speak of what I've been through I have sacrificed my life to the one who sleeps my marriage my family my own flesh why didn't Sara choose me why is it your damn face on her painting I don't know I don't know and embrace your destiny it's not none of this is real trust your guts if nothing's real what are you I am a projection of your mind what remains of that instinct that pulled you out of the trenches don't listen to them they're too dangerous for your tired mind [Music] [Music] here you are at last truth seeker you were waiting for me yes when I finally discovered the truth I knew you would come all this time I was fighting it afraid of what I might discover but I was afraid of myself what did you learn listen to me Edward Pierce as I will deliver the truth look around you everything is falling apart you must stop this madness I can't make that choice this will be your decision one man one man only prepared by the trials and revelations holds the power to change the world because I saw you in the dreams I share with my god I recognize you for what you are a truth seeker one of the rare humans who is able to perceive fragments of his mind I feel the truth in your words because it was written or as I like to see it painted on the canvas of fate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we love the flower [Music] the talk [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 255,501
Rating: 4.8180313 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, call of cthulhu all cutscenes, call of cthulhu game movie, call of cthulhu 2018, call of cthulhu story, call of cthulhu full movie
Id: GYCmdPm5kHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 19sec (12379 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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