The Evil Within 2 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] no no no this is not happening Oh God Lily damnit [Music] willing I'm here where are you gosh how did this happen I'm coming Lily just hold on dear Lily I'm here Lily come on out Lily where are you I'm here dad's here you weren't here for me Dad [Applause] kid hello Sebastian it's been a long time three years I've been trying to track you down for three years then you thought you'd find me at the bottom of an empty bottle is that it and why are you here now dammit you didn't find me because they didn't want you to calm down Sebastian you knew what was gonna happen in that hospital didn't you what happened at beacon is in the past you need to forget it you sound just like that psychologist that force shoved down my throat but he didn't have answers you do you're gonna tell me about Mobius I'm here because of this where did you get this Lily's still alive Lily is dead I read the police report I was at her funeral we can rewrite history if we want to staging a death is child's play why would I come out of the shadows just to lie to you lily is alive and she's with us but she's in danger we need you to help save her save her what have you done to her get your hands off me I was hoping you'd come willingly Sebastian we don't have time for this [ __ ] Lily needs you Sebastian you're awake good yeah great where are we you're in one of our facilities so this is the Almighty Mobius huh be careful about what you say you don't know how powerful they are right so powerful they have to kidnap a washed-up ex-cop to help them at least your terrible sense of humor is still intact enough of this [ __ ] where's Lily patience all your answers are right here [Music] The Beacon mental hospital incident was an unfortunate setback but we used the knowledge gained to build a new and vastly improved stem system what does this have to do with my daughter imagine it millions of minds connected together happiness for one is happiness for all this machine this miracle will allow our species to achieve greatness we needed to start with a mind that was pure and clean enough to support thousands of personalities the mind of an innocent child you connected lily to that machine your daughter is quite special the most stable core candidate we've ever tested thanks to her the new stem has been a smashing success until recently a little over a week ago Lily vanished just stop sending signals then the stem environment began to collapse we thought it was just a technical glitch an easy fix so we sent a team of Mobius agents inside but then we lost contact with them and stem went dark think about this mr. Castellanos I am providing you an opportunity not only to see your daughter again but to save her life something you thought you failed to do before you can save her or let her die it's your choice good luck Sebastian and please try to cooperate with any team members you might find in there I know you don't trust us but they have the same goals as you do that's alright I'm fine by myself just remember to call me the moment you find Lilly so that we can begin the extraction process I'll be out here for you and someone else will be in there for you are you ready [Music] be careful in there Sebastian we're counting on you [Music] stem entry in three two one is this where am I I'm coming really I know it's hard to accept Mayer but she's gone our little girl is gone no no I'll never accept it you won't help me I'll find out the truth on my own what the hell is this place detective we've got a call Sebastian are you there Kidman what snap out of it Sebastian he made it in safely how are you feeling terrible like the worst hangover ever don't worry it will pass once your mind has adjusted you're in an area separate from the main system right now that's how we're able to maintain communication with you this construct is called your room it's a safe zone that was formed from your own memories my memories huh if that's the case then where my wife and child this place looks like my old office at crimson city PD hey was your subconscious that built it you should ask yourself that question let's get down to business we sent some information into your room do you see anything unfamiliar there are photos of a bunch of Mobius agents here your lost team I assume that's them let us know if you locate any of them you're our only line of communication into stem they're stuck in Union and searching for Lily to use the stem environment was designed to look and feel like a small town called Union great so your experts need rescuing - thanks for the vote of confidence but I'm only here to find lily there's more info there you should check it out before you go Lily drew this picture of me it was burned up along with everything else in the house look at I don't ever remember owning a cat slide projector where did my memory dig this up elementary school kid mitten you there oh you wouldn't have told me about Lily if your damn machine didn't go on the fritz I would have spent the rest of my life mourning her and you wouldn't have cared I cared they would have killed me I'm not sure I believe you why would I lie about that to manipulate me to get me to perform like a good little soldier you've lied to me before but all friendship was built on a lie okay I get it you'll never know how I feel until you've lost your family I never had a family to lose just two people who brought me into this world and treated me like a burden of a daughter better to have loved and lost is that what you're saying maybe at least you had people who cared about you point taken the mirror just like beacon should be a way out why couldn't my memory just make regular doors here we go again into the looking-glass [Music] Oh Lily what's wrong my dolls had his broke it's okay mom can fix it for you she can fix anything [Music] Sebastian what's wrong are you alright I've got a wonderful family an amazingly smart and beautiful life why wouldn't I be alright come here Meyer you've been working too hard it's making you delirious are you sure you're not coming down with something [Music] [Music] what the hell that's one of the search team Baker [Music] [Music] our team leader straight to the head someone tried to block the way out partying hey damn it what's going on here what was the [ __ ] who the hell was that just like the search team [Music] I gotta find a way out of here Oh what the hell [Music] [Music] [ __ ] trapped in here maybe not goddamnit what the hell is that thing oh I don't hear it [Music] mm all right what the [ __ ] is going on here where were you and I needed you maybe this is the right place Lily I hope you're here what did I get myself into Kidman back where have you been I don't know but it sure as hell wasn't a quaint little town there's something bad happening in here Kidman Baker is dead there's a killer running around in here doing things better it's like beacon all over again what the [ __ ] did you just send me into I don't know we're in the dark out here Baker was the team leader keep searching around the more info you gather the more I'll be able to help you yeah sure poor son-of-a-bitch left here to rot like this don't worry Sebastian this is just a small quiet town yeah too quiet hello hey she had to have heard me better check it out hello skin and bones how to eat clean your plate yeah [Music] [Applause] Kidman yeah I did I learned that it really is like beacon in here the people in here are turning into creatures dad what the hell happened I don't know but it means that Lily isn't more danger than just being lost save it Kidman leave it to me I'm gonna find her [Music] Moebius members some of them are still alive than damn those things are everywhere [ __ ] all right hopefully that'll hold don't come any closer okay calm down don't shoot I'm not gonna hurt you see you can lower your gun I'm on your side you're not Mobius you might not be one of those things but that doesn't mean you're on my side you're right I don't work for Mobius but I was sent here by them have you seen what those things out there what they can do yeah I have lucky for you your partner was willing to sacrifice himself so you could escape he wasn't my partner he was just a member of Union security detail protecting me was his job and my job is to solve a hardware issue dying inside here is above my pay grade I'm not a soldier I'm just a technician I know stop rushing a soldier would have taken the safety off I told you we're on the same side let's try this again I'm Sebastian Castellanos I'm O'Neal Liam on you so you're not Mobius but they sent you in here why I'm looking for my I'm trying to restore the core just like you are yeah good luck with that I'm done I'm just gonna hold out here until extraction they can't extract you not until Lilly is found it was Lilly look everyone is stuck in here until the car is located can you help me out if you're asking me to go out there with you you can forget about it this is a safe house so I'm staying safe got me but I may have a lead on the core I detected some signals nearby that resonated the course frequency we were trying to track them when we got attacked here listen to this it sounds like a little girl right part [Applause] was that her the car I think so but I've been picking up all sorts of weird signals on my communicator since we got here no way to know for sure until you track it to its source how do I do that your communicator can pick it up too once you're out there check it you'll see you'll probably pick up other signals while you're out there it wouldn't hurt to follow them to find out what no way the core first it's the only way we're getting out of here suit yourself let's pair up our communicators that way I can tell you if I find anything yeah okay can't hurt I guess so you've been stuck in here a week already has it been that long damn sometimes a little fluid in here this was supposed to be a simple in-and-out job like home in time for dinner simple but this is different than anything I've ever seen before what do you mean wonky stuff usually happens when a core goes AWOL but what's happening is more than that this place is falling apart of the seams we use the stable field emitter but it's not working like it's supposed to what's the stable field emitter if Mobe is since you in here shouldn't you know this stuff already there were five members of your team there was a security force already in here to help us but yeah there are five search team members wait did you just say were I found Baker he's dead huh doesn't surprise me he locked onto a powerful signal and went to investigate I told him we should just request extraction and report our findings leave the dangerous work to somebody else but he wouldn't hear of it being team leader and all always had to be the brave one you ask me there's a thin line between brave and foolish yeah there's a thin line between prudent and cowardly - tomato tomahto I'm not saying I'm glad he's dead what kind of [ __ ] do you think I am I hope the others are okay I'll let you know if I find anybody else you'd really do that Thanks I'd appreciate that it's more dangerous out there than I expected any idea where I can get some weapons and supplies I tried to tell you about this one signal but you didn't want to hear it well I'm all ears now I picked something up from two Moebius security team members who were talking about weapons caches maybe you can follow it and get some gear maybe they're out there can help you out no I'll think about it come on man I'm all alone in here I could use some protection maybe if you hadn't let your last guard take the fall for you whatever I'll mark the signal on your communicator follow it or don't follow it I don't care those things are pretty tough takes a lot of ammo to get them off my back do you have anything stronger in here not in here but you could probably find some out there this place was designed to be peaceful but mobius and firepower go hand in hand do you know where I can find some of this firepower it's a pretty chaotic out there you're not gonna find a pile of heavy-duty weapons altogether but I did see something useful next to an abandoned APC just outside I'll mark its location for you but be careful there are a lot of those things hanging around it [Music] wonder who was that okay let's see if I can find this signal I mentioned [Music] looks pretty far away but it's the only lead of God suck it up James we've been through worse than this and we're better armed this time or at least we will be once we read the supplies come on that must be a signal Neil mentioned now if it keeps breaking apart like this there won't be any Union to search I gotta try to find that signal [Music] what the [ __ ] is happening it's coming for me I gotta get out of here yeah did I just imagine that no that was what was that thing was that real or all in my mind interview with detective Sebastian Castellanos detective could you please tell me about that day a vegan mental hospital I told you ten times already let's go through it one more time this is more like an interrogation than an interview please detective Smiley's dog she's been here [Music] [Music] [Music] Lily oh my god she's in trouble someone is chasing her I should check out around back see where that window comes out what another signal good I'm coming sweetheart just hang in there [Applause] oh thank god it looks like she stopped here to hide she must be in that warehouse smart girl lots of good places to hide in there I bet Lilly [ __ ] Lilly came from upstairs another doll but where's Lily I am the murderer with the camera and the son of a [ __ ] has my little girl I was so close damn it calm down think I gotta save her no more signals coming into this communicator I need to find another way O'Neill not sure I can trust him but he walked out of here as bad as I want to find Lily O'Neill it's Sebastian can you hear me [ __ ] not now maybe it'll work better outside [Music] there you are but where's Lily can't let him get away again hey you the girl where is she [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] lost him again hope I can reach O'Neal this time O'Neal it's Sebastian you're still alive I mean you're still alive good were you able to locate the core no but I know who has her and he's got powers like nothing else in here but I lost him I think I can help you out with that I picked up a frequency I've never seen before it's coming from City Hall great where's that you see a building with a big clock tower yeah how in the hell am I supposed to get up there it's a bit complex come back here I can explain right I'm on my way that was weird you'd for this place O'Neill safehouse is right there might as well give him the bad news about his entourage face to face you made it here okay not sure if okay is the right word but yeah I made it now tell me how to get to City Hall Union was built with a sort of backstage area so Mobius operatives could observe the test subjects in secret most of these passageways are still intact enough to bypass the fissures in Union but chunks of the city are floating in the air how are their tunnels their passageways not tunnels when you go in and out of them you're basically phase shifting we call it the marrow it exists in a layer separate from what you see that doesn't make any sense fortunately for you it doesn't have to make sense it just has to work but it's a maze down there you take the wrong path you could end up on the other side of town where's this Merrill that gets me to City Hall and who comes up with these ridiculous names I'll mark the location of the port it's in the North safehouse looks like a regular computer but it's not I'll give you the password you need to activate it once you're inside follow the marker to exit b2 that should take you straight to City Hall you could have told me this on my communicator you know maybe so but I couldn't have given you this the passageways are still intact but the collapse of Union has caused infrastructure issues my communicator says that the gas leak is blocking the path to exit b2 you'd never make it through alive without this deadly gas leaks huh thanks for saving them worst for last O'Neill based on what we've seen so far I doubt that it's the worst you'll encounter you're not helping anything else you need to know before you go probably should let Kidman know what's going on Kidman can you hear me the good news is that I located O'Neal and he was able to get me on the trail to find Lilly great the bad news is that Union is literally falling apart around me and it's mostly populated by corpses and monsters Oh in that cycle I told you about the one with the powers he shouldn't have he's got Lilly I'm getting ready to head into the marrow which you neglected to tell me about to get to him sorry we didn't have time for a briefing before sending you in but we didn't think it would be this bad it's just as bad as beacon in here no it's worse my daughter wasn't stuck in beacon okay male about five foot ten black hair he fancies himself as some sort of artist tell me something I don't know I'm on my way to City Hall I'll call you later it's so this is the computer O'Neill was talking about let's try that password [Music] [ __ ] is that [Music] not just you wait [ __ ] stay down is there it's okay Harrison right I'm not one of them Oh who are you don't worry O'Neil sent me why I thought I was the only one left I'm looking for the core where is she is she here second floor the stable field emitter emitter forget about that I'm here to find the core you must turn on the emitter it will stabilize the environment without it Union will completely collapse then the core won't matter turn it on it will affect his power his power you mean take this use it to turn on the emitter another team member down wish I could have gotten more info don't worry Lily I'm still gonna find you what's this about what's this this camera so old must mean something well it comes up with this stuff I remember this it's still a cold case appreciate the art fine as long as it gets me closer to you I'll play your game that's slowly this guy's playing with me [Music] [Music] [Music] another one but what's he after [Music] [Music] what are these things [Music] this has to be the emitter authorization required please connect an authorized terminal terminal must mean this communicator restart sequence engine [Music] you've been searching for me for so long so I have come but wait it's not me you seek is it no it's the girl I should be offended but how can I be you're not the only person who wants her power there is another one far more deserving one who can offer rewards you could never imagine so sorry but you've been outbid it's beautiful but not yet finish I am Stefano and now you are my art kind of a [ __ ] [Music] it's my beautiful obscure restart seconds that thing is stopping the emitter from activating I just have to hold it off eighty seconds seventy seconds [Applause] stabilization procedure great save my own ass but what am I supposed to do now if he's gone he didn't leave Lilly here where did he take her she'd give Kim in an update about this [ __ ] maybe I'll get a signal outside damn it son of a [ __ ] still has Lilly and now I'm back to square one again we've reestablished contact with the marker agent Kidman about time patch him through Sebastian Sebastian are you there Kidman finally are you alright that psycho was still on the loose in here I turned on the emitter and that seemed to slow him down but he got away and he's gotten Lilly she must be so scared and alone I've got to find her before he does something terrible to her I'm so close I can feel it we want to find her just as much as you do Sebastian yes sure you do don't why your precious experiment to fail there would be a real tragedy to waste all that time and money I was speaking for myself not Mobius I spent a lot of time with Lili during testing she's a good kid I don't want her to suffer I know things are bad but I have faith in you you've got to stay focused so we can save her together yeah okay you're right thanks for the pep talk Kidman don't worry about it but right now you need to figure out where he took her he said his name was Stefano Stefano copy that I'll see what I can find out and send it to your room okay in the meantime I'll check in with O'Neill see if he can help me locate this psycho sounds like a plan let me know if I can be of any help and Sebastian yeah good luck Thanks gotta figure out where he took her I think I might have just figured it out not doing a very good job of hiding it's almost as if he's taunting me well if it's a fight he wants he's gonna get it I just have to find my way there O'Neal it's me I see this table field emitter is back online please tell me you found the core and you're on your way back here sorry that lunatic still has her but I think I have an idea of where he went yeah I see it too I'm picking up the signal again but now it's coming from the theater in the other part of town right through the mayoral again I guess may need a little guidance here I'm on it it looks like turning the emitter back on to stabilize some passages their exit d5 looks to be the one closest to the theater I'm not totally sure what you'll encounter down there so watch your back at this point nothing would surprise me stop reverses yourself IRA a secret society abducted Lillian staged her death do you realize how crazy that sounds but it's true why can't you understand that I know it's hard to accept Larry but she's gone our little girl is gone but I have proof Myra you're obsessed you need rest once you get past this you'll learn to accept them no I'll never accept it if you won't help me I'll find out the truth on my own Myra you were right all along but but why am I seeing this now [Music] Oh God look at the size of that thing maybe I can sneak past it I thought this place was supposed to be [ __ ] stable [Music] someone's been watching Lily whoever's been here was gathering data on her don't move your Mobius right oh shut up don't say a word you're not one of us no I'm not Kidman sent me look I'm here to help okay my name is Sebastian Castellanos you're lying Sebastian Castellanos is dead what No who told you that turn around do it slow you're Yukiko Hoffman how do you know my name I told you they sent me in here to find my daughter Lily the core I'm telling you the truth I know you do lack of micro-expressions and deflection no verbal parenting I've seen enough to know you're telling the truth right the team psychologist I have to use whatever tools I have to survive combat isn't my forte seems to be a running theme here sorry for putting my gun at you so they're sending independent contractors now that means things aren't improving have you found any other team members I have but the only one I found alive is O'Neal who aim was alive good has he made any progress on stabilization the big emitters back on but this place is still falling apart and I think it's all because of this psycho that kidnapped Lilly he's running loose and Union and can manipulate this place at will that means my theory is correct this is more than a core disconnect we doctors don't like to use the term psycho in pejorative terms but in this case it's apropos only a clinically diagnosed psychopath could affect them like this a psychopathic personality type using Lilly to amplify his power this is the worst possible situation your shrink any suggestions on how to defeat them psychopaths are antisocial lack empathy in exhibit sadistic tendencies but their main commonality is their pathologic egocentricity they don't care about people only themselves can you think of anything that would be important to him yeah he thinks he's some sort of artist it's all he talks about and maybe the best way to attack him would be through his art destroying something valuable to him could knock him off of his guard I'll keep that in mind but I've got to get to him first he's holed himself up in the theater right so exit d5 then it's right here just in the next room let's pair communicators so that we can stay in touch I'll review my files and see if I can't dig up any more information about what's going on I still feel like there's more to this regardless he's probably gonna be difficult to fight feel free to help yourself to anything here you might need so does Lily really think I'm dead I was that just a part of your lie detecting chest sorry to break it to you but she does I thought it was a truth too until just now but over the years I have learned to take everything Mobius tells me with a pinch of salt it wasn't difficult to see you were telling the truth why would they do that kind of monsters do you work for I know it's not right but consider this Lily is probably less traumatized by thinking you're dead then by thinking you're alive but she can't be with you yeah maybe but what will happen when I finally find her don't worry she'll believe the evidence of her eyes once she sees you if Mobius knew to keep Psychopaths out of stem then how did one end up in here I don't know every individual in stem was subjected to a battery of psychological exams prior to placement and we've been observing them from here in secret to keep an eye out for mental instability yeah well that didn't work unfortunately psychopathy and sociopathy are incredibly difficult to diagnose correctly Psychopaths tend to be cunning and highly intelligent aware of their own diagnosis they're able to disguise themselves among us the fact that this one was able to fool us he's obviously a joy and self aware disturbingly so great so the tests only filtered out the weakest of psychos I feel terribly responsible for all of this I helped devise those tests you said you think there's something more to this I study the beacon incident extensively so that we could avoid another disaster like that in that case the person the question was the core but even then the environment remained relatively intact something just doesn't seem right here what do you mean the creatures in here the dissolution of Union the total breakdown in communication with Mobius it just seems like a lot for one person even with the power of the core he mentioned someone before another person who wanted the chorus power that could mean no it's too horrible to contemplate what there's only one thing that could be more powerful than a psychopath in here but I need to do some research before I can commit to the theory the hell are these things alone damn it Lilly's inside there I'm preparing my greatest work yet but you are not worthy enough to witness it not until you learn to respect my art respect art huh time to put Hoffman steering to the test [Music] so this is his art just a photo I'm gonna stab the [ __ ] out of you [ __ ] locked I've gotta find a key or something all right this should get me close to that art maybe I can sneak life [Music] made it hopefully I'm done with those things for a while here we go [Music] destroying that freaks work was actually therapeutic but I'm not done yet one more yeah he's gonna get mobbed maybe I can get the jump on right [Music] [Music] [Music] you just saved my ass I didn't think anyone would come you're from the search team how did you end up here I was looking for something and what would that be look it's dangerous out here come to my safe house so we can talk lead the way come on come on in they can't get thanks again for helping me out I'm Sykes Sebastian Castellanos Castellanos huh I've heard of you you survived the beacon incident right how do you know that I'm a stem programmer but I've got other skills too like hacking information systems I know all kinds of things that nobody else knows not even other members of the team then you know who Lily is yeah we're all trying to find it haven't had any luck though that's why you're here huh that's right but if you can't help me with that then we've got nothing else to discuss good luck hey hold on we might still be able to help each other out this better be good look there's a bunch of stuff in here that you could probably use and you can have it for saving me out there you want to hear my proposal come on back to me alright I'm all ears how can we help each other I need you to restore the server inside the mirror it should be easy enough as long as none of those freaks were around here's where it's located hold on I haven't agreed to anything yet what's in it for me you do that for me I can open up all the locks supply caches for you and what's in it for you if you get the server on I may be able to find another way at a union there's really a way to get out of Union I'm not 100% sure but I'm sure as hell gonna give it a try they've lost contact with stem we're totally cut off if we don't find the core we're all gonna die in here unless I can figure a way out how is that possible you really want me to waste your time talking a bunch of technical gibberish all I have to do is turn it on how did the server go offline in the first place all I'm saying is if you turn on that server I can give it a shot look at this place it's breaking apart out there I'm surprised anything is working but then again Mobius probably turned it off themselves they've got all kinds of emergency protocols in place and you're questioning the almighty Mobius hey I don't mind being a grunt at the moment I've become expendable well that's when I start to look for the exit door you get what I'm saying yeah I do so you're gonna help me out or not let's finish this you'll be coming armed you shall be part of my obscura less malleable than clay softer than marble it really is perfect oh I can't concentrate like this a sculpture doesn't [Music] [Music] that's both of them should have done the trick better head back to the theater and see if I can get in he's gotta be in here somewhere you dare to destroy my work you expect me to bend to your will just like them thinking they could stopped me into what I am not what they created in here it's marvelous they wasted it because they had no imagination because they are not artists they want to control me manipulate me you want to stop me but you have failed because with the power of the core I can create my art forever the hell is he doing to these people [Music] this Chase has been entertaining but even the greatest entertainments must come to an end the girl where is she I commend you for making it this far if perseverance were an art form you would be a master perhaps not Michelangelo but a van Gogh had enough art school [ __ ] where is she the core is safe with me I took her on his orders but once I realized the extent of our powers how could I possibly hand her over what I'm doing is more important than mere personal gain he could never understand this he who is he it doesn't matter he won't be around much longer my work however will continue Picasso had his blue period I have entered my crimson period no don't wear hold my latest creation No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] beautiful bouquet of flesh sick bastard how will I ever top this I'll find a way her fear is always inspired innocence to spark the fire of creation you would do nothing with her power you are a nun comprehend she's useless in your hair [Music] [ __ ] all right where the [ __ ] did you go come along I'm waiting my next visa made the full absorption of her powers the subjugation of her will it will be art in every sense of the word but what is arms without an audience I need you here to make the piece complete that's not how it's gonna end come on show me what you've got no more running no more games agreed you're beginning to look for your death will be art it's timed with a signature on it you're too annoying they're called rats I had enough of this yeah no sense in running great for me I had so much left to create you've destroyed my legacy look at me you made me into a masterpiece must record it if only I had my camera where did it go last [Music] Lily don't be afraid honey it's me dad no no you're not honey I know that's what they told you but it's not true Lily please I come out Lily you don't have to hide [Music] [Music] come to mother Lily I will protect you Maura get away you can't have her really No Myra I'll be out here for you and someone else will be in there for you Kidman she knew about Myra [ __ ] a giant red X now that's art what is this where's the mirror where is this place what was that only by the surprise what's going on [Music] you lost 70 your verities gave that the nest which led to despair and despair let's toss [Music] you refuse to see or feel your daughter decisions because of her who are you what do you want with me don't know is that well II [Music] the follow the fire became the world she for that stefano sky new one Sebastian Castellanos you finally come I've been waiting for you who the hell are you my followers call me father Theodore I hope that you will call me that too Fred another lunatic with a god complex huh I already killed one of you today of course you did that is how you deal with every challenge in your life through brute force and intimidation and look where it has met you into a healthier lower your weapon use your mind instead of your visits for once we have the same goal Sebastian we can help each other join me you will be reunited with your daughter and I will have the power of the core I already know who has Lily yes and Mayra won't give her up so easily what where are they I wish that I could tell you but you are not ready you must be folded into my flock before I can share that knowledge I said tell me where she is accept my invitation I can lead you away from your own darkness I can lead you to live I'm sorry I'm not a follower you have so much pain the events of the past Archer every moment I showed you the path here you must learn that I am here to help return to me Willie then we can assume our natural role not as mad preserves but as allies farewell for now Sebastian wait look who finally woke up about time I could use a little help here you know how to use a gun right take that side keep shooting until they're dead or we run out of ammo [Music] Hey what the hell is that noise oh [ __ ] watch out doesn't matter I think that's the last one come on we gotta keep moving Thanks don't know if I could have done that on my own I'm Esmeralda Torres I'm Sebastien I know you do it looks like we got him for now we should make a move before more show up how did I wind up here and who are you no time for 20 questions my safe house isn't too far we can talk on the way there come on take whatever you need inside I'll be out here try to stay quiet there might be more of those things you could at least tell me how you know my name Goodman told me to keep an eye out for you Kidman she said she would try to get your help if the plan went to [ __ ] and here you are so wait I'm lost what plan getting Lily out of here and then taking Mobius down that's good wait a second what is it let me guess the way back to your safe house there might be another way come on wait hold on your plan Kidman didn't say anything about that yeah well I'm sure she wasn't able to debrief you on that in front of everybody over here one of us has got a lift while the other one crossed through got it I'll just whoa you all right before I drop it on your head okay guys thanks you need a break after that old man come on I'm not that old so you're telling me Kidman had a plan to take out Mobius all this time actually it was your wife's plan wait Myra so that's why she's here she's part of Mobius this is ridiculous you're gonna have to duck don't blow your back out this isn't the time Taurus you know you should be proud of your wife she's compelling she recruited me for this plan I don't understand why would she join them she found out they had Lily I knew the only way to take them down was from the inside so she joined up and waited for the right moment oh these years that's where she was damn it this is a lot to take in I'm sure it is but let's not lose focus we've got to get over this can you help me yeah of course ready hold on I've got you yeah yeah I'm fine hey you're just gonna forget about me what you thought I'd leave you hanging like that you're part of the plan now the plan right who else was involved in this little mutiny just four of us me Kidman Myra and Theodore Theodore fathers Theodore father Theodore I just call him Theodore Wallace you know him we've met but he doesn't want to save lily he wants her for himself tried to talk me into hunting down Myra - he's the one who screwed everything up how was this whole thing supposed to go once my run theater got Lilly Theodore and I were gonna get her out while Myra stayed behind to take care of Mobius Kidman stayed outside and make sure we got out of stem safely [ __ ] I was supposed to be easy nothing's ever easy Oh No what is it Shh [ __ ] we got trouble look quick follow me so much for your safe house I wouldn't put my safe house in the open like that hidden well we've got to get past those things to get there you see that red banner behind that building yeah the hatch to my safe house is under it okay I'll take the lead stay low and keep behind me right well listen I've seen these things before don't get near them while they're on fire well that's one way to do it I was maybe expecting a little bit more stealth there's no place like home but a safe house runs a close second listen don't freak out at the amount of explosives I got in here there is safe as cookie dough at least until I armor so what are we gonna do about Theodore I don't know he's insane his hideout looks like an inquisitors dream home I should be relieved that Myra has Lilly instead of him but what Myra has Lilly yeah but I'm not sure that's good news she's changed this place seems to have affected her she's hiding trying to protect Lilly from Theodore and he'll tear this place apart to find them if I can stop him maybe Myra will come to her senses and we can get Lilly out of here so the plan is to take out Theodore yeah but I have to find him first how are you gonna do that onio helped me before I'll call him but I better give giving an update first right but be careful what you say over that thing she's probably in the control room with that lizard hovering over her Sebastian where have you been did you find the phone oh I did more than that I eliminated him good and Malia she slipped through my fingers again sorry to hear that the good news is that I've been in contact with agent Torres her Intel has been invaluable news the bad news is there's someone more powerful than Stephano who wants to take this place over and he needs Lilli to do that Torres told me you know him too he's a real smooth talker yeah I think I know you're talking about I'll send some stuff to your room that might help keep me posted you know I'm here for you I know I trust you Kidman okay time to get down to business O'Neill it's Sebastian come in huh something's wrong I got to try and find him you should stay here and get your explosives and weapons ready I'll need your help once I locate Theodore is there a way into the Merrill from here yeah there's a möbius computer in that room it'll take you exit 72 great I'll call you when I'm ready hang tough Torres got it good luck Sebastian looks like Theodore's been here maybe that's why I couldn't contact on Neil Hoffman safe house is nearby I should check up on her --sykes oh god another team member down I should have listened to him I should have helped him out Hoffman you hear another one he's what happened here [Music] okay I understand yes I'll meet you there Oh neo left is safe house to go to a restricted area of the marrow it doesn't sound like him Thanks what's this about can't pass through without one of those chips gotta be one around here somewhere [Music] what do we have here if they haven't removed this guy's chip yet I can use it to get through that door and find Hoffman okay let's see what happens oh thank god he's already dead I gotta get out of this lab energy cerebral check please wait cerebral [ __ ] detective entering author about time hope I can still catch up with Hoffman and O'Neill voices Hospit stand back [Music] do you mean Liam Rock stay out of my way Sebastian O'Neil what happened Theodore showed me the way I am his now I helped him hide and in exchange he gave me a new life a life is a slave you'll never understand for that you'll burn getting too hot in here put the flames out [Music] it's gonna take more than that to stop me Thank You Sebastian fine free from his voices my fears I was so scared you've got to stop him I can't stop him if I can't find him on heel phase-shifted he's not here not anywhere the machine in the room next door you've got to destroy it what machine he made me build it hide him destroy it beside you can destroy him what happened how did O'Neill get turned into that thing I don't know I've been locked in my safe house since you left when Liam called and asked me to meet him I was so relieved to hear his voice but he wasn't Liam he was that thing I tried to get through to him but he hurt him the uterine Wallace did something to him poor guy I didn't want to have to kill him you didn't have a choice Theodore wasn't gonna give him up so what now let's take a look at this machine O'Neill was talking about it I think it's on the other side of the room where you found this let's go weird stuff in here can you hear me I'm in the fabrication clearance that don't mean much when everyone's dead just please come and meet me here I have something to show you I'm sorry Wallace of course he's head of recruitment well what's he doing in stem why is he doing this there's a lot going on that you don't know about it Theodore wants Lilly for himself you saw what he did to O'Neal he'll do that to everybody in here if he has to he'll tear this place apart to get his hands on her I can't let that happen what is it I'm not totally sure but it looks a hell of a lot like the stable feel the mentoring whatever it is O'Neal said to destroy it so that's what I'm gonna do and I know just how it's me have you finished arming that cookie dough of yours I am good I'm sending you my coordinates bring the big guns we're going hunting got it I'm already gone I'm almost ready over here let me know when you're good to go tell me something Taurus so you knew Hoffman before this everybody knows Hoffman you don't get into Mobius without passing through her office can she be trusted I might have said no before but nothing like being abandoned by your corporate masters to make you rethink your position she's trapped in here like the rest of us so you're not sure yeah she's not bad just a bit of a cult fish I have trouble completely trusting people who look at me like I'm something in a petri dish I don't know what's gonna happen when we blow this thing up neither but at least we're being proactive I don't think we're gonna convince Theodore to leave Lily alone he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who can be talked into doing the right thing so you're giving me orders to shoot on sight I'm just saying be prepared for anything you can't predict what's gonna happen in this place no offense but how did someone as smart and headstrong as you wind up in an organization like Mobius I was a demolitions expert in the Army they loaned me out to Mobius for some black ops stuff once my term was up they came knocking and you just joined up like that they were pretty good salesmen they don't tell you everything when you sign on I was tasked with some things that I'm not proud of they expect you to follow blindly and if you disobey when Myra offered me the opportunity to get out I had to take it I've still got some morals left despite the things that I've had to do is that enough to take care of this thing like ten times over and it's ready to go when you are I'm good to go I'm going to check out the equipment in the other room good luck you too okay here we go operation kick-ass happening in 3 2 1 are you okay Torres Torres where'd you Sebastian Castellanos you refuse to step into the darkness so you try to point me to the light your rash decisions have always been your downfall then I wait you want to find you the little dog go there Oh God Lily you're here she tried to tell you but you were too stupid to listen no no no this isn't right Wiress you refused to listen and then became do you know anything about me by suspicion by [Applause] I do i I need to find her Lilly is it really you Lily no Lily there she is your precious daughter isn't this what you wanted dad you let this happen to me why didn't you save me no please I I couldn't I wanted to [Music] you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past do that and I can make your dreams come true together we can take Lily from my lab once I have the power of the core you will be truly free it will take more than bullets to stop me will you never learn you should shot me [Music] come on man you can't let him get to you you got it you gotta give that son of a [ __ ] some payback Sebastian what's wrong are you alright you've been working too hard it's making you delirious Myra Taurus where I'm whole how did I Lili's realm just the way it used to be I wish it had stayed really that letter Myra's last communication it was hidden with their files it sounded so crazy at the time I should have believed her my dearest Sebastian if you've received this letter then I fear the worst has come to pass it means that my investigation got too close to the truth it means that you may never see me again I'm sorry I kept it from you but it was to protect you from either the truth or my madness I've enclosed a copy of my files I only hope that you never receive them but if you do it's up to you to finish what I started please find justice for Lily and for me I love you with all of my heart Myra I'm so sorry Sebastian [Music] you've endorsed so much all this time all alone it's my fault you tried to tell me but I didn't believe you [Music] now I'm so messed up I'm talking to an elucidation I failed you I couldn't save Lily from the fire I feel the everyone that's not true Sebastian there was no fire to save her from you know this now [Music] but I couldn't protect her how could you Moebius are a force of nature what you're doing it's like blaming yourself for an earthquake it wasn't your fault [Music] you have to stop torturing yourself you're a good man Sebastian that's why I married you and this time you can save her [Music] there are too many forces against you you have to stay strong don't let the past defeat you I forgive you and Lily will too but the most important thing is that you forgive yourself forgive [Music] she's right she's always been right Theodore uses my own guilt against me but guilt for what it's their fault not mine they took everything from me I didn't start any of this but I'm gonna finish it and God help anybody that stands in my way ah what ah Smith what happened she brought you here I'm sorry Sebastian I try to save her but no I shot her the bullet wound was superficial she died from injuries sustained in the battle with those things damn it he didn't have to die like that she was a good soldier I just wanted to save lily I know she's dead it's all my fault again no Sebastian it's not your fault don't let him do this to you you're right that goddamn son of a [ __ ] this is what he wants trying to make me feel guilty but he's the one who did this not me he's the guilty one okay it's time to clean house I've just got a fine Theodore that's not the problem destroying Liam's machine works theater is out there in the open now the problem is getting to him what do you mean I picked this up on the exterior surveillance system cameras have a look the odorous stronghold appeared in the middle of Union but it's surrounded by what looks like a massive wall of fire [ __ ] I won't be able to get through it I think that there may be a way I found a device in Liam's equipment room that should be able to help great let's see it it's not quite ready I still have to do a few tweaks okay go do you have to do I remember there being a hotel near there I'll go check if it's safe then send you the coordinates you can meet me there with the device okay I'll see you soon I'm sorry Esmeralda I'll make sure you didn't die for nothing I'm gonna hunt him down like the dog that he is [ __ ] that really is a stronghold what's going on in there Sebastian dam is going crazy you don't know the half of it I take it you had nothing to do with it I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have to Kidman I'm gonna finish this once and for all I'm gonna save Lilly now I have all the tools I need this time okay it's important that I know what's going on in there so that I can help you again I do I'll be in touch the hotels clear Hofmann are you done with your tweaks okay I'm sending you the coordinates well here it is what is it it's a portable field stabilizer O'Neal must have been working on it before Theodore changed him it creates a small area of stabilization that should keep the fire away how small its circumference is about as big as a safe house big enough to protect me good how's it work that's the tough part it's a prototype so it's a little temperamental I have to operate it last thing you want is for it to go on the fritz while you're in a wall aflame I can't let you do that it's too dangerous so is staying here if you can't get inside besides I'm sick of hiding the only way we're gonna get through this is if we work together it's the only way to save Lille and what if you need emergency psychoanalysis who's gonna help you then you know just what to say to convince me Hoffmann of course I do I'm the team psychologist that you are you might want to prepare for this let me know when you're ready to go ready Sebastian alright Hoffmann let's do this okay lead the way I'll have to carry and operate it from here it should protect us from the fire but it won't stop those things in there from trying to kill us don't worry I'll take care of them here it goes nothing it's working just to make sure to stay inside the dome come on I can't see anything through these flames for those things and follow me I know the way my god don't stop now we're almost there can you fix it I got it we got it go now [Music] almost there - no I'm sorry Yukiko I'll make him pay I promise after all of this I'm the only one left but he's not gonna stop me yeah but this time it's different you're not getting away you know just like the last time Jimmy you're not gonna get to me why does everyone want to control union it's not even real an [ __ ] like you take over [ __ ] like them you're even crazier than your luck not if I kill you first I'll keep coming back until one of us is dead if it's a taste of despair you wish a taste of despair you shall receive you did this to me dad you didn't save me it's okay sweetie I'm gonna make it right again [Music] I love you so much Lily I always have and I always will now I'm gonna save you this time I see you've overcome some of your guilt and pain but the depth of your past traumas is vast I know everything about you I know what lies beneath you have a deep well of fear from which to draw you've seen many Horrors and they still haunt your memories remember where this all began remember beacon you remember it all what enough of this [ __ ] this time I think this will stop me [Music] you weren't you once and I'll do it again what are you what else do you got Myra she must stay safe I will protect Lily from anyone who wants to take her you did it Theodore's dead let's go home know the power of the core is mine Lily is safe now where is she let's get her and get out of here Myra Myra Oh God there's almost nothing left to this place what are you trying to do Myra what is this Maira it's over let's get Lilly and leave this place before we're stuck here forever we can have our family back please I know you're still in there you have to listen to me Myra what's wrong you've gotta fight it I can't I have to protect Lily already did my Stefano can't hurt her neither can feed or they're dead yes good Sebastian now leave no I'm not leaving you in Lilia in this place Maira [ __ ] what is she trying to do there she is Oh God please let that be the last of it Mayra where are you going I won't let you hurt Lily hurt her I'd never do that I love her your love can't protect her only I can do that I told you to leave ah can't let her take Lily is that our house she must be there I can't stop now [Music] once she's out we'll be as good as invisible are you sure about this someone is high ranking as you if you get hard I've made my decision Kidman I can no longer stand idly by while they use that at war girl for their selfish needs son of a [ __ ] knew what he was doing before he even came in here [Music] [Music] let's go Myra it is dire I know but if I don't they'll just hunt Lily down and put her back inside I can't let that happen just promise me you'll get it Lily to Sebastian when this is all over I promise Myra I guess goodbye Myra was planning on becoming the car [Music] are you doing did you really think I was going to let you destroy him obvious they may be short-sighted but they're far too valuable to me what I control them what I control them now give her to me over my dead body if that's the way you want it that's when it happened when this place started to fall apart what do you think you're doing Myra I'm protecting my daughter no fool the power she commands you don't understand no you don't understand what I'll do to keep her safe ah damn you Myra you can't run from me I'll find you you did Admira you kept her safe but now you're putting her in danger [Music] Maira is it you Sebastian why are you fighting me Myra you don't understand this is our new home Lily will be safe here happy free from fear free from pain no Myra this isn't real pain is part of real life and so is love if she stays in here she won't live a life free from fear because she won't be living a life at all you don't understand the things they did to her I can protect her no please let me take her out of here let's do it together we can be a family again [Music] no I won't let anyone take her from me no please Myra we still have time we can leave I am NOT gonna leave Lily here [Music] please Troy's must die don't do this my god you hurt me you're hurt / - I won't let you goddamnit Myra stop this think about what you're doing [Music] [Music] hi I don't want to do this to you Maura [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] please Myra I know you're still in there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't want to do this [Music] [Applause] mara [Music] Myra please I'm so sorry I didn't want to No I couldn't control myself you did the right thing thank you I'm so glad you're alive you have to Louie get her out of here [Music] I'm getting us all out of here come on it's too far believe me just get Lily leave me no I won't leave you again [Music] go I'll follow I'll meet you there Louie needs you now please [Music] gotta get to the house [Music] almost there please be safe Lily [Music] we've reestablish contact sir where is he we can't get an exact location wait the core has been located the marker is approaching her excellent and struck the marker and how to re-establish the core I hate to be the bearer of bad news sir but it's too late for that the environment has taken too much damage even with the core back in place total collapse of Union is imminent so be it we still have stem we can start again but we need the core she's too valuable to abandon I have the med team prepare for extraction how much time depends on how fast he can get her to the extraction point their clothes shouldn't be long med team in place and standing by once extracted have the med team terminate the locker he served his purpose yes sir kid call your man and give him instructions well I guess this is it good kid did you hear me yeah I did is that insubordination I'm sensing you can't kill him yes we can and we will once he's back in the real world he'll become a liability now call him and tell him where the extraction point is come now kid he signed his death sentence the moment he entered stem now do as I ordered or you'll be signing yours as well no ashamed that you'd attempt to betray us I had such hope for you [Music] not happening all security personnel report to the control room more show up [Music] [Music] Lily she's got to be in her room upstairs Lily my sweet little girl it's me Lily I'm here is it really you Shh it's really me I'm here to take you home you mean we're not home no baby I'll be well be soon so tired go back to sleep when you wake up we'll be safe again Maira I've got her come on let's get the hell out of here I'm sorry Sebastian I can't yes you can I'll carry both of you if I have to but I'm not mobius has to be stopped screw Mobius we've lost too much time to them already we can get away just the three of us we'll go someplace where they'll never find us there's nowhere to hide they're everywhere Lily will always be in danger unless I destroy them okay fine I'll wait what's more via Cisco as a work that way Sebastian it can only be done from inside stem is more than just this place all of Mobius are connected to it via the chips in their heads once I assume the power of the core I can transmit a signal just as Union collapses a signal that can take Mobius down once and for all we're finally together again there's no other choice this is part of the plan it always has been I'm sorry Myra Shh just promise to take care of the little one never let her forget how much her mother loved her [Music] so much I want to say to you [Music] to say anything I've been watching you all this time I know how you've suffered what they did to you what I did to you you didn't ask for any of this you've been into hell twice for it it's time for you to leave now to live the life that was taken from you [Music] I love you Myra I love you too both of you that's why I'm doing this but there's no more time you have to go now [Music] [Music] gotta get to the stem room just need to make it downstairs hang on Sebastian almost there personnel report to the Stefan I hope this works my rock [Applause] [Music] what are you doing kid your actions will only result in your death you must know this you has such potential you could have amassed such power and now you choose to throw it all away why after all you've seen all you've done why the crisis of conscience now is it for the detective put a child [Music] it's for me think about what you're doing kid stem is needed imagine it a unified consciousness from all mankind no more Wars no more disparity no no going back now and hope you were right Myra Kidman I've got her where do I go all right with Meyer stay behind you know why okay we don't have much time I'm counting on you Judith [Music] you're mine [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] soon [Music] it's not too late to stop this kid if you do I promise to kill you quickly otherwise the punishment for your betrayal will be legendary I'm going to be legendary alright legendary for taking you down a world without choice isn't a utopia a hive mind only works of the Queen that controls it join us or die well guess what there's a third choice and that's [ __ ] you you're foolish it's a shame you like this kid what you thought that I was just flying by the seat of my pants here I took my chip out three days ago no matter your thoughts day one way or another [Music] [Music] time [Music] Lily Sebastian I love you both now you'll be safe you did am I wrong I knew you would [Music] take it easy Sebastian you're safe now really where's Lily I need your help getting her out stand over there all [Music] right [Music] so really Hugh yes Lily it's really me [Music] Shh I know that but your weight down the nightmares over there's nothing to be scared anymore it really is isn't it I'm not still inside there just thinking I'm it really is over thanks to Myra come on let's get the hell out of here [Music] [Music] yes today there's no ordinary world [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 526,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, evil within 2 all cutscenes, evil within 2 game movie, evil within 2 movie, evil within 2 story, the evil within 2 full story, the evil within 2 full walkthrough, evil within 2 final boss, evil within 2 ending
Id: iKgXKpfm5Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 48sec (13788 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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