Call for Australians to ‘go and tell’ Albanese off for ‘nature-killing’ wind turbines

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joining me as Nationals front bencher Barnaby Joyce the former deputy prime minister and our Thursday regular guest Barnaby lovely to see you again hey most of this money is to replace the theil coold fired power plant in New South Wales which has just been shut with solar power in the area the $1 billion comes on top of the more than $40 billion already promised by labor to make Australia supposedly a renewable energy superpowers this a good idea subsidizing businesses already backed by billionaires it's a I always say they're not wind farms they're not even wind factories they're Swindle factories Swindle factories where we get walked over and ladies and gentlemen you get ripped off absolutely ripped off so now you've got you've got um renewable energy credits you got power purchasing agreements you got deemed rates of return secret secret agreements between the governments and the proponents of these Swindle factories they it's all secret we don't see it they get a return whether they produce power or not now on top of that they're actually going to subsidize the mechanism for the Swindle they're going to subsidize the construction of the solar panels now the hunter Valley is a very interesting place because offshore of Port Stevens we have a we have a new Swindle Factory going in out there a lot of very very very unhappy people at Port Stevens a lot of very very very unhappy people in the hunter Valley and uh I hear the Prime Minister and I think uh the enlightened Minister bow are going up to announce this Swindle Factory so I say to the people of Port Stevens and to the New England go down and say good day to them go and say and tell them how happy you are about the thou tens of thousands of kilometers of transmission lines the filth of cobwebs going all over your all over the countryside the the bird the nature killing wind turbines and the Swindle factories the carpers the carpeting of lack over our environment with solar factories go and tell because see M Bowen thinks it's great he thinks you're really happy being ripped off and really happy destroying your environment he thinks this is a great idea in fact it's such a great idea he's going to give Malcolm turble and Mike Heron books a little bit of a handout with a billion dollars of your cash yeah but but you know what really upsets me makes me question this particular way of doing business Barnaby we saw the rud government subsidize for instance geothermal plant tin flry said it was Mozza it went Bang Bus they canceled it they subsidized uh also wave generators that was going to be a new frontier they two of them crashed or sank and one in the South one project in West Australia also uh flopped I mean now today the prime ministers asked if these panels that we're going to be helping to subsidize would be cheap enough and good enough for aans to buy them instead of the cheap Chinese ones we use instead here's his answer these are uh the most efficient solar panels in the world these are good products they will last for longer uh they will be commercially commercially available and we are very confident uh that uh Australians will have Australian panels on their roofs now barab if they're that great these products why do taxpayers need to subsidize them turble and Canon Brooks they can you know put this to Market Andrew they've learned from their previous swindles they've got this one worked out not only is the Swindle in the subsidization now of the new Swindle Factory creating solar panels we've got the Swindle factories that you see all over your Countryside and out to sea but they've made it so you have to purchase power in 5 minute blocks you can sell Power in 5 minute blocks it's like selling you the air to breathe in 5 minute blocks and of course sometimes the air is really cheap but if there's no air around it's a bit uncomfortable and when that happens the price of air in this case the price of power goes through the roof and that's exactly what they want see they don't have to Supply Power for 24 hour a day 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year they just have to supply it for 5 minutes and what a marvelous Swindle Market to back up your Swindle Factory it's just it drives me nuts as soon as governments pick winners particularly in this area you know it's politics first business second you've got no idea what's going to happen with our money uh by the way Barnaby uh you a big win uh and give credit to the government for this uh China is uh dropping its ban on our wine so albanes was saying look we might be able to sell a billion dollars of wine uh to China now um all that's good for wine Growers I know that but the one thing that concerns me about all these trade deals that or you know the agreements that the government's making now with China to drop the bands it imposed us to being cheeky about you know speaking up for democracy makes us even more economically dependent on China which gives China a bigger stick to beat us next time that's the one problem I have with all this focus on let's let's uh increase you know drop these trade bands well I think you it's not only that you should have a look at some of the other things when you see a deal there's two sides to it Andrew and uh we now find out that we get to uh import they get to sell us more the Swindle Towers for the Swindle factories the the the so-call wind towers they come in from China and we've sort of straightened things out there we've also got rid of AO and Asus out of the National Security committee because who'd want to have AIO and Asus who do issu such as the protection of our nation why on Earth would you have them in the National Security committee so they've been kicked out and we can kind of sort saying that the problems in the South China Sea and the reason we're going into war cu has got anything to do with China see it's actually that we're threatened by fij or New Zealand or have a little bit of concern about what might turn up from the Antarctic it's got nothing to do with China anymore see and we've just made a few of these changes and you know we're starting to learn how to basically do what we're told and for that we're exporting our wine and that to export our Wine's great but make no mistake about it it came as part of a package it came as part of a deal well I'm just worried about it economic dependence on China it was already far far far too high that's made governments too scared to say much to China and now it's even more but there you go good news though for wine makers I know that but still babby Joyce thank you so much indeed for your time
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 20,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6349859144112, andrewbolt, fb, msn, opinion, yt
Id: YHNeOyozTeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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