Caliper Brake Grease & Brake Lubricant (Possible Differences)

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what you're looking at is the front brake components for my Toyota Yaris and I've showed this in previous videos I let the car sit for about six months because it's having a continued brake problem in the front it's got brake the front brakes are dragging at least one of them for sure and what I found out is one of the main problems is how I lubricated the slide pins now this is a printout of the actual shop manual it's a PDF most people would just ignore these two things down here but I found out that it's very important to pay attention to these two things one says to use a lit Lithia a the lithium soap base glycerin grease the other one says disc brake grease so if you go up here so this colored arrow indicates the piston seal the piston the cylinder boot and the slide pins see there's okay so those are all rubberized components then for this colored arrow the white one it says disc brake grease and that's to do the shims anti squeal shims for the brake pads okay so I bought a rebuild kit but I did not use it six months ago so I'll just set this over here alright so what you're looking at is various products now this part moved ok this row here is the actual part kit rebuild kit from Toyota so there's the piston seals this is the rubber slide pin part and this is the grease now they include the grease and I'm pretty sure that when you buy this Toyota kit this grease is actually the this lithium soap base glycerin grease because they sell a other part number that is called disc brake grease if it's $45 a tube so I pretty expensive but I'm pretty sure that this grease here is to lubricate these two parts I'm not I'm not going to say positively but they do sell a different part that they classify as brake grease from Toyota so what happened is six months ago I used this product it says lubricates caliper pins and slides and is classified as a lubricant so what happened was is I instead of using the rebuild kit that I bought I put the caliper back together with the old parts so it was a partial rebuild and I used this product exclusively now this product worked really well for the replacement of the disc brake grease so it worked really well on the shim the anti shim for the brake pads it worked very poorly as as this lubricant especially for the slide pins of course I didn't rebuild this part here but I did add lubricant onto the slide pins and this product failed miserably it swelled up the rubber so I went to Toyota looking for some more this and the guy told me they don't sell this and I don't know if that's a hundred percent positive but he would not order this for me all he could get was the brake grease so I went looking for different products that could replace this pink grease what I found out is that when a product says grease like they're in there it's really a not a replacement for this the pink stuff that comes from Toyota so this is one product I picked out they sell this in all different sizes this is like the packets and on the back so is caliper slides bolts and pins and it says all metal to metal contact points do not use on internal caliper pistons and wheel studs because there's a usually a rubberized you know seal for the piston this is another one that's very similar to this product lubricate all parts with with a light coat of caliper grease it really doesn't say anything about rubberized parts but the fact that it has the word grease in there like this one it probably should not be used now on this product this is the one that gave me all the trouble to start with I think it's really a brake grease but it's it's sold as a lubricant lubricates caliper pins and slides ok so there's not apply Calot second one my caliper lube to pin slides bushings Pistons and rubber sleeves and seals well that's exactly what I did and six months later is swelled up every rubber part that I applied it to this is the one that says don't use it on the piston the caliper piston it says unlike silicon based brake greases and then it talks about how this one is better grease will not damage rubber or plastic components you know I I'm very leery and confused because they don't want you putting it on the piston either for two reasons either it does screw up the rubber seal for the piston or it binds the piston but maybe maybe someone else knows for sure out there and and can comment on that why they don't want you putting it on the caliper piston but yet they say it won't damage rubber plastic components so unlike silicon based greases so what what happens is is this is the only one I found that comes close to maybe a replacement for the pink stuff but also now they're both the same this one's a lot older and it says contain silicone so this one is is saying it's superior to silicone lubricant and this one is a silicone lubricant but the new the new version of it does not say anything like that on the on the back of the tube so out of all these products and like I said this one is you could tell see see the yellowing I don't know why I bought it it must have been sitting on the shelf for ten years this one is the new version right here but I think basically these are the same thing they probably just started marketing it in this bottle because people you probably used it more for break stuff but this is the old one right here and it also says brake parts and then it looks like at some point they just made a specific product for brakes but it's it's the same company and everything you can see if you probably won't even be able to find this because it's so old I bet you ten years ten years has been sitting on the shelf at that store so out of all these products use use this use the one that comes with the Toyota rebuild kit and I have to point out this is not the full kit displayed here this is just a few parts that I wanted to show in the kid I mean the kits a full kit but in when you have to apply it to here and especially the pins use the pink stuff now if you have to use the brake grease I think this one worked really well so for this for the shims this I think worked really well the one that ruined a lot of the plastic and a lot of the rubber parts out of these products over here I probably go with this one first if something happened to the pink stuff but I don't know for sure I'm going to take the old seals and these old ones but especially the seals for the piston and I'm going to saturate them in this product here it like in a plastic bag and let it sit for six months and see what happens to them so the update for this video is going to be six months away but I want to see if this product will swell up the Rings the seal rings for the caliper piston and then also see if it swells up these even more this is a new one but the old ones I still have so so that's what I want to do I want to test this product because I think after this this is probably the next choice and both of these say grease right here and here they're not going to be for for lubricating these rubber parts that's my opinion because I'm very leery of using a product that could swell up the new parts I'm going to put in so obviously I'm going to use up this pink stuff and then I'll run a test to see if this product ruins these parts but on this one it's a very good product for the brake grease but not for lubricating these or this because I got fooled by what it said on the back will not attack rubber protects rubber seals from drying out lubricates caliper pins and slides I have to disagree because it ruined like I said it ruined the rubber Parts I had on my caliper but for this bottom one right here number three this product is great for that application so you can use it for the anti squeal shims and that's about it okay so I hope I hope this helps and I hope this saves somebody some money down the road because this this projects costing me more money than I wanted it to be so anything to save a little bit of cash okay thanks for watching
Channel: MobileProductions21
Views: 191,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brake, Grease, Lube, Lubricant, differences, caliper, front, pads, review
Id: TrTaqOtWmDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2014
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