Brake Caliper Pin Rusted Stuck - Heat n Beat Fix

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welcome to the Auto Start Channel got another mechanical trick and tip here for you so let's say you're doing a brake job and you've got to remove the caliper and then you've got your caliper bracket which would bolt right here with two bolts well that's over on the bench and let me show you what's going on so what you need to do is when you're doing a brake job you need to make sure that this is where your caliper bolts go here so they attach in here this is threaded and you want to make sure that these slides these caliper bracket bolt slides whatever you want to call them are free now they have a rubber boot here and what can happen is I just disconnected it hold on there's the phone so these need to slide properly and what I'll happen is these can rip or water can get in here if they're ripped and corrosion builds up inside there they need to be lubricated so it's very important that the caliper the brake caliper actually floats so what I had over here when we just popped that back on so what I had over here was a frozen bolt and what happened is I guess water got in there and it was a real bear at start I can't touch it too much it's still pretty pretty warm it's pretty toasty so what I wanted to do is show you what to do if this happens so what I do is I peel the boot back now I got this one freed up already I can touch it now it's just barely warm and this sucker was not moving so I tried taking it a chisel or chisel punch and hitting it like right behind here with a hammer and trying to drive it out it wouldn't budge so filled it back and started spraying some lubricant down into here right down in there some penetrant just took my well this is brake clean but stuck it back in here right down in there spray it let it soak then I was beating it on here you know beaten with a hammer take your ball peen like that giving it some vibration I was tapping it here not to bend it though it turns out that Nissan has discontinued this bracket and you've got to buy it by like Cardone or some so I want to try to keep it om anyway then you bust out your torch now if you don't have a professional torch you can get one of these this brand here works good they have map gas or this propane and then heat it i heat right in here get a real toasty real hot and while I was doing that had my vise grips clamped on here right on this flange so it's just like that see that there so there's a flange on there see that edge so clamp that down and while I was putting pressure here I was tapping I can't do it because I got let me uh let me do it one-handed yeah let's do it come on let's do it old-school YouTube come on clamp on oh there we go okay so then I was twisting this way while I was doing it vibration in here tapping in here and with the heat and penetrant in there I was managed to get it look wiggle a little bit a little more a little more finally got it out so once you do get it out what you're gonna need to do is clean the bore in here so that's called the bore so I take up just one of these board brushes and which is a little bigger than that size diameter and I'll spray like brake clean right in here so I take some of this just spray it you can still see this crap coming out and then just go in and now it's just like a a gun barrel or a pistol barrel right and scrub it really good I did it several times then I spray in here again continue to flush it till it comes out clean with this here what I'll do is I'll I'll get a brass brush I'm gonna clean up all this goop on here now this this what you might call it gas car not gasket but seal is still good to boot it's still good so I'll clean all this up let me take it out of that so you see anyway here it is here and this just pops off like that so just remember the direction which way it goes and what I'll do is I'm going to use look at all that rust on there can you see all that in there that was my headache what I'll do now is clean it up and I'm going to put brake grease on it so let me show you what I like to use you can use your own flavor I use this stuff so after this is all cleaned up wire brushed I'll put that up I'll load it up put it in here and manually go in and out so it's smooth and there's not much I don't have any FreePlay really in here so it's tight and I can use this again so just wanted to share that tip with you so with the slide pin all cleaned up I got it wire brushed real nice you can use a wire wheel whatever you have there I'll take my silicone grease base grease brake grease here you know it's high temp and it's silicone like we talked about and I'll just lube this pin up real good and what I like to do is put it in there and just kind of force it in and out a few times and let that grease coat the inside here so that it's well protected and prevent that rust and of course I have the boot still off that's no biggie we'll put that back on a second so when I feel comfortable with that that's good and that one is good take my boot which is simple enough and make sure you're in the right direction they just kind of pop over you can't get it over the little lip just take a pick and it should go over there and now all we do is slide this in hook the boot right over that part and we're all set so now we've got you know nice free movement now on this on these other ones usually on the other end you've got these rubber kind of bushings in here I'm not sure if it's picking up but you definitely want to make sure that you use silicone based brake grease on that just put a little on this clean it all up if you want I'll go back and do that after and just pop it on so therefore moving nice and free now that caliper can float and that's what it needs to do it needs to be able to move once it freezes up that's a lot of times you'll just get one pad worn down or like nothing and the other one looks brand-new well that's because that suckers probably frozen well I hope you enjoyed that quick one right there so it's pretty simple just make sure that when you're doing a brake job that you check those pins they need to slide if they're not they're frozen there's something wrong there it's not right so check that out now that also applies to the rear brakes so thanks for stopping in I appreciate your time checking out the channel subscribe comment like all that stuff below helps my channel grow and I'll see you guys on the next one take it easy
Channel: Ozzstar's Cars
Views: 169,939
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Keywords: brake caliper pin rusted stuck, brake caliper pin wont move, caliper pin is stuck, caliper pin is rusted, how to remove a brake caliper pin, ozzstar, youetuber mechanic, auto repair, how to fix brakes, brake job repair, quick tip brake repair, removing a brake caliper pin, brake tips and tricks ozzstar, how do i replace brakes on my car, brake replacement, how to do a brake job, nissan brake caliper pin stuck, subaru brake pin, brake tips and tricks, #brakerepair, #brakepin
Id: gEKF9cdnpLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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