California Urges Power Conservation for Second Day Amid Heat

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right now at 11 the temperatures are spiking for a third day in a row a microclimate weather alert in effect because of that heat wave good morning and thanks for joining us for our midday newscast i'm sierra johnson both marcus and laura are off it's a third straight day of triple digit temperatures for some parts of the bay area we have team coverage on the hot weather nbc bay area's pizzerados is live in walnut creek but first meteorologist kerry hall spearheading our coverage today good afternoon carrie good afternoon and those temperatures are already starting to heat up before we even reach noon here's a live look outside in san jose i want to show you what we're experiencing now that that heat advisory is just now beginning continuing through nine o'clock this evening for parts of the south bay the peninsula and parts of the north bay shaded in orange included in that heat advisory a step above that will be the excessive heat warning that shows that we will see some hotter temperatures in some of those spots today here's where we already are wow 96 degrees in livermore 95 in brentwood we haven't even made it to lunchtime yet we're 85 degrees in santa rosa and 79 in oakland and in san jose it's 86 degrees so these temperatures are heating up fast that's because they're headed right back to the possibility of setting some new records especially in vacaville fairfield concord and livermore we will be very close again today as we deal with this third day of extreme heat we'll be watching a cool down in the forecast i'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes sierra all right thank you well for the second day in a row the state is issuing a flex alert due to that extreme heat as parts of the bay area expected once again to hit triple digit temperatures nbc bay area's pizzerata joins us live from walnut creek with the details on what you need to know about that flex alert hope you're staying cool pete yeah good morning to the sierra yeah we're already in the 90s here and walnut creeks are already feeling it as we're more inland of course those temperatures are a lot warmer but folks are already preparing for tonight's flex alert they're getting out here early and i do want to explain how this flex alert is going to work it'll be a little bit different uh tonight than it was from yesterday uh tonight's flex alert will be from 6 p.m to 9 00 pm so that's different from yesterday's which is around that 5 to 10 p.m time frame now during 6 p.m to 9 p.m tonight you're being advised to avoid using major appliances keep the thermostat 78 degrees or higher so try to keep things cooler during the day and speaking of folks here in walnut creek out here this morning that's what they're planning to do we've got the thermostat on pretty like with you know so it's comfortable not to chill uh that's how we try to uh accommodate for all the energy uh restrictions and so forth we stay home that's for sure we uh would try to not have the air conditioner on too much keep the windows open at night we try to keep it within the guidelines as far as the air conditioning goes and we're constantly updated by pg e about what the possibilities are for these rolling blackouts now pg e did notify customers about potential rolling blackouts yesterday but that never happened and cal iso says as long as we conserve energy we should be available able to avoid it reporting live pete serrados nbc berry and you
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 1,946
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: weather, heat, flex alert, heat wave, bay area, Pete Suratos
Id: Qi56DM5M9AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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