California DMV Written Test 2023 - Part 2 - Headlights | 15 Must Know DMV Test Questions

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question one you must turn on your headlights option A only when it is completely dark outside option b when it is too dark to see from one thousand feet away option C when it is too dark to see from 500 feet away the correct answer is option b when it is too dark to see from one thousand feet away using headlights when you cannot see one thousand feet away can improve your visibility alert other drivers of your presence and ensure that you are in compliance with legal requirements always use headlights in low light conditions to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road question two when can you drive using only parking lights option A 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before sunrise option b on foggy days option C not under any circumstances the correct answer is option C not under any circumstances using parking lights instead of headlights can impair your visibility and make it difficult for other drivers to see your vehicle increasing the risk of accidents question three you are driving at night on a dimly lit Street and using high beams you should dim your lights when you are within 500 feet of option A a vehicle approaching you from behind option b an oncoming vehicle option C a shark curve or Hill the correct answer is option b an oncoming vehicle you should dim your high beam headlights to low beams when you're within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle because when driving in close proximity to other vehicles high beam headlights can be blinding and cause a temporary loss of vision question four when you need to use your windshield wipers due to fog rain or snow you must option A turn on your low beam headlights option b turn on your high beam headlights option C turn on your emergency flashers the correct answer is option A turn on your low beam headlights turning on your low beam headlights during adverse weather conditions can improve your visibility help other drivers see you better ensure that you are in compliance with legal requirements and reduce the risk of accidents on the road question 5. what is the best advice for driving when heavy fog or dust occurs option A try not to drive until the conditions improve option b do not drive too slowly because other drivers may hit you option C alternate your low and high beams to improve your vision the correct answer is option A try not to drive until the conditions improve if the conditions become too hazardous consider pulling over to a safe location and waiting until the fog or dust clears before continuing your journey remember your safety and the safety of others on the road is of utmost importance question six when should you turn on your headlights on mountain roads and tunnels option A only on cloudy days option b only at night option C always regardless of weather conditions the correct answer is option C always regardless of weather conditions tunnels are often poorly lit and can be dark especially if there is no natural light source turning on your headlights can improve your visibility making it easier to see other vehicles pedestrians or obstacles in your path question seven you should tap your brake pedal three or four times when option A you want to warn other drivers about a hazard ahead option b you need to stop quickly option C you want to make a right turn the correct answer is option A you want to warn other drivers about a hazard ahead you should tap on your break three or four times or turn on your emergency flashers as a way to warn other drivers that you are slowing down or coming to a stop this technique is known as brake tapping or brake checking and is often used in situations where you need to quickly reduce your speed or avoid a potential Collision question eight you should turn off your high beam headlights and turn on your low beam headlights when you are option A within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle option b within 300 feet of a vehicle you're following option C both of the above the correct answer is option C both of the above when driving in close proximity to other vehicles high beam headlights can be blinding and cause a temporary loss of vision hence you must dim your high beam headlights question 9. when is it illegal to drive using only parking lights option A at night option b in residential areas option C always the correct answer is option C always parking lights should only be used when parking a vehicle using parking lights instead of headlights can impair your visibility and make it difficult for other drivers to see your vehicle increasing the risk of accidents question 10. when driving you must turn on your headlights option A whenever you turn on your wipers due to adverse weather conditions option b 30 minutes after Sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise option C both of the above the correct answer is option C both of the above you must turn on your headlights whenever you turn on your wipers and also 30 minutes after Sunset and 30 minutes before Sunrise to help other drivers see your vehicle especially when the sun is low on the horizon question 11. you should turn on your emergency flashers when option A it is raining heavily option b you are driving on a narrow Mountain Road option C you need to warn other drivers about Collision or a hazard ahead the correct answer is option C you need to warn other drivers about Collision or a hazard ahead you should turn on your emergency flashers or tap on your break three or four times when you can see a collision or Hazard ahead and want to warn the drivers behind you question 12. what should you do when you need to stop your vehicle because of vehicle trouble option A turn on your high beam headlights option b turn on your emergency flashers option C use your horn to alert other drivers the correct answer is option b turn on your emergency flashers turning on your emergency flashers when you need to stop because of vehicle trouble will make your vehicle more visible to other drivers and help prevent Collision question 13. can you use your turn signals instead of emergency flashers if your vehicle doesn't have emergency flashers option A yes you can use your turn signals option b no you should not use your turn signals option C it depends on the situation the correct answer is option A yes you can use your turn signals if your vehicle does not have emergency flashers you can use your turn signals instead to warn other drivers that you are stopping due to vehicle trouble question 14. what should you do when a road sign states that headlights must be on option A ignore the sign and continue driving if it is a sunny day option b turn on your high beam headlights option C turn on your low beam headlights the correct answer is option C turn on your low beam headlights when a road sign asks you to turn on your headlights you should turn on your low beam headlights low beam headlights provide sufficient lighting for most driving conditions and are appropriate for use in normal traffic situations high beams can temporarily blind other drivers and can be a hazard particularly in situations with heavy traffic question 15. if it is hard to see one thousand feet ahead of you what should you do option A pulled over and wait until you can see better option b turn on your headlights option C proceed like normal the correct answer is option b turn on your headlights you must turn on your headlights if it is hard to see one thousand feet ahead of you to increase your visibility to other drivers and make sure they can see you thank you for practicing with us if you found this video helpful please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more practice videos to help you easily pass the DMV written test please visit our website www dot dmwe Dash permit Dash practice dash for more resources to help you prepare for the test
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Id: RyAMz_usn1I
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Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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