Calculate NDVI from Landsat 8 Image I Classify NDVI Range in ArcGIS

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hello everyone today we will learn how to extract ndbi from the landsat 8 image before extracting we will learn we will discuss little bit about ndbi ndbi means normalize difference residuation index which indicate the condition of the visitation of an area here you can see that from healthy visitation near infrared near infrared reflect beauty person and visible reflect eight percent that means busy healthy visitation a healthy healthy vegetation or healthy plants absorb visible red busy ball bends and reflect the near infrared bands and you can see the vice versa from this unhealthy visualization and you can calculate the ndpa from the from this near infrared band reflection and the visible band absorption so these two bands are important to calculate the end game let's start first we have to add data from [Music] the folders and we have to select the dance for and then spike as you know that bands 4 is red band and bands 5 is near infrared band and both are required for the ndp convolution and i have added here and rename it as band 4 4 and rename it b 5 now we calculate the ndb and to calculate the independent we have to click especially analysis too and then map aldebaran and then raster calculator and we have to see the plot and click here and the npi formula is then 5 that means near infrared minus red bed then friend minus red vent and then slash again plot gameplay [Music] and rename it as ndbi and then click ok to see the process you can go to the video processing and present what is ongoing in your current session you can see that ndpa processes continuously [Music] and there you can see the ndpi and you can select the color left for the organization you see that the lower belly indicates the water body and the height will indicate the visitation area for a stereo or hybrid exhibition contents area now you can extra masked you listed area for this tutorial i add a district shapefile and for this tutorial i have selected like me for shaping and now i maxed from this ndpi from this ndvi image and to mask from this image we have to select extraction and extract base mask and we have to input raster and dba and then piece of mask data is that we we get our master area find dash ndbao last clip now we remove this band under this image and this shipment remains now we classify the ndpa and we have followed classification from a java paper and i will add the journal paper in the comment section please do check and this one contains minus eight two point one five in water so we plastic classifier and for this point one two point one five is water and then till 0.14 is built up point one it is varying length point one four one eight and then two seven three six seven four four seven six and this one will be for four two but we can send to match this classification and we can plastic has water and then carbon grassland and any sparse visitation and then now we symbolized each [Music] yellow and key okay now you can see that the value then this and the idea you can to layout for the better visualization here you it is that uh [Music] you can follow my others tutorial for the better video thank you but also enough for this one and now we have the grids new grid next on the next and that's like it now we have to change it left and vertical right and size will be the 12 now okay now we add the legion distributed insert insert note 0 insert and you can save it and now we can send the division on the unit and speed meter and training and it's look like better than before foreign now we will add the text and dpi of lux me for [Music] 24 enter and we can add a and boundary no fill no color okay and you can export there you go now you can see the degree of black district and the legend shows the area which along with the value and this indicates that what are with the fourier sorry bear and then sharpening raster distribution will be detected in this initially you can calculate and for several years and you can find out the digitization changes or the landings and class changes using ndk thank you
Channel: Geospatial Lab (GeoL)
Views: 14,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, Geospatial Lab (GeoL), File Geodatabase, Feature Dataset, Feature Class, Domain, Remote Sensing, QGIS, Geodatabase Design, Digitizing, Georeferencing, Project, Shape file, Coordinate System, ESRI, Geography, Raster, Vector, Spatial Data, ArcGIS pro, Map, Cartography, Mapping, USGS, LANDSAT, Satellite Data NDVI, EVI, Nomrmalized Difference
Id: IdaMT-yaQks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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