Creating NDVI Using Landsat 8 Image in ArcGIS Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide

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hello everyone welcome to the channel so in this video I'm going to show you how to create a normalized difference vegetation index using Lancet a data in our GIS Pro a step-by-step guide so let's get started and now let me explain about the ndvi so normalized difference vegetation index is widely used in remote sensing tool to assist and monitor the vegetation health and density the N is calculated using the reflectance value of two different spectral bands is usually the red and near infrared band from the satellite imagery so we are specifically using Lancet 8 data so so to perform a normalized difference vegetation index we are using band four that is a red band and band five that is near infrared band and here the near infrared band is commonly used in Satellite and aerial imagery remote sensing it provides an valuable information about the vegetation Health soil composition and other environmental factors so the formula to calculate the indv I is Ban 5 minus band 4 divided by ban 5 + ban 4 so here the N refers to near infrared band and the band 4 here refers to Red Band so the result is the value ranging from minus1 to + one so higher indvi value that is a plus Value Plus One value indicates a healthier and more dense vegetation while the lower values there is a negative value corresponds to the less vegetation or stressed vegetation so the interpretation for indvi Value here shows here the higher nvi value that is greater than 0.6 indicates the dense and healthy vegetation and the moderate indvi varying from 0.2 to 0.6 represents a moderate vegetation cover and the low NV value of lesser than 0.2 indicates a spare vegetation or a nonvegetated surfaces application so n ndvi is specifically used in agricultural areas for example the n band is used in agriculture to assess the health health and the nutrient content of the crops the plant absorbs and reflects the N radiation in the way that can be measured to determine their condition for example a healthy vegetation reflects the N reflects the n and a non-healthy vegetation is significantly absorbs the N radiation so healthy vegetation reflects the N radiation and unhealthy vegetation is absorbes the n radiation so applications here vegetation monitoring so ndvi is widely used for monitoring and changes in vegetation cover and time and land cover classification helps to classifying the different land cover types based on vegetation density the dro and stress detection so it can be used to identify the areas experiencing the dro or vegetation stress and the N band has a unique property that makes it suitable for range of applications its ability to interact with and provide information about the different material makes it a valuable tool in scientific research Industries and various technological applications and now let me show you the the bands in lanet 8 data so lanet 8 has around 11 bands starting from Band 1 to band 11 so Band 1 to band 6 is of 30 m resolution and band 7 it is of 60 M resolution and band 8 is a panomatic band of 15 M resolution and uh band 10 and 11 is of thermal infrared band of 100 m resolution so now let me get back to our rgis Pro so to calculate the calculate our ndvi in our GIS Pro first we have to download our lanet a data from the official website called USGS the Explorer so this is an official website that is USGS Earth Explorer where you can download your lanet 8 data and the link will be given in the description to how to download a lanet 8 data please check out the description section of this video so once you have downloaded your an dat data so you can navigate to your folder location so by going to this option called view section and click this option called catalog pan so once you did that a window pops up saying catalog here so here in the folder section you can just make a folder connection to your desired folder location where you have downloaded your Lan dat data so I have made a folder connection here so that is Lan dat data here get able to visualize here so to perform our nvi we're going to first we're going to do a band composite so for that we're going to use specifically use band one to band Six to perform our band composite so for that we're going to select this particular set of bands from band one to band six so for that we're going to select hold the control key in our keyboard and select each of this band starting from band one to band five and six one to band six so once you did that we're going to right click this uh particular set of bands we have selected and we're going to click this option called add to the current map so once you're doing that so we have added our uh L eight bands starting from Band 1 to six to our to our AR that is our table of content section to the table of content here so now let me arrange this bands uh starting from one tw six let me arrange that and now you can able to visualize here we arranged from Band 1 2 3 4 5 and six so now let us perform band composite so band composite pretty easier in our GS Pro to so go to this option called imagery so in that we're going to select this option called process so in that we're going to select this uh option called composite so it combines the multiple data sets into a multiband roster so we're going to click this and once you did that it's uh it's going to run and going to create a band composite and before that uh we have to make sure that we select all the bands together for example let me select Band 1 2 3 4 5 and six so once you have selected all this bands that is band one to band six so you have to navigate to the imagery section in that we going to click this option called process and after that we're going to click this composite and now it's it's going to generate our band composite here so now we can able to visualize here we have generated our composite image of from lanet a data so you can clearly able to view that so now let me remove this uh this bands here and now selected this bands I'm going to remove this so to perform ndvi we going to only use this specific composite band here and from here we're going to select this band so you can change your band uh combination here so we're going to right click this layer and go navigate to this option called symbology so in that we going to visualize here so it pops up so in that we're going to select our band different band combination for now we're going to select the band combination that is natural color composite so for that we're going to select band 4 and uh select band three and band two so this is a natural color composite and now this is a false color composite so the combination for false color composite is band Five band 4 and Band 3 so this specific order gives us a false color composite so banf is our n and now let us first perform our ndvi analysis here here so for that we're going to navigate to this option called imagery so in that we're going to select this option called raster functions so we're going to click this option called raster functions so now a new window pops up saying raster functions so in that we're going to click this option called indvi so once you did that it going to navigate to this part of the section here now let me explain about this thing so here the ndvi so it creates a single band uh data set that represents the vegetation Health based on the different difference between the red and near infrared bands the negative value represents the cloud water and snow and the value near to zero represents Rock and be soil and now let me click this option n DVI so here we're going to select our raster in that we're going to select your composite image so that is our this particular layer composite so now in the visible band we're going to select band four so we're going to for to generate an nvi we're going to use two band One band is of for n band and the second band is of band for that is of Red Band so red band is number four and the N that is infrared band is number five so now we have selected band five and band four now click this called the option called scientific output so once you did that we're going to click this option called create a new layer and now here you can able to visualize here we have our ndvi uh result you can clearly able to visualize and the the value here ranges from -1 to 0.55 so now let me show you the value so here you can able to visualize here when ndvi value so the interpretation value of ndvi value here represented greater than 0.6 indicates dense and healthy vegetation and between 0.2 to 0.6 represents moderate vegetation cover and the low end value less than 0.2 indicates a spare vegetation or nonvegetated surfaces and now let me explain one more thing here I'm going to show you this image so here you can able to observe here so minus1 to0 represents dead plans or inanimate objects and 0 to 0.33 repres unhealthy plants and 0.33 to 0.66 represents moderate healthy plants and a very healthy plants are represented from 0.66 to 1 so this is a interpretation for nvi Value so now let me get back to our rgis Pro and now we going to right click of ndvi image here the layer here right click and click this option called symbology so now let us visualize the symbology here let me expand this so from here you can able to visualize you can select a color scheme of your choice here you can select here you can click this down arrow and select the color scheme of your choice here so there's variety of color scheme that is available now let me click this particular color and now you can able to visualize it so from here you can able to visualize our India value ranges from -1 to 0.55 so here so basically a value varying from minus1 to 0.55 so 0.55 as part the interpretation value we have shown you earlier so it indicates the moderate vegetation here this part of the region and now let me zoom into the study region so you can able to visualize here the dense deep uh green color that is dark green color indicates the healthy vegetation compared to the light green color indicates of a moderate level of vegetation so now let us classify this value here so go to the symbology here that we're going to select our particular option called classify and once you did that uh requires render so click yes so it's Computing our statistics and histogram here and now it's done classifying it we have class it's classified over ndvi so from here you can able to visualize here the negative value the negative value it indicates all the water bodies so all the water bodies are being indicated in negative value starting from minus1 to 0.0 0.04 all in the water bodies are indicated in that particular range of color so you can able to visualize that so all non vegitation features are indicated by a negative value of one so it's clearly indicated here and the dense vegetation that is from 0.3 to 0.5 it is clearly indicated in this part of the region as a very good uh vegetation that is a healthier vegetation compared towards the Northwestern part of the region and also central part of the region towards the Southeastern part of the region has a very good vegetation here so and also here you can also reduce or increase the number of class according to your choice you can just increase the number of class according to your choice or it can also reduce it so that's how we can able to prepare a ndvr image using our rgis Pro so we have used Lan a data so in this video I have shown you how to create a NV image that is normalized the difference vegetation index using Lancet 8 data in rgis Pro so thanks for watching and uh please subscribe to our Channel and give us a like
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 1,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NDVI, ArcGIS Pro, Landsat 8, NDVI analysis using arcgis pro, calculate NDVI with landsat 8, ndvi analysis arcgis pro, NDVI Maps in ArcGIS Pro, beginners, arcgis pro for beginners, normalized difference vegetation index
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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