Caillou VS Rosie | Caillou Cartoon

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it was a normal rainy Saturday except for one thing [Music] someone took my orange bouncy ball it was last seen right over here detective Teddy we're gonna find out who done it and why done it we're done it ready Teddy [Music] whoops careful Detective let's check out the scene of the crime my toy chest detective Teddy there's only one person I know with hair like this [Music] whoa [Music] Rosie [Music] Rosie Caillou carrot there's no time for snacks Rosie where were you this morning where Rosie um oh I'll get it Rosie [Music] I'll get this back if you tell me where you were this morning [Music] because I found this orange hair in my toy chest and no orange ball carrots are orange too that's right Rosie Rosie Rosie what's wrong I'm sorry Rosie sorry Mommy I was playing detective I'm looking for my orange ball Caillou the person you're playing with needs to be in on the game it's fun for everyone that way sorry Mommy sorry Rosie [Music] I need you to drop this case Caillou let the grown-ups take care of it But Mommy it's too risky this this Pat burglar is too good [Music] Teddy I think mommy just gave us a clue cat burglar hmm [Music] Gilbert after him [Music] oh no detective Teddy I'll finish this Teddy for both of us foreign stop that cat my ball [Music] s Gilbert it doesn't have to be like this [Music] give me my ball back and we can forget this habit [Music] just give me it back Gilbert oh oh is it mommy said it's more fun if everyone is in on the game [Music] sorry for Chasing You Gilbert wanna play a game of catch [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] not yet I need to pick some things up here first [Music] wow [Music] so that's tomatoes lettuce carrots and oh can I please get this chocolate bar mommy it looks so yummy and like we're about to go home and have a tasty healthy lunch Caillou I don't think chocolate is a good idea but I think it might be no but Caillou put it back please okay thank you now where was I [Music] hmm how about cucumbers Rosie loves those [Music] let's go Caillou change and here's a little treat for you uh no thank you I'm going to have a healthy lunch oh you can take one for later if you want Caillou no that's okay thank you bye okey dokey then have a great day I was thinking you could help me make lunch Caillou how does that sound uh-huh [Music] I can chop the carrots and you could wash the lettuce and the tomatoes then we'll mix it all up [Music] thank you you shouldn't have taken that chocolate bar it wasn't yours Caillou Caillou Caillou I said does that sound tasty yeah Mommy [Music] really tasty [Music] no I want to keep my coat on please suit yourself [Music] oh chocolate [Music] no [Music] chocolate [Music] no Rosie where did you get that chocolate bar [Music] did you take it from Mr Johnson's store [Music] Caillou that's stealing it's very wrong how could you do that I didn't mean to I just wanted it and I know I shouldn't have taken it but no one was looking him please don't take me to jail I'm really sorry [Music] thank you for saying sorry but it isn't just me that you need to apologize to Caillou [Music] foreign [Music] Mr Johnson here's the money to pay for the chocolate I took I should never have taken it oh I'm very disappointed Caillou you made a bad choice I know I'm really really sorry I believe you and I accept your apology just promise me you'll never take anything that isn't yours ever again I promise never ever [Music] now you head home your mommy's made you a tasty healthy lunch and it sounds like you need it [Music] I'm so excited to bring home a new pet today what kind of pet do you kids want to get hmm a horse a horse might be a little too big for our house a goat that might be a bad idea [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] can we get a bunny I think a bunny is perfect [Music] but which one I like that brown one laughs [Music] oh what about you hmm looks like someone made the choice for you [Music] come here nibbles [Music] foreign it's my turn to play with him [Music] wait come back nibbles [Music] kin nibbles [Music] oh come on kids let's go build a hutch for nibbles [Music] nibbles is going to love his Hutch Caillou can you pass me the hammer I don't think nibbles likes me nibbles loves you Caillou but maybe you need to be a bit more gentle with him [Music] let him come to hold on huh daddy need a hand [Music] let's try this again ta-da oh I'll go get nibbles [Music] nibbles it's time to see your Hajj [Music] don't run away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are you going thank you [Music] ah there you are [Music] nibbles come out and play Caillou try taking a step back oh but I want to play with nibbles yes but you're really excited and being a bit loud you're scaring the little fella I'm I'm carrying him imagine you were a bunny how would you like someone to come up to you try being slow and gentle [Music] give it a shot Caillou don't be scared carnivals I [Music] sniffles [Music] yes I did it I mean yes I did it for over 100 years the ocean has bought its greatest enemy pollution [Music] it must be stopped before it ruins our oceans and hurts the creatures that live there [Music] the only way to defeat it is me pollution well I was going to say the only way to defeat ocean litter is all of us working together everyone includes you Caillou can we go underwater now we're staying on land to clean up the litter on the beach oh we're gonna stop the litter before it ever gets to the ocean [Music] remember drink water separate recyclables and tell an adult if you see anything sharp or need help Ready Steady [Music] foreign [Music] this is so boring hmm I'm not the only one cleaning the beach Maybe it can be the fastest I'll beat all the trash [Applause] [Music] that paper is going everywhere not on my watch [Music] oh no the light is so bright [Music] I did it pollution [Music] there's so much more and I'm so tired great job Caillou you've made the beach that much safer and cleaner let me take your full bags and here's some fresh empty ones thanks I don't know if I could have carried them back by myself worse we're a team remember wait that's it that's it we're a team hey everyone I have an idea [Music] quick everyone we need to work together [Music] hahaha [Music] it's huge look out don't worry Caillou we've got this oh [Music] [Laughter] oh it's a battery I need an adult [Music] batteries are dangerous you were right to call us Caillou thanks [Music] we did it we sure did [Music] thanks to everyone's hard work the beach and the ocean are a lot safer and cleaner now who's ready for some celebration ice cream laughs [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] a hero's job is never done [Music] go on the roller coaster go swimming Disney arcade [Music] no let's do the Ducks later I think we should what was that it's Gilbert [Music] run [Music] quick let's hide over here we'll be safe here from Gilbert but we need someone to protect us who can keep us safe Teddy I know Teddy we have to get to him in a living room ready Rosie ready [Music] ready go [Music] hello who is blocking our way [Music] [Applause] it's gonna suck us up no this way is better [Music] go on without me save yourself [Applause] Caillou are you okay yes Mommy I'm fine how did this get here [Music] did you see Rosie we defeated the vacuum Gilbert is no match for us Caillou he was scared off by a vacuum cleaner but I wasn't you he's right behind me isn't he [Music] that was close [Music] we should be okay if we just stay very still whoa we did it [Music] watch out Rosie play Caillou Gilbert play who are we going to get up there [Music] not now Rosie I'm thinking [Music] Gilbert's coming what are we gonna do Rosie Rosie that's it we can climb up and get to Teddy good idea Rosie [Music] there's Teddy I think we should actually what do you want to do Rosie you've been right all day [Music] that's right Gilbert didn't like the vacuum room [Music] [Music] sorry I didn't listen to you earlier your ideas were right the whole time want to play some more in my room promise to listen this time we can even feed the Ducks [Music] thank you oh follow me please but I don't want to go to a new restaurant Daddy I want to go to another trust us Caillou you're gonna like this one [Music] all right [Music] [Music] I'm hungry good things come to those who wait I don't know if I can wait Daddy oh [Music] it's good but I'm still hungry good things come to those who wait [Music] no wait Caillou that's oh this is spicy that's all really spicy red here drink some water my tongue is burning that's a Wasabi Caillou you're only supposed to have a tiny bit of it this will make it better I don't want anything else that's new oh oh this looks amazing um [Music] no way it's delicious Caillou you should try some I promise it's not spicy you won't know if you like it until you try it is there a kids menu afraid not but I can make something just for you what's your favorite thing to eat oh can you make grilled cheese a little of this and this isn't grilled cheese are you sure [Music] can you fly the cranes back to me [Music] good things come to those who wait but I promise this will be the best grilled cheese you've ever had [Music] oh amazing [Music] you okay Rosie sorry Rosie I got carried away foreign [Music] cheese sir [Music] oh it's delicious of course it is because good things come to those who wait [Music] would you like to try mine Caillou I like it you won't know until you try it [Music] called tempura how about some of my fish [Music] what else would you like to try everything coming right up [Laughter] my mom taught me how to make it [Music] oh quite a plane Leo do you want to go first for show and tell this morning I'll go for gopher wonderful remember to use the how am I feeling board when you tell us all about your weekend [Music] this weekend was my Grandma's birthday and I felt oh well I felt a lot of feelings Mrs Martin why don't we take them one by one [Music] first I felt confused because I had to pick a cake but there were so many to choose from [Music] how are you which one would grandma like [Music] that one red is Grandma's favorite color hmm how did that make you feel Caillou hmm oh proud I was in charge I love being the boss [Music] all right thank you Jason what was next Caillou [Music] um we had to pick a gift for Grandma I was a bit nervous because I had to really think about what grandma would like we went to a store but it only had grown-up things no toys anywhere [Music] what about these daddy those are special Caillou but do you think Grandma would like [Music] ew are scary oh it made me feel sad but I tried to look for something better hmm [Applause] [Music] look it looks like the flowers in Grandma's Garden perfect Grandma will love it oh no that will hang on Caillou this lady got it first but roses are Grandma's almost favorite flower [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I felt disappointed when I couldn't get Grandma the sweater but then extra happy when the lady let me buy it she sounds like a kind lady she was but later I felt really not happy because Mommy made me wear an edgy sweater that grandma made for my birthday itchy sweaters are worse than books yup I felt a bit grumpy but grandma was really happy I wore it oh Caillou the sweater I made you oh that must have made you feel very worried I'm sorry Grandma I ruined your birthday cake and I ruined your birthday and I ruined you did no such thing Caillou in fact you brought me the most thoughtful gift but what is it Caillou I don't like the sweater you gave me I like it because you gave it to me but it's so itchy I'm sorry oh Caillou I'm so glad you're telling me really why yes it's so kind of you to wear it even though you didn't like it because you knew it would make me happy but it's okay to wear something you like better instead and as for the cake my favorite gift is spending time with you Caillou so maybe we can bake another together I found a lot of things on Grandma's birthday but I learned that when others were kind it made me feel happy and even when I was confused about feelings I could choose to be kind and that made everything okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] hello is someone there [Music] are you what are you doing are you you should be in bed I and you definitely should not be watching scary movies like this you're too young but it's not too scary it's no butts Caillou off to bed we'll talk about this in the morning [Music] [Music] where am I what oh um hello is anyone there I think I'm lost [Music] [Music] maybe up here [Music] paintings don't move that's silly [Music] and armor doesn't move either [Music] does it [Music] no I'm not scared I'm big and I'm not scared I'm not [Music] leave me alone [Music] [Music] thank you I just want to go home I need Teddy what are you doing here did you come to protect me thanks Teddy you're the best no get away from me and Teddy [Music] we're not scared of you anymore [Music] I said go away [Music] huh Teddy foreign [Music] [Music] Caillou why aren't you in bed it was a scary house and a night was and I couldn't I couldn't you were right I shouldn't have watched that scary movie I'm really sorry [Music] Teddy will make you feel bad [Music]
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 221,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: jhY8kbzxyJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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