The Campervan Holiday πŸ• | Peppa Pig Official Full Episodes

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the camper van Peppa and George are very excited today they are going on holiday oh where's Daddy he's bringing a Secret Surprise what's that it's a camper van we've borrowed it for our holiday this camper van has everything this button works the sink wow and this button works the TV what does this button do I'm not sure maybe don't press it until we know is everybody ready to go on holiday yes Mommy then let's go we're going on holiday in a camp H this map is a bit tricky Daddy we don't want to get lost don't worry Peppa I'm an expert at map Reading oh that's strange are we lost uh yes it's Granddad dog with Danny Dog hello Peppa hello Danny we're lost lost is your satnav broken satnav you're driving a camper van t3200 satnav comes a standard welcome to the car of the future ah so that's what that button does where are we going today the camper van is talking clever isn't it the computer voice helps you find your way but how does it know where we want to go you tell it uh hello Mrs can Prov man hello we're going on holiday can you tell us the way proceed on the current road in a straight line thanks for your help Granddad dog you're welcome have a lovely holiday [Music] we danger danger oil is low what's oil oil helps engines to run smoothly will the oil run out no These Warnings always give you plenty of time oil is gone oh dear luckily I've got a spare can of oil well done Daddy Pig we simply pour the oil into the engine and oh what's wrong there's nothing in here the engine's gone it's mummy sheep with Suzy Sheep hello Suzy hello Peppa we've lost our engine lost your engine yes it's completely disappeared I'd like to help but I don't know a thing about engines I'm probably just being silly but this looks a bit like an engine ah yes well spotted mommy sheep the camper van has its engine at the back there that should be enough oil thank you Mommy sheep you're welcome have a lovely [Music] holiday are we nearly there yet just up the next Hill you have reached your destination hooray time for bed where will we sleep mommy pig and I will sleep on this bed oo and you two will sleep upstairs but there isn't an upstairs ho ho watch this the camper Van's Roof Is Lifting Up the camper van is just like our little house while we're on holiday it is our little house good night my little piggies good night the train ride today Peppa and her friends are going on a train ride Mr rabbit is the station Master how many tickets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 child tickets and one teacher ticket please now children do not lose these tickets can I see you a tickets please uh I've lost my ticket oh dear Pedro you must be more careful there's your ticket try not to lose it again here comes the train CH chill Miss Rabbit is the train driver all aboard C cat cck C the train is on the track cck cck here are your activity sheets the children have to spot everything that is on the activity sheet a boat a signal box and a tunnel I can see trees are trees on the list uh no I can see clouds are clouds on the list no I can see Grandad dog Oho there hello Grandad [Applause] [Music] dog is Granddad dog on the list silly Peppa my Grandad won't be on the list but he is sailing a boat and a boat is on the list the children tick the boat on their activity sheets ticket please Mr rabbit has come to check everyone's ticket uh I think I've lost my ticket oh dear o dear meow there's your ticket Pedro you were sitting on it now you try not to lose it again pedrol the train is going slowly [Music] uphill the train is going quickly downhill Madame Gazelle I feel a bit sick can I go to the front please okay Pedro you can go to the front of the train hello Pedro not feeling very well would you like to drive the train for a bit yes please click CL click CL the train was on the track HFF the Train on the a signal box that's on our list hooray the children tick the signal box on their activity sheets the signal has stopped the train so that someone important can [Music] cross it's Mrs duck and her friends oh we still haven't seen a tunnel hey it's G dark we're in a tunnel the tunnel is the last thing on the activity [Music] [Applause] sheet last stop wall change everybody up now but Madame Gazelle how are we going to get home Peppa we're back where we started the train has gone in a big circle tickets [Music] please um Petra's L his ticket again um Pedro can I have my hat back please there's Pedro's ticket oh that's where I put it the fire engine mommy pig is dressed as a fireman Mommy why are you dress like that I'm going to the mommy's fire engine practice o it's just a good excuse for a cup of tea and a chat well what are you doing today daddy pig I've got a very important meeting with the Daddy's football team that's just a lot of grown-up boys kicking a football around we're having a barbecue as well here are Mr Bull Mr rabbit Mr Pony and Mr zebra MO is steady Pig coming out to play Come on Mommy can we see the fire engine yes oh goody this is Miss Rabbit's fire station hello Pepper and George come and see the fire engine wow fire engine there's a ladder for climbing a hose for squirting water and a big Bell to ring ding ding now let's go up the tower and look for fires hello everyone hello Peppa hello George a who's for nice cup of tea and a chat that sounds nice ooh a telephone Peppa that is the fire phone it's only to be used when there's a fire ah fire fire fire station where's the fire where's the fire can I speak to Mommy Pig please oh it's Daddy Pig Daddy Pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency I can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall I light the barbecue now yes please Mr rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mommy pig we daddies know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time I've been waiting ages how many files have you actually put out Miss Rabbit uh none not one fire but you've got to be ready it's the fir phone oh can you answer it Peppa it'll probably be your daddy again okay hello fire station hello Peppa Oh Daddy it is you you're very naughty this phone is for fires only can you put Miss Rabbit on please there's a good girl daddy wants to speak to you hello Daddy Pig this phone is only to be used when there's a fire fire oh dear Daddy Pig's barbecue he's on fire fire fire Mommy to the [Music] rescue hold tight [Music] fire fire ding [Applause] [Music] ding it's Miss Rabbit's fire engine stand back daddies mommy dog turn on the water I I mommy pig the fire is out hooray y thank you for saving us Miss Rabbit no problem it's all part of the service the Mumy fire engine service and now that Miss rabbit has kindly flooded our garden we can all jump up and down in muddy puddles I love fire engines especially when they make mudy puddles Po's Boat Trip Grandpa Pig is taking Peppa and George on a boat trip Polly Parrot is going too grandpa pig have you got your mobile phone yes granny Pig don't drop it in the water no granny pig is it switched on yes granny Pig bye bye-bye here is Granddad dog Oho there oh there lovely day to go sailing I would go too but my boat needs a clean I don't know why you bother cleaning that Rusty boat I'm surprised it's still afloat this Rusty boat will still be afloat long after your old tin booat has sunk to the bottom of the river Granddad dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend full steam ahead goodbye I am the captain of this boat and when the captain tells you to do something you must do it I captain I I captain Polly Parrot copies everything that is said George raise the flag George raise the flag Peppa ring the bell Peppa ring the bell and PA can I be the captain please okay but as Captain you must wear this hat Now Peppa is the captain and everyone must do what she says ring the bell turn that wheel I I captain Peppa jump up and down Captain Peppa is a bit bossy perhaps I should be the captain again we don't want to crash into it anything steering the boat can be tricky luckily I'm good at steering oh dear Grandpa Pig's boat has crashed into a little island Grandpa we're stuck I'll ring granny Pig she can get help whoa oh grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water [Music] water granny Pig speaking hello hello hello somehow we need to get a message to Granny message to Granny Polly can fly to Granny good idea Peppa and I can teach Polly what to say Grandpa Pig says Grandpa Pig says help help help help there you see easy peasy Grandpa Pig says easy peasy you silly old bird you silly old [Music] bird hello Polly what are you doing here Grandpa Pig says what does Grandpa Pig say you Sil old bird oh help help Goodness Me Grandpa must need help Granddad dog hello Granny Pig Grandpa Pig needs help please could you rescue him Madam I would be delighted hooray hi there do you need rescuing Captain um maybe would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you yes please Granddad dog C this Captain I I Skipper Granddad dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend granny did Polly tell you we needed help yes Polly is a very clever parrot say I'm a clever parrot w w I'm a clever [Laughter] parrot I trip to the moon it is a lovely sunny day Peppa is playing with her bouncy ball George and his friend Edmund elephant are playing with their space [Music] toys George is pretending that the bouncy ball is the moon I was playing with that ball Edmund's space toy has landed on Peppa's head this looks fun are you going to the Moon it's just boring space stuff for babies Daddy it's not real but space is real Peppa and there are real rockets that go to the moon the museum has a show all about the moon should we go and see it y well we really have to go to the moon no Peppa we're not going to the Moon we're going to the museum okay here is the museum hello everyone have you come to see the moon show yes Miss Rabbit five tickets Please there you are enjoy your trip to the moon oh we really are going to the moon no Peppa it's just pretend this way for a trip to the moon Mr rabbit is the tour guide prepare for takeoff it's just pretend isn't it that's right Peppa it's just pretend tend 5 4 3 2 1 blastoff we live on a planet does anyone know what it is called the Earth that's right I'm a bit of an expert at space things there are seven other planets that go around our sun does anyone know what they are called uh Mercury oh well done Edmund Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus Edmund knows all about space I'm a clever clogs does anyone know what these planets are made of they're made of cardboard these models are made of cardboard but the real planets are made of rock and ice and gas but of course the moon is made of cheese no the moon is made of rock and this is a serious tour so no jokes and no giggling here we are on the moon it's a pretend moon really isn't it yes if this was the real moon you could jump over my head does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon gravity oh that's right Edmund gravity is what keeps us on the ground round it is weaker on the moon so you can jump higher we can make you feel like you're jumping on the moon with the help of science that sounds impressive how do you do that with big rubber bands everyone is strapped into Mr rabbit's anti-gravity rubber bands bouncing on the pretend moon is fun same Moon moon cheese moon cheese and that is the end of the tour please Walk This Way are there trees on the moon no are there any cars on the moon no are there any Moon shops no that would be silly Welcome To The Moon shop we've got Moon Maps Moon Books we've even got a picture of piggies on the moon with an elephant look there we are jumping on the the moon we've got Moon Rock too it's got a picture of the Moon all the way through the middle oo how about some real moon cheese how much is it Miss rabbit5 please5 it's all for a good cause I like the moon now because it's very interesting H and very [Music] tasty very rainbow Peppa and her family are going for a drive to the mountains are we nearly there yet not yet Peppa let's play a game we each have to spot a car of our favorite color yes my favorite color is green mine is orange mine is red George what's your favorite color blue George's favorite color is blue let's see which color car comes along first okay here is candy cat in her green car green that's my favorite color I win hello candy meow hello Peppa here is Danny dog in Granddad dog's breakdown Truck orange so I win hello Danny hello Peppa here's another car it's Susy hello hello peppa boo yes George it's a blue car so you win this is a silly game there isn't a red car anywhere there is one red car pepper where what color is our car uh it's red I win I win the family have arrived at the mountains we'll have a fantastic view when we get to the top we're here hoay look at the lovely sunny view oh dear it has started to rain where's the lovely view uh there's a lovely view it is Miss Rabbit's ice cream store hello Miss Rabbit hello Daddy Pig four ice creams please what flavors would you like mint orange strawberry and blueberry please [Music] okay look what I've got ice cream they're our favorite colors that's right green for me orange for me strawberry Red for me and George's is BL yummy yumy yummy look the sun has come out and look what else has come out a rainbow Peppa and George love rainbows a rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time o it's got all our favorite colors in it yes red and orange and green and blue and do you know what you find at the end of a rainbow no you find treasure oh can we go find the treasure now okay the end of the rainbow looks like it's just on the next Hill let's [Music] go it's a rainy sunny day the rainbow's here to play rainbow rainbow red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue rainbow rainbow it's a rainy sunny day here we are oh where's our rainbow gone it's moved to the next Hill you TIY rainbow quick let's catch it rainbow rainbow it's a rainy sunny day it stopped raining and the rainbow is gone don't worry George maybe the rainbow has left some treasure behind there's something over here have you found the rainbow's treasure yes I have a big mudy puddle this is the best rainbow treasure ever numbers it is a school day for pepper and her friends a children today we will be learning All About Numbers does anybody know what numbers are for are numbers for counting yes Peppa who would like to do some counting now me me me me okay Pedro uh 1 2 3 4 Pedro has counted to four well done Pedro can anyone count higher than four me me me Rebecca 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 Rebecca has counted to seven excellent Rebecca Madam gazelle yes candy my mom can count to 10 wow yes after seven there is eight nine 108 nine 10 very good it is Play Time Rebecca Rabbit Zoe Zebra Susie Sheep and Peppa all like to skip I like sand I like sea I like Suzie to skip with me I like Ping I like pong I like Zoe to Skip Along I know let's see who can skip the most without stopping sque I'll count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zoe RNs hooray hooray hooray Petro do you want to do some skipping no thanks Peppa I'm hula hooping Wibble wubble Wibble wubble wiggle waggle wee hula hoop hula hoop one two three ooh how many can you do without stopping a million and three wow that's a lot let's count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 that was eight I'm a bit tired I'll do the rest later can you do hula hoops Emily I can do them my own special way Emily Elephant is hula hooping with her trunk hoay I think that was about 100 George wants to play Leap Frog George likes playing Lea frog l frog everybody one 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Music] 10 play time is over Madam gazelle we can all count to 10 now very good but we need to be playing to do it of course Richard Edmund bring the extra long skipping rope hello I've come to collect Peppa and George taty you're too early oh not do I you can join in our game oh okay is everybody ready ready counting to 10 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh you look tired daddy pig I'm fine I could skip to 100 good idea daddy pig to 100 uh maybe to 20 okay to 20 11 12
Channel: Baby Cartoons
Views: 1,902,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: 8m32CSBCq44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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