Mexican Chicken Casserole

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Hello friends and family and welcome back to come sit at my table today we're going to make a recipe that is called Mexican Chicken Casserole now I got this recipe in 2006 from a lady that we worked with at the school where we taught and her name is Sally Cottle we have used this recipe numerous times it is actually one of my wife's favorite main dishes and so we have made it a lot it's very easy to put together because it's kind of a layered dish you don't really stir together a whole lot you'll see what I mean in just a few minutes so it's very easy to put together very quick to bake and it's easy to serve you can serve it with just some chips and salsa or chips and queso or you could put some Mexican rice and refried beans with it really whatever you want to serve with it is fine all right so let's get started you are going to need first to preheat your oven to 350 degrees make sure it's hot and ready for you to go because this goes together pretty quickly you're going to need a 9 by 13 baking dish and you're going to want to spray it just like I do most things because it just makes cleanup much easier so spray it really well and start layering now Melissa do you want to come over here and we'll show them what we're going to use today the first thing you're going to put in is two cans of canned chicken and that makes this that recipe really easy because you don't even have to cook the chicken it's just two cans of cooked chicken you're going to put in half a cup of chopped onion I had some onion in the refrigerator or in the freezer that we had chopped and Frozen and I just took out a small pack of it and defrosted it and so we're going to put that in you need half a teaspoon of crushed red peppers now if you like something really hot and spicy put in more put in a teaspoon if you want to but for us half a teaspoon is plenty and half a teaspoon of garlic salt now this is not garlic powder you want garlic salt because you want that saltiness also we're going to use a seven ounce can of diced green chilies now you can see that we're using the mild but again if you like something spicier you can use the original which is the medium or you can use the hot but we're using the mild today and you want to drain those drain those really well you're also going to put in half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper Now the recipe originally called for eight ounces of shredded Velveeta cheese and you can buy these Velveeta shreds at the store but sometimes I need a little more than eight ounces oops I just spilled it sometimes I need more than eight ounces so I usually get two bags and I'll use all of one and then maybe part of another one but eight ounces is what it calls for then you're going to use a nine ounce bag of Doritos chips now we've got a 14 ounce bag here but we've eaten a few out of those um and you know if you can find a nine ounce bag fine if not get a bigger bag and just use what you think you need to cover it we will crush those up or just crunch them really well then you're going to need three cans cream of chicken soup now I've already put two cans in my Bowl here so that we could make the video a little shorter but it's three cans of cream of chicken soup and one can of Rotel tomatoes you do not drain this you're going to use the juice now again we're using the mild because we don't like things really spicy but you could use the original which is medium or you could use the hot it's your choice all right here we go so the first thing we had to spray our pan now we're just going to layer our chicken you'll know if you've ever used canned chicken you know it comes in chunks you just are going to want to take it and kind of break it up you don't want those big chunks in there so just kind of flake it you'll see that it flakes up really easily so we're just going to take that out and start flaking it up one of the things I really like about this recipe is that it's so quick and easy since it's a layered recipe almost everything except for the soup and the Rotel tomatoes you just put in in layers so it makes it very simple and my goodness using the canned chicken makes it really really easy let's get rid of that one all right and we'll just continue to shred up the chicken and you want to put it in a pretty even layer you're not going to get it perfect but just press it up can you see how I'm doing this Melissa I can okay so it honestly it just flakes up so easily and you don't want the juice out of this you do want to drain that pretty well and even if you drain it like I did you're still gonna have some juice in the bottom of that you can't get it all out but just try not to use the juice if you can keep from it all right so we're just going to spread this out make it a pretty even layer there's a chunk I didn't get all right and here's another big chunk of mist all right now I'm going to wash my hands off and I'll be right back foreign the next thing is going to be the onion so we're just going to take the onion and kind of sprinkle that over the chicken now it's supposed to be half a cup I didn't really measure this honestly I just took some out of the freezer and defrosted it but you know I've said this before on our videos can you ever really have too much onion I don't think so onions delicious and it's good for you all right so we have our second layer now next we're going to do our half teaspoon of red pepper flakes and I just kind of sprinkle those over too by the way we're having company today and so that's why we're making this our youngest daughter and her boyfriend are coming okay now I'm doing the garlic salt they're coming to eat with us today it's a Sunday and so this afternoon they will be here to eat with us all right I'm gonna put just a hair more right there in that corner all right so we've got the red pepper flakes and the garlic salt next we have the diced green chilies and the same thing we're just going to layer those right on top and make sure these are well drained you're not going to be able to get all the juice out of them but you need to get out as much as you can you don't want this to be soupy after it bakes and there's some juice down in the bottom here I'm going to try not to get that and you know try as hard as you might you can't get it spread evenly just have to do the best you can all right so we have the green chilies on trying to spread those out just a little bit so they're not in great big piles all right raise my hands again now we're going to put the salt and pepper on and again it's half a teaspoon of salt and half teaspoon of pepper so I'm just trying to as evenly as possible get that salt on there and then half a teaspoon of pepper and I feel about pepper the same way I feel about onions it's hard to get too much but for this recipe half a teaspoon seems to be plenty all right let's get rid of that now we're up to our cheese and we'll see one bag eight ounces might be plenty but we're just gonna kind of sprinkle that right over the top too see how easy this is just making the layers actually you know I think eight ounces is gonna do it foreign let's just kind of spread that out a little bit all right now here comes the fun part so we're not going to need this extra bag of cheese now the fun part you have to crush up your Doritos and I have found the easiest way to do it is right in the back I just kind of roll the bag down lay it on the counter and start pressing foreign you want them crushed up pretty fine so that they will lay evenly all over your casserole now we only want to use half of them on this first layer so I'm going to put half of them there kind of spread those out some there's half of our chips there's two that didn't get crushed up very well I'll Mash those all right now we're going to save half of our chips because we're going to use those on the very top so the next step is to mix together your soups and your Rotel tomatoes now remember I said use three cans of cream of chicken I had already put two in here just to make this a little faster but you'll want three cans and I think these are 10 point 10 and a half ounce cans is anybody besides me noticed that the size of all the products in the grocery store have shrunk it's crazy used to be but packages were larger and you got more for your money seems like prices have gone up and the size of the packages have gone down all right now we have a let's see a 10 ounce can of Rotel diced tomatoes with green chilies and we do use the juice for this just dump the whole thing in you do not have to drain that and then we're just going to stir this together and the juice in those Tomatoes kind of helps um helps the soup not to be so thick kind of loosens it up a little bit so it spreads easier really that's the hardest part of this whole recipe so now we're just going to take that and spread it right over the top and it is pretty pretty wet there's a lot of soup in here but it makes it really really good dressing for the casserole all right so now we have that spread on top and the last step is to use the rest of our Doritos to put right on top and we'll just take those spread them out all the way to the edges make sure you've washed your hands well before you start this dish because you have to use your fingers to do a lot of this all right that's the entire recipe now you're going to bake this for about 30 to 40 minutes at 350. you just want to make sure that it's heated all the way through everything in here is cooked there's nothing raw in here so you're not really having to cook it to make sure that it's done you just want to heat it through so that it's really warm you don't want somebody to get a scoop out of the middle let it be cold all right so this goes into a 350 degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes when we're finished baking it we will come back and show you the finished product foreign welcome back it's been about 40 minutes and our timer is just about ready to go off remember that the Mexican Chicken Casserole is just layered we just made layers of different things mixed soup and Rotel tomatoes put on top of that with some crushed Doritos so it's a very simple very easy very quick dish to put together all right let's check it and see how it is oh yeah and there is the finished dish all right you can see that the Doritos have browned just a little bit on the top you can see how the chicken soup and Rotel tomatoes are kind of bubbling up around the edge that's how you know that it's ready all right let's do a little taste test you really do want to let it kind of cool down a little bit before you scoop it out just to let it kind of set up but since we want to do a little taste test with you we'll go ahead and dip some out here all right babe you want to do the taste test no I'll just have some in a minute but thanks for offering it is really hot oh look who's here we have a guest in the house today and if there's food she's all over it that's crazy this is Maisie you aren't you baby all right by the way that's our daughter and her boyfriend's dog and they're here for lunch today that is delicious you know for something that's so easy and so fast that is really good so we're going to serve chips and salsa in queso and Spanish rice with this very simple meal to put together amazing you can't have it right all right guys thanks for joining us as always the recipe is right below this video it's in the description all you have to do is go down there and click on it and you'll see the written recipe right there also if you would we would appreciate it if you would go right into this video and click the thumbs up button just so that we know you like the video and over on the other side on the right there's a subscribe box we would appreciate it if you would click that subscribe box so you can subscribe to our Channel and then click the notification Bell beside of it and click the word all so that you can be notified every time we 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Channel: Come Sit At My Table
Views: 239,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YX4-lQC2vGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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