C9 vs TL - Game 4 | Grand Finals LCS 2021 Mid-Season Showdown | Cloud 9 vs Team Liquid G4 full game

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perhaps a run back a little bit of what we saw in one of the earlier games where cloud9 then wants to take away the kaiser tl then moves towards the things like the zaya and you see kind of the natural progression of the draft from there unless tl wants to kind of take a left turn here and go a different route well we got the rel already picked up here only it was uh i think it was only that first game that we got to see on the same team wasn't it as well i hope y'all are a fan of the taste of hecarim oh dear because it is the flavor of the day here in the finals yeah these two champions just coming out on top so as the others get banned away it's kaiser now that i think for sure this is gonna get locked in and then alistar makes sense that's the answer the draft has progressed forward in a pretty understandable way the question here comes does tl have a priority mid laner or do they try to prioritize their bot laner the xayah that i mentioned this is pretty much six for six on unexpected picks your brain's too big bro and there's some there's some patterns definitely here don't worry about that the brain's just too big there's too many electrical synapses and stuff back while swimming that's why there's no more hair you know no room the brain your brain absorbed it through the inside of your just don't push it all out i respect that i respect that all right all right let's see how the bands shake out now because we have mirrored picks on both sides it's bot lanes and junglers only the flexibility here is non-existent so that means solo laners must be targeted now in the second half of these bands renekton has been removed malphite has been removed i think nar gets banned out next by cloud9 potentially here just looking towards some of the picks that alfari would go to uh that could be problematic you know assuming it's going to be a blind pick here for fudge my guess is that it will be last pick for alfari but we'll see do they want to go here for jensen or not if they ban out the nara i'm expecting just a victor coming through from jensen and then it's going to be potentially the answer from there of course they could go towards a blind tank like a scion or something if they want it and then try to protect uh but the victor makes sense now i i feel like with nara available you go nar here for fudge and you you kind of just have to be concerned about the irelia so maybe you go scion instead and really try to play full on front to back and you could just go like psion azir and then you're set up fully for 5v5 and you're really ready to go as far as what i was talking about moving away from some of the more clever picks towards what is just kind of rock solid team fight 5v5 zoe a different option here does give them a little bit more playmaking and that's what they're indexing towards you know if you go scion azir you are locking in more scaling more powerful straight up front to back team fighting but this does give you the additional play making you land a bubble that can be a game changer you land that gragas engage that can change the game as well of course going this route you put yourself in what can be a more difficult matchup against the gnar you know that's why i thought nara was going to get banned out you know i'm going to be honest i feel like that could have been a really powerful ban here but potentially with the alistar up with the gragas coming through they were worried about giving some of those over in addition to the hecarim ultimate so a little bit different look than what i expected there but all in all it's pretty standard stuff here and it feels like both teams are ready for 5v5 but again the barrier of execution is higher for cloud9 they have additional play-making tools maybe higher potential if everything goes right you know you hit that sleep you hit that perfect greg assaulty maybe you should get in the fight straight up yeah but if that does not happen i again favor tl's come because with extra play-making offense come often comes extra punishment as well yeah a bad cask can really screw up and otherwise good engage if zoey's not ever able to connect on the skill shots and you can navigate around those and then hard engage afterwards zoe doesn't feel nearly as good right so they have to be playing this well i like the fact that they opted for such a thing because it means they have confidence in themselves to win in a skill-based matchup absolutely and their engage is going to be explosive something that we'll have to see tl really watch out for both as asia and as the victor you know if there's a body slam flashing you don't react with this xy ulti in time you can die hundred to zero in the cc for sure with an alistar coming in to follow that up you know victor as well you can get caught out knocked out of position knocked down as well the hecarim is going to be there to follow up they have some very powerful engage they have balanced that out a little bit more as far as the scaling does go here they have the dive and this really i think is pretty indicative of the styles that these teams like to play right it's go late game go 5 e5 but with a little splash of style of the two yeah cloud nine going a little bit more in going a little bit more aggressive tl saying now we'd rather have a more solid front line we're gonna play it slow and we're gonna punish you by absorbing those engages very effectively okay so let's take a look take stock of all the resources here at the start it is heal for both of our 80 carries no cleanse being required this game both supports also running the ignite without an exhaust being necessary summer spell book for perks in the mid lane while jensen is running a phase rush so we'll still see all four teleports being on solo laners and in the jungle it's phase rush but perks getting jumped on here at level one gonna lose some hp but doesn't have to use any summoner spells but it actually really sucks because the minions are already out on the map close you don't get to base right you know this is one of those situations where it's like that's 30 seconds earlier who cares your base you're back out there that's gonna be all three of your corrupting potion charges so now we're gonna have to see a change in strategy here for the laning phase for perks from here i feel like you're going for a hard shove you're trying to reset the wave instantly dump all your mana get back to base refill that corrupting potion as soon as it is possible so as jensen you want to fight for the wave you want to auto attack non-stop lock this guy down in this lane where all of a sudden the missing sustain becomes an issue all right keep your eyes on perks and how he handles this lane here early on because losing all that hp man that feels so bad right before the minions spawn tactical and core jj with control over the bottom lane here right now kaiser alistar versus the zio with rel breaking up the kaiser rel domination but man the ziya back on tactical remember when he played this previously it was his performance in the final team fight that won in the game so corej is dismounted if they hit two you can do a w flash or a remount and flip ins ben before he hits two so cloud9 needs to back it up this is actually playing it pretty dangerously here they are very close to two they will back up in time potentially but anytime he's dismounted that is actually a more explosive engage when you're looking for a single target engage because it's nearly impossible to actually react to the w for the remount instant flash auto that goes through pretty much 100 of the time you're over the shoulder you're maybe dead so so difficult to respond to that but fortunately for cloud9 the distance is not there they do not spike soon enough on the side of tl and that means the threat is gone back here in the mid lane perks has picked up a free heel there from the balloons on the minions that's nice blabbers doing some of that double clear there in the jungle very very powerful stuff for champions that have the aoe to get it done and he'll just keep on trying to accelerate this it's actually a really big deal because jensen basically was using his mana to battle the health of his opponent but because he picked up a free heal all of a sudden you're losing that war nice cc combo here in the bottom side but core jj getting head-butted and pulverized afterwards still ends up being a very decisive win here in that trade for tl's bottom lane absolutely does land the full cc combo there really nicely done if you can get the initial engage with the roof follow up the ignite comes across zven is just locked down for so much of that fight that he can't really return fire and then by the time he is getting that damage out you're hitting an aftershock rel who just doesn't really care about what you're trying to get done no not at all well on karma sure you can play well on janna but you just don't see it in the same way it just ain't the same engaged supports are my favorite ones to watch too we're back into the game four minutes in we have legally we joined the players we are live and we are ready to go let's see where they're going to focus now junglers are on opposite ends of the map you can see our mayo he's shadowing up here around this top side this is where things have gone bad and now it looks like there won't really be anything happening too much elsewhere blabber is doing a good job keeping up with the udyr here he's not on the knock turn hecarim does farm faster than nocturne does so he'll stay up easily absolutely well we can see both mid laners did get to go back to base but given that perks didn't have to tp that tells me he got the push he created the mana advantage he gets to shove it in save that teleport which can mean you have got to be more careful in those side lanes if you hard commit to some sort of an engage as the rel for example who wants to play aggressive and you get tv done by the zoe that can absolutely get turned around here you can see some different styles is the early tier it's pretty standard for control mages just being able to get the mana to be able to keep up on the wave player man and you know credit to perks summoner spell heal or not the man played the lane in a way where he started this lane off at level one with 200 hp and now he's the one with prio he's the one with even farm there's a reason that he's one of the most accomplished players that there is right absolutely he knows how to handle any situation you're going to throw at him and we might be seeing the earliest drake of the series so far here right as it spawns it's team liquid going after it we'll see if there's going to be a contest because it's now spotted they they suss it out i mean you don't drop a pink ward over the wall unless you are thinking about doing something about it i think unfortunately for c9 they are too little too late yes sir or mayo gonna be able to grab that one for him and the udyr really has been dictating the pace in all of these games he's been the one grabbing the dragon it's not really a surprise because he clears so fast he sold it up so well walking on the room here trying to threaten jensen but won't mean too much and yeah core jj's right there too so they can't try to overcome it go for it am i a liar then oh no not again he waits for it but he's not quite fast enough to get behind him for the devastating charge the ghost wasn't used that time but look again at the wave state now it's stuck in this awkward spot because our mayo went bot they knew he could not be top he takes the dragon blabber going back in here for the punish ghost is available you called it out let's do it again oh far with the ward over the wall but here comes blabber how far he's knocked backwards the cast knocks him to the side not ideal placement but good enough one two three four put alfari on the floor every single game rack him up it's top dip in a different way man you look back to locking you'll be thinking yeah of course there's top day of every game of course one of them what are you worried about exactly but it has been the other way tp was still available for albari critically for him so not an absolute disaster but still not the start you were looking for goes through the early call likely working towards merc dreads with that null measure mantle that is going to help him out here and it is ap gragas i believe i saw the last chapter there let's watch this one more time i think he was aware it could be happening because i mean it's been happening over and over he knows the ghost wasn't actually used seeing that the ward goes down and it was immediately turned off either means they're the pink there or it's being swept right so knowing that he could suss out that there was someone around and does pull back and jensen just dropping the chaos storm here trying to get as much push with that as he can almost out of mana so we'll probably see him attempt to base here some points soon perks will continue clearing out the wave trying to throw them paddle stars into the caster minion lines paddle plus a couple auto attacks takes him down nice movement there from side stepping away from that point blank range bubble that has been something he has been so good at his entire career these little side steps these little jukes back and forth you know back when i was still making lane kingdom that piece of content it was so interesting to watch him play and watch pro view for some of these players in the past where they're just so tough to hit skill shots with because they're constantly dodging back and forth back and forth back and forth it makes it incredibly difficult to place that skill shot and actually land it and especially when you compare it to the expectation of zoe versus someone i feel like all the time when you see a good zoe and solo queue that's one of the things they can do right they jump forward they get the point bubble and they make the play off of that so jensen just showing like the difference between a top-tier solo queue player and a top-tier professional player knowing how to dodge away from those tricky situations i mean it could be an absolute difference maker if you get caught there you know you're low on mana you get hit with the sleep you're chunked low the lane can be into a pretty awkward spot here park's just looking to shove though blabber is over on the herald and the fact that hecarim is going to be able to get this is really nice for them so going to be able to secure that they had to push it on top side there was no flash on elfari so he had to play safe jensen even getting pushed in by perks and as a result they claimed their prize up on the top side feels like one of the first games where the neutrals are being traded back and forth i was about to say the same thing brains they're on the same wavelength man yeah synergy the dragon for team liquid but the herald for cloud nine and with that first blood they have the gold lead the herald if dropped properly is going to build that up even more and that puts cloud9 in a good spot to then contest and stop team liquid from stacking more trades yep something else i want to touch on a little bit because it is uh ap gragas probably gonna be ever frost would be my assumption people really do just love that item probably on zoe as well so power uh being able to just jump forward with the ulti and lock someone down this means they have less of a front line right so it is more explosive again on the engage it's more indexing towards that play making but again the barrier of execution is high and especially as ap gragas you know we talked about oh if the task cast doesn't land as a tank gragas your team fight is much less effective if you body slam flash in there as the ap gragas and they flash that or you whiff woof a good dead man yeah you are done for all right all right let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see getting hit getting close to those big altis those big hits in the team fights that could really change things around we've still got the supports both at level five i believe my eyesight is terrible and the screen's a little far away so there's something okay jay is sick i was looking at the thing on the corner my bad my bad and so that means that vulcan now level six as well we've got everything online this is dangerous for blabber yeah this is this is a risky bit of risky business here but he does successfully invade and force the blue buff onto the enemy jungler even if you can't steal it away making him smite it not allowing it to be given over to the victor that's still a win yeah and i actually like that a lot more than them going hard for it and trying to alt in and steal it and take a fight where i think they would have been flanked they're going to be able to grab the dragon and now you just want to disengage but corey says no 4jj is not gonna let him blabber's trying to run away remember the onslaught of shadows can get him over the wall he's out he's fine and the drakes are now all tied up yeah and that's actually really good here for cloud nine they force out to smite so if romeo didn't have a second smite charge he wouldn't even been able to contest whatsoever so they know one of the charges is down they do take that that is flashed off core jj and they were able to disengage that very effectively yes it is the onslaught of shadows but that's a pretty low cooldown the ghost a pretty little cooldown in comparison so now the bot lane here for cloud9 is gonna be feeling a lot more safe for these next couple of minutes oh yeah knowing that the opportunity for core j to engage is greatly reduced and they're also gonna feel great knowing that hey you don't have to worry about some dragon stacking this game neither team does we've got one to one so far on those because of the fact that the map is not on fire i believe that we will see the mountain soul this time brother wasn't paying attention when it switched top left okay oh i know how to use it it's your first it's your first time casting legally yeah yeah yeah i'm not casted i don't know where to look at first time first time uh yeah i'm just trying to show how you use deductive reasoning to figure out where things are oh well there isn't any big mountain man so i'm not sure yes of course the environment hasn't burned down anyway back up to what team liquid is trying to do they want to try to make another play up here they've got the control ward in the river so our mayo knows that fudge doesn't have that watered out but the problem is man fudge is in no rush he doesn't care about stepping up any further he's just gonna maintain safe distance he body slams back in finds a bit of a quick trade against alfari and he's no worse for win yep didn't get the third hit there so couldn't the phase rush as his barrel was on cooldown that is the trifecta you were talking about but vulcan on the roam here clearing out vision such a critical part of playing around mid lane is actually this vision control even donating over the ward kill to perks 30 gold in his pocket there hey why not yeah one and a half melee minions worth of gold right absolutely i mean it's it's definitely worth doing uh every little bit can count and you can see perks now with a spell book double combat summoners at this point so jensen definitely does not want to take a straight up fight there heal plus ignite going to be difficult to deal with plus random zombies just slow him down that makes those skill shots even easier to hit so you always got to respect what the zoe picked up from the balloons is in mega shortly okay shelley's here looks like it's just going to be another one of those two plate reptile charges there it is immediately killed right after and that means cloud9 ties up the gold man it is dead even for the fourth thing these teams are good about actually handling these heralds no one has really given these big heralds where they get a ton like a full tower or multiple towers they have just been so good at anticipating where that is coming rotating the members over to answer and always having two or three there when the herald is gonna be dropped to make sure hey you can have the plates but you're getting nothing else the most successful herald that we saw was the one at the top lane tier one turret a couple of games ago they knocked down the first two plates harold gets the next two but it's still not a full kill like you already pointed out so lots of good control over those objectives here cloud9 invading the enemy jungle now as a four-man squad they've got fudge up there in the top lane but he can even teleport down here if need be they move in they set down some vision they steal the gromp and now they're right back out and good job there by tl knowing that this could be happening phase rush gonna have to be procked here ever frost up look at the fat man go yeah nice even trade there between them ever frost active used by fudge just to lock alfari down a little bit more make sure he can't chase for an extra auto attack or two blabber will have control over this top side river though so he can grab the scuttle crab pretty easily and now here goes fudge tossing out the ulti there but a fast flash before he gets them away ever frost after the fact roots him up but it's not enough budget is actually playing this lane out quite well alfari though is creating a csa advantage but the pressure from fudge plus blabber has been forcing out some of these summoners you can tell how much of a importance they're putting on play making right triple acidity boots on the top side of the map they are looking to make plays they want the lower cdr they want the cooldown reduction as well for their summoners so they can get in there create these opportunities for them to fight and it's uh kind of like just a bit of a different story compared to what we saw in the previous game was all merc treads rush hey this time around we don't need that focus on the offensive version instead because these ionian cooldown boots it's been pretty interesting to see just how prevalent they have become among everyone particularly junglers people just love the rush on these items to make these plays perks finds one paddle star over the wall but i mean our mayo's got turtle stance he'll be able to life steal back up he's not really worried about much of anything with that poke we will have to track though if they can be punished for loose city boots because well it's not tf it's not the point click that they actually stacked all their merchants against last time there's still a lot of cc when you think about the blade caller root all the cc coming through from rel gravity field can be layered over top of those if you land anything you've still got the bear slap you've still got all the megan rcc so there is a high amount and that really just tells me that they feel they have got to be the initiators they have got to have those cooldowns ready and be able to be in the face of their opponents to make things happen and i tend to agree with the composition that they've drafted for themselves third drake has spawned and as long as he's alive cloud9 are going after him here shouldn't be much of a contest c9 do have control over the whole bottom side of the map because he's ven's got the wave at the turret taking that one down vulcan clearing out some of the vision from the enemy jungle and blabber is left alone to take care of this drake and he'll pick that one up so oh but the response from team liquid on the other side immediately there grabbing the rift very evenly matched across across the two teams you can see that jensen though is unmatched right up on that top side so they're gonna be pushing heavily here cloud nine is pushing mid and bot uh but it will be tl getting the additional form right now as they have members in all three lanes so we'll see if cloud9 want to try to force the issue knowing jensen is not there and has no tp well team liquid can clear that wave out effectively enough armeo just runs up knowing even if he gets bubble plus paddle star he can't die from it he's tanky enough to not worry about and there you go turret destroyed up there and now we've got this wave pushed up into the tier two in bottom lane one turret to one turret still one thousand gold separating us here three minutes away from baron spawning four minutes away from the next drake being alive this is where you start to see team liquid become concerned with contesting those especially because if we're going for these big team fight compositions stacking up those mountain drakes getting that mountain soul could be a huge difference maker it is also interesting to see cloud9 take a step back as far as how aggressive they are playing in these early stages they will have to be very explosive as far as the team fights do go but perhaps feeling that they were a little bit over aggressive in some of the previous games uh not getting enough for what they were risking and this is match point so the pressure can't risk anymore there's no more risk possibility you can't just say okay go for the big move here if it doesn't work out whatever we'll clean it up in the next one yeah hey it's the next one so for team liquid you've got a little breathing room still right it can go to game five we can still get them silver scrapes but cloud9 man it's do or die here as our mayo will run over a ward but not really too worried about that he'll sweep it he'll run back drops down the rift herald 18 minutes into the game so no plates to be found looks like we're only gonna get the one charge into just about nothing afterwards and yeah there it is vulcan and perks ought to be able to take care of that i haven't quite killed it yet somebody hit the eyeball come on there we go all right riff turtles out of the picture cloud9 maintain their tier one turret pushing up now once again look at that mid lane tier one for team liquid it's even more injured though it is and zven was actually up to the top side getting some chip damage on the outer top lane tower during this time so it is down pretty low itself and with jensen now not in the area they can push this in and potentially kill that off we'll see if tl want to try to rush up here and answer because a lot of cloud9 members are moving up towards that top side there is no mid lane wave for tkl right now so it looks because of the faster move towards that top side members are in the area zven may want to finish this off but they've spotted udir now and cloud9 did start going back towards mid lane so this does get a little bit dicey okay armeo's not going to head towards top side vulcan and blabber are right there ready to protect zven if need be so second turret goes over now to cloud nine they will go up to about a 2 000 gold lead thanks to that one two minutes until drake spawns mid lane tier one for team liquid just still barely hanging on you know c9 would love to knock that thing down complete that outer ring make it safer to move into enemy territory and place down some vision but team liquid are not just going to allow that to happen jensen up here in the top side on this victor remember it was a victor performance earlier where he had 100 kp where he was doing some of that hard carrying heavy lifting 0-0 and zero right now but man i love just looking at the farm of pro players too because you look at jensen you say ah 211 at 19 minutes that's really good and then you're like okay he's down three waves um that's crazy man it is really insane and the mid laners are so good about you know it's not only not missing any cs but also getting in and stealing away the raptors constantly right and that is is a big part of how they get to these really enormous cs numbers one minute until the mountain dragon feels like both teams are content to poke and prod look for opportunities but don't want to commit to anything without feeling like it's a sure thing right and given that it's going to be about the setup here for this dragon the everfrost is done for perks for a second i was thinking okay he's going luden's because he actually got the early blasting wand alongside uh his lost chapter but decided to think better of that it's just going to be built into a void staff so he's going to the early ap for a little bit more kill threat in lane you can see uh cdr being stacked by fudge likely gonna be a zhonya's second i would assume a lot of times when you are going towards that ap gragas you want to be able to go in use the full burst combo and then they try to turn on you into the zonius and voidstaff's second item here cool i like it look at the enemy team almost everyone has some form of magic resistance yeah there's merck treads on four players plus turbo kim tank also gives a little bit of extra magic for this you can see another magic mantle in core jj's inventory too so perks is guaranteeing anybody who gets caught out by a bubble anybody who gets hit with a random paddle star is going to be taking a significant amount of damage so something we have to also remember here is because zoe is not you know a standalone control mage right this is more about poke the setup becomes that much more important when you're playing a round dragon the fight how a fight has to be played out when you're walking blind into a zoe versus when you are first to the to the dragon the zoe's walking to you is night and day it is so hard to approach a zoe who is already set up at the objective when you don't have vision because it's so easy to walk into asleep and just get exploded from that so cloud9 had first moved toward the dragon and they're now at soul point and that was uncontested because cloud9 had the better setup and tl didn't feel comfortable moving over towards it and this is mountain soul an important dragon soul here which really is going to change things when you're looking at some of the powerful engage on both sides being able to have the mountain soul shield can be the difference between surviving that engage or going down instantly 37 to 35 so still a 2 000 gold difference separating the teams but it will be up to team liquid to come answer that challenge considering they at least got themselves an early drake it means yeah you don't have to do it three times in a row before you get a chance at the soul but it still means 10 minutes worth of having to contest those things without much reward and it's the pressure of landing those smites of not messing up a single time that is one of the biggest things that is kind of that intangible just the mental factor of knowing if i get caught before dragon i could lose my team the game right i could give over that soul i could be the reason and it does sometimes make players play a little bit hesitant a little bit additionally cautious because they know they've got to be so careful around those dragon spawn timers the baron also on the map here so we're only one kill in a 23 minute game this is by far the most cautious pace that these two teams have have really put forth and it means when the team fight inevitably breaks out the rewards are that much greater this is not the nine-minute dragon team fight where it's like good job guys we got a cloud no this is you get slammed at the dragon maybe you lost soul and baron maybe you lost the game yeah every the loot builds up more if you don't open the treasure you know every week someone doesn't win it just keeps getting bigger the loot just keeps piling up and somebody's gonna get paid whenever we finally see one of these team fights i expect it at maximum to be three minutes away with that mountain drake being on the board even no matter how bad team liquid wants to scale you just can't give that soul away for free at 25 minutes the only way we possibly wouldn't see a fight is if cloud9 thinks they can get a bear in trade if they think they can get a baron for the mountain dragon hey you don't really care about giving one over to tl but i don't think that tl will allow them to really navigate that sort of situation when your opponent tries to go for that sort of a trade bear for dragon you just simply have one person soloing the dragon you move the other four up to contest the bear and that buys you enough time so we'll see what exactly is gonna happen but c9 is starting to set up a little bit more on the barons out of the map it's two minutes till the dragon spawns so they want to play around this area start to fish for poke start to fish for engage but meanwhile elfari is creating advantages on that bottom side yeah alfari grabbing the tier 1 turret down there picking up the second turret of the game here for team liquid just making sure anything he possibly has a window to grab for his team he can do that and we'll see if he gets a big gnar ulti in one of these upcoming fights here has the flash ready to go let's check in on summoner spells actually because we have all 10 of them online for team liquid all 10 of them online for cloud9 perks has a cleanse switched over now putting that on to a clarity yep spotlight also have a stopwatch in the mid lane azonia's in their top lane something that you always talk about having to track becomes incredibly important the value you can get from that if that immune something like the relin gage or potentially a meganar ultimate that can be game changing and again very heavily execution based seeing that cloud9 you know they realize okay we're not going to be able to attempt the baron just yet so now they're moving down towards bot side trying to clear out a little bit of the wars around there trying to start establishing some vision because again being the one first to the objective is incredibly important with the zoe and cloud9 are the ones with control 60 seconds still remain alfari retreating in time here in the bottom lane you can see cloud9 wanted to make that run maybe if he got just a little bit too hyphy just a little bit too invested in hanging out down there but there's not really anything even left to defend so there's no reason for alfari to stick around he's plenty fine just hanging back a little bit letting himself farm up not putting himself in any danger cloud9 still having control over this bottom side area right now team liquid they know they're going to have to go into this they know that they have to deal with the zoe that has control over the area and they got to figure out how to do it it's going to be a tp play coming in hecarim goes in with the onslaught of shadows but they're still surviving for now a lot of damage down to core jj blabber is going to be taken out first with the roof coming through our mayo grabs the kill c9 now trying to back up a little bit perks with some nice damage onto jensen lands the drowzee on the tactical who goes up and down but he's popped by zven very nicely done from c9 they will lose their support in trade fudge find some time here with the zone head over the wall another sleep comes through perks doing a lot of work core jj's gonna be taken down but again it's gonna be a trade kill perks and sven against the world man these two doing all the work here sven has been sent into the dragon pit and he will try to claim the soul here for c9 our mayo's coming back around jensen trying to get back to the base and maybe tp back into this they can't get it in time mountain soul over to cloud nine it's the european reunions van and perks coming up big for cloud nine there the initial engage looks so good from tl catching out perks here a little bit they get on top of them and it looks like it's going to be a fight that goes their way the early flash though created a lot of distance or perks it meant that victor and xayah could not follow up the fight does continue as ben getting a lot of damage out flabber goes down but i feel like sven played this out so well and perks landing a lot of this the sleep was massive the ulti comes out but you're still slept when you arrive and then in goes fudge that's a body slam flash perfectly timed now the ulti tactical gets away he uses the gale force for the extra distance to make sure that cask cannot put him in a truly dirty pot cloud nine though they see jensen up here in the top side jensen has his flash he has his teleport but he is still an immobile champion c9 cannot close the distance in time they can't make the pick but that's seoul you know this is cloud nine now with that secured so the engages become more difficult the burst becomes more difficult for tl jensen keeping back out here needs to get on the map and is gonna try to press towards this mid lane tower tl faster on this play should be rewarded with this tier one here looking to try to get that mid lane track and cloud nine having to walk the long way around to respond now means tl gets the inside track back towards barron established vision control and you can see how far he right on the precipice of going mega he wants to be hanging out with his rage bar right there if they're trying to threaten the fight okay don't find nothing fudge getting caught but buying time nice counter attack from cloud nine tactical already having to use the aldi with the flash into the blade caller sven is now in trouble the hourglass the stopwatch will not be able to keep him alive and cloud nine lose two that is huge they try to go for the big play and fudge with the whiff tasco plays that so well if you do not nail your engage as the ap gragas you will be punished and they are gonna be punished for this big time blabber is down perks is here so they may try to poke over the wall look for some sort of a steal but it's such a low chance here okay core jj has jumped in right on top of where perks is gonna be waiting forces him to use the stolen flash to get away baron nasher over to team liquid i've gotta give so much credit as well to tactical the flash redirect on the blade call there to actually catch then was really game changing they're able to get back on the tactical so here is the ulti fudge is just predicting tactical you are going to back up from my engage he throws it just a little bit too far behind him they catch tactical there but then look at that from tactical beautiful he's in the blade callers ben is there waiting to kill him off when he lands but tackle has a flash redirect to catch and burst down zven there and it gets them the baron the soul is still in the favor of c9 but that was such a costly engage from them they went for it they didn't have the correct read on the gragas cask and tactical really made him pay tactical making such an important outplay in the critical moment of the game team liquid now feeling good about where they stand for the next two minutes they will have the baron buff in about three minutes the elder dragon is alive and the interesting part now is zayl we're at the point where it doesn't matter that the drake count is four to one this isn't old-school league of legends where the elder dragon scaled off of your drake count this is just as valuable to either squad so tl in just giving away those mountain those mountain drakes allowing the soul to be claimed they're now at a point where they could win a huge reward if they win an elder fight absolutely and that is one of the things that really can turn a game on its head being able to grab that elder dragon tl here trying to collect as much gold as they can with this baron buff power play not massive thus far but they are looking to close in and try to chip away at these towers try to get as much as they possibly can but cloud9 is hanging around and threatening in a gauge you notice how these three members from cloud9 are standing above the tower that is because if tl then step forward in auto attack range of the tower you are going to get flanked and that is what they're trying to threaten that is why they are trying to hold them back instead of just entering the lane but because our mail pushes in mid they've got to respond there and as a result you lose the bot lane tower alfari loses half hp as he harasses vulcan here a little bit but not too worried about that he can back up teleport back down to the fight if need be team liquid will use the last 45 seconds of their baron just trying to get a little bit of damage onto the tier three turret here teleport comes back out from alfari he's back in the mid lane he's ready to go c9 have managed to not lose any inhibitor turrets they've not lost anything of great value tier two turrets up against the baron push you practically expect to just lose some of those things so it's not a big deal here and honestly the baron being plus 2 000 gold not too bad for c9's point of view all things considered not too bad but is still a big step forward there for tl who had been trailing who had lost the soul that was their first major win it felt like really this game and that is big for them jensen is getting stronger and stronger you know the inevitability of this victor scaling is becoming a reality and he was monstrous in the previous game this series c9 trying to push al fari back the baron buff has finally expired so they defend the mid lane tier two it is 30 seconds on elder and that very well may be where this series could be decided i mean if you win that team fight stl you are potentially one team fight from being the mid-season showdown champions at this point oh the pressure is on for cloud9 they are currently behind in the state of the game although i you could argue that the mountain soul adds enough value to still keep them in the lead but man is this it's another one on a knife's edge gary it hasn't had the same amount of kills as the previous games it hasn't been high octane but it's still so incredibly close team liquid they've teleported jensen back out onto the map the elder drake is now live tl get a win in this game they win the series cloud nine get a win in this game they take us to game number five so much is on the line and it's all coming down here to the elder drake fighting the bottom side of the river alfari with a stride breaker tries to find a little bit of something won't find a whole lot just about ready to transform into the mega gnar here but perks gets away in time we'll see a little bit of damage coming out from jensen team liquid falling back out of the team tactical is asleep he's in trouble with the onslaught of shadows over the wall tactical is down cloud nine find the enemy 80 carry with core jj having a flash over the wall of fudge we're going to go after him but jensen takes him down jar mayo is in full retreat but zven has a killer instinct team liquid have lost two of their players their lady carrying their jungler they cannot contest this elder drake any longer yeah they're staying around but the health bars are too low they're still moving back here but perks is behind them and he does have an additional flash he's gonna look this is madness how far he forced to use the stopwatch here as he tries to go forward they're standing on top of the gravity well the jensen has created a little bit of a safe spot there jensen trying to move forward looking to contest this here one more time nice interrupt coming through shut down goes out cloud nine will take the drake they'll take the fight and they will eviscerate team liquid and it is perks with the sleep to decide the fight he caught tactical and tactical with cc'd 100 to zero from that point let's watch it one more time it's a bud light ace the sleep that sneaks through here over the wall from downtown now watch blabber into the fear knocks him back drago salty on top he did not get to touch his keyboard after that that was so well laird fudge with the follow-up after blabber after perks land the initial play that was a big play that is why this guy is such a big time player it's the moments like this that have defined perks's career where he can grab a game from the precipice of defeat and really turn it around such a huge play for cloud nine who is up against it here in this fourth game tl still will have opportunities to try to win this game but cloud9 has the elder for 120 the baron is active yeah which pretty much guarantees you're not gonna fight for that baron maybe you try to go for a one-way trip on a steal as our male but very likely teal will try to turtle it up hope that you can withstand the onslaught and live to fight another day and that's gonna be tough with both of those neutral buffs squarely in cloud nine's hand plus the mountain soul yeah if you try to go in that one-way trip as our mayo and you don't get the baron and they have a 5v4 for a minute with both buffs it's over you just lose off of that almost impossible steal so i respect them not going for it i think him going for it is a hard int yeah so now we have to see if they can successfully turtle if they can somehow defend and we saw cloud9 was set up for it vulcan and fudge were outside the pit to not give an opportunity to try to steal there and now it's about lost mitigation how much are you willing to give up here as tl you don't want a hard fight you don't want to fight into seoul elder and baron at the very least you have to wait out the elder which has 20 seconds cloud9 on the other hand are trying to force during this small window they have left 15 seconds on it i think they'll just be given the inhib but unlikely that they can get the fight they should be able to take two because remember they did open up the mid lane inhibitor as well so while the elder won't give them a team fight it will give them two inhibitors for free which brings us to that point that we've mentioned in previous games where now the defense becomes much more difficult because you have the free pressure in two waves they can now focus all their efforts onto that third lane and they've got two minutes on the bear buff this took them almost no time right because they already had the elder immediately the waves are in the right spot they're pushing in they're taking down the inhibs so they've actually got time to reset by get out on the map and still try to triple and hib with the same baron buff and look at the itemization here on everybody's been just about full build has the qss here in that final slot looking back at perks he's got the zonias he's got the void staff horizon focused too so when those hail mary paddle stars are coming in you better be saying your prayers this man could hunter to zero somebody very very effectively we've got what is that about a minute and a half left here on the baron buff and team liquid has to make their defense yep we're gonna see c9 getting those waves going in the right direction you see fudge goes mid lane helps to push that out helps to bring in the additional pressure because what they want to accomplish is supers funneling in mid and top tl forced to respond at the same time as the wave is crashing bot yeah it's got to be synced up exactly and then tl goes over to answer those waves and all of a sudden you have an undefended tower you have the third inhibitor going down you have that game potentially ending tl are trying to push out these waves and prevent that from happening i don't think it's going to be synced up on this wave but on the subsequent wave it may be as we can see supers and mid and top are on the march here and will be threatening nexus turrets in the next 20 30 seconds sleep only finds our mayo so not too worried about that one labyrinth scoring the wave in mid everybody else hanging out here in the bottom side core jj loses about a third of his hp not too happy about that one perks again going for the bubbles but not finding any hits this wave doesn't matter though here it is baby here's the pressure there goes the tier three turret in the bottom lane cloud nine this is gonna be the fight this is it it all comes down to this cloud niner hanging on right now let's see can alfari find the angle that he needs he's into the magnar he looks to make the play it's a big three-man swipe but it won't do much it won't do anything how far he's gonna be tanking up now into the back line tactical under pressure here yet again vulcan going after him looking to find the kill and he's got it tactical is down core jj is down cloud nine are marching at the nexus blabber leads the charge and the rest of his men fall in behind him ladies and gentlemen do you like league of legends cause we're going to game five i hear something in the distance flowers silver scrapes baby let's go game five cloud nine will make the series go the distance here in what was their most controlled most methodical game here they move away from some of the less atypical drafts they were going for they still had that cloud9 flare in the draft a little bit more of an index towards the hard engage the ap gragas they're going with the zoe instead of a more standard control mage here but it was still a powerful 5v5 they made it work here they stacked the dragons early and often and they controlled that space around neutral objectives so damn well yeah that tl often never even got a chance to actually contest for the smites it was more about what happened in the minutes leading up to the dragon instead of the dragon itself perks on the zoe providing the control with the bubbles that snipe onto tactical that set it up for them to win the fight there that critical moment and that is enabled by the rest of the team playing properly as a group as a unit to always guarantee that they're setting him up for success and that one was the most memorable but i want to say there was two to three sleeps that he actually had on tactical in the midst of his team that was deciding a lot of these fights and he talk about barrier of execution you talk about how it's more difficult to get something out of the zoe than a victor perhaps or the baseline expectation is lower for zoe but that being said when you go for that really high risk high reward style sky's the limit and you nail it sky's the limit i mean we saw it all come together with that one fight the sleep from like two screens away into the hecker malt the grag assault layered perfectly with it tactical hands off keyboard pal you're dead yeah you're not doing anything about that one i could have moved his character right there as much as i can there is no way to escape a situation like that cloud nine have taken the win and bring our series to silver scrapes man i can't stop smiling i love this so much we're heading into a short break but on the other side we'll have the state farm analyst desk breaking down the action
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 89,009
Rating: 4.7631578 out of 5
Keywords: mid season showdown, mid season, playoffs, round 2, r1, LoL, LCS, USA, 2021, League of Legends, epic, NA LCS, Season 11, S11, Spring, S11 LCS, LCS Spring, 11.5, lol esports, lolesports, lol esports vods, e-sports, league of legends, na lcs, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, lcs vods, lcs vod, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, tsm, lcs, c9, lcs 2021, 2021 lcs, C9 vs TL, TL vs C9, Team Liquid, Liquid, TL, Alphari, Armao, CoreJJ, Tactical, Jensen, Cloud 9, C9, Fudge, Blaber, Zven, Perkz, Vulcan
Id: RH7LddSMoAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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