C9 vs TL - Game 2 | Grand Finals LCS 2021 Mid-Season Showdown | Cloud 9 vs Team Liquid G2 full game

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dude you're coming through here for our mail and have it flipped on its head we'll see if he's able to create the same sort of advantages that blabber got in game number one of course have to consider the fact that blabber did have lane prio across the map they had those early pushing lanes and champions yeah blabber did a good job in game number one right he was playing a powerful early game jungler he got his team a very powerful early game lead but now you're udyr in a team fight you're a guy who runs up and punches people one time that's not as big of a deal as this horse breaking the enemy lines and just flying massive the cavalry you're just a dude in the turtle yeah it just don't work but the cavalry has been split up this time remember in game number one team liquid's first rotation was hecarim rel this time around with a hecarim picked away the junglers switch but the real priority remains and you can also see hovering the kaiser here they may want to break up that rel kaiser duo that is the classic duo bot lane of course you can put other pairings alongside it the xayah may be a run back there for tl i think it worked out pretty well there for a tactical but i think this is a good takeaway it denies the strongest diving marksman alongside rel who wants to facilitate those dives moriana also smart pick they're denying combinations for tl but they're not doing it at the expense of their own draft and that's something that i think sometimes teams lose sight of they're like oh crap we've got to take this away but it doesn't fit into their comp but you have hecarim kaiser can dive alongside hecarim yeah you have orianna to pop out as well pop the ball on his head hit the shock wave as the follow up kaiser comes in over top you take away a powerful combo from your opponents you build a powerful combo for yourself not much to dislike about that and we have the gnar picked up here as the final pick in the first half of the draft for team liquid remember this one was also banned away back in game number one had to be pushed to the side for the changes here in the second game which means he does make his way onto the rift and he will be piloted by alfari now looking at how the bands will shape up the teams have a little bit of differences here we've got a jungler an 80 carry and a mid laner versus a jungler of support in the top laners second half of the bands will look rather different alistar banned away by tl they don't want to allow vulcan back onto that one and we'll see that ziya banned out tactical did a great job in game number one being able to drop aggro position himself well and we know it was his performance in the final team fight that sealed the deal so i fully understand taking that off makes a lot of sense especially when you talked about what cloud9 want to do with their comp so far the first three looks like dive right and ziya is someone who can actually answer that silas was a key pick last time these guys played around and you're already seeing all right well shockwave hecarim all those are pretty strong if we're going to be drafting some other champions that have some powerful ultimates we do not want to give this over nar will be blind top tf comes through these were bands that cloud9 threw down in the first round last time so they are open team liquid will grab them immediately you know team liquid want to spread the map they're looking for one three one it's gonna be critical to see what the answer is and it is malphite so oh my god go go and when you see those two come through you're like yep better man silas get that out of there yeah i know mcconnell that would have been gg so they get him out of there isaac they have hecarim malphite and recon these are all three champions that when you see them on a team you're like all right just their presence alone means you have strong engage yeah but all three of them together good lord so this is very different strategies being brought to the table here team liquid they want to spread the map they don't want to see a 5v5 the whole game if they can help it right you spread the map you play tf towards the gnar you're gonna have prio up there you look to create advantages put the gnar ahead so malphite's locked under his turret losing plates then you rotate your bot lane up towards mid you get jensen out to a side lane later on in the game you play the one three one you utilize rel sivir as well as you deer as a solid three-man core for playing around mid strong with the wave clear so that they can't get siege on mid cloud nine on the other side it's gotta be about the engage right yeah they have gotta show up and find the way to go immediately because tl will be in a side lane knocking on your door taking down towers accumulating slow steady advantages so cloud9 i think it's important that they get control of the neutral objectives early because if you don't do that you can't force tl to come fight you at them later on you know if you lose those first two dragons to utier your soul is like 40 minutes who cares to ignore the dragon and split you out it doesn't matter at that point and i really do like the fact that team liquid in saving their marksman pick for the very last selection in the draft they got value out of that one criticism that i've had pretty heavily of almost every team in north america in the past is not getting good value out of that last pick on red side but then with the xayah band away they're still able to get the sivir it's great at the wave clear like you were talking about also with the inbuilt spell shield to try to avoid some of that engage i think this is a solid answer for what they're trying to play i agree and i'm gonna be curious to see what sort of build we get from the sivir is it gonna be tear start going towards lethality will it be more the on hit we already have the answer that is not the tier start it does not mean that he is not going to go towards that more lethality style build necessarily but i will be interested about that you know will this be the more standard on hit because lethality has been so popular these days one thing i also want to point out here nice and early differences in summoner spells zven does have the cleanse going up against core jj having to deal with the point and click stuns from both udyr and tf later on in the game too it just feels like a no-brainer you have to have cleanse in those sorts of situations it's teleports on all four of our solo laners here this time around the summoner spell book has flipped to the other side instead of perks having it this time around it will be jensen utilizing that jungle everything's pretty much normal so comment here for the malphite pretty standard start generally in this matchup in the 1v1 you're going to be putting a lot of points into q early to be able to try to poke away at the gnar and if gnar gets ahead your poke just starts to not matter at all right he starts to shrug it off your damage becomes pretty irrelevant at that point in the game you're just relegated to just trying to hold out under your tower i still think he's going to go towards you know a standard tank style build uh likely iceborn and be that real frontliner i don't think he's going to do anything wacky and commit to a full label right no ballistic missile no this is just purely for the lane phase to try to not allow you to get run over in those early levels yeah malphite still being a pretty classic champion all the way back in season one his his laning powders his trading patterns are pretty simple yup needs to get as much value out of that queue as possible because if that thing stops doing well he stops doing well core jj with a quick engage onto vulcan dropping the ignite two here in the bottom lane boomerang blade will not find the mark and if it did man vulcan would have been down to about 100 hp yeah that was a critical sidestep tl played their limits very well though you noticed tactical had four hits of the passive on himself from the kaiser steps back immediately doesn't allow that to be fully procked out because that last auto would have really swung it into the favor of cloud9 so knowing their limits there very smart stuff and let's see perks walking forward a little bit here throws down a ward which we'll see some of those just uh the corners of combat between ooh deer and a chicken here's the crispy bits yeah just a little just a little chicken leg man we don't even get the whole chicken just the legs there for a second with the seven herbs and spices on them but now let's see what we're going to get out of the junglers this time remember back in game number one we had ourselves a contest over the scuttle crab in both spots and in both places it was blabber walking away with it because of the fact that udyr is stronger in the 1v1 and he had the prio can team lick would be able to set up something similar for our mayo here in game number two probably not they're on opposite ends of the map my feeling is that with the narpro on top side that is the scuttle that armeo will get unless he wants to make a bold move towards the bot side c9 has been pushing heavily they have been really spending some mana here you know on the kaiser trying to shove it in that's to get hecarim access toward that bottom side scuttle and i think they have accomplished that so it should just be a one for one okay blabber jumps in he can immediately knock the shield off of that crab and you'll see our mayo grab the one in the top so there we go our mayo happy to at least grab one of those about 17 minutes faster than he was able to back in game number one so makes it feel a little bit i won't check the math on that but i'm gonna say you're right it's something around that neighborhood at least maybe i'm rounding maybe i'm rounding but it's not it's not an imperative detail anyway let's check back in on this top side with the gnar versus the malphite match up fudge is just sitting back farming how he can with the queues here he knows that alfari has the prio he knows the gnar bar is almost fully built up and he doesn't want to lose a lot of hp for nothing and sometimes one of the things people kind of question is well if you have a dominant match up why are you going towards the door and shield and that should just withstand the poke you go taste for blood you go grasp you grab the doran shield and all of a sudden this q poke with comment that is trying to hit this this critical mass where you're getting pushed back just doesn't matter right fudge is out of mana yes he has have some corrupting potion charges but al farri's still sitting pretty at full health blabber has wrapped around behind though and alfari is gonna be in many here they're gonna go okay blabber timing it perfectly coming in with a devastating charge and the flash will not matter for the second game in a row it's cloud nine getting first blood in the top lane nicely done the wave is also pushing towards fudge here vulcan will have to retreat out so that is pretty critical to keep him steady in that matchup you don't want to get him too far behind ramble early i love it you just go bramble you go tabbies you really stop caring about a lot what they're gonna do yep he may feel like he needs to go towards mercs just to answer the inevitable tf pressure you know a lot of the cca that you reference for the same reasons that we saw kaiser go towards clinton so there may be a mix up there but it is up towards this top side perfectly timed budge trading heavily you may question well when he's trading heavily is it obvious that the gank is coming but alfari felt because the wave was slow pushing to his opponent he couldn't just back off and let it freeze so he felt he could fight it out he felt he could escape knowing he had the flash he had the hop but miscalculation gets punished and blabber will do that to you and i love the fact blabber just pops the ghost as soon as he's up there he's not shy about committing resources to this because they know it was planned out properly he pops the ghost he runs past his opponent so he doesn't accidentally charge him the wrong way after the flash it was all thought out it was all successful and c9 love to see it now back here in the bottom lane looking at core jj looking at tactical both these guys were so important in game number one after we got to the team fight phase after we got past that sort of fight that changed the pacing of everything in the top lane right so many huge engages from core so much big damage coming out of tactical so these two guys gonna have to continue putting up those kind of numbers throughout the rest of this series jensen is now level six and remember for twisted fate that means we need to see big successful altis we need to see the side lanes being set up in a way that allows him to roam and make those plays elsewhere and that's where priority for perks becomes important right if you can get this orianna blue buff try to have them relentlessly shove in the tf then it becomes a lot harder to move make these plays they're going top side again no flash oh fudge has already started things off here with the ulti alfari tries to hop away but mid-air he just gets knocked down by blabber rejected there bob blabber he's wagging the finger saying no no no no no no no no no sir you cannot pass so takes him down nice kill there up on that top side park's now trying to clear this out trying to lock jensen in that mid lane wants to keep track of the tf again it's early pressure going in favor of blabbering this is really the blabber difference both games making it happen armeo getting something back on the other side though does take away the chickens is going to grab them that first dragon so that is something that i did talk about yeah early dragons being very important for tl because it buys them time to delay seoul to take that away as an early win condition for cloud9 who wants to group and force their opponents to group against them so also because of the conversation around what the soul was last time worth bringing up that first drake was an ocean next one's gonna be mountain so this game we can either have a cloud soul just like game number one or we could see that infernal soul and that thing can be super important for either side on cloud nine it makes your all in much deadlier and on the side of team liquid it makes it that much easier to clear out these waves play that split push game and generally just be more effective as individual compartmentalized champions absolutely i mean infernal is very very powerful i would also say cloud soul seems pretty high value for both sides when you're looking at the junglers hecarim udyr and also when you're looking at cloud9 side it's not the immediate teamfight power but their composition is built around ultimate so just even having the ultimate cdr the go buttons there to be that much stronger can be pretty dangerous i mean rakan gets insane value out of it hecarim does as well and even the kaisa being able to fly into the back line go into an upgraded e with the invisibility move speed on that plus the clouds positioned so well you can you can break people's ankles with those kind of players you fly into the back line they're all right he's right here going with the rel and he's already he's already in the fountain like he already crossed the path you got sonic here well team liquid is going after their second neutral objective of the game looking for that rift herald here you can see they even brought core jj up to deal with it tactical's just been told hey buddy sit tight farm up as good as you can don't bother rotating for this and tl will grab first riff tarot here they'll have the entire four minutes to still get plating value out of it remember when we saw cloud9 use the rift herald in game number one they successfully knocked off a couple of plates mid lane with the first one then they used the second herald to just knock down the rest of the mid lane turret almost 100 of that health bar was just rift heralds yeah so we'll see what tl can do with theirs here in gabe too looking to put vulcan back here there is no ulti on core dj of course yet so the threat of the engage is a lot lower you know you could interrupt him but he could always flash away so not a tremendous amount of danger there from vulcan he's fine you take the blast cone over the wall if they interrupt it grand entrance turns into a grand exit see you later not really too big of a problem but fudge will try to freeze the wave with the best of his ability up here does not want to allow this to get back to a neutral point yeah he has taken a lot of damage he's already three waves of farm behind his opponents so yeah alfari is forced to at least stop his back stick around long enough to make sure that this wave marches a bit further forward fudge down to about half hp our mail is up here how far with the flash away it'll turn into a 2v2 and as soon as they see our mayo they're like all right can't do it again yep our mayo gets spotted they back it up it is the ulti plus the ghost on the cloud9 side for the alfari flash i still say you're pretty happy about that because without the flash you can't gnar hop out of a malphite all it's just not gonna happen so now you become a lot more nervous you wait a minute the malphite ultimate comes back up and you know all right if i'm pushing i gotta be careful this is getting pretty risky so that will relieve a little bit of pressure up on the top side or mayo here on the side will push blabber out flabber with the devastating charge to escape away from the bear slap foot still just hanging around here a little bit do they want to drop the the rift arrow here i wonder look for jj running away from vulcan on the other side of the map yeah they'll take down the first plate they'll take down the second plate and then shelley picks up number three in number four that's 80 percent of a turret's health bar right there nice money picked up by team lincoln yeah because fudge had to go back to base and didn't have ultimate even if he stayed around with low mana not like you can really threaten anything there so i do think it's a smart play they want to get their split pushers ahead you can see though the cloud 9 is indexing heavily towards berkshire heads i believe i already saw three pairs of these a lot of you see boots being grabbed up there they are not looking to get locked down tl has a lot of easy point-and-click cc they know you're you can't dodge it all it's just impossible you're going to get hit it's already on the support it's already on the jungle as well as the mid lane people are such a fan of lucidity boots these days but you've got to make the pit stop against this kind of compass you got to respect what you're up against right you can't just go for the cookie cutter build all the time leave that for christmas with grandma get in there look at the situation you're actually in and have some some insight into what's got to be built i love the fact that we're seeing all those mercury treads here fudge rotating over to mid lane he will walk over a couple of different wards his ulti is just about up jensen's got to be careful here but the onslaught of shadows coming in jensen with the flash away and c9 picks up another summoner spell this is good stuff we'll see if they can actually punish both those flashes being down now for alfari as well as jensen blabber i believe got that there too yeah buddy they're playing so heavily around the ulti cooldowns you know i reference that as one of the powers of the composition when you're thinking about cloud dragons and their usefulness for the comp anytime you got malphite all anytime you got that hecarim malt you want to look to threaten plays you want to tax your opponent's resources keep them on the back foot and we'll see if c9 is going to make a move towards this next dragon because with multiple flashes missing on the soul lanes the engage from cloud9 becomes very difficult to avoid and they are gonna want to have some sort of tool to force tl to group to force the ld5e5 later on in the game and seoul i think is that so we'll see if they want to prioritize it okay alfari makes his way back to the lane now armeo also up here around the top side once again team liquid seem to have recognized that cloud9 knows how free of a kill it is if they go up there as soon as alfari turns back into nar you drop the malphite ulti you come in with the hecarim there's just no way for him to survive it so armeo seems to really be hovering this top lane pretty effectively now trying to stop those 2v1 plays back here in mid lane the farm's all equal it's nice and tied up everything's cool there but the big story that i'm looking at so far we're 13 minutes into the game i still really haven't seen a twisted fate play just yet which for cloud9 is great news exactly i mean perks has been putting on enough pressure they haven't felt that they have seen the windows in those side lanes to make something happen so you know if you're orianna and you're going to afk farm mid against the tf you're smiling that's a great position for you to be in cloud9 will make the move towards this they do have tp on malphite they have some altis available they know soul laners are missing flashes so i don't think tl will contest this one nope they're gonna be happy to have taken the first dragon and push back to seoul because we think about the first dragon for cloud9 last game that was pre-seven minutes they were threatening such an early four dragons this one here is taken at 13 minutes so it's been pushed back a lot and that's gonna buy time for tl to try to get things done in the side and man this game is shaping up to be another close one 22.3 to 22.1 thousand goals 13 minutes in drake's are all tied up cloud soul second game in a row you already talked a little bit earlier about the advantages of that we don't have to go over it again but it is worth pointing out just so we know what the teams are fighting for for these subsequent drake spawns turbo kim tanks completed for both junglers means that we do have a lot more play-making on the table it's our mayo back up here in the top side yet again how far with the mega nars slam into the wall twisted fate alt also been used here perks is the one who will now find himself as the target armeo with a bears slap immediately looking to find the damage on the cloud9 mid laner but with blabber entering into the fight it's our mayo who is now in trouble and forced to flash over the wall onslaught of shadows finds him and knocks him back and our mayo is shockwaved into the ground very well handled by cloud9 when i saw the tf ulti pop i immediately assumed it was going top for fudge and he would have to alt you out but he didn't panic he waited he saw where was going he held on to the alti which even though he wasn't involved in the udyr kill was actually critical because if he had used his ulti in retreat alfari and jensen could have committed to the fight and really turned that around with the threat of a flash malphite ultimate there and no flash on jensen he just had to retreat and it left our mail out to dry there it means he goes down it means cloud nine get this herald with their kaiser still farming bot by the way they didn't have to over commit to do it and this is big for cloud9 and not only do they kill our mayo off they get the flash in the same play he flashes and still dies and for a champion with no other gap closers that means so much the next four and a half minutes udyr loses that ability to really extend that play-making capability and start something off so nothing but good news here for nine during that sequence of events liquid goes right back into the farming here so it is not the iceborn it is double chem tank actually on the c9 side so they want to go this is yeah i think even on the malphite more commonly you do see the iceborn as long as you're talking about solo queue and stuff but i think it makes a lot of sense here you know he's saying who cares about the 1v1 i'm just going to be farming in my tower anyway if i can have that added bit of a gap closer maybe i can find altis without having my flash maybe i can threaten them a little bit more effectively and this is the same sort of a thought process that we saw at the end of last game when he switches over to browner's claw right he's not thinking what is objectively the best for me in all situations average together it's what does the best right here for you in this game and if the answer is kim tank fudge is building chemical makes a lot of sense i like to see intelligent itemization there also worth checking back in tactical is towards the gale force so this is on hit suspected as much when i saw that it was the lethal tempo right our male remember no flash they're going for armeo is the target and the target is found cloud9 take down the enemy jungler yet again committing quite a few altis to do it but they do take him down and alfari has moved down here as well not exactly sure why elfari is down here on this side of the map the dragon is not up so fudge will be able to push it out he's going to move back towards that top side so maybe felt that they had a group to even get vision to prepare for the potential next dragon but doesn't mean you should have a free push on top side about nine get another kill alfari still trying to threaten around mid okay alfari finding a little bit of damage onto blabber the gnar bar is charged but it's not really like there's an opportunity to go in with that one so he'll just have to walk it on back up to the top lane here you can see him just trying to get through the brush he finds fudge waiting on him but it's not just fudge it's fudge and perks and blabber and team liquid showing up for the backup though armeo running in there jensen makes his way into the play now as well underneath the enemy tier one turret his own excuse me fudge now caught out flashes over the wall but the gold card will follow wild cards comes after and team liquid is finally on the board cloud9 going way too far on that one alting under the tower when you have the tltf ulti available i don't think that they were ever gonna have enough damage to actually burst someone down their hope was that they would be able to catch out elfari kill him off instantly and then not really care about tf joining but because armeo was already up there i think you just got to make the call say all right it's not happening they anticipate it armeo is here with tf joining that makes it 3v3 and they have the tower that means it's not it's a no-go but they still went for it felt that their hand had been forced a little bit maybe they hadn't seen our mayo until let's see i guess they see him maybe like right now and they felt a little bit committed here when the tf comes in he sees the angle for the double ulti but is a good flash there from el fari has the reaction time to avoid that and there's no shock wave critically on perks which means they can't really threaten the turn here even with tl funneling through that corridor so it is tl down to the bot side starting this up no ulti on malphite he does have tp we'll see if cloud9 are even going to try to contest this it looks like they just want to trade mid for it but they are moving down now shelly has been summoned up in mid lane jensen rotating over to the drake now tp coming in for cloud9 and it's fudge with the alte on arrival armeo walks away with about 300 hp how far he's gonna be tanking him in the back trying to draw some aggro over to himself jumps over the wall gets away dragon resets but it's still cloud nine with five man control over the river and they will take that objective nicely done they push him back there they don't get any kills the malphite alt was on some tanky targets there or mayo gets low but he does retreat critically though cloud nine they get the retail charge mid they get the dragon for themselves jensen up to the top side getting these lanes moving in the right direction here for tl he's got a lot of farm to his name here plus the tf passive means he's going to be out to a very quick two items here pretty shortly for jensen you can see gold leader in the game currently yeah almost there gold tf passive and he's had he's got that ever frost done and this item is incredibly strong on a ton of champions but especially for a champion that already has a point-and-click cc you're pretty much guaranteeing yourself three to four seconds of chain cc with noah nobody else helping you absolutely and when you also look at what what does cloud9 want to do they want to run at you which naturally forces people to group up when you have hecarim malphite as well as rakan all flying in towards you if you can get an ever frost root there to potentially protect tactical from or a con flying in that can be game-changing and i think it's an intelligent build also with the sheen pickup looks like he's probably going towards the more aggressive build of that lich bane second instead of the rapid fire second we'll see if he wants to go towards rapid fire next or if he'll go towards more of that kind of battle style and complete and stopwatch into his zonias uh that is a bill that i know hai is much more of a fan of yeah he prefers the additional ap threat yeah the rapid fire is great for play making and setup but considering the actual stats of the item are very much not that great for ap fate's role that he wants to play you've got chords aj you don't need to engage you got core jj himself item completed for the second time over here for tactical essence reaver online man okay so the sivir up to the two item power spike and zven not to be left behind we'll complete his second one here with collector just now being completed as tactical is passed off the red buff we are 21 minutes into the game with a 1 000 gold lead for the side of tl despite being down and kills their lead in turrets and they're good farming look at the farm state everywhere here you can see it's pretty even in bottom pretty even in mid there's a bit of an advantage for blabber in the jungle but the top side that almost 30 farm advantage for the side of team liquid and for alfari specifically comboed with twisted fate's passive just means a lot more money and look at the setup now this is what i was talking about in draft what tl wants to get towards and they have arrived there sivir in the mid you can have core jj as well as rma out moving around but largely trying to protect the sivir your solos go out to the side lanes and you try to force c9 to answer with bad matchups you try to have the malphite who has this chem tank who's all about the engages not about the 1v1 to answer the gnar to get whittled down and you have with that essence reaver essentially infinite wave clear on the zipper if you don't have a bearing buff or something you shred the waves you will never run out of mana you see you didn't have to have to use the q to instantly kill off that one yeah it's just ricochet over and over and over coming in a tp showing up here comes the twisted fate ulti team liquids looking to collapse and here they go the target will be perks the chain cc comes down welcome to the league of ever frost alfari grabs the first kill tactical takes the second well they want 22 minutes into the game team liquid dares cloud9 to challenge them at baron they peel them apart they made them answer the side lane they get a tp coming in the tf coming in and now it's up to blabber to try to make some magic happen here we go c9 they've got the lt ready for blabber they know that they can try to flip this 50 50 is what it could be how far he goes over the wall with omega normal they got him locked down blabbers almost dead but almost will not happen just yet jensen getting himself alive armeo's still in the bear and fudge is about to die and tactical ends up getting the kill the baron has taken low the bear and has taken down team liquid taking control of this game forget 50 50 how about hundred zero tl take the turn they keep the udyr on the baron so it does not reset because they had the man advantage they're able to do this look at this alfari over the wall catches them both core jj with the follow up sven hit with the ever frost lockdown has to flash out so even though fudge finds a nice alti onto jensen sven's already out of there he could not get in to try to finish off that kill and it looks like the red buff from tactical getting it for him tl with the first major strike the first major advantage in this game too it was set up so damn well into the one three one spread the map have a deep tp ward catch out perks with both the tf ulti and the tp from alfari the engage catching out vulcan the immediate force onto baron the turn off baron to get the kill it's like you're doing it all this is just textbook league of legends beautiful play from tl plus cloud9's composition we've already talked about it so much this is a wombo combo team fight and when you lose the logo out of the combo what are you gonna do vulcan now might be in a position where he's caught out but they're putting the focus on to sven instead the man's already down kill over to our mayo as c9 jumps in and looks to reverse things now perks gonna be in a really bad spot tactical takes him out armeo continuing the chase and blabber has to run they'll look to try to find just a little bit more lockdown they don't have to look very hard they've already got three kills for only the one how far he's looking to say let's make it four it's team liquid after all here we go fudge is not long for this world and tl is loving that team fight they are so far ahead 5 000 gold lead no sign of soul here forcing nine whatsoever with the baron boss still having a minute on it they're gonna pick up even more towers they're gonna get bought they're gonna get mid if not a second mid tower and tl have everything they need to run away with this game you've already got side lane advantage the item completions are going to come through to the point where you're just monstrously ahead they are having no hesitation at all armeo flying in tf faulty coming across core jj overlapping across the top with the alti finding the rest of them tactical as well as elfari sectioning off perks who was trying to run over there get back to his team cloud9 is getting peeled apart you know if i told you one team was about to go 2-0 ahead that they were looking like they might be running the way with the series he said yeah cloud nine of course they are the favorite team they're going to be the ones running on the day they're the ones going up against a team that has a substitute jungler but it is tl crushing in game two and poised to put this series to match points and if i had to give a name to this series so far i would call it team liquid and the 20-minute top lane team fight because both games around 20 minutes they found the play that they needed in the top lane that put them into a spot where they could then command the pace of the game thereafter let's see what jensen can get done here now he's in the enemy jungle bouncing back and forth between a couple of lanes and this is where that multi-prong pressure the tl drafted really comes into play because these guys can threaten so many different sites at once you've got the gnar you've got the udyr tactical can shove waves up so incredibly quickly he's running away from fudge and remember fudge can't just alt that sivir spell shields the ulti and runs away so fudge was trying to get in range to cue him but just couldn't be done couldn't quite close the gap there team lick was able to run for now core jj in a really bad spot flashing away trying to stay alive he pops his ulti defensively he's trying to buy as much time as he can the rest of the team will not arrive and cloud nine gets themselves a kill they do get a kill but what can you get after it there's nothing on the map and you know that previous tf faulty it may look a little bit strange we'll see his tactical has to retreat here oh he don't got to retreat much further blabber taking a whole lot of damage why retreat when you can go forward cloud nine that trademark aggression in the enemy base they got a tier two tower and they're dying at the inhib here alfari cut the wave though so c9 will have to back it up but a couple big kills for them they pick up three they close the gold gap a little bit and now they're looking for alfari here perks is behind him how far he's ready to transform the shock wave keeps him locked down but he jumps away in time now he's got to get all the way out the continued cc the continued lockdown cloud9 has turned this game around beautifully from the state that it was in it's the killer instinct it's the never say die attitude they will keep going at you from behind from ahead cloud9 will look for game-winning plays let's watch it one more time blabber going in on tactical forces back to gale force and then this is the cc layering on top of him gold card into the error they say well you're you're by yourself we can all go over the wall they all just pile in here perks even keeping elfari out as he was the only one who can't just go over the wall with the rest of the squad they get a couple kills they corral alfari as perks stayed around from a clever angle there they get another kill and another lease on life here they're gonna have to be able to be proactive their opportunities to engage will be slim in this game tl will spread you apart they will look to engage on people who are separated who are answering those waves so when c9 sees an opening you gotta go you may not get another chance if you delay there you have the engage options but the opportunities are not gonna be common and cloud9 is such a fun team to watch on a composition like this because of that killer instinct because of the fact that if you give them even the slightest opening even if it's not even an opening that's a sure thing they're gonna try dude yeah this is not a team that sits back and waits to lose or waits to have maybe the sure thing happen it's always just been sort of iconic of how they play and now they're sitting in an alright spot yes they're still down 3000 gold the drakes are only even but with a comp like this versus a comp like team liquids it just takes one fight where all those ultis hit and all of a sudden it's all gravy absolutely i mean if you can get a kill erase one of these members off the map immediately it becomes really tough and tl is respecting that jensen has been in that brush for so long he didn't even step out with the cannon dying in his face and that takes some mental that is true discipline i'm dying for that cannon if it's me but not jensen he stays in the brush he's waiting for people to show because everyone's missing on the map from cloud9 and now cloud9 he is looking for an engage here blabber goes in but he only finds the ulti onto our mail but he still gets the flash and look at the side lanes tl pushing so cloud9 tries to group tries to force aren't able to get a kill now the side lanes back off as the three-man squad has been pushed and is this push and pull that tl will try to navigate where you move forward as soon as you see someone else around the map all right push in try to threaten towers try to threaten objectives and that is what they're going to be looking for here and the three-man squad has to be diligent because if cloud9 goes missing in groups and your three-man squad gets engaged on and dies well your split push is out the window now your solos have got to group and try to defend and that's not a position they want to be in okay cloud nine let's see if they want to try to contest this fifth drake of the game which will be the third one here for tl you already talked again about how valuable that cloud soul could be for either side now it's team liquid we're on soul point so c9 will need to come and try to contest that next one fortunately for them their composition does do very well in those sorts of close quarters fights in the dragon in the river but tl looking really strong here still tactical going for the lord dominic's i love the fact that he's done this he knows that it's always fudge and blabber that'll be jumping on him he must be hitting tanks so go for the item that helps you kill the tank absolutely makes a lot of sense there uh has the mobility from the gale force which i think is kind of a requirement for sivir in these cases you want to be able to use that to reposition hopefully dodge some of the cc the question to me is does cloud9 just say all right it's time for baron and start it up because at a certain point you can't just keep waiting right you can't just allow alfari and jensen to create these small advantages in the sideline over and over and over and over and because they don't see anyone notice what el fary's doing he's actually hiding in the bot lane brush starting his recall over and over waiting and waiting and waiting waiting once they start seeing some people on the other side and malphite is answered it's cloud9 now starting it up here and we'll see does tl answer the call well the phone is ringing and it looks like tl's ready to go here fudge will find alfari down there in the bottom side of the jungle level 16 versus level 15 both top laners having their tp's ready to go to join up perks is in mid lane seemingly by himself but vulcan's right now to him so if they try to make some sort of a move there cloud9 is ready for the counter attack and we're stuck at this stalemate isaac they just clear the waves for now they back off neither team wants to be the one that overextends and makes that critical mistake that gets punished exactly and tl wants to be the one more so that is in a state of inaction if nothing's happening you're creating these small advantages in side lanes you're extending your advantage over time generally as the split push comp so c9 have got to threaten things like this to say hey we're going to take baron come over here look over here we're gonna go to dragon oh i promise we'll do it slight of hand they're they're trying to get a tpl or an altio or something or someone to over check that they can engage on and punish and that is gonna be the push and pull here and four cloud9 it's gonna be so critical that when they decide to go they have gotta execute because if you decide we're gonna engage or we're gonna commit to the baron and it goes bad well you lose control over everything both 80 carries just completed their infinity edges as well so team fight power is at an all-time high both mid laners have the zhonya's hourglass to drop aggro if they get caught out jensen you can see the zeal in inventory that can mean only one thing going for that rapid fire cannon now as his fourth major item wants to have that extra play making him pick potential they know that cloud9 is trying to avoid the disasters like what happened earlier that gave team liquid that first baron we have two minutes until the dragon spawns here remember that will be sold for team liquid if they claim it cloud9 continues to maintain control over the middle of the map though and i love how we're just watching these teams back and forth with control over the baron pit kill your reward place mine okay starting now we move in and switch it again and it's cloudy that's what they want the baron up 6 000 hp left for the bearing cloud nine looking to burn it taking a very low can they actually get it down in time no team liquids able to make their way in tactical's already down cloud nine big fight double kill over the perks looking for even more team liquid joins the party only to be massacred it's the red wedding and cloud9 have room for every guest cloud nine it's such a big play for them they set up the bear and they've been denying vision for time and time again here and they commit to it they got the ie on zven they have four items on perks they say we can burn this down it's a true threat now and with alfari down to that bottom side they get the tp out they get the tf ulti out but look where they're separated alfari is not here yet so they engage to the other side of the fight zen kites down away from the gnar which was so incredibly intelligent using the maximum range horizonte away from the gnar not allowing the meganard to land on the critical targets and then the smooth reengage there from vulcan they have so much cc so much power if you can find these fights tactical got caught he knows it those deaths hurts so much as the pro player when you die with flash when you die with gale force he is kicking himself and saying if only i reacted if only i positioned that little bit better that would have been a different fight and you can see it on the damaged charts yes sir tactical did less damage than rakan that's not a good sign for winning those fights here when alfari is the most contributing member to the damaged charts on team liquid cloud nine now have the game back in their control and it's cloud nine pushing down the bottom lane this is the kind of a squad that just goes for the throat right here why not you can't split against this it's a five man with the most insane engage ever they're gonna push you back off your tower and that tower's just gone they had to back up as soon as they land the slow on the tactical and blabber is threatening with that devastating charge there is no choice but to retreat first inhibitor already down still 90 seconds left to go here on the baron the drake is also alive c9 can stop off and take that if they want to yeah and it looks like that might be the play here or they could rotate over oh they're going to try to cut off alfari it's a teepee behind him game-winning move immediate malphite ulti baby look at that ben takes the kill c9 5v4 fudge as well as ben there what a teleport brilliant play corralling him up to the top side of the map they had the pre-planned ward they get behind him this is mid and hip gone how far will cloud9 push do they want to try to go for the end they don't have malphite all but they do have shock wave they do over con and hecarim multis and they've got a team fight comp let's see what they can do with it fudge eating a lot of damage shockwave forces out of zhonya's but won't find any other success blabbers got a retreat now too both nexus turrets still online although that first one is just about dead you've still got zven with plenty of hp the kaiser is such a good here jensen with the gold card locked in that's gonna fade away here in just a moment cloud nine remember in game one they overstayed looking for a nexus that they shouldn't have they will not commit the same sin twice they back away and they'll take the drake they know if they fail to end there you lose soul so they're gonna back it up they're gonna grab dragon this tp that is high iq league of legends that is recognizing multiple steps ahead where would elfari go to escape from this play where is he now his exit is up towards the top side of the map i'm gonna get behind him zven will join with the alti that is smart stuff from the youngest player in the lcs here he is playing against alfari who is just an absolute monster i've got to say i'm impressed he's only 30 cs down you know i wouldn't be surprised in this kind of game where there's the push and pull you're forced to group as the malphite to see an enormous cs advantage but he has stayed relevant he has found the opportunities when they present themselves and we are still in such a tight game both teams again at seoul point it's flash back to last game and it's gonna be who can land the smite who can have the play because cloud nine have a nasty turn at that dragon if tl show up to fight so we'll see if they're even willing to look to try to contest it okay we've got perks with the teleport into the top lane making sure he's able to group up with the rest of the opening hips team yeah team liquid has a really difficult spot they have to play from right now two inhibitors already down constant pressure in both of those lanes and c9 is now grouped up ready to apply similar pressure to the last remaining inhibitor standing i mean you remember what they did at the bot lane they popped the ghost they moved forward they said hey we're gonna dive we're gonna dive you back it up back it up if you do that you can just take the tower but it's a tv flank here from elfari this could be the game right now cloud nine's gonna play this right how far with the mega gnar three people slammed up into the wall alfari backing away now cloud nine hasn't lost a single person shocked waves not gonna find much of anything cloud9 taken very low fudge is already dead tactical goes forward with the gale force he wants the second kill here on the blabber c nine they take down the enemy jungler but they lose theirs and top lane two park could not connect on the shock wave there was good spacing from team liquid the presence of mine to track it and they didn't land the cc to set him up with that whiffing tl knows they can pile in and it nets them the extra kill but zven did such a good job there we'll see this in the honda performance play one more time threatening the dive with the tail seconds of the meganard here alfari gets in lands the magnar alti here is the shockwave coming up just goes over top of it our mayo sidesteps it tactical backs up that is such good tracking in a team fight when there is so much pressure in a finals like this to be keeping your eye on all the correct things avoiding that shock wave beautifully done by tl if that lands on critical members i mean if that's tactical caught by the ball and dead that's cg so that's huge for them and now it's going to be about baron set up again 15 seconds on that opening hip still there one low nexus towers all that stands between cloud9 and the game only fudge has tp though remember perks used his to get into the top lane before that fight so it's not like cloud9 can make some sort of a crazy backdoor play there's no wards for that either c9 and start up the baron only as two you have so much damage from vince kaiser look at how fast this is dropping as a two man this is going to be removed from this rift so rapidly fudge getting caught out gargoyle's stone plate will buy him a little bit of extra time the baron has already been taken core jj goes down fudge goes in and tactical is about to drop the shock wave finds its way onto our mayo perks has already got like another shutdown coming through for zven and cloud9 find everything they came for alfari and jensen must run it is a 5v2 here on the map make it a 5v1 alfari the last to die sven is unstoppable and cloud9 answers in game two they've got it budgets right at the top side they got the bear minions one tower between them and victory cloud nine make it happen jensen cannot hold the line here there is only so much twisted fate can accomplish on his own another close game a banger of a series so far and cloud9 tie it up what far can you ask for two back-to-back games so tightly contested different play styles being demonstrated different drafts being demonstrated team liquid in this game they go to the picks that were banned from them in game number one and they created strong advantages but c9 constantly threatened the baron they constantly controlled vision around the baron and they forced tl to take fights that they were not equipped to take and i think that was so impressive without that really strong layering of vision control tl would have just split you out but because tl never had eyes on cloud nine you could see that the side lanes were hesitant to push forward the three-man squad was hesitant to check baron and they didn't get to progress the game state at the rate that they would have liked to do and that to me is something that can look like hesitation can look like a misplay but honestly that is damn good vision control from cloud9 to not be getting spotted to know where the wards are and to dominate division war where they needed to do it and both of these games so far have showcased how these teams have played well to their strengths and then even to the team that loses right team liquid had a commanding spot for a while there they got that baron around the minute mark they won the team fight in the top side and then cloud9 was able to come back better first game hey man cloud9 with a 4 000 gold lead then team liquid comes back man i'm just so happy we're back in the studio i can see my boy he's over there we're casting some league of legends you know it it's all tied up it's a banger let's go oh this could not be going better for us here we got a tied up series as cloud 9 rises to the occasion and now we've got that series and so much more ready to play we'll be breaking it all down with a state farm analyst desk right after this
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 123,178
Rating: 4.8419752 out of 5
Keywords: mid season showdown, mid season, playoffs, round 2, r1, LoL, LCS, USA, 2021, League of Legends, epic, NA LCS, Season 11, S11, Spring, S11 LCS, LCS Spring, 11.5, lol esports, lolesports, lol esports vods, e-sports, league of legends, na lcs, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, lcs vods, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, na lcs vods, tsm, lcs, c9, lcs 2021, 2021 lcs, C9 vs TL, TL vs C9, Team Liquid, Liquid, TL, Alphari, Armao, CoreJJ, Tactical, Jensen, Cloud 9, C9, Fudge, Blaber, Zven, Perkz, Vulcan
Id: l1NP1WDcac0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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