C9 vs TL | Game 5 | Mid-Season Showdown Grand Finals | LCS Spring Split | Cloud9 vs. Team Liquid

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welcome back everyone our grand finals have brought us here to game number five in this series the first game five we have had this mid-season showdown in its entirety and nothing could make this more hype saving the best for last as always cloud9 versus tl has been absolutely delivering again the name of the game has been adaptation adaptation adaptation throughout this series it has been about anticipating and responding to your opponent's changes in draft and both teams have been doing it we have not been having just a straight run back of the same comps time and time again i'm again excited to see what will tl change if anything to respond to the different look cloud9 brought in cloud9 moved more towards a standard team fight style they had a splash of their own style with it with the ap gragas more about the engage more about the execution bringing in the zoe in lieu of something like the azir do they move towards that again and does tl change anything up to respond to it and all these adaptations are one of the reasons why i think every single game has been close yeah game four was slower than all the other ones significantly for the first 20 minutes but it was still just as close for so long and that's what's made this series so fun now once again we're going to see the nidalee and the lilia band away because they're expecting perks to potentially play a marksman or some physical damage and then we've got orianna thresh gangplank and seraphine also all taken off the table both of the junglers are still available which means it's time for hecarim and new year yep it does feel like it very well could be the same first three that we saw last time just reversed we could get udyr plus rel right now could be a kaiser takeaway for tl wouldn't be surprised about that wouldn't be surprised about c9 going to zaya i want to see if there's going to be a wrinkle there though cloud9 would be a team that perhaps mix it up more on red side which as you said i was talking about the last time we saw this in draft the double ap jungler band here from tl denies a lot of the premier counter picks which are physical damage champions because you want to have an ap pairing alongside them yeah and these are really the only ap junglers that people are playing these days so will be you dear and will it be rel that is my expectation cloud will want to take as much time as possible to think this through if they go tristana this could be trist mid this does give over though kaiser rel very likely to tl which you're already thinking oh my god that is a good five e5 i don't even care what the other two is you just need these three and you've got a good fight that is a good 3v5 azalea and i don't normally say that yeah the legend so there it is i think it's alistar now i think you want the good answer to rel i think that you want the ability for vulcan to engage it's one of his premier champions yeah so no matter where you're putting the tryst i think the alistar makes sense here and i really do not believe they will get it if it goes to the next round so all six picks making a lot of sense to me here now it becomes about targeting where you think your opponents are gonna go solo lane baby or if you think if you think you're gonna double band perks well maybe he's playing trist right so that is the change there gnar makes a lot of sense as a band gp's already off the table if you want to attack jensen if you're worried about split push this could be a next tf ban for cloud nine uh tl has gone towards things like ryze as their bands in the second phase right xayah being taken away as an answer to the kaiser ral assuming that tristana would go mid also does make sense here so we'll see if it's going to be the tf band or if they want to go towards you know maybe the victor take that off the table because jensen has had some strong games on it instead it will be the camille very interesting they're thinking that tl will mix things up we haven't seen el fari going towards the more pure split push style uh besides that rail which is more kind of like halfway you know it's not about the full committal to that that lane counter that split push this also tells me fourth pick is fudge so tl will ban here they'll likely pick for fudge they're banning out camille as well as an r because they are concerned about about a blind pick here you know getting punished with karma being taken away i think cyan makes a tremendous amount of sense then it's up to alfari to show us how he's going to get an edge yeah you you could if you want to look for a lane counter you know move towards things uh like even the mordekaiser but that's pretty far out of the meta you could go versus tank here uh malphite i think would be fine you know even things like cho'gath i think actually match up fairly well if you want to go that direction allows you to kill off the front line i think cho'gath is a fantastic pick here you can really burst through some of these ultra tanky front liners with the feast with the true damage that's also an absolute alistar gets stuck yep there's no way despite the fact that alistar has an incredibly tanky ultimate remember it's damage reduction true damage goes through it pure and simple and that will be an answer there as we get to see jensen on victor one more time yep the victor here for jensen this would be such a an interesting pick if we're gonna get it i don't think so though silas look at the ultimates you can steal here you talk about cho'gath having that alti how about silas the ap silas here stealing this one away it's not malphite but damn it is really really strong here victor alti is okay the rel is pretty powerful the hecarim is very powerful as engaged tools but the priority one is going to be the cho'gath that is a game changer tactical we'll be playing the kaiser here it will be the tristana four's been that is going to be sent down to the bottom lane both teams very powerful 5v5s again there is that slight wrinkle that says yeah this is the 9 draft and i think in this case it is the silas it is the one where you have to get in there you have to be risking your body in these fights you cannot sit back and just farm it out and what a beautiful sight the stage looks great the games have been even more beautiful it has been such a fun day here and i am excited to see these two drafts going into game five and these two teams battling it out for the mid-season showdown championship and the chance to represent north america at msi i don't even care if it's the best game of the day i just want it to be as good as the four we've seen so far they've all been so high quality in terms of not knowing who is going to win in terms of it coming down to the wire balance on a knife's edge back and forth and back and forth let the series end with the same chaos and fire that the thing has been forged in i'm all about it man let's get it this is gonna be such an exciting game here and the drafting has has really been interesting you know tl is the more predictable side as far as the draft go you know i go into it i feel like all right i have a good idea what they're going to pick i can probably predict down the line what they're going to do but they have drafted themselves something that is pretty rock solid you can't really look at this and say oh well why did you go for that what about x what about why exactly you maybe knew what they were going to do even the cho'gath was something that i could see coming but it's a strong answer it fits well with the composition it is cohesive and that is the tl signature style five champions working well together to further their goal of having a powerful team played in and i think this is going to be so interesting you know if the silas can be effective this is absolutely a game where perks can have those pop-off moments because they're a great altis to steal yeah this is a this is a game where either one of the mid laners who i think have both had very very impressive series so far can really be the difference maker in this fifth and final game whether it's perks stealing the right ultimate at the right moment knowing exactly the proper windows to go in there is that melee champion like you were talking about or whether we get jensen having another massive performance on the victor being the control mage that can set the pace of the team fights they both have that power they absolutely do and i would say there is higher risk for the silas he has to make sure that he's not falling too far behind victor has an easier time contributing to fights from a disadvantageous position yeah silas you got to throw yourself in there it's like the ap gragas you are getting in there that's the only way you are contributing to this game and as a result if you get pushed down in that early stage that can be a concern so i'll be interested to see if our mayo is going to pay additional attention towards that mid lane try to punish perks try to attack him because they do have the ability to maybe get in behind this melee champion as he's pushing and try to punish him with that ghost deck room okay there was a slight pause there at the start but we are ready to go now grasp the undying for both of our top laners phase rush for both of our junglers mid lane starts to break up the tie of the keystones here with a phase rush for jensen and a conqueror for perks and then down there in the bottom lane halo blades do want to point out core jj with the exhaust this is almost a must take against tristana just because of the way when she goes for the kill she must jump in yeah get the reset make sure that she's just right on top of you hitting that damage exhaust goes a long way it really does and also the added wrinkle here of knowing that even if tris doesn't jump into 5v5 silas will be there yeah and you will get value out of an exhaust on a silas so it's gonna be a really powerful summer i always see exhaust as much more indexing towards the late game and that is something that you have to keep in mind you're not up against the ignite but this is really interesting cloud nine have not been going for level ones at all and they are three men top they are walking this in is this a lane swap good lord man i think we're lane swapping against the cho'gath that is a bad matchup for sion but i cannot say i expected this cho'gath if he cannot get access to the wave cannot sustain that is how he functions and they're gonna show up behind him and he is level one oh alfari this is not where you wanna be what this is is is five games in a row ignite's been dropped vulcan's on the chase vulcan with a flash vulcan with a pull over eyes how far he knows that even if he flashes it does not matter five games in a row it is cloud nine with a top playing i have got to talk about this scion start he started ruby crystal so he could have the execute without the door and shield and start his own side they're going into a split map situation but they took three quadrants this is the most 500 iq level one i have ever seen invade taken away first blood the cho'gath your zombie scion is lane swapping takes away two camps from that side blabber retreats to the top side all those camps are still there that is such a big deal even his wolves are still up and look at what top play looks like now alfari has to flash here in the 1v2 and here's the thing that makes this the most impressive to me remember that it was cloud nine who was down two to one they didn't deploy this against match point in game four and and it's situational right it had to fit and it works it because it is against the cho'gath and if you want to try to punish the scion you go by you say all right let's dive a sign he goes zombie for me picks up the cs he tp's back cho'gath can be punished in a way that sion cannot and fudge he'll just continue he'll take whatever he can get down here he's not too worried about it here's a look back at what fudge did i love this camps at once i cannot overstate how how cool this is this is game five of the finals this is not your solo queue game testing out a new strategy cloud nine just lane swapped on finals match point against tl coordinating that with a level one saw and execute to take three full quadrants of the map in the jungle create massive jungle advantage first flood for the tristana avoid a scion bad match up here like this is just insane and now things are even more interesting core jj is landing with alfari and it's tactical who's been left solo against the scion in the bottom lane meanwhile both junglers are in the cloud nine blue side jungle as our mayo stole away a couple of camps he's still only one camp behind his opponent and blabber but blabber's level four against level three he's also oodier against blabber with the flash trying to watch down perks comes over the ball he goes for the e he goes for the damage he goes all the way and cloud9 have a 2-0 game it is cloud 9 signature style never afraid of the what-ifs never afraid of what happens if it goes wrong here they will test you at every turn this start is magnificent and now they're behind jensen oh jensen you got to be careful about this one buddy lavers got this done they're chaining the cc together yes jensen's gravity well will keep him protected long enough for our mayo to show up perks now the target but team liquid no they don't have the health to continue the fight they back away i mean that was a high risk roam from parks you can see the cs disadvantage but because they committed to it because they saw the angle they executed on it they make it happen here i mean look at this commitment you know he has no flash you flash stun him just to delay him so perks can e flash over the wall nail the stun that is confidence that is a winner's mindset he is not even considering what happens if that goes bad like how catastrophic is that play if you flash over the wall and you missed your chain you down two waves mid you spent two flashes you don't even make it happen they know in their head that is gonna work and to me that is that winners mindset and such a cool start here but tl credit to them core jj moved up to the top side mitigated loss got alfari to a point where he has farmed and you know i've been gushing about the cloud9 star because i'm not gonna lie that is exciting stuff but tl have held on here they are down over a thousand gold it is an early disadvantage but this is not game ending damage they have incredible scaling as well yes cloud9 does too but it will be decided later than just the first five minutes it's just really giving cloud9 an early lead that they can try to work with here to now take a dragon to move around the map and they're just doing this expertly things are back to normal now right six minutes into the game the top laners have returned to top lane the bottom laners have returned to the bottom lane supports are back with 80 carries so things are as expected but it has led to a good lane state a good game state overall for the side of cloud nine turks coming up into the top side level six and level six versus four and five i'm gonna tell you right now who wins that one and his name is perks nicely done roam down to the bottom side kill him there roam to the top side kill him there yes the lane state is back to this normal spot where you would expect it bot laners against bot later top laners against top laners but you skipped this brutal early laning where cho'gath just presses e and kind of walks at you poking you away through the minions procking grasps where cyan is gonna really struggle and now it's a tp flank they're they're just not gonna stop perks is going for mid jensen still has his flash remember that he might be able to escape with that and he will but it does get that summoner spell i mean this man is everywhere he is trying to make an impact here across the map down a bot get a kill up the top get a kill tp behind mid not just to your tower let's get a flash so here we go one more time remember silas can steal your off even if you don't have access to it right these are not level six champions there alfari is not level six on the cho'gath so he doesn't have kill pressure on fudge fudge can just tank that up by time for his mid laner to get in behind him comes in with that grim alt gets the kill just beautiful stuff as a jungler that can be so frustrating when silas has your alt and you can't he's not even stealing the ulti at that point he's stealing the idea of your ulti but seat but perkz's idea was to slam this game number five here so far one and a half thousand gold lead for cloud nine first drake for cloud nine now first rift herald again being started up by cloud nine they are first to the scene every single time absolutely it has cost them some farm right when you look towards mid lane yes parks has been everywhere but he's down 20 cs they want to punish jensen though knowing he has no flash they're looking to get more out of it if you can kill jensen and he has no tp you can equalize on farm and then it's all good things for cloud nine but jensen reading the move from the alistar playing it safe playing it smart he is trying to be that insurance policy here for tl just saying all right it's cool i'm up farm we're scaling let's calm it down we have a strong comp we can do this our mayo in the bottom lane still no level six devastating charge comes out but sven's flash and his ulti make sure he stays safe yeah and you gotta flash that because if you rocket jump he'll actually just knock you out of the air and push you back and then your flash will not create enough space that it's really going to do anything for you so the early flash pretty much required at that point another thing we can talk about is when you have these stylus versus cho'gath games at a certain point you could actually just send the stylus out to the sideline against cho'gath start stealing the cho'gath ultimate on cooldown and feasting minions and you actually get that bonus health that just stays with you the stacks are maintained which can make you even tankier in those team fights gives you that bonus health to be able to get in there scrap it up and not get burst down stacks are just a buff that happens to not have an expiration timer exactly and now team liquid we'll see if they can stabilize things a little bit here the rift herald has been summoned up in um flabber what in the hell was that from a unique angle yeah i'm gonna take that as a thought it was a sweeper type of angle normally shelley doesn't get summoned up right here but here she goes looks like it'll be a two-plate charge okay money in perch's pocket money in blabber's pocket and everybody's feeling all right yeah i'm not sure what the expiration on it was looking like if that was like oops it's about to expire let's get it down or i think i could have got it that quick yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't have thought so so uh just decides to drop it down does get the plates and honestly that's kind of the expected value when you look at the course of the series it really hasn't been getting towers has been used to pressure these control mages out of their kind of safety zone uh take away that tier one or at least chip it down so they can get back to that retail the second time around they can knock out that tower make it more difficult for jensen who has been playing really well around the threat of these gangs the threat of these roams has not given up a death has had to use the flash but if you lose that tower all of a sudden there's so many angles that you can be getting wrapped around from it becomes a nightmare scenario for victor early on perks and zven the two guys you want to see if you're a cloud nine fan at the top of the gold chart here so far two kills for perks one kill for zven yes perks is a little bit behind in farm but it don't matter when you're farming champions and zven is staying on point with his opponent in terms of that cs management perks will walk up he uses the scryer's bloom finds out that our mayo is on the top side of the map here so they know that fudge might have to play around that here coming up soon so get that wave shoved up get the hell out of town not a big deal and there you go fudge can get that and get out yep gonna be able to push this in it's also interesting to know you know i wonder if alfari would have even considered going for an ap cho'gath which is actually really popular these days or if he was always thinking about going tank i mean definitely once you get lane swapped on and killed level one you're no longer going ap right you're just like all right i need to be tanky i need to not uh be getting abused i mean i'm assuming it was always tanked because of the grasp that's what i would think as well you know he's not going towards the comment but it is interesting because sometimes you do see these kind of hybrid tanky builds where people go grass go a little bit ap then into tanks so interesting to think about but either way he has stabilized he's looking pretty good up there on that top side but blabber maintains control of the neutral objectives this is second dragon here it's gonna be going down about 12 minutes for cloud nine then they can look up towards that next rift herald as that next point of attack and they are quickly moving towards an infernal soul here yeah the infernal soul being the one that gets to occur in game number five i mean it was going to be really good no matter what because it was infernal or it was ocean right yeah and they would have been smiling either way i think in this case ocean probably would have been even better with udyr alistar and scion like that is just your invincible front line but they're looking for jensen here perks goes in he ends up taking more damage than his opponent did but hey it at least forces jensen to step back a little bit it'll allow them to maintain control vulcan is set up over the wraith wall to maybe potentially make a play but i don't think jensen's gonna give him the angle for it yeah laser can just kill off all these minions only the last one gets to make it to the turret no dive is gonna happen but hey cloud9 will be happy stealing away this blue buff from their opponents yeah they're able to really get a lot done here they're just constantly attacking any objective that they can go towards and that's also you know why he is willing to trade health for the push because if you hang around in this kind of neutral location you're just gonna get slowly poked away at by the victor so he wants to go in trade with the king slayer get that heal off shove out the wave utilizing his passive and just the spam spells and then go somewhere else he doesn't want to sit and just form it out against the victor you will slowly get whittled down and i love the fact that he's playing around that i love the fact that you're not just sent content to sit back and let him play his game and then just say oh i'll team fight him later no perks activity this game has been so impressive and now they're going in yet again core jj cannot get away and perks is on a killing spree anything you can do i can do better perks snapping him back in with his own ulti there that is quarter j no flash no ulti does go down and that is always one of the things that i find really impressive about pro players in general is when you're putting these disadvantages match ups finding a way for it to really work in your favor right it's not just purely about that 1v1 fights gotta be careful here remember feast is available if he gets much lower he's gonna be in peace range should be okay he's all right he's all right for now afar he can't get him quite down to that threshold here just yet and afar he does have him stuck underneath the turret now which means laying priority and here's how corey got caught yep vulcan clearing it out flash engaged knocking him out of that he pops the ulti but perks has it so even when he flashes away perks just snaps him right back in with his own ulti no chance of escaping three early kills and it's a tp flank from perks they want more oh baby they aren't done yet we have a tp showing up in jail alfari with a flash away tl want to try to outplay this our mayo's got to fall back a little bit further here how far he's stuck in the front line goes for the damage goes for the burst gets rid of fudge it'll be a one for one team liquid now having to fall back even further pulverize will not find the marking of jensen who continues his retreat armeo now the target of perks with the stolen onslaught of shadows jensen looks for a little bit more damage on the back of the fight with the gravity well thrown down to block away the escape team liquid they get on the board for the first time this game and they go one for one grabbing a kill for themselves there i feel like this is the first little misstep we've seen from parked looked like he got a bit greedy core has no flag oh core j.j what are you doing man he's face checking now but they're able to turn it around why on earth am i doubting core jj the one man who always comes out on top in these sorts of situations i apologize for my sins he gets the second kill of the game here for his team and he's got the exhaust so he survives there's vent is up here cloud9 i don't think you can fight this but that was one where there was a bit of indecision i think they wanted to try to get jensen and our mayo and i felt like had they just committed towards armeo they could have taken him down but once perks misses the abscond abduct on to jensen he then tries to alt-on to romeo but he's now out of range there and does not connect with that perks getting shut down here we can watch this one more time going in onto alfari perks closing the gap here didn't quite have his ulti at the start of the fight nice flash from el barry to actually deny that then when the ulti comes up here after the initial kill on nofari this is where i'm talking about i think you can just go immediately towards armeo instead he wants to get the bigger prize he wants to take down jensen but the absconded duck he can't close the gap then he tries to turn and actually collapse with the heck of multi but he's out of range there in the follow up we saw core jj with the face check but the exhaust the aftershock he survives and it gets shut down on perks we we talk about about knowing your limits i feel like core jj wrote the book on his own limits he knows everything about him i feel like we never see him caught off guard he's just there and he's ready to go core jj setting up a chance for team liquid to even out this game they're about 1 000 gold down with a herald summoned up the plates have already long since faded right that's that was three minutes ago so it's not like you're gonna get an immediate gold injection for this but they will take that mid lane turret incredibly low it's already two drake advantage here for the side of c9 but now the fight's breaking out core jj coming in for the counter attack vulcan's already dead and fudge cannot arrive in time perks is still looking for some damage our mayo is going to be killed off next perk's having to fall back a little bit zven doing the same fudge continues leading the charge but tactical has rejoined the fight too core jj tosses ben back over his shoulder tactical into the back line looking for the damage then gonna be taken very low core jj going to be taken down he's been with the reason w kill onto alfari jensen's looking to stay alive but perks is saying no team liquid lose four perks wants to make it five ever frost says no problem double kill over the mid lane from c9 what a team fight from cloud nine from houses venn managed to stay alive against tactical and core jj to perks stealing the cho'gath ultimate killing off our mayo getting the stack for himself as well and now the prize of soul point here they are straight on to it armeo is out on the map blabber is here vulcan is gonna try to zone armeo he has his ulti but it would be a one-way trip and i'm not sure this is gonna be where they make their stand so cloud nine wins a massive team fight here in game five four thousand gold ahead perks is absolutely popping off let's watch it one more time in the butt light ace in they go initially it looks like wow this engage was not it it's gonna be tl but then fudge on the flank forcing jensen out he has to flash out of there the stolen cho'gath ulti executes our mail and then from here you've really got to track how sven is cutting this out core jj chasing him with the flip he gets in range does get that flip he jumps back tackles saved his ulti to then follow up but he has the ulti to get that instead of just panicking running away he turns the core kills him off resets the rocket jump gets out all while fudge is able to dodge the w survive and perks is finishing off the rest of the team zven smiling he knows that was huge for the team and now they are going for it oh this is too much okay perks is trying to make the moves here the chaos storm might finish the job but it's so close but still so far tapes perks just feeling himself a little too much you're a little bit too hyphy goes for the solo kill on jensen and can't find it i mean look at jensen's health he's got a sliver he would have had it had he connected with the abscond abduct but jensen nice sidestep does avoid it and the fact that rbo is there means it is perks going down a little bit egg on his face does get shut down jensen keeping back out of the map they're trying to collapse core jj's going in they're going after zven with the exhaust already down they need a little bit more damage but they can't quite find it core jj now gonna be stuck the fight turning around zven on a killing spree team liquid over extending into the trap set down by c9 flabber continues running forward but he has to be careful here one more time to finish him off alfari over the wall he needs a little bit more but perks is back into the back lines of the onslaught of shadows tactical will try to survive but it will not happen how far he's trying to walk away cho'gath is a big tanky boy but he's slower than sin and cloud9 will take him out of the picture are they gonna go to baron on spawn it's 20 minutes it just came up they want baron cloud9 are not messing around here they are trying to win this game right at 20 minutes this is a game five plan from cloud nine this is a game five performance from perks and this is a game five 20 minute baron dasher how insane has this performance been for perks for cloud9 i don't care what you spent the investment is well worth it at this point pushing out our mail this is how it started off vulcan is caught zven goes over coordinated does catch him but again disengage with the buster shot was huge fudge arrives creating space here means corgi day is sectioned off does get killed that is the first reset then knowing armeo has no ulti they just need to play this slow buy time for the respawning perks he finds the lte he wants he comes in from behind grabs the heck remolts fear onto both the tl carries that gets the resets for zen he's in on top another kill alfari cannot escape he goes down it's the baron on top this is a legendary performance from perks the most decorated western league of legends player of all time showing what people are talking about when they are referencing the perks playoff buff he's got more kills than the whole enemy team it is eight to six not cloud9 versus team liquid perks versus team liquid that is just incredible to hear from him in this game cloud nine as a whole doing the lane swap having the scion take the jungle camps everything is impressive about this game they're looking for the ferrari's gonna get caught out now gravity well placed down to try to keep him alive here a little bit armeo going in armeo going out in a body bag sven is unstoppable is this the victory march he's dead that's 30 seconds they have baron this early on for 1 30. they are pushing forward will they continue to posture forward or will they back up to try to extend the gold lead it looks like the call is that discretion is the better form of valor here they're going to back it up they're going to take what they got this is a 9 000 gold lead this is soul point there is no reason to risk anything here well they want to go for a fight anyway it's cloud nine after all core jj can disengage before the chain cc gets to apply in full this time so now those baron empowered recalls are gonna send everybody home they can shop up you can see items falling into everyone's inventory as they go back to spend that money and that's dead man's plate done that's turbo chem tank done these item completions are coming in thick and fast for cloud nine you look at even zven he is close to his ie this is almost a three item tristana here when you're going for the fourth dragon tl are faster to the dragon i don't think they're fast enough no it's not already arrived now the question is do you try to contest if you lose here if you lose a 5v5 the series is over so they've got to decide do you give up soul and wait for later or do you fight now oh core jj he's over the wall he's grabbed by perks but he gets back out in time vulcan continuing to zone although he's in the pit the dragon goes over to c9 but what about the fight vulcan will be killed off first tactical grabbing a kill on that it is a one for one trade support for top lane and that is massively in the favor of cloud nine we tried to see the flank from court jj he was looking for the angle he's looking for the hero play but perks pushes him back drops the victor ulti on him to escort him the rest of the way out of that fight cloud nine secure the dragon soul here infernal 23 minutes and they are snowballing i mean look at the items on perks here compared to what jensen has at this point he already has two fully completed items the sheen plus the book the magic book on top the bm book oh baby the megiz soul still hey if there was ever a game to build it how could it not be this game let's take another look at the fight all right here it is one more time the initial combo honda cord jj pushes him back at this point it's a one-way trip for alfari he tries to get in he was close he was so close to actually getting a range of feast he didn't have flash if he has flash that's his dragon but those little cho'gath legs were not moving his big old body fast enough he was about one little step away from chomping down and preventing that soul unfortunately the size increase per feast is mostly focused on the rest of his body and the legs just gotta remain stay the same size yeah a little bit unlucky a little bit unlucky you can't skip leg day cho'gath you can't skip leg dave team liquid has such a difficult road in front of them 10 000 gold down 25 minutes into the game dragon soul possessed by their opponents and not a single turret they've taken they have no control over them they are stuck inside their base and cloud9 have the freedom to do whatever they want in this game you need a miracle because cloud9 came into this game five with the killer instinct with the best pre-planned level one i have seen in league of legends in so long they created a big advantage from the word go and now tl has been battling back from that ever since and when you look at tl it has got to be about the engage it has got to be about finding multiple members stacked up corey jj has got to get him and you need to follow up from our mayo from alfari if you can kill off someone like perks or zven before they can do anything in the fight you've got a chance barring that this game is toast this is a 10 000 gold league with seoul on top it is not remotely close as far as the itemization goes and if you don't have a hugely advantageous fight you just get beat down by the wallet oh man that wallet is heavy right about now elder drake three and a half minutes baron 30 seconds cloud9 control over the whole map team liquid struggling to staunch the bleeding any wards they try to place outside of this base are going to be swept away so swiftly armeo he just walks past the gate blast cone and he's already on top of a cloud9 war yep and cloud9 look like they're setting up for baird they want to make no doubt about it they do not want to siege into a possible engage that could maybe give tl away back in so instead you eliminate all vision you wait for baron spawn and now tl is faced with a near impossible task of walking through all of the dark and dangerous territory here to even approach the baron yeah knowing that zven and blabber could be two manning it for all we know right now hey look at that my big brain cove commentators brain has once again flexed its muscles and fudge is flexing all over team liquid our mayo's already down and out they'll pick up another one here on the back end too with core jj dying next tactical with a killer instinct but it will not matter fudge is chasing him down there's the third kill there's number four as how far he falls over it's a double kill for perks jensen can do nothing but walk away as cloud nine go for the victory march right now they've got the baron the inhibitor has respawned that'll only buy them a couple of extra moments jensen knows there's nothing left to do here cloud nine they will take down their greatest rival in team liquid they won the regular season they stayed in the upper bracket and cloud9 are your first ever mid-season showdown champions and what a game five performance absolutely incredible the pre-planning from level one the absolute domination and there's no other word that fits it from perks this was an incredible game from him [Laughter] celebrating with you and me with the fans at home you gotta love it he's taking his victory right here he wants that trophy get out of his way it's his he lifts the trophy and the man next to him perks will now join him as the only other player to have won europe and north america what a performance hoisted high perks you earned it [Laughter] what an absolutely phenomenal showing for four straight games we got to see these two teams beat the living hell out of each other and in game number five when your endurance is truly tested when your creativity is put on the line and when your mental fortitude is demanded it is cloud9 that runs out of the gate like a bat out of hell and they're on a mission for that trophy what a story for this team to miss out on msi due to a global pandemic last year to be able to win in spring cloud9 will be attending their first msi ever as an organization they deserve it what an awesome conclusion to this spring for this team especially after having to lose out on the chance at msi last year it was the first time in years that this team had won the championship right for the longest time they were always stuck in that number two spot they come back they win it they claim that victory and then the reward disappears in front of them for circumstances entirely beyond their control but now they get their shot and damn if they didn't earn it and we've just come full circle it was tl versus cloud9 in the lock-in tournament to start our year it was these two teams that felt like they had been on this crash course to be battling at the top of north america here they are the development from this roster has really shone through from lock into now it is night and day five times alfari first blooded in this series when you look back to lock in it was a series defined by the gap between these two top laners a gap that no longer seems to exist [Music] that the gap has been erased i mean fudge stepped up blabber stepped up zven stepped up vulcan stepped up perks is the king of the damn staircase nobody steps up the same way that he does in these moments in these clutch times where your raw skill as a player can determine a winner a loss it's perks it was absolutely incredible performance from him you know i'm not gonna get over that game five for a long time i think to not only formulate the plan that they had at level one but to have the confidence to execute on it to in game five of the finals when we have not seen lane swap meta for years say we're going to lane swap on the cho'gath we're going to move scion bot he's going to execute take all these jungle camps we're going to get three quadrants from level one and first blood the cho'gath is just absolutely unreal and it speaks to the preparation it speaks to the confidence that this team has and it speaks to the fact that they are well and truly deserving champions of the lcs especially with how close that it was they weren't up against and i think the structure of everything the double elimination bracket you know they win up against the best possible team as their competition we got to see how close this series was back and forth between them and that guarantees me the hope and the faith to know that we are sending our best possible team to msi absolutely you've got to say they really did perform when it counted i've got to say my heart also goes out to tl though santorin unable to attend the finals because of health reasons that has to hurt for him and tl really did put on an admirable performance without their star jungler or mayo really stepping up to the plate to make this an incredible incredible series if it weren't for the good performance from them we would not have seen you know such a shining series such a great example of these two teams battling it out we celebrate the win for cloud9 we applaud the valiant effort of team liquid at the same time i know fans are going to be so excited to see what they can bring to the table in summer once they get back you know they're going to be hungry for their vengeance they're going to what a chance again the rivalry between these two teams only continues to build it only continues to get more exciting and get more fun and i just can't wait to see more of it man i can't wait man this has just been such a good day to be a league of legends to be part of the lcs an lcs fan has been such an honor for me to be here casting this game so much fun being back in the studio being back here with you guys watching at home watching some incredible incredible league of legends we love you guys at home and after a five game brawl the cloud9 faithful have been rewarded now the tigris will be talking with our boy blabber in the post game interview take it away oh thank you so much captain flowers i am beyond honored to present to you one of the first cloud 9 champions here for spring 2021 blabber spring is all about repeats for you we have already awarded you your second honda mvp now your second lcs title in the same exact span of time how do you believe c9 were able to take down team liquid in this series um i think we came into the series with full confidence uh honestly i think all five of us knew that we were better and even when we were down 2-1 you know it's perkz's comfort zone and i think there's no doubt in any of our minds that we would win this series you may be extremely confident in that but from the audience perspective we didn't know what to pre what to expect from this not only was it five games but going into it the jungle substitution on the team liquid side in fact we thought about how that might affect the way that team liquid plays but what about you as the jungler facing off against armeo whether strategically or emotionally how did that affect the way that you approached the series today um i definitely don't think i played any differently today than i normally do uh i really respect uh armeo as a player uh he's a good friend of mine so i respected him and i definitely treated him like any other opponent uh i think maybe they changed their game plan right uh it really sucks for santorin to see his team lose right and not be able to do anything about it and i feel really bad for him but i think regardless i think we played well uh some of the games and uh i'm just glad we won i mean from the fan perspective everyone was impressed with the play on both sides obviously everybody in the lcs wants it to be a five game series but tell me a bit more when it comes to those moments where a game can be determined by a single mistake who's making the calls what is being said between games who's calling for those draft changes going into game five uh so at least specifically for a game five draft that's something we've been practicing for weeks um and it's something that we didn't want to show up pull out until we really needed to um and i think we had full confidence in our game four draft that we would win uh with hecarim first pick so uh we knew we'd win that game and we decided that we could save it for game five to pull it out uh it was obviously a team team decision and i'm really glad it worked and regarding calls i think all of us do a great job not panicking game and making the right calls to win the game calm cool collected to secure the victory securing the lcs championship title but beyond that you're robbed of the msi experience last year tell me a bit about the team reaction to knowing that you will be attending this time around and what you plan to do in the weeks ahead of you yeah so i think we're all really excited to go to msi um to play against the best teams of the world damon's already qualified so i'm personally excited to play against canyon and uh he's during a group right so i'm excited to play against the best in the world to get really good practice and uh to hopefully improve for summer and um yeah i mean last year it really sucked we didn't get all msi due to coved i mean it's unfortunate right but i'm just glad that we're able to go this year and we are all very excited to continue cheering you on to represent the lcs blabber thank you so much for joining me and congratulations again on your victory very much we've got so much more coverage to come including additional interviews for now let's head over to our analyst on the state farm analyst desk thank you very much latigras you heard it from her there we'll hear more from our champions in just a little bit so stick around here for more of those victorious players but once again congratulations to cloud nine your 2021 spring champions 12 months ago in spring they were able to hoist that trophy however it was in the remote environment and in fact it was sven who hoisted it so high he broke it he broke it within hours of hoisting that trophy and you know what he did he did not lose his opportunity to hoist it once again raz got it again i like that i just love the enthusiasm the moment they knew at the end of this game that it was clinched there is no way they could uh lose it hopping out of their seats almost breaking a chair by the way i'm gonna put that through right yeah he traded out the trophy for a chair this time around i also like how it was you know perks and sven the first one they're like where's the rest of our team and it was like who's next like oh yeah those are guys who have been in winning situations before yes exactly they know what comes next after you win the title again perks now joins sven in that club of players who have won both in eu and n a that's the ninth trophy in his case but i think more importantly it is the culmination of what this team was built to do not only win domestic titles but as we heard tigris alluding to make it to international performances that performance that they were robbed of last year because of the covet environment and now this time around they're going to get a chance to show up on the international stage that's honestly my favorite thing right because a four of the five players here were not able to go to msi last year when they were looking so dominant in that meta so again in a meta that really really seems to suit this team and i don't think 11 6 or whatever msi is going to be played on 11 6 they'd still be fine i mean i'm just like i'm so excited and i'm so happy for them that they finally get to go and prove themselves and see how well they'll do in international competition they did it in absolutely brilliant fashion that game five above all else made most of us pop off with such incredible glee and with all of that said i do i want to hear more from the players themselves so we're going to hand it right back to the tigress for another verizon post game interview thank you so much dash this time around i have perks i have zven after their five game victory i'm gonna come to you perks they were just talking about it on the desk one year ago your friend beside you was the first to earn a title both in the lec and the lcs now you've accomplished the same feat while you are already the most decorated player in the west what does it mean to you to achieve an lcs title on your first split here well it's really important for me because i want to go to msi and i want to compete against international teams so to go to msi i have to win n a and it's just a nice thing that we get to actually improve a lot during the split and we get to win the trophy in the end yeah thinking about msi it feels like it's right around the corner zven i know that you have been extremely vocal about the journey that c9 has taken since last spring feelings of complacency but still a hunger to get back here on the stage for the championship can you tell me a bit more about that journey and what it means to be here on the stage in person to receive this championship we even do it with one spring msi was cancelled due to covid so we fell into like a slumber summer split that i can't help but think that if with the msi we would have slumped there and lost but we would have gotten every other check earlier i've been there in summer so this year i'm very excited that we can actually play msi because i think msi is a huge learning experience for any new team and new players i think it will be really good for a whole team as a whole i think we'll come back summer and be even better than we are right now msi is a whole other beast as perks you're just saying looking forward to facing off against that international competition when looking at cloud nine today especially comparing to last year reign over your coach was talking about the flexibility that c9 has and perks we can't help but feel part of that is because of you joining the squad with the large pool of champions that you have when looking towards international competition how important do you think it is to have this flexibility and be able to display it in a five game series i mean it's definitely very important to be able to play every good champion in the meta otherwise you're just kind of making your team like have a harder time i guess so i just try to think what is the best and what is the good in the comp and always try to play that and i think that i'm doing it quite well right now so uh also i really like playing at the charis i didn't really like playing botlane so playing the characters in midlane is like a lot more fun so that also gives us an advantage over other teams right now that's one of the most fun things we're seeing you back in the mid lane position but we still get to see that adc play from you there then it's also been fun getting to see the two of you together once again we've talked in the earlier part of the season about that synergy and what it brings to the team but if we're looking at where cloud nine started compared to now being as hot as y'all are looking going into msi how much do you feel the synergy that you two have has played into that and being able to accelerate the growth that c9 has experienced honestly not that much to be honest i think it's mostly out of game stuff that helps us i think mithy bergs and i haven't changed that much as people from who we were back then but i still think that most of our our growth is is come from our cushion stuff they are really good i think i think mithy max waldo rainover and vegard deserves a lot of credit for us but this season i never had any doubt that even with a bad start and login tournament that we will be the best team in summer i had some doubt about this spring i'll have to admit it but i need to win spring and i think that i couldn't stop the search about credit for us becoming a better team over the course of this split speaking of the coaching staff i do want to call out one in particular mithy because mithy alongside you perks two people that alfari was calling out as really wanting to take down in the series obviously it was a different result on behalf of cloud9 do you have any words for alfari whether respectful or otherwise after achieving this victory well afari was really hard to play against we were like really focusing in draft a lot and in gameplay as well barbara was ganking top quite a bit so i'm i'm quite happy that i've beat him uh again but i i'm i can't help but feel a bit like said that he uh is getting chased over from europe to any uh by me and so he just can't get a trophy but maybe like next week he will do it so i hope not right i'll try my best again uh but yeah uh nothing but made respect for ahari we're all looking to keep watching that chase as it goes on congratulations again against him next split like for sure we're holding you to it we have it now on camera i'm doing it all right you heard it here we're gonna get to see some perks in the top lane congratulations y'all and sven hey you don't have to break the trophy this time on the ceiling we got a hole that wasn't my fault by the way let's go i put it out there okay i get to learn that let's send things back over to the desk all right well hey i'm glad i'm glad that was settled i'm glad we finally got the full story on that definitely look ever humble are the two of those absolute all-star of players there as they both pick up yet another title for themselves uh and again i love even the conversation and the respect given to the opponents immediately after yes maybe we would love to see perks laning against al farian maybe you could make the argument in this game five that alfari laned against everyone emily i don't really know so let's take a look at uh this lane swap here right now it's really dependent on the fact that you uh as we see here have the scion killing himself using the zombie i love scion level ones i we've seen them throughout the years but when you talk about what a lean swap does and how it's kind of perfect for the way that tristana backs and get items in the way that zion can kill himself and just come back to lane um he doesn't lose anything and when you swap lane you want to get advantages for you know both parties while getting either advantageous laning matchups or setting your opponent behind i think that accomplished this very really well yeah a large jungle advantage for blabber because hecarim didn't get an opportunity to get his side of the camp so like from team liquid side armor was in a really bad position and an experienced advantage for the cho'gath or at least for the um for the scion who ends up of course getting the gromp and the blue like you mentioned while cho'gath is having a hell of a time on the top side of the map so like like the actual advantages you end up getting are insane yeah and i have to say you know we talk a lot about perks talk a lot about blabber but sven was incredible this series he had no like huge mistakes and in this fight kited it out perfectly to allow his team to actually turn that 3v5 around he he had an incredible incredible series i mean most people on c9 did it was a back and forth series everyone's stepping up at different points in time um but i think you also saw a great stuff out of perks too he was so active on the map he was down 20 cs but only because he was busy picking up two kills by roaming to the side lanes yeah this was some of the stuff that he was known for back in europe was being able to go find that extra play that you have to actually seek out and that's what's happening with throughout the series we were talking about the fact that now we're getting playmaking champions on a perks because you have confidence even listening to blabber on stage talking about the confidence that they had that even down games in the series and then uh you know going into game five that they had absolute confidence you have to have that confidence right and so when you have confidence on the individual players that you know we are better than our counterparts then pick up the stylist start moving on the map with the advantage that you already have this is great stuff from c9 and i can easily see that transfer into international play turn off the name place and you can take those wins and i love the stylus pick here silas again like this lane swap not something that you're gonna run every single time because you can prepare for it but as a last lock-in to what tl was doing great pick a great champion for purse to be able to carry on i loved how active he was on the map uh it was just um an amazing game five from c9 we're going to have plenty more time to talk about to gush over this series as a whole but for now one more time we are going to throw it back to tigris for our new champs thank you dash we've got our final two players that took to the stage today we got fudge and we got vulcan now fudge last time i talked to vulcan he was telling me about you even if the whole community doubted him he's still the guy you want how do you assess your play here today in this best of five um i think some games i played okay like mechanically i think for example like the gragas game that we won in game four was actually like my worst game out of all the games even though we won and i do think that going into the series everyone was expecting alfari to just like stomp me i guess uh debatable but there was some people expecting our fire to like play really well and sort of have like a gap in the top lane every game but i don't think that actually happened and i think blabber also played really well around top lane waves it's like uh punish alfari and they didn't play as well around top lane waves is us yeah don't sell yourself short after the last time you faced off against team liquid many were looking to you to hold it down there in the top lane against him now of course when it comes to a best of five series though things evolve game to game vulcan you had talked in multiple instances about looking upon the past series of team liquid they just played yesterday there's so much you can learn but you have to adapt here in the series today going into game five how did you all come across your decision to have that early game strategy you did uh well the strategy of lane swapping lebron is something that we've been practicing for like many weeks in the hopes that we would fill out in in the finals and um in the previous rounds of playoffs we were actually like hiding it from from the other teams when we were ready to play it and we just felt like we should save it for the you know the best moment to pull it out and surprise everyone because um we were thinking if we play cyan and then maybe they'll be thinking about it but if we play sign a lot and no swap and like the the latest game of the of the season we swapped and they will never expect it so and you know it ended up working pretty good for us it was like the best case scenario where they knew like very late that we were going to swap and end up being like obviously very good for us and you waited till the last possible second do or die there in game five to get yourself the lcs championship this was a big moment for all of you that we saw on the stage i do want to give recognition to reign over though as the coach stepping into that head coach position this year fudge you have so much experience with him due to your time in academy last year what were some of the things that he was sharing with you and the rest of the team between games after games as far as celebrating this overall victory and keeping your mindset in it um i think something ranover does really well is he listens to all of our opinions and tries to like come to a conclusion like after listening to all of them and i think he doesn't like try to force any of his own opinions on us or like he like has really good reasoning if he has his own opinions so i think raynov has done really well at like adapting to his players and he doesn't really like um he doesn't really make the players feel uncomfortable like ever so i think he's been really helpful in just like making the team more cohesive and it worked out really well i guess yeah it did work out indeed now i'm going to allow you omo moon in the end to answer this question as well but vulcan this is the last time we're getting to speak directly to you players thinking about those that have supported you the cloud9 fans out there tracking along this journey since last spring any words that you have to share specifically with that audience yeah well i mean i want to say thank you so much to all the c9 fans out there i think um the support that we've had is like pretty crazy and it's not even comparable to any team i've been on in the past so thank you guys so much for that um and yeah i'm happy that we could win like a second trophy in two years and hopefully we'll represent na and call nine very well at msi and i'm pretty confident that we can so fudge it's your first title yeah for me uh a lot of cnn fans didn't like me at the start but there were also a lot of fans that were like supporting me sending me a lot of like really like supportive dms and i like to thank all the fans that were like still supportive of me even though i wasn't playing that well at the start and i think that going into summer split i'll play even better and even msi i think will actually do really well so thank you well like i told your teammates before you we are all very much looking forward to tracking your journey at msi cheering you on congratulations once again on your lcs championship victory here today thank you thank you that is all we have to hear from the players thank you so much for giving them the time to speak their words we're gonna head things over to the bud light breakdown thank you very much the tigris and welcome to the bud light breakdown so proud to be calling cloud9 our lcs spring 2021 champs and msi representatives here for north america all split long though we've been debating who would be the new king in the mid lane in north america and i think today we can definitely say that that title belongs firmly to perks our finals player of the series deserved i think uh perks is a huge playmaker we saw that at the very end throughout the entire series this is going to be a great series to look back on as zoe play with another example of that just in phenomenal stuff i think he's just so versatile and that's what really jumps out to me and not just in terms of play style but i think also in terms of mentality because i think you know playstyle you can be talking about champions he can play you know control mages he can swap to the silas and start playing more playmakers but i don't think he has some of the best risk rewards scenario like thinking of anyone i see he knows exactly when it's worth it to go really aggressive and take the extra risk to try and actually make a bigger play because it's a bad situation or whatnot i think that's one of the things that he does so incredibly well and i think he got to see all of his skills kind of on display in the series as he shifted modes and champion play styles multiple times and i mean that's incredibly valuable going into an event like msi right especially with us being on a patch behind you're gonna need that in-game leadership like in and out of game so with the team in terms of like traveling and adapting but also like his versatility can't be understated just as a player like this is someone who role swapped and was still the best in his position in the world so i mean it's it's just nuts having a player like that going into an international competition like the mid-season invitational and he's won the event rez yeah that's got to feel pretty good you know knowing that you got at least that much experience on your squad going forward because a reminder again that while cloud9 has been to worlds time and time again this is the first time that they will be going to msi yeah and i think msi is a destination that starts a lot of stories and it starts a lot of player uh like legacies because like my msi memories are like orangey and they're golden robes you know what happens g2 and the and their grand slam but like it sets up the expectation and even hearing from players like uh zven on stage talking about if they have had that experience last year he could have adapted grown with that international experience and had moved forward and gotten to see like how good they are in an international setting and i think that's a valuable really valuable uh experience to have and for the globe to really respect like your your work well as you mentioned that msi marks the beginning of the international chapter for the year i think in order to contextualize that mark we do have to look all the way back to the beginning of the lcs split for cloud nine again they fell down to team liquid in that lock in finals and then had two rematches where they were able to come out on top but what a story it's been for this squad along with the reformation of the squad and the acquisition of perks to to come out on top in just their first split yeah it's really really impressive considering you know that there was going to be time to you know have fudge level up as you can hear talking about you know he was like i didn't start great and and i think to have all that growth in a single split is super impressive and i don't expect this team to stop improving from here this is not their peak they're going to go to msi like raz was saying and continue to get better and then hopefully bring that back for summer split and they improved at a faster rate that they expected to they like zven even mentioned that they were expecting it to be a summer split uh first place room right instead of a spring split and he gave credit to their coaching staff uh for them to be able to get to this point like the fact that you know we spoke about mithy reinover max and vegard even capped it off on game five with how smart they were as a team i have so many questions i'm sorry i have so many questions about where all those strategies who made the call in the final moments for some of those picks for some of those strategies to actually actually be executed but emily i do want to continue this conversation this overarching conversation about cloud9 story and the fact that they will again be representing us at msi but with the context of how much growth they've made in such little time yeah i mean so going into msi we look at north america and we're like yeah okay you know what we have a little bit more to improve maybe than the other major regions who are going uh especially being a patch behind i actually would argue that c9 is the perfect team then in this kind of situation because just take a slice of their season and think about where they were in the beginning of the lock-in tournament to the end of the lock-in tournament and how like exponentially good that growth was just in that short amount of time with boot camping against other teams with like once they get on the ground are able to uh like practice on the patch against international teams i'm so excited to see how much this team can improve yeah and you're right i i feel like just from a coaching aspect and from a player's standpoint they can definitely develop and really challenge themselves in their team identity right now if you ask me what cloud9 is going to be strong their strongest suit and what they're going to be bringing to international events is their jungle mid and primarily blabber i mean it doesn't have to be mid because he's been doing a lot of good stuff towards the top side of the map as well just going straight top lane so if they can go there and refine it for sure they have a lot of time by the way first phase into the second phase of the tournament just the ability to ramp up as msi goes on and finally just before we begin to cap out on this event mark i think it's important to recognize the journey as well that all of our teams made yes in the lcs but specifically team liquid again a team that pushed us to one of the most incredible five-game finals we've had in quite some time and in such interesting fashion they as well had a bit of a reformation with bringing alfari in at the top and shooting for the stars in that regard looking to recapture some of the glory that was the four years back to back to back to back and they'll still have summer to take that chance but this time they fell just short yeah i mean it's got a sting extra bad just knowing that you know you have this awful situation that happened with santorin having migraines not being able to play i think it's going to fuel them they're going to be watching you know msi from home on their couch thinking like that should have been us you know it was such a close series if we were fighting at full strength i know we could have won you know like that's how people tend to think about it so i expect them to come into a summer with a huge fire under under their butts because they could have they improved so much over the course of the year themselves and that's what i love is that competition not only is uh team liquid pushing themselves based off of the last series they had with cloud9 during the same playoff run so that really pushed them and got them going but now seeing this you're right and i think that helps both sides yeah if cloud9 had gotten everyone would have just been pissed off it was another 3-0 yeah it was another quick series that helps no one because what fuels and makes teams great going international events is domestic competition and so that's what i really needed was cloud9 being really like you know it's cloud9 now right but right any team that we send realizing they have a lot of tape to go over here so that when they go into day one they know what they need to improve on and get better at i just want to give a shout out to our mayo who i think like honestly like we were expecting like this is a guy who's coming in who's played in lcs before who people feel like they have a clear-cut uh idea of who he is oh he's not very good etc etc um he comes in he is like under so much pressure if he makes a single mistake everyone's just gonna blame the series loss on him performs like we said it yesterday i feel like the best thing he could have done is not be targeted right like he comes out of that series and you're not looking at it like wow g.r mayo was like such a liability he performed really really well i think yeah and i think i saw on fans you know on reddit and and twitter and stuff saying like hey i'm ready to give you know him another shot like i want him to go yes now i think like this was on an individual level a performance that are gonna make people take another look at him where they might not have given how his academy season had ended a little bit disappointing in proving grounds and this is me and my you know academy rant where oh here we go i was gonna come out and say like give people a chance yes give them a chance like our mail i'm just gonna say it watch academy when you get the chance before we uh started working out we're still really well this year performed incredibly well i think we have a lot of great players down there so if you've got time in your day well you know what res you know what it's funny we may have just crowned our new lcs kings but we've got more league coming your way tomorrow with the proving grounds it continues so if you're curious about some of that amateur talent out there in north america that's the perfect way for you to check it out of course come may cloud9 will be joining the likes of dom juan mad lions and many many more of the world's top teams at msi on june 4th though it's also time for summer we will be returning rather here in the lcs we've talked a lot about the msi story lines i want to talk a little bit about summer storylines we've already lit in the fire under a couple of these top teams for what they want to do to maybe come back and challenge cloud9 again but i also think again this was such an intriguing split if we remember storylines like dignitas the team that was so under recognized at the beginning of the split and surprised us in such a brilliant way emily yeah i mean dignitas was honestly like my most fun team to watch from this fast split uh you know their execution wasn't always the best but they were incredibly fun they believed in their own hands in late game team fights their team fight macro especially coming out of aphromoo and neo was surprisingly good um so i really do want to see how much they can improve yeah i agree with that i think like the young players on dignitas 100 i would say even like the teams like flyquest or 100 thieves remember 100 thieves coming the very beginning of the split went so far in the lock-in tournament had such high expectations that they're the ones that are probably burning up wherever they are like that fire is definitely contagious within that team to go as far as they can in summer split to right the wrongs in spring and i'll call out one other team mark and it's clg again riddled with some issues from the beginning of the split not all of them under their control but the resurgence that they made at the end of spring which made a lot of people think what would have happened if they had just eeked into that top six a reminder that in summer it expands the top eight who get to see the postseason but i'm not even sure they'll need that expansion to make it in yeah i mean obviously you carry your record over so it's unfortunate how the split started for them but i think after pobelter joined it was something close to a 500 record they were actually picking up a lot of wins and improving and i think that they are a team that you would be crazy i think is going to stay around the ninth place finish that they got this time around all right we got some time to wait yes between now and june 4th but plenty of lcs story lines will come on that day before we call tonight we do want to take a brief moment to say thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors supporting us we are so fortunate to have partnered with all of you and there you can see them on your screen now we are as always made by many and we are so grateful to everyone at home for joining us this spring from broadcasting remotely to the lcs studio to the greek you have been here every step of the way and we cannot thank you enough we are sending a hot cloud nine to iceland ladies and gentlemen so now on behalf of myself the casters and our entire remote broadcast crew thank you so much for watching and we'll see you and cloud nine at msi until then stay and you're healthy looking at it like this is the mid-season showdown these are the two teams in the lcs with the most trophies of anybody of all time i'm excited to see that actually play out on some of this riff malphite siding holy cow tactical just jumping in on top of three he keeps it lively here on this rim team liquid have side lane dominance it's tl supremacy for side lanes for this entire game hoonie has arrived but for what for one team liquid three to one take them down i'm really excited to see what playoff parks is going to look like in mma in eu it was no joke now royale the target cc chain full to death fudge has been a monster for them this game and it's gonna be the chase on for more fbi not long for the world this best of five is the first one in the mid-season showdown where the loser goes home hootie gets some attention rpg they attack him early on i think sword art has looked incredibly good in the last three games in the last few weeks he's been spot on let's see if evil geniuses can finish this off speaking of those into the pit barrels take it incredibly low dignitas feels like it's some greater than their individual pieces and so much of it is spotlit by a few specific members to get away from the minions that was insane there is insane cop advantage it felt like for 100 thieves this series and i like how dominant they showed they are on it they're going to give us the power picks we will absolutely run you over with them now we get to find the re-engagement big damage big crunch big two for zero 12 fbi's on the chase he's gonna find nia that's 400 thieves in complete control welcome to what is a preview many expect to be of the finals themselves the two best performing teams in north america this year no questions asked here he goes pops it gets this done big damage in from bladder that is how you coordinate a top dive this is the first time in the lcs that alfari has started this terrible of a start because the phone was coming and they're trying to put him down later never the support it just didn't seem to matter you just couldn't keep her they've down got perks oh baby it's the quadra kill for the mid later we're getting down to the nitty gritty hero playoffs only a couple series remaining the charge trying to find an opportunity or an angle here for the mega door and there it is two kills over the tsm make it three and hundred thieves collapse in the mid game booty just broke the sound barrier i'm pretty sure they're flowers look at his little feet he's running he's running there's no getting out of there power people closer is coming for you rioma's trying to get away he's shut down and everybody on hundred themes has fallen apart did tsm improve enough to upset what happened in that first series because that was pretty tl favorite last night we received some unfortunate news from santorin our mayo is in [Music] huge mega norofari one 1v9 in this game what was well blocked that's going to be too late roxanne's going to find it and showing him how it's done lost rocket jumps in for a double kill engage calling is beautiful and it's already 4-0 tsm and it's happened the comeback is real and they pop it hard engage record today finds three timbers over the top the backlight engages not yet a kill but they find one they fight two what a way to re-enter the sea he's flashless he is jinxed and he is going to die the re-engage even bigger oh my goodness speaking now on the run as well oh this is gonna be a tough one for tsm to get anything done let's go what a shot domination by team liquid they will get the rematch against cloud nine [Music] everyone say hello to your two finalists it's team liquid and clown nine pentakill kicking off our mid-season showdown grand finals in style well here we go ladies and gentlemen welcome to summoner's rift now team liquid tax bill's able to take down blabber elder drake's still alive sven gets a return kill of the core jj perks gonna be forced to tank up now with our mayo take it out next the dragon tactical the dragon goes over to team liquid the fight goes to team liquid and the ace for team liquid tactical's already down cloud nine big fight double kill over the perks looking for even more team liquid joins the party only to be massacred it's the red wedding and cloud9 have room for every guest team liquid under the drake vulcan here into the fight beautiful shockwave on three but isn't enough yes it is team liquid with a double kill here for the top blade perks dies for the first time finn wants to kite it out but it will not happen not today how far he's got the auto attack how far he's got the triple kill dragon b damn jensen shockwave one game three cloud nine are marching at the nexus blabber leads the charge and the rest of his men falling behind him ladies and gentlemen do you like league of legends cause we're going to game five they won the regular season they stayed in the upper bracket and cloud9 are your first ever mid-season showdown champions
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 89,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game
Id: WewkwQRytsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 9sec (4749 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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