the TRUTH about C++ (is it worth your time?)

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a lot of people don't like C plus plus when compared to its parent C C plus plus is misunderstood or is it should you even learn C plus plus C with classes later renamed to C plus plus was invented by jarne stroutsup in 1979. the more General aim was to design a language in which I could write programs that were both efficient and elegant many languages force you to choose between the two Alternatives since the initial release of the language C plus plus has grown substantially while adhering to Three core principles there should be no language beneath C plus plus except assembly you only pay for what you use and high level abstractions come at near zero cost the most noticeable difference between C and C plus plus to the beginner is the inclusion of objects structs in C are just memory organized in a particular order objects in C plus plus have methods Constructors and deconstructors public and private attributes just to name a few all these principles seem pretty fair despite the simple philosophy though many high-profile programmers Linus torvalt being one of them have expressed frustrations with the language C plus plus can't solve the problem of the C language at all it will only make things worse this really is a bad language so why all the hate well as the languages inventor has said c makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot C plus plus makes it harder but when you do it blows your whole leg off why is that with great power comes great responsibility while C plus plus does offer more features than C does out of the box this comes with a much more complicated syntax that is more difficult to decipher error messages like cannot dereference non-pointer type in C turn into messy hellscapes like this one here in C plus plus also while offering high-level abstractions C plus offers features that are considered too featureful by some some features make a code base difficult to properly structure or read looking at you templates and it's not that templates themselves are too hard or too complicated but that features like templates give you a tool to very easily create very bad code finally C plus plus is sometimes contradictory of itself the language itself is a subset of c and allows for the use of raw pointers like Char star star for example but many will find that the C plus Community disagrees with these Concepts on a purely philosophical level despite it being part of the C language so should you learn C plus or use it on your next project yes a hundred percent yes C plus plus is a good language in this developer's opinion but there are a few caveats if you are a beginner programmer do not learn it as your first language in my opinion start with C learn the fundamentals of memory management and program structure as low as you can go and then simplify your code with upgrades from the abstractions that c plus provides two don't use C plus features just because they're there or just because they're pretty syntactic sugar will only get you in trouble as your code base grows without proper design and three make sure you're also spending time learning a type safe language like rust for example winter is coming let me know your thoughts on C plus in the comments below and then go watch this video to get started on learning memory management and assembly or this one for rust
Channel: Low Level Learning
Views: 638,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c vs c++, c++, is c++ good, c++ for beginners, programming challenge, c programming, c challenge, coding challenge, coding meme, endianness, big endian, little endian, c pointers, c pointers tutorial, pointers tutorial, programming for beginners, programming language, programming in c, programming hero, programming fundamentals, programming memes
Id: q1ZmFc-sqNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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