Celine Dion’s Heart-Wrenching Story Of How She Lost Her Soulmate | Rumour Juice

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i would say when something bad happens to you in life you have to find a way to overcome these obstacles and find a way to find inner strength to say that's part of life this is not something that you choose you'll probably know celine dion from the song she sang for the titanic film my heart will go on if you think rose and jack had a love story like no other you obviously don't know about the heart-touching love story between celine dion and her beloved late husband renee anjalil from facing her mother's disapproval of the man she had chosen to love to her struggle of conceiving their own child and so many other personal battles how did the singer of some of the world's most favorite love songs managed to endorse so much pain in her life despite the fame and fortune that she's amounted to after decades in the music industry celine did not have an easy start to her life she was the youngest of 14 children when the singer speaks of her childhood she explains that there were sometimes three or four of her siblings sharing one bed and that she didn't even have the comfort of having her own bedroom however even though the family struggled to make ends meet dion insists that her family wasn't poor where it really mattered we were given love and affection and support what else did we need celine's passion for singing was unquestionable and her talent was of course undeniable i was on the kitchen table really yeah because that was my stage and i was singing for my brothers and sisters her parents knew that young celine was special and meant for greater things so they took a recording of her singing and sent it to manager and producer renee anjalil renee was so impressed when he heard dion's voice that he asked for her to come and sing for him in person she was just 12 years old when she met her new manager renee and he had so much faith in her talent as a singer that he mortgaged his own house to help her launch her career little did she know that in the future renee would be so much more to her than just her manager it seems like renee's sacrifice for the young singer paid off and very soon she was known worldwide and making hit after hit but it wasn't just a successful business relationship that was blooming between renee and celine as the singer grew older she started to see him more than just her manager at 17 18 years old my feelings started to change for him i kind of saw him differently when she was 19 years old she realized she was in love with renee who was 45 and that she wanted him to be more than her business partner she wanted him to be her life partner renee had also grown feelings for celine and knew that they shared a powerful romantic connection so the pair took their relationship to the next level and started dating unfortunately they weren't ready to go public with their relationship because they knew their love was going to be met with mountains of judgment from the outside world did you ever discuss the difference in ages as an impediment to them absolutely not you were more afraid of me though yeah you know i was more afraid to to first of all to uh to admit it to all the fans and all the people what they did not expect was for their friends and family to disapprove the love they had for each other but sadly their relationship was not welcomed with praise celine's mother was not happy with such development and she did everything in her power to make sure that celine and renee would not stay together her mom would say how unreliable renee was that he wasn't to be trusted and he had no good intentions with the singer when i told her i had some really strong feelings for renee she tried everything to kill him and make me snap out of it her mother's words had no effect on the couple but they continued to keep their relationship a secret from the public until five years later in the liner notes of her album the color of my love she finally opened up about a romance with renee i was afraid of what people would think when you're in love you want to scream into the world the couple went on to get engaged but celine's mother was still struggling with her daughter's relationship with renee perhaps her mother was concerned about the 26 year age difference or the fact that renee had been married twice before and had children of his own from his previous marriages but celine was not fazed by any of these things she loved him for who he was and accepted everything about him she had no choice love won celine said about her mother's disapproval of renee the pair were married in 1994 in a lavish ceremony that was broadcast live on canadian television and now that that we are married renee and myself yes a year now huh that's right that um i got to tell you about that because we have decided to join both families for christmas time this past christmas show that's best christmas we were about 150 people we should hire a stadium it was like 135 my family yeah and 15 renee's the newly married couple were besotted with one another and celine's career was soaring with the wards falling at her feet it seems like nothing could go wrong for the lovebirds and they could never be happier celine knew she wanted to have a big family and she wanted to have her own family with anjalil so the couple started to try for children but sadly with no prevail suddenly the two had to put their attempts of having a child on hold when they were faced with a diagnosis that shook their relationship to its core in 1998 the young family was left distraught when anjalil was diagnosed with throat cancer for the first time [Music] of my life he needs me because for all the years before i needed him despite her demanding career dion chose to step back and take a hiatus to focus on her personal life and care for her husband we had tension between us it's never easy being husband and wife but add to that we're in business together dealing with all the added pressures of shows concerts tours traveling it was hard a lot of hard work after battling the deadly disease for almost two years renee was finally in remission and the couple decided to resume their efforts in expanding their family celine then had to face her own battle with infertility and decided to go for ivf treatment to help her get pregnant years of efforts finally paid off and dion gave birth to son renee charles the couple's first child the couple baptized the baby that july at notre dame basilica in montreal the same place where they married years earlier determined to have more children celine even put her career at risk in order to grow her family a little more she had signed a contract with caesar's palace but postponed her shows in order to undergo more fertility treatments i was not going to stop just because i had a contract for singing so i said try to postpone the caesar's palace shows because it wasn't a good enough reason for me not to try for a baby a life or a contract i couldn't live with that but we did a miscarriage we tried four times to have a child we're still trying we're on the fifth try and i tell you if five is my lucky number this fifth try it's gotta come in after multiple rounds of ivf and having to suffer the loss of a miscarriage dion and angelil happily welcome twin boys nelson and eddie my greatest reward is my children it gives you true meaning to your life and it's the most important job finally it seemed that the couple had everything that they wanted three beautiful kids and successful careers but it all began to crumble once again when renee's cancer returned and this time it was with a vengeance dion returned to performing in las vegas while anjali battled cancer at their nearby home even though she wasn't interested in performing at the time she did it because he loved seeing her perform he loved her voice and knowing she was out there doing something that she was so gifted at he would always call her before she would go on stage wish her good luck for her show and tell her how much he loves her anjalil who was 73 at the time was on a feeding tube for two years and dion tried to be strong during his lengthy illness she was the one to help feed him and care for him when she was at home i had to say listen i can't be half here and a half over there please allow me to stay home she wanted to be the one there for him throughout this battle i'll say you're scared i understand talk to me about it and renee says to me i want to die in your arms okay fine i'll be there you'll die in my arms in 2014 after one of her shows celine came home and instead of going in to say goodnight to her husband because she didn't want to disturb him while he was sleeping she went to bed instead the next morning renee's nurse told celine that her beloved husband had passed away during the night just two days before his birthday the singer was heartbroken regretting that she hadn't said goodnight to the love of her life the night before when she had the chance so she went into the room and sat with renee's lifeless body and told him that she and their kids would be okay and he could rest peacefully and i'm well because i know he's not suffering anymore because the hardest thing is not to lose somebody you love is to see them suffer yeah i'll probably grieve for the rest of my life i'm still in love with him there was nothing that could compare to the loss of the most important person in her life and even years later celine admits that she still feels as though she is married to renee but there's a song from sia i go to sleep and imagine that you're there with me and i go to bed with him and i come on stage with him and so i'm still married to him in a devastating twist of events as if the singer hadn't already been through enough celine dion's brother daniel dion died of complications of cancer just two days after renee's death and i was wondering not too long ago actually i said to myself is there more cancer or is it because now it has touched my family that that is the awareness and i'm not quite sure or maybe both you know celine was surrounded by grief and loss and it seemed as though there was no way to go back to a normal life after so much pain and suffering how would she go on without her dearest renee by her side the singer chose to lean into her music to help her heal from the loss of her soulmate because she knew how much he loved to see her perform and do what she did best in fact her album courage helps dion do just that she poured herself not just into the production of the album but also into planning the tour that accompanied it as the years passed it seemed that the wound that renee's loss had left behind was finally starting to heal celine said that she'd be willing to open her heart to the possibility of falling in love again dion made it clear that she wasn't exactly ready to jump into the dating pool but was open to the possibility of finding someone new in the future say yes for love maybe one day i don't know i don't want to be 22 anymore i love to be 51 i'm enjoying my life and i wanted that message to come across to the other women to say you have to accept yourself for now though the singer is just going with the flow and seeing what happens in the future i'm not stressed at all i feel like i can do anything i want [Music] you
Channel: Rumour Juice
Views: 2,839
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Keywords: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMSzgonSJ-U, rumour juice, stories about celebrities, celebrities, Celine Dion, Celine Dion Story, Celine Dion Love, celine dion 2021, celine dion courage, celine dion music, celine dion interview 2019, celine dion husband, celine dion extended interview, How is Celine Dion today, What is Celine Dion age, Celine Dion health, Celine Dion now, celine dion news 2021, Céline Dion's voice, What really happened, Inside Story, gossip, actresses
Id: oSDdudwTK-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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