BREAKING NEWS: Marjorie Taylor Greene Brings FBI FD-1023 Form To House Floor, Demands Impeachment

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thank you Mr Speaker on January 21st 2021 I introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden in less than two weeks later I was kicked off all of my committees by house Speaker Nancy Pelosi they said it was for Facebook comments and replies and likes but we all know the truth it was because my articles of impeachment on Joe Biden were correct he was indeed abusing his powers Vice President of the United States now we have more information to prove that Not only was I right then but it was more damning than we already knew but I'd like to roll back president Trump was wrongfully impeached twice twice and both of these impeachments must be expunged by the House of Representatives but what I'd like to talk about is the difference in the type of information we have the Democrats brought out the Steele dossier the Steele dossier was written as a Democrat political opposition research paper the information was written by a contractor and it was fed to the FBI with no transparency on sub sources the contractor had no primary source information and the FBI operationalized uncorroborated claims to secure fisa warrant on political campaign official of opposing political party information was later debunked by Congress the Inspector General and special counsel investigations but the mainstream media won Pulitzer prizes on the bogus Russia narrative and then they led the Witch Hunt leading to impeaching president Trump over a phone call with the president of Ukraine but let me tell the house what type of information we actually have we have an FBI form called an fd-1023 form and here's the difference for the public listening on the 1023 form the information originated from an FBI informant who'd been relied upon for many years and was considered the FBI's top informant it was also paid two hundred thousand dollars for multiple years by the FBI information was written by the FBI agent an official FBI form and relied on no additional sub sources the FBI informant was a direct Eye and Ear witness to the information provided the FBI apparently took no action to further the investigative claim the FBI has refused to describe any investigative steps to assess the investigative information therefore it has not been debunked despise white houses lies and false claims the mainstream media has largely ignored the story or parroted the White House false claim what does the fd-1023 form tell you I'll tell you exactly what it says because not only have I read it I also have it in my possession right here and this is a form that the entire American people the entire public should have because it's unclassified but Christopher Ray the director of the FBI forced us to read it in a skiff and would not hand it over to us thankfully Senator Chuck Grassley released this form because it was provided to him by a brave whistleblower this form entails the damning information that then Vice President Joe Biden took a 5 million dollar bribe from the oligarch that owns barisma not only did Joe Biden take a five million dollar bribe so did Hunter Biden and what did Joe Biden deliver as Vice President of the United States he got Victor shoken the Ukrainian prosecutor General fired from his job how did Joe Biden vice president get that done he threatened to withhold one billion dollars of usaid to Ukraine until Victor shocken was fired and you want to know what he was fired 20 in 2016 Joe Biden himself bragged to the foreign Council and told them that he got him fired he bragged about it it's on video but that's not all they've done Hunter Biden has also gotten his father on the phone over two dozen times to talk with his business partners and talk with them about the business that they are doing and even more so in our possession through our investigations on a republican-led committees we also have a WhatsApp chat that says from Hunter Biden I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled who's his father Joe Biden tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight and it continues on what I'm demanding is that the republican-led House of Representatives move forward on an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden because this type of corruption should never be allowed to stand we must expunge president Trump's wrongful impeachments and we must impeach Joe Biden
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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