'You're Not Capable Of Doing The Job': Byron Donalds Tees Off On Dianne Feinstein And John Fetterman

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[Applause] we have a member of the United States Congress who's in the Senate who is in the senate for one reason and that is because his party stayed United regardless of the actual facts surrounding this individual and his name is John fetterman this is no disrespect to the man he had a stroke Strokes can be debilitating but as a member of of the house I'm telling you this job is hard it takes a lot of energy a lot of effort I come home my wife is like yay you're home let's do this and I'm like I like I need a day like I'm I'm tired and I'm healthy I could imagine what it is if you're recovering from a stroke you're not capable of doing the job but his party did not care and they supported him anyway that's wrong it's wrong [Applause] Dianne Feinstein this is a tragedy everybody's seen the pictures it's wrong this is not Republican Democrat it is wrong she has serious health issues it's wrong but they don't bat an eye I'm Gonna Leave the president alone for a moment I bash him enough but it's wrong it is it is physically it's easy for everybody to see how wrong this is they don't even bat an eye they're like oh yeah there's nothing to see here as a republican member and I try not to have town halls I try to I'm keeping as much partisanship out of this because this is a public town hall for everybody but as a republican listen man when the primaries are over we're one party we're one party one
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 102,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d9a7iEv3GOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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