Bye, Michael

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BitcoinAllBot 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2016 🗫︎ replies
yes on November 8th you Joe Blow Steve blow-by-blow Billy blow Billy Bob blow all the blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it's your right [Music] Michael listen to what you're fucking saying honestly it's not that you can't do good work it's that you won't do good work and I have no idea why you won't actually think about the things you're saying but let's just go through what you've just said already before we carry on your tirade of absolute unremitting an unapologetic ignorance yes on November 8th you Joe Blow Steve Oh Bob whoa Billy Bob Billy Bob wah all the balls this is obviously you talking down to working-class people this is obviously a fact millionaire film producer talking down to the average working stiff fucking cut it out you twats get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it's your right okay I'm going to try retain my Carmichael but yes unbelievably the people who are the taxpaying citizens of a country who are paying into a system that not only does not serve their needs but actively works against them absolutely have the right to tear down that system and create a new one and if the moneyed interest and the media and left-wing propagandists like yourself have a problem with that you can suck my fucking dick Michael because nobody gives a shit anymore I don't know whether you've noticed Michael but people are fucking tired of being told that they are bad people because their interests do not align with the left-wing intelligence ears interests but what amazes me most is the left-wing media's attempt to use shame and guilt to try and force these people to act against their own best interests yes we know that you're being ground against the bottom harder than ever but if you change the system that's doing that we might lose our positions isn't that right Michael Trump's election is going to be the biggest fuck you ever recorded in human history and it will feel good no it will feel great and they have every right to feel great because after the slings and arrows casted them by the media it will feel amazing to be walking around with a near permanent erection and whenever you bump into someone who will weep and moan and gnash their teeth at the election of Donald Trump you say turn around and bend over the tables have turned this shoe is now on the other foot and after the way that you and your cohorts in the media have been acting towards the general public you do not deserve any sympathy this is your swan song this is your death knell do you understand your political movement is dying because it was self-serving Michael honestly it has been one of the biggest disappointments of my life to see what I thought was the altruistic wing of politics turn into the self-serving narcissistic crybabies that hit has become I am glad to see it broken for a day look at these fucking mouth breathers they have no idea what's going on they have no idea what's actually going on outside of their echo chamber which is becoming smaller and smaller and less relevant by the day yeah maybe a week possibly a month I haven't actually been making brexit videos because the wounds are still raw with the remain camp and I don't really want to rub it in but it still feels good I'm gonna like and then like the Brits who wanted to send a message so they voted to leave Europe yes Michael it is about explaining to the powers-that-be who is actually in charge here we are the people with the votes you other people who need the rest well not you personally but the politicians and the establishment that is built up around the current political order are the ones who want that political order maintained unfortunately for you this political order has become a net negative for the people living under it in Britain anyway which is why they voted to change it I don't want to have to introduce you to basic philosophical concepts but that is the essence of the social contract that the people gets to decide what's government that they will have and that government will be responsive to the people I'm sorry if you are part of the dwindling clique that is losing out in this new realignment of political power but you have no one else to fucking blame and now right now in this you are going to try and use guilt and shame to make people regret what's happened and you are such a fat unselfish sack of shit that you don't understand that you doing this will just harden people's hearts it will be a full stop and they will say yes this is why we are changing things because of people like you not fucking listening not even I don't even know if you're capable of understanding what's going on Michael only to find out that if you vote to leave Europe you actually have to leave Europe this is going to come as a surprise to Michael but that is why they voted to leave Europe it wasn't a message it was a deliberate change in the political landscape they wanted something different because and I don't know whether you've noticed this Michael nobody not one fucking person was making the argument for the glorious future that Britain would have in the EU and I suspect that's because you can't make that argument because the EU looks like the sick man of the world it looks like it's on the verge of collapse but we'll get into that in a minute and now they regret it bullshit they didn't regret it in August they didn't regret it in September but after three months of non-stop pro-eu propaganda from the mainstream media six percent of people like all maybe I regret my vote six fucking percent Michael and I don't know whether you've noticed but Theresa May is hugely popular amongst voters who see her as in touch with ordinary people unlike you she is way more popular than the Prime Minister who called the referendum and she is more than twice as popular as the leader of the opposition party this is not a sign of mass regret on behalf of the British people you fucking idiot and I don't know whether you're aware but the far-right Euroskeptic parties are leading the polls in France and the Netherlands this has dire implications for the EU but we'll let you carry on and we'll talk about them in a minute all the Ohioans Pennsylvanians Michiganders and Wisconsinites of middle England right they all voted to lead and now they regret it and over four million of them have signed a petition to have a do this is nothing but propaganda the people who signed that petition were not people who voted to leave they are people who voted to remain and they wants to remain so badly that they were not happy and refused to accept the election results you know like you think Donald Trump is going to do and wanted to have another referendum thankfully Theresa May which is this is me one of the reasons why she's so fuckin popular Michael rejected this outright we've had the referendum the results was brexit and in may's opinion that means hard brexit to be delivered in march next year fuckin can you see why she's popular yet Michael they want another election it ain't going to happen because you use the ballot as an anger management tool that is not why it's not going to happen it's not going to happen because the elected government with a majority in the parliament called a referendum and said in advance that this will be a binding deal this will determine conservative party policy and they are following through on that Michael you are talking complete shit mixed in amongst the absolute outright lies are just your wild misinterpretations of what's going on like this and the rest of Europe the rest of Europe they're like bye Felicia what the fuck Michael they're fucking furious do you understand they are fucking furious because brexit is probably going to be the reason the European Union collapses for example the German Vice Chancellor says that brexit makes Europe unstable the man who created the Euro says that it's a house of cards ready to collapse brexit will hasten the collapse of the European Union says yes very fuck is the ex finance minister of Greece as in the people who know what they're fucking talking about think this is a problem for the European Union Michael this is why Janka is being so punitive this is why he's telling you leaders to be intransigent with Britain refrain from doing secret negotiations with the UK and this is what the Irish PM is saying look if you are killing to act in a punitive way and try and hurt Britain as she leaves the EU you know those far-right nationalists are leading all the polls whose platforms already include a promise to have an a referendum on the EU yeah well they're just gonna get more popular you fucking moron you're just such a prat so when the rightfully angry people of Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn't going to do a damn thing for them I really don't see how this an argument against Trump to be honest we know that none of the other politicians are going to change anything and if Trump doesn't change anything either what have we lost but we have gained something Michael we have gained you being pissed as fuck we are gaining all of the right people getting a big fat fucking bloody nose because fuck you that's why it'll be too late to do anything about it to do anything about what the normality that's going to carry on because according to you Donald Trump is going to change anything but believe me I think we're all going to enjoy the slew of articles that come out if Donald Trump wins and the desperate calls to overthrow democracy that will come from the left and you fucking know they will but I get it the only thing you get is diabetes your fat hack you wanted to send a message no they want a political system that doesn't treat them as if they are the enemy you had righteous anger and justifiable anger if it's justified stop trying to shame them like you said you know it's justified I know it's just right they know it's justified the establishment knows it's justified everyone knows these people are getting fucked so why don't you just change it doesn't have to be like yes you're making it like this by being so intransigent by being intractable by not listening and just saying no you know what I think you're just a racist that's forcing their hand you are making this happen well that's who said good night America you've just elected the last President of the United States the only arguments you have Michael are guilt and shame if people are trapped in a system that is not responsive to their needs requires them to pay for it and then abuses them for the privilege maybe that would be a good thing maybe a new form of democracy is needed Michael maybe a new form of democracy that wasn't invented hundreds of years ago would be more relevant for the 21st century and thanks to the internet we're seeing that the new form of media is entirely relevant which is why you are there just desperately trying to guilt-trip people into remaining in the current system desperately you're like a conservative you should conserve what you have left you've amassed all this social capital and now it's being whittled away from under your feet fuck yourself you made your bed fucking lie in it [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Sargon of Akkad
Views: 448,430
Rating: 4.6259689 out of 5
Keywords: funny, stupid, feminism, mra, news, comedy, politics, hilarious
Id: 9vkIYyDohN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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