The Enemy of the People

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Was with that guy until he went full Trump.

You never go full Trump.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/jarde 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Having this douche defend you isnt a good look especially when you are being labeled a racist

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ButtMuddBrookss 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

What's next? Are we going to be posting Milo's and BreitBart content from now on? Just upload funny content.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
personally i think they are the ones normalizing hatred because there is actual hatred out there there i'm just pointing with my hand calm down there's actual hatred out there there's actual issues instead of celebrating my show getting cancelled why don't we focus on that instead why don't we focus on some real issues why is that the way to approach things in 2017 i'm still here i'm still making videos nice try wall street journal try again [ __ ] [Music] this video is a direct message to the media and i am saying this for your own good listen carefully you have become unfit for purpose and most people can see it inspired by the original hit piece by the wall street journal the mainstream media has been pumping out article after article about pewdiepie and his nazi anti-semitic jokes there have been so many in fact that i simply do not have the time to go through and analyze each and every one in a video it would take hours so what i will do is leave a link in the description to a subreddit called kotaku in action that specifically deals with media corruption by following the link you will find this complete list of all of the articles compiled by the good people of this board all archived and in order please take the time to go through them please take the time to read them yourself and get a feel for the zeitgeist of the media on this issue most of these articles are adversarial and they almost all contain the following six data points which i will list here one pewdiepie has a huge subscriber base two pewdiepie makes millions of dollars a year three pewdiepie says things we find offensive 4. the wall street journal was justified to attack his income 5. pewdiepie is playing the victim 6. neo-nazis are emboldened by and endorse pewdiepie i'm going to address each of these points but before i do i want you to ask yourselves a question why is pewdiepie your enemy i don't think you can answer this because i don't think you understand yourselves so i'm going to do my best to help you i'm going to give you a quote from scottish enlightenment philosopher david hume from his work a treatise on human nature reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them for those of you not philosophically minded i will try to explain this clearly the passions are your emotions they are your feelings they are what you desire and what you do not desire according to hume these are neither rational nor irrational they simply are a core part of your being as a human and all reason is in service to them and can be nothing else so the question is what passions are influencing you to rationalize your actions in the spirit of fair play and honesty i will tell you mine first mine are for the protection of my ego i fear public humiliation and disgrace and i do everything i can to avoid it this is why i do my best to be as objective as i can be and as ethical and moral as possible i do not want to be disgraced and i think that if i act in an ethical and objective manner this will not happen to me no matter what mistakes i make i will make corrections i will make apologies and then i will move forward with my reputation intact the emotions that i am not acting from are fears of failure in the current moment i am not worried about my financial situation i am not worried about people saying things that i disagree with i am not worried about the size and power of my channel of my reach and of my voice and how people think i am credible or not i do not fear these things at all because these passions have no hold over me my reason does not need to serve them now that we know which passions i am trying to service let's see if we can deduce the passions that you are trying to service we will begin with the original reporting from the wall street journal since august pewdiepie has posted nine videos that include anti-semitic jokes or nazi imagery according to a review of his channel by the wall street journal on monday after the journal contacted disney about the videos the entertainment giant said it was severing ties with mr schelberg who as pewdiepie rose to prominence via clips of himself playing video games or performing skits and making crude jokes the question is why why did the wall street journal think it was necessary for them to assign three journalists to review pewdiepie's channel a channel mostly viewed by teenagers and then extract nine jokes out of their original contexts and then report this to the disney corporation walt disney still carries a reputation as a notorious anti-semite and it is very difficult to believe that these three journalists were not aware of that so sending disney nine cherry-picked examples of what could be considered to be anti-semitic jokes seems to be a deliberate act of malice there was no scandal of felix shelberg being accused of being an anti-semite or a nazi until the wall street journal performed this report it's very interesting that the journalists and editors that reported and published the wall street journal article would refer to their work unironically as a scoop when they are referring directly to a series of videos that have tens of millions of views this seems to indicate that these people live in a bubble tens of millions of people know who pewdiepie is they know the brand of humor he has and this is even referenced in their own report for them to suggest that they are discovering something that the public is otherwise unaware of is nothing short of ridiculous and when felix addressed the issue in a video he titled my response that has been viewed more than 10 million times doubtless many more times over than the original wall street journal article they decided that they would stand by their reporting despite the fact that more than 10 million people already know that this was a lie by omission they know that these jokes were taken out of context and they know that this is not an indication that felix is either an anti-semite or has nazi sympathies so again the question is why why would they double down when they have been so obviously caught out why would they ruin their own reputations why would they let this happen what passion are they serving i ask again why is pewdiepie their enemy again it is difficult to believe that these journalists were not aware that disney would take action if they misrepresented pewdiepie in this way and it seems very odd that they would risk their reputations by doubling down and saying no despite the fact that it has been demonstrated that we have done this we do not think we did anything wrong the athenian statesman pericles said just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean that politics won't take an interest in you felix has been attacked multiple times prior to this despite the fact that his content is largely apolitical so we must ask ourselves why why would the largest and one of the most reputable media outlets create what appears to be a hit piece against a self-made 27 year old comedian with an audience of teenagers what passions are they serving we must look at the interests and the pressures on these journalists if we look at the site history for the wall street journal for the last six months we can see a dramatic decline in traffic the same is true for other publications that have published negative pieces on felix such as variety which i'll be referencing later in this video this pattern is repeated in many other mainstream media outlets such as the la times usa today forbes the ny post and buzzfeed all of which published unflattering articles towards felix with some publishing multiple ones and in the case of forbes four different articles this decline is not limited to these individual publications but is in fact an overall trend across the entire mainstream media this is a graph from the us bureau of labor statistics and you can see that since 1990 overall newspaper employment has declined by half it is not unreasonable to suggest that fear of losing one's job one social status and one's income creates fear and from this passion one's reason must be applied to prevent the further inevitable decline but why would that manifest itself as an attack on a comedian who uses a separate platform in order to disseminate his comedy felix is after all not in direct competition with the wall street journal and so i ask for a third time why is pewdiepie your enemy could it be that because print media is dying that nearly half of the wall street journal subscribers are digital the latest information i could find for this was in may 2016 and the digital share of the wall street journal has undoubtedly risen since then as the chief executive officer of the wall street journal robert thompson said digital accounted for more than 50 percent of total revenues and the digital only subscribers at the wall street journal grew to 893 000 representing nearly 45 of the base we are building a strong digital platform on top of the wall street journal print circulation which today is double the size of its nearest rival and 51 of the wall street journal digital audience now comes from mobile this gives the wall street journal the single largest newspaper in all of the united states a total daily viewership of just over 2 million and that figure is on the decline naturally the wall street journal has established a presence on youtube but their youtube channel receives only 240 000 views a day that is smaller than my youtube channel which receives 260 000 views a day and their youtube channel has been going for twice as long as mine has and my numbers pale in comparison to someone like philip defranco who receives nearly a million views per day nearly half of the entire readership of the wall street journal and he is but one man compared to their entire organization and of course these numbers are utterly dwarfed by felix shelberg's numbers he receives 12 million views per day and i would not hesitate to presume that this is the reason that the wall street journal targeted him of all of the people on youtube to go for he has the single largest channel in history if they can damage him they can damage anyone and so it's rather with a sense of irony then when felix tweets out wall street journalists knocked on my home address offering me a chance and a platform to defend myself i'm not joking this happened how bizarre that they think he would need their platform from which to defend himself his platform dwarfs theirs he has a giant reach a colossal reach that the wall street journal could only dream of and for some reason they had the audacity to talk down to him and suggest that he needed them to be heard and most amusingly he had already given them the finger and told them to go [ __ ] themselves oh yes and to their final point that the jokes that they had taken out of context from pewdiepie were in fact encouraging nazis as evidenced in the daily stormers banner the world's number one pewdiepie fan site this is obviously a troll but since you clearly do not want to recognize it as such i have some very bad news the daily stormer appears to have seen the light and is now the world's number one wall street journal fan site featuring the portraits of the three journalists who wrote the original hit piece on pewdiepie and you are now just as culpable because on your website and your youtube channel you feature a video of all of these compilation clips combined which is precisely the crime of which you accuse pewdiepie because your argument is not that he is not using them satirically even though that's how you misrepresented them your argument is that these things exist on his channel at all and their mere existence is what stimulates the neo-nazis and you are doing it too and the daily stormer is responding to you and they are now your biggest fan site we can now return to our original six data points with a greater depth of understanding of why they happened i'm going to rearrange them slightly because now we can see the order in which they manifested and we can identify the motivations behind them the first two data points are the passions felix's wealth fame and power grow by the day while the wall street journal's recedes in service to the passion their reason creates a justification in data points three and four it is justified to attack pewdiepie because he is emboldening neo-nazis and he is playing the victim while doing it despite the phenomenal power of his youtube channel to influence people and the reasons justify their actions in points five and six it was acceptable to find those things that they found offensive and report them to disney despite the fact the public had not chosen to do so and despite the lies despite the fact that no one was offended other than the wall street journal they doubled down and stood by their attack on pewdiepie claiming their attack to be just this is simply the most prominent example of the mainstream media attacking the alternative media and i think this is why they are doing it this is the most prominent instance of the old media attacking the new but it's by far the only one and i think that we are only going to see it increase in the future in the description of this video i'm going to leave a link to a paste bin full of research that i commissioned from an independent journalist called nick monroe his twitter account is listed in the paceman if you'd like to follow him and i would recommend that you do because he's done a very good job with this he has found dozens and dozens and dozens of articles all attacking major youtubers from mainstream media sources this is not the totality of the mainstream media's coverage of the alternative media i specifically asked him to leave out positive or neutral coverage these are what can be described as the hit pieces as you can probably see from the titles streaming past you these people are at war with us they don't like us because they can't control us and it's on the subject of that control that we return to the original wall street journal article on pewdiepie they say the videos illustrate the risk for companies such as youtube and disney that eager to reach young audiences make deals with talent who may push boundaries on what's acceptable within the community standards or basic social norms by distributing the content to a wide audience companies are vulnerable to criticism when a user's words are deemed offensive i think this paragraph was the purpose of the entire piece i think they are attacking what they call influencers individuals on social media platforms who are able to have a wide reach and speak to the public in a way that usual corporate media is unable the problem with these influences as the numerous hit pieces against us have shown is that their hit pieces do not work and so i think that they are attacking effectively youtube itself by going after the vulnerable achilles heel of major corporations i think this whether they even realize that this is what they are doing or not is actually a very subtle warning to other corporations from the wall street journal the largest newspaper in america and where they lead others will follow this is a threat if you let these people advertise your products if you let them circumvent us we will create a scandal and associate your brand with anti-semitism and neo-nazism and we will write dozens and dozens of articles on it this article is a power play and it makes perfect sense it is totally within reason because they are losing their power and they're losing it to the very people that they are indirectly attacking this is a screenshot from the day before i made this video of the trends of the united states on twitter you'll see jamal murray 4 000 tweets emerald city 6 000 tweets brandon ingram one thousand tweets grimm seven thousand tweets psy cultic nine thousand tweets jonathan simmons one thousand nine hundred tweets candace parker one thousand eight hundred tweets then enemy of the american people 126 000 tweets this is the major issue of the day this became trending because of a tweet from donald trump the fake news media failing new york times nbc news abc cbs cnn is not my enemy it is the enemy of the american people and when i took this screenshot it had 28 000 retweets and almost 90 000 likes this is a huge deal many many many people feel this way and with good reason but i will explain why in a minute i will just point out while we're here that this is something that people believe and i mean people in general the reason the media despises donald trump's twitter account so much is because it allows him to bypass the media to speak to the people and a recent poll shows that voters are split on whether to trust trump or the media with 45 of them trusting trump and 42 percent of them trusting the media more people trust donald trump to tell the truth than the press this is a major problem and it's not a major problem for donald trump in fact trump's strategy of simply bypassing the media so they can't lie about him is so successful he has returned to doing rallies to be able to simply speak to people and these are like victory parties this is jubilance in which i have never seen before in politics just watch i just saw him on television he said i love trump let trump do what he has to do that's my guy right there come here come here no i just i'm coming in that's okay let him up let him up i'm not worried about him i'm only worried he's going to give me a kiss i'm not worried about anything else this guy is so great he was one of many people they're interviewing people in the line and i have to say there's a tiny group of protesters out there and they were given as much publicity as this massive room packed with people but they interviewed this man come on up here come on up that was great hop over the fence come on he can do it this guy's in good shape look at him look at this guy come on this guy is great don't worry about him no no no no come here think of the throw come on up come on come here this guy so he's been all over television saying the best things and i see him standing and didn't you get here like at four in the morning say a couple of words to this [Music] mr president thank you sir we the people our movement is the reason why our president of the united states is standing here in front of us today when president trump during during their election promised all these things that he was going to do for us i knew he was going to do this for us mr president thank you so much a star is born a star is born these people look like they've been liberated from oppression this reminds me so much of a video i watched in my history class in school when i was a teenager of american tanks driving through french towns with the streets lined with french citizens waving american flags i know you can be cynical and say well i'm sure all of those people were a plant but according to michael moore that hangar only held ten thousand people and yet fifty thousand people showed up to him speak the media have long decried donald trump as a populist and now they are doing the same to pewdiepie and they are actually comparing him to donald trump saying that he is using the same playbook and they're right the most powerful posture for a modern media figure is to play the martyr just after noon today pewdiepie the biggest star on youtube released a video in which he half-heartedly apologized for his use of nazi imagery and anti-semitic language blamed the media for unfairly targeting him and teared up as he thanks his fans for their support less than an hour later donald trump kicked off a press conference with an hour-long monologue railing against the media for criticizing him blaming them for the dysfunctional state of government and bragging about the size of his fan base this is not a coincidence they say the parallels between the two events are striking both featured a powerful man painting himself as the victim of a cruel and dishonest media the media is unpopular and demonizing them can rally supporters but playing the victim can be an equally effective tactic it might seem like now is the right time to stop lying about these people but the passions and the reason that follows from them will not permit it because the press have painted themselves into a corner donald trump has been the victim of the worst media coverage anyone has ever experienced i do not believe there has ever been a smear campaign in history that has been as bad as the one that the mainstream media almost as an entire class have leveled a donald trump and he beat them he is the victim of their attacks on him regardless of what you actually think about trump whether you think it's justified or not does not change the fact that the media did lie and misrepresent him and his supporters constantly and now the wall street journal have done that to felix shelberg and losing those contracts with disney and youtube would undoubtedly have cost him millions of dollars he is legitimately the victim of their actions and i think that they have legitimately been oppressing people which is why people are so in support of these two figures and why the media is so unpopular everyone knows they are liars and they are liars for their own benefit that's it they are not lying for the benefit of other people they are lying for the benefit of their own status because they call everything a populist revolt because they are good old-fashioned elitists when the press acts in the interests of the press they are acting as a class and they have found if they all act in concert with a cascade of articles all on the same subject all with the same data points and all pushing the same message they can control society like some kind of social aristocracy and it's men like trump and pewdiepie and anyone else who has the balls to stand up to them and fight back who are now deemed the evil tyrannical populists even when all they are actually doing is dislodging these people from their illegitimately gained positions of power i can even show you how the media achieved this power i need to introduce you to a concept called the overton window the overton window is a term coined by joseph p overton the former vice president of the mckinnick center for public policy the overton window is the range of ideas that the public will accept in public discourse these are the ideas that it is acceptable and politically correct for politicians and the media to say and these are the ideas that they will allow to be said on their platform i'll be speaking in general terms here but it's rather hard to describe this concept without them here is a rough diagram of various different types of groups in society arrayed around the mainstream media so i can demonstrate the mainstream media's relationship to them this circle is the media's overton window this is the range of ideas that the media will find it acceptable to discuss in a normal healthy society it should have some overlap with all of these groups so members from these groups can be given a platform and given the opportunity to influence this society to explain and air their grievances so politicians and other people can hear them and if other people in these groups are having the same problems action can be taken to try and alleviate it to prevent one group suffering unduly at the expense of others this is the overton window that our media is operating with one that entertains a very limited range of ideas and ones specifically beneficial to the sensibilities of the mainstream media who are usually overwhelmingly progressive people outside of this bubble do not get heard if the people outside of this bubble have a problem and they are not heard no one can fix the problem no one will even know that there is a problem until it comes the time to vote the reason the media's overton window has shrunk to such a phenomenally narrow degree is because every time members of the groups on the outside of this bubble want an issue raised the media simply ignores them and dismisses them with a label you are a racist you're a sexist you're an islamophobe you are whatever it doesn't matter what the method of dismissing them is the point is that they are dismissed this has gone on to the point where now there are more people on the outside of this bubble than on the inside and they have raised up for themselves champions in the forms of donald trump and pewdiepie to solve their problems and that's what these people are doing donald trump is the president and he must remain the president to solve the problems that these people are having because these people find these problems intolerable because they are being oppressed this must happen for the health of the society and the people causing this are the gatekeepers in the mainstream media and this is the reason that the mainstream media is so unpopular they have the power to ruin lives and they use it which is what both donald trump and pewdiepie have said about their experiences with the media and again i quote them both this would be my life ruined if i did not have this platform from which to reply in an indirect way the mainstream media has been oppressing the people it's been leaving out of its narratives it must be stopped it must be prevented from acting like its own aristocratic class they have to be prevented from doing this because they are damaging our societies when donald trump says that the media are the enemy of the people he's right they are elitist they are anti-populist they are anti-the people who they are oppressing and they are like that to keep them under their thumb this form of social tyranny must come to an end [Music] [Applause] i also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news [Applause] the dishonest media which has published one false story after another with no sources even though they pretend they have them they make them up in many cases they just don't want to report the truth and they've been calling us wrong now for two years they don't get it but they're starting to get it i can tell you that
Channel: undefined
Views: 635,306
Rating: 4.9039154 out of 5
Keywords: funny, stupid, feminism, mra, news, comedy, politics, hilarious
Id: V1ulkykn7jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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