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get the brand-new Frank onesie available at Sketch dot story I'm not even the best this guy is the best I'm just kidding I'm with my boy Frankie and today we're playing some more Booga Booga I mean Booga Booga I keep wanting to say oka Booga and I'll tell you why because there was this kid that I knew in high school and we used to call him Booga Booga Chris now we did that because in gym class he would always kick basketballs all the way across the gym but he would do it like this oh hey kick it and it would like hit the ceiling and then bounce off hit the floor go everywhere if you got hit by one of those basketballs you would be lucky if you were still alive afterwards this kid was so strong I've known him for like my entire life shoutout Chris dude I love you bro I miss you I mean that anyway let's get into it now guys I'm sick and tired of sucking at this game look at me I have a stupid leaf backpack I don't have any armor I have a rock and a chicken and that's it and I just killed the chicken so now I don't even have that so what I wanted to do I wanted to brawl out on some items so we're gonna buy some coins you know we'll buy like ten thousand coins and I want to buy some sick stuff I want to buy these shoulder pads I'm gonna buy this what the heck is that I don't even know what half this stuff is man I'll buy the golden hood wait what I can't wear both of these are you serious I just I just bought two things I can't wear all right fine well I might as well keep on the shoulder pads they look good man through the shoulder pads they kind of like they clip through my arms I don't know why I'm gonna buy ten thousand more coins you know whatever let's buy some good chess I want some good chests dude so I'm gonna break open the essence chest I don't even know what this does well let's see what's in I want to see what you contain give me good stuff whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on what is Oh what okay oh this is how you level up you can just pay to level up I didn't know that that's pretty cool I just bought a bunch of those so I'm gonna level up like crazy man before I open any more essence chests I want to build some walls surrounding me so that the essence doesn't roll into the river that would be a wise thing to do why can't I only build it in the water that's weird oh dude stop stop inviting me I don't want to join your tribe Ethan man I'm sorry I'm trying to do something chicken alright we're getting some resource chests and then we will be able to build some walls hopefully oh my gosh that's a lot of resources some stone walls why not why can I only build it in the water I don't understand fine you know what I'll build it right here I'll build it right here in the water because for some reason this game doesn't like when I want to build on actual land so I'll just build my own land like that boom I'll build a gate boom I have built my own house I mean it's not a very good house but I mean it gets the job done honey I'm home alright we're gonna open these essence chests all of them right now first we're gonna close that boom boom oh my gosh it's gonna take a while to get these puppies open come on oh jeez that's a lot of essence and the essence are flying all over the place no this was a bad idea why did I do this - hey get this is gonna take forever for me to collect all these man gonna take way too long come on come on come on get me out there get me on it Ethan man I'm not joining your clan I'm sorry man I'm sorry I don't want to join you're glad it's not you Ethan man it's me it's me are you you're beating me up you're beating me up because I don't want to join your clay are you serious no they're gonna take my essence you can't do this you can't take the essence from me this is my essence stop no I hate you I hate you man why it took all my experience points you're dead Ethan when I find you you're gonna pay you're gonna pay Ethan I don't even care if you have the same name as my brother you are dead bro you're never gonna find him he's right over there he's literally right there yes I found him yo what band earu has a clan dude but when bandy rules in this game hold up right hey invite me to your tribe haha now we're in the bandy tribe okay everyone kill yellow tribe they took my XP you're gonna regret the day you ever messed with the number one Agha booga player not because I'm good but because I bought levels okay but that doesn't matter you're still messed with me what is the OMG chest do it better make me say oMG if it doesn't make me say oMG I'm gonna be very disappointed oh oh there's iron and stuff this is what I need this is what I needed I got to drop some of my stuff I gotta drop these leaves get out of here leaves I hate you I don't need you stone I don't need that much stone sticks get out of here I need to eat this food leave shirt alright we're gonna collect all these raw materials oh baby and then we'll make some sick armor and then we will kill those guys that killed me before look it they're still over there they are fools you think because you took my stuff that's okay you think you could just get away with that no all right guys so I figured out a lot of cool stuff that I didn't know before basically if you have like raw meat or if you have raw iron or steel or basically any ore you throw it on top of a fireplace and it cooks it and makes it into usable materials so what I'm gonna do is I have my smelting room in here I have a little base on this starting island what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna buy some oMG chests have them land in here collect the materials throw them in the other room so that I can use them for armor later so we just gotta buy some oMG chests oMG chests are the chests you need I'm gonna open two of them right now and save the rest for later I don't want to have too many because if I do that then I won't be able to carry around all the resources that I get from it and that's just gonna be poopy we don't want that that's bad news bears for sure give me other stuff I also need to make a bigger backpack so I'm gonna just open this door for right now don't win here would put some wood in there yeah there you go I'll put some hole in this one coal does a number Wow I didn't know how much coal did coal fuels the fire like nothing else wow that's awesome okay so we're gonna drop some iron here we're gonna drop some steel mix I actually think I dropped an iron bar by accident I didn't mean that get back here drop some goal and I'm pretty sure that's all we need this is really good Armour you can get right here you need ice which I don't have yet but you need fire hide I don't know how do you get fire hide like what does that do that does if I have blood fruit I don't know what that does I think that's I think I'm pretty sure it's just fruit oh dang all this stuff cooks fast get over here yeah all right now we have the materials we need to make the armor that is going to take down the yellow tribe all right let's take a steel bag steel chest plate steel helmet boom we are living now we are lit oh no don't drop them no though equip them it doesn't look like I'm wearing a helmet steel Greaves I don't know what that is oh it's pants yes yes I need that all right we're looking pretty good right now we are looking pretty darn good let's go back over here and collect this stuff now that I have way more inventory space this is gonna help out a lot I should have just spawned the OMG chest over here because then it would have cooked everything that can be cooked oh geez I'm about to die dude let's eat some blood fruit real quick blood fruit is the best this stuff heals you like nobody's business all right let's drop some of this iron I don't even think I've used any iron but that's fine no don't drop that all right that stuff's gonna cook but I also heard some rumors around the server that ban Dhiru has conquered the floating island in the center now I don't know if it's true but we're gonna go find out and if it's true then we're gonna be welcomed like gods there everyone's gonna be like aah Oh baby rude sketch clan equals the greatest which it does we are gonna be the greatest clan ever whoops that was not done cooking my goal for this though is to get the adder right chest plate which we need fire hide and to do that we need to travel to some of the islands that are on the outskirts of the map some like fire island or something I don't know this game's weird but I'm really starting to like it getting into the actual crafting and armor is really interesting I thought I was gonna have to grind for hours but they made it so you could just pay to get all the resources so you know what this is gonna be a lot more fun all right we have all our smelted resources now we're gonna travel to the ban Dhiru island and check this thing out because it looks sick we also have enough materials for a steel raft that's pretty awesome also in the last week of Booga video I did you can tame a shark but I just personally haven't tamed one but I should I should tame one there's one now hello Sharky oh so cute the Sharks is so cute oh my god dude what are there two floating islands what the heck since when are there two I thought there was only ever one floating island I count him one two right there boom oh that's a lady I killed earlier sorry lady I won't kill you again she spawned at my place so I had to take her out I couldn't let her take my stuff she said peace but I was like nah you did they definitely just added the island that was not here before I promise you that was not here before anyway I think you know what I need to make some better weapons I do not have very good weapons battle axe heck yes I want a battle axe and a steel pickaxe cool I'm gonna drop my stone stuff because I don't need stone anymore now that I have a battle axe dude got some villagers down there making some farms I'm not gonna mess with them because you know what they seem like they're cool I don't want to hurt anybody that isn't trying to hurt me unless it's the yellow tribe because the yellow tribe they are gonna get it when I find out where their base is Oh God they are done it's cold up here yeah obviously it's cold up here the higher you get the colder it gets you don't got to tell me that game come on make the jump make the jump come on I'm not good at parkour okay we're doing the top no no I just fell all the way back down he's serious man oh oh holy baby we made it to the top oh yes oh we baited boys what's up we are here at Sky Island look at the bandy Roos here the boys are here that took way too long for me to get up I just cut I just cut that out of the video it's not worth it well oh my goodness look at this they covered up this giant hole which that's a safety hazard I'm glad they did that let's harvest some gold while we're up here and is that ice cuz I really need ice I would really like some ice I'm pretty sure I need ice to make the armor that I want to make so we're gonna have to travel to Antarctica wherever someplace that's real cold like what is this farther stone I don't even know what that means what is that also how the heck do we get up to that island dude I want to go up there I want to shoot can you let me up this mountain okay we made it boys this is a pretty cool base I'm not gonna lie I like it a lot but I want to go check out that other Island because there might be resources that we need over there okay I don't have enough sticks though I'm not even sure if you can build like bridges endlessly I'm pretty sure you can't anyway but it was cool chillin with the bandy Roo crew I'm going out into the world to get the resources I need to become a god so first we're gonna go get some ice and then we're gonna travel to the outskirts of the map so that we can get fire hide I'm not even really sure what fire height is but you know I know it's on the lava islands I know that that's all I know boys chopping down this iceberg we're gonna get a craft on ice and we're gonna have all the ice we need for our armor set it's gonna be sweet nobody's gonna mess with us ever again sick of people pushing me around man so sick of it oh yes thank you for the ice much appreciate it okay now we got to figure out where this fire island is I'll get back to you guys when I find it oh my gosh hi why am i pretending like I'm out of breath I don't know I didn't even move but I did find Fire Island it did take a really long time we chanted boys we made it also the bandy root tribe was disbanded so I decided to make my own tribe the red tribe and we are all mighty and powerful all right so basically I'm pretty sure all I need to do is chop down these trees over here and then boom we have some fire hide and come on can I give up yeah we made it baby alright so chop this boy down and we get the wood okay that's not what I wanted that's not what I wanted at all come on nope that's not what I wanted either where is fire hi come on best trends you got to show me where the best trends are where are the fire hides if you add me are you serious you really gonna blackmail me right now we're gonna go down into this secret cave hopefully the fire hide is down here somewhere Oh what Oh what the heck is going on okay hold on before I go in here I need to heal up eat some fruit eat some cooked meat boom alright now there are some spooky ghosties in here oh no forgotten Souls get out of here I'll kill you I'll kill you for this fire hide all right what is this thing what are you old God oh my goodness what I can't I'm no match for this guy gotta kill me if I try to kill him all right what the heck is it what what no no it just teleported me are you serious no go back oh dude you know far away I am from where I just was like super farm dang it uh-huh we're so far Ethan man has some fire hide you could have it you're really gonna give me fire Heidi thin man after everything we've been through after you killed me and stole my experience points all right watch this watch this is I'm gonna trick them it's gonna be easy he's gonna lead me to the fire hide and then I'm gonna kill him easy as that oh we made it we made it to another secret underground lair this is amazing Thank You Ethan man for showing me the way but I'm gonna kill you just so you know this is amazing dude kill the lost souls their lost their souls okay Oh what we can teleport back yes that's awesome that is awesome okay thank you Ethan man for showing me that because if you hadn't then I would have just sailed back like an idiot there's some animals over there Oh all right so we kill these animals and then we get the fire hide will you add me I don't know Ethan man you tried to betray me earlier I mean you did betray me earlier he's got to kill the rent oh right don't don't kill me hey what are you doing Ethan man Ethan man no Ethan man you just showed me all this stuff you can't do this to me dude you can't kill me now stop it either man please please Ethan man you don't understand you don't understand what you're doing stop it stop stop Ethan man please I need to heal how do I get health how do I heal stop oh no please please please I hate you Ethan man I hate you I hate how did he kill me how did he kill me I'm never adding Ethan man and I'm never going to trust him again how could he do this to me man come on so stupid how could he have tricked me again dude I will come back to you guys when I have the armor and I promise you I will kill Ethan man and I will not feel anything I will be emotionless I'll just bash his head in with a rock or something I don't even know but mark my words he's gonna die punch him right in the throat or something all right guys so I finally got the armor I wanted I have an otter i axe I have the Otto right backpack and I also have the Otto right helmet but for some reason it doesn't show that I have it on but as you can see in my equip I have it so I don't know but now that I have these things I decided that since Ethan man left the game I can't get my revenge on him so I decided to just kill everybody I can see [Applause] who else what's up I'm just gonna travel across the land and murder anybody I find just cuz I see a red person over there when I get over there who's gonna be dead I set out to be the greatest and I'm just a jerk now because I I'm just murdering everybody I see does that make me any better than Ethan man no it doesn't oh oh oh no I don't know if I should mess with this guy I just want to give you a lot of stuff oh you do oh you're the best yeah dude give me stuff doc dude I'm not even the best this guy is the best whoa whoa whoa dude hold up what dude what Oh dude okay stop okay okay okay okay oh my gosh okay okay okay okay geez dude you're the best in the game I owe you my life you're the best dude look at all this stuff I hope you didn't just empty his inventory because I will feel so bad dude you're the best I just need to get some quick ice cubes nah dude you you've done enough for me he just gave me a Warhammer I can't even craft this item yet dude you won you won the game s Jackie 1000 everybody you're the best now that he gave me all that stuff I can Oh actually I need ice cubes I can't I need ice cubes dang it next time we play this game we will craft the best armor that we can get I'll level up to the max oh dude come on you don't stop I mean I'm gonna take it obviously bye why wouldn't I take it but thank you dawg alright guys I'm gonna have to end it here I hope you guys have as much fun watching as I did playing I don't know how much I recorded today it's probably a lot though I always end up recording way too much whenever I play ooh goo Booga but if you guys want to see more definitely let me know down in the comments section like the video subscribe and hit the notification bell if you want to be notified every time I upload it's a lot though just so you are forewarned way too many uploads just so you know but besides that I will see you guys in the next video take it easy let me just murder this guy real quick [Music]
Channel: Sketch
Views: 2,265,943
Rating: 4.700654 out of 5
Keywords: Sketch, sketch YouTube, YouTube Sketch, Sk3tch, The Pals, Pals, ThePals, Roblox, Video, Recording, Play, LetsPlay, Lets play, Minecraft, Gaming, Game, Gameplay, no swears, no swearing, family friendly, family, friendly, ethan, gamer, Ethan, Bandi, Bandirue, for kids, Challenge, Challenges, Dares, kid friendly, child friendly, booga, gamemode, cave, man, most, powerful, upgraded, max
Id: reUoPP5Rgd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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