Buying the family farm back, 1 year later! Our First Harvest

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[Music] so so about a year ago i didn't have the dream of owning a farm and uh wandered by and saw the sign up said for auction it just happened to be our family's farm that my aunt sold and my dad couldn't buy about 10 15 years ago and called my dad up and here we are one year later and tell me that you love me lovely lady mate [Music] so this is the old barn that i played in all the time shot sparrows out of the top we have the old hayloft up here obviously we don't have hay anymore we had livestock when i was little but not anymore this was one of the first tractors that i ever drove but i'm going to show you the first tractor that i ever drove sitting right here is the old alice chalmers that my dad had when we were little and he's fixed it up i guess it still runs but i remember that was the first tractor that i ever drove and my dad had me drive it while he was with a handheld plow behind it i've been back in the early 80s so that was kind of fun but this is a basketball court i learned to play basketball on the hoop's gone now it sat right where that alice chalmers is but we played basketball here and in the winter the snow would get really really hard after he had snow it'd melt and freeze again and if you missed it would literally roll 400 yards down to the pond and i used to get real scared when we played basketball out here at night because you could just hear the coyote towing everywhere so if you shot and you missed and it got on that snow and went down the hill i was always scared to death to go get it so i just leave it there till the next morning i've seen my share of trouble and i've held my weight in shame but i'm baptized in your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i came down yesterday and it was a lot of fun sat in a tree line right over there we planted some alfalfa so we could grow some big bucks and make home for some deer and they're already hanging out there had about six or seven deer out in front of me and had a really nice buck walk underneath me right underneath my stand in my early years i probably would have shot it but right now i'm more into management i want to make sure that we grow some big deer you shoot them small they never grow big so that's what we're planning on doing here you know there's nothing like sitting out and watching nature wake up watching your own farm come to life it's an amazing thing so that's my farm back there that just got picked and uh i'm going out for my first real deer hunt on my property so i've got my tree stands hung i've got a short walk just over the hill i'm gonna sit up in the tree for the night and see what happens um you know we we all have dreams and sometimes they seem like you can achieve them but then something happens in your life where that dream changes and that's what happened for me you know i i didn't have that dream of owning a farm and all of a sudden this happened and now i've got a dream of not only owning my farm but one day owning my dad's farm it's just right across the road maybe one of the neighbors farms but i was blessed to be at the right place at the right time and have the opportunity to come through when this came up for sale because land doesn't come up for sale very often when i went to that auction room it was kind of intimidating i saw some of those old farmers that you know i haven't seen since i was a little guy i mean it was crazy to walk into that room and see all these people that i knew who were all retired and all had big money and they were able to buy this farm and you know they all probably wanted to because it's a good farm it's got a lot of crop 140 acres of corn tillable and over the course of the year reflecting back i come to realize that you know when you come into a small town small community and the farmers around you know who you are and knows knows how much it means for you to be able to buy that farm and at that auction nobody bit against me it was the craziest thing and at the time i was so nervous it was a huge purchase for me but i was so nervous and i look back at it over the course of the last year and i realized they didn't bid against me for a reason and that's what community is all about and i couldn't be more blessed to grow up here and know some of these farmers and know that they all have integrity they all are good people and they want to see success in the young farmers when i grew up back in the early 80s farming wasn't so good a lot of farmers went broke i know my dad fell on some really really hard times financially and uh i think my grandpa bailed him out and it was a time when i grew up kids they didn't they weren't inspired to farm it wasn't something that you know my dad wanted us to do because it was so hard on him and there wasn't much financial gain from it so he barman was really hard when i grew up i you know he didn't really want me to farm he didn't want my brothers to farm there just wasn't much in it you know he worked his tail off over and over and over again for the same results and you know lucky for me and lucky for him he stuck it out and farming came around but my generation we weren't brought up to farm we were brought up to get off the farm and so today looking back that's why all these corporate farmers are coming in and taking over all the farm ground because the generation that should be in those fields working every day isn't so now now that acronym a f american east farmer is truer than ever because the small guys just don't exist they don't exist because opportunity they don't exist because they can't get ahead of the game equipment's super expensive farm grounds expensive so if i could lease a farm out for a little bit less per acre for one of those smaller guys and give them an opportunity to to grow and be successful that's what it's all about except a good long line of praises for my lovely lady mate [Music] now i hate the toughest hickory that your axe has ever felt but i'm a hickory just as well i'm a hickory all the same i came crashing through the forest as you cut my roots away and i felt good long ways for my lovely lady [Music] you
Channel: Tim Scheib - Scheib Real Estate Team
Views: 13,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmer, farming, family farm, real estate, agriculture, save the farm, century farm, iowa, iowa farm, heartland, midwest, midwest farm, iowa farmer, iowa farmland, farmland, dream, entreprenuer, buying a farm, growing corn, corn and beans, hunting, deer hunting, deer hunter, sitka, sitka gear, harvest, 2020, short film, videography
Id: b5rOQgbPEyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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